A person in a white outfit, possibly Matt Fraser, stands with arms outstretched, surrounded by tall, dense trees and greenery.

Despite my ability to talk to dead people, I’m a normal, down-to-earth person. I don’t think of myself as a spiritual teacher or guru. I’m just a normal guy with a gift. That’s why you might be surprised by the topic I’m covering today.

I’ll admit, I’m a little surprised I’m covering this topic myself, but people kept asking me about it! Curious, I started doing some research into out of body experiences –  a phenomenon that’s also known as astral travel or astral projection –  and discovered it’s not as wild as you might think. You don’t have to meditate on a mountaintop for years, nor do you have to open your third eye, fourth eye or any additional eyes at all. It can happen to anyone, and the results can be life-changing!

One thing that struck me is how Astral Travel has so much in common with passing over and having a life review. The difference?  When this “trip” is over, you go on with your earthly existence and benefit from the insights you’ve learned. It’s like gaining universal wisdom without having to die.

Let’s dive in and explore this topic together, and I’ll share how leaving your body can help you gain a whole new perspective. 

I’ll start with the basics. 

What is Astral Travel?

Astral travel is when your soul separates from your physical body and moves into a place or dimension outside or alongside the physical world. People who have experienced it usually describe floating, flying, or observing their physical bodies from an external perspective. While in this state, they might explore familiar surroundings, visit distant places, travel back in time, or encounter other entities.

The idea of astral travel isn’t new and is part of various religious and spiritual traditions. Ancient Egyptian, Hindu, Buddhist, and Greek philosophies all reference forms of out-of-body experiences. They consider the astral plane to be a higher realm of existence where one can gain spiritual insights and connect with higher consciousness. 

Native Americans and other indigenous cultures have long incorporated a form of astral travel into their traditions. For example, Native American shamans enter altered states of consciousness to communicate with the spirit world, using a form of astral travel to gain guidance, healing, and knowledge.

Many indigenous cultures practice vision quests, where they isolate themselves in nature, fast, and meditate to gain spiritual insights and personal guidance. These quests can lead to visions or spiritual journeys where consciousness connects with higher realms or spiritual entities.

How Astral Travel Feels

Astral travel feels similar to a dream, only much more real. All of your senses are engaged and working, so you taste food, feel the texture of everything you touch, and connect with people in a deeper, more meaningful way than you do in a dream state. And yet, astral travel carries with it the lightness and incorporeality of a dream.

Astral travel goes beyond time and space and takes you to a place beyond physical limits. Practitioners often report a range of sensations during astral projection, such as vibrations, a sense of lifting, or a rapid transition to another location.

Traveling Without a Ticket

You don’t have to be a shaman or guru to move past the limitations of the physical world through astral travel. It’s something that you, as a normal person, can experience. With practice, you can trigger an out-of-body event, or it may happen unexpectedly.  

These experiences typical happen for one of three reasons!

  1. They can be initiated from within your soul. Sometimes your physical body and brain may be totally unaware that you need to shift or change – but your soul knows. It might initiate an out-of-body experience to provide the insights and perspective you need to evolve on your spiritual journey.
  1. They can be triggered by an outside situation, often a near-death experience. In these cases, the soul leaves or is forced out of the body. We’ve all heard the stories of people who observe their doctors working on them when they’re in surgery under anesthesia or find themselves floating above their bodies after a car accident. These same experiences can happen during times of extreme fear.
  1. You can use your own spiritual practices as a springboard for astral travel. Here are a few examples: 

Meditation: The goal of deep meditation is to relax the body and mind, which, with practice and intention, can enable your consciousness to detach from your physical body.

Lucid Dreaming: In a lucid dream you’re aware that you are dreaming. Leveraging that awareness to “jump” or transition into an astral projection from this vivid dream state is possible.

Visualization: Techniques that involve visualizing the separation of the astral body from the physical body can sometimes trigger an out-of-body experience.

How Life Changes after Astral Travel

As you might expect, leaving your body behind, whether during a dream, meditation, or near-death experience, can shake up your world and open your eyes to what’s important. 

Here are just a few of the life-changing benefits people have reported: 

  • A sense of calm and inner peace that continued after they reentered their body 
  • An enhanced level of self-awareness and a deeper understanding of who they are. 
  • A motivation to make major changes and rearrange priorities. 
  • An elevated feeling of spiritual awareness. 
  • The courage and awareness to break self-imposed boundaries. 

Is Astral Travel Real?

While there’s a lot of debate about whether it’s possible for your soul to actually leave your body and travel to other times, places, and realms, many individuals who practice astral projection insist that their experiences are real and transformative. They often report consistent and vivid details, such as traveling to specific locations or encountering deceased loved ones, angels, and spirit guides. 

How you feel about astral travel depends on your own beliefs and perspective. But after connecting with thousands of souls in Heaven, I know that the world we live in is just the tip of the iceberg. As a psychic medium, I believe that profound spiritual experiences are not only possible but a testament to the vast and mysterious dimensions of our existence.


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