“Will I be reunited with my soulmate in Heaven?”

I love this question because it means the person asking it got to meet his or her soulmate here on earth and actually realized it too! That doesn’t always happen, and I am

always so happy when I meet someone who got to have that wonderful experience.

Some soulmates are not meant to have a long lasting connection in this lifetime. They might meet at a crossroads to help each other when one of them is supposed to make a difficult decision or take a new direction. Sometimes the connection is very short and the relationship is an opportunity to learn lessons, but is not meant to last.

On the other hand, some lucky people get to share many years of their lives with their soulmate. They experience a deep and abiding love and feel connected to each other in every possible way. It seems like heaven on earth – but there’s a downside to that too. Losing someone who has been your perfect partner, your twin flame, in life is so very painful.

My friend’s parents were married for over 50 years before her father died. “Our love went very deep,” her mother often says. “The pain of losing him goes just as deep. But I know we will be together again.”

She’s right! You will be connected with your soulmate in Heaven. Of course you will. You belong together. Your soulmate is always with you throughout your life, and you will be reunited when you pass over.

In the meantime, your soulmate is watching over you, protecting you, helping you as you do the work you are meant to be here to do, and waiting for that time when you will be together again.

 You might wonder how you will recognize your soulmate on the other side. Will your soulmate look the same as you remember?

The reality is that our physical form is not really what makes us who we are. The essence of your true love will be waiting to greet you in Heaven. You’ll see one another as you remember each other and connect for all eternity at the deepest spiritual level.

Sometimes people come to my events and tell me their loved one passed during their engagement, or just a short time into their marriage, before their life together could even have a chance to start! They understandably feel cheated out of all the happy  years they expected to have together before being separated.

They feel cheated out of having children, buying a home, celebrating anniversaries, taking vacations – all the things they anticipated doing together.

Losing that person is painful, but if they really are your soulmate, you will be reunited on the other side. In the meantime, your soulmate in Heaven is cheering you on, hoping you live a wonderful life…maybe even helping you meet someone new who makes you happy.

There’s no jealousy between soulmates because it’s a sure thing that you will be reunited in Heaven. In the meantime, your soulmate wants you to live your best life here and now. In fact, it makes them happy to see you enjoy life – because you are getting to experience life for both of you!

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