It’s time to say goodbye to 2020, and hello to 2021. I didn’t expect this year to turn out the way it did, and I’ll bet you didn’t either. There was a lot of crazy stuff happening in the news, too many people got sick, and many of the activities we’d always taken for granted were suddenly off the table.
Spirit tells me that difficult times have a lot to teach us, and that was definitely true this year. Here are just a few lessons I learned during these unusual times:
Accept that You Can’t Control Everything
In the beginning of 2020, I had a ton of big events scheduled all over the country – then the pandemic hit, and suddenly venues started to cancel. First we thought things would get back to normal in the spring, but as days, weeks, and months went on, it got pretty clear that it would be a while before it would be safe to have large indoor events again.
So, I got my team together and we replaced the live events with weekly live online reading events and guess what? People loved them, and my “virtual” readings were just as strong (maybe stronger) as they would have been if we were all in the same room. What did I learn? You can’t always predict what’s going to happen event being a medium, but when something totally unexpected throws off your plans, freaking out doesn’t help. You have to stay calm, be positive, and get creative!
If You Don’t Think You Have Much to be Grateful for, Think Again
There’s probably not a medium out there who doesn’t know how important it is to be thankful for the good things in your life. The reason? So many souls come through with the same message, “I wish I’d appreciated my family, my health, and my life more when I had the chance!” This has been a tough year, and it was easy to get negative – especially if you watched the news a lot. But I found myself counting my blessings every day. I have my health, a wonderful fiancé, a crazy family that I love, and a career that lets me help and heal people. And that’s a lot to be thankful for!
Even When Times are Hard, You’re Never Alone
I bet there were days this year when you were sick and tired of worrying about Covid-19, and wished you could jump on a plane and go somewhere, dance at a wedding, or throw a big dinner party. Even worse, maybe you lost your job or someone you cared about. It’s easy to feel isolated at times like this, but it’s important to know that loved ones in Heaven are always there for you. They can sense your thoughts and emotions, and they want to help. Know that if you are going through a hard time, you are not alone – so pay attention and watch for signs and you might get just the guidance you need.
Being an Angel for Someone Else Helps Both of You
The thing I love most about being a medium is the effect I have on people when I bring through messages from the other side. Hearing from a loved one in Heaven lifts the burden of grief and sadness instantly! Because I am part of that healing experience, it makes me feel good too. Of course, you don’t have to be a medium to help people. Sometimes all it takes is a smile or a joke to make someone’s day a little lighter. Many people are having a hard time right now, so there’s never been a better time to buy a stranger a cup of coffee, give a delivery person an extra big tip, or share a few kind words. Trust me, everyone benefits from a simple act of kindness!
Look for the Silver Lining
Yes, this year was totally crazy – but there were a lot of good things that came out of spending more time at home. I felt really blessed to have Alexa to spend quarantine with! It brought us even closer together, and without the need to travel to events, we suddenly found ourselves with extra time to learn new healthy recipes. Some of my friends took online courses or picked up new hobbies. Just about everyone I know mentioned that they found a lot to be thankful for during 2020 – and I get the feeling the gratitude habit will stick.
I’ve written about how souls go through a life review when they pass, but you can learn from a life review right now, while you’re alive. Just taking time to look back over the last 12 months and think about how you handled the challenges that you encountered, the lessons you learned, and the way you made other people feel can help you to grow so much. I hope 2021 has wonderful surprises in store, but I also want to be sure not to forget what this year has taught me.
If you enjoyed this blog post I would like to invite you to join my “Email from Heaven” monthly newsletter by clicking HERE. Each month I will send you my newest blog posts, videos and also a free gift to your inbox. I hope that my emails help you on your spiritual journey and help you stay connected to those you love and miss in Heaven.
Hello. And Bye.
I have left my job of a banker of 33 years during Covid to become a reiki master and help others. I’m working on me and reinventing myself. Life is short and I’m not a banker, I’m a healer. I just adore your energy.
Hi I believe I do have family members visit me. I know that my father is still watching over me. I saw him, after he past away. My dad helps me to find lost things. My mother said that he liked to do this, when he was alive.
I would like to know if my parents are together. Did, my Dad try to get my attention when I fell asleep? Why, was it my brothers didn’t want me at the hospital when our Mom was dying? I feel an empty hole in my heart.
Matt…i dont know how you appeared on my BRAND NEW PHONE..however i was drawn to you instantly!! Your New York accent…my south Philly…we are a match made in HEAVEN!! I say heaven because my daughter passed at 27 in 2015…ive been devastated and still haven’t heard any clear messages from her. I’ve had hackers read out to me..Matt sweetness with fake messages. Im TERRIFIED OF THE INTERNET!!! I know your sooo busy and I’ll patiently wait for a respond. I just felt the need after i had saw you LITERALLY POP OUT OF KNOW WHERE HAD TO BE A SIGN!! God bless handsome..Love Dena
I love your positive energy. I lost my best friend my lovely dad a couple of years ago and still not over the loneliness . I made some financial mistakes by being scammed and have worked hard to get rid of the debts . I have become a care giver for the elderly and try to make them smile and befriend them to take away their loneliness which I know directly how that feels. I would love to feel there is something positive waiting for me and hope my lovely dad realises how much my heart breaks for him. Listening to you gives me hope .
Hello Matt. I am a medium and have been since a young age. I am now 72! I have done a lot of work in the spiritualist churches here and have given many free readings in my life. We in the uk are in lockdown, as you are aware and I really don’t have money for a reading. I was hoping that out of kindness, you would be able to give me some nice things that may be coming? I would really appreciate a glimmer of hope!
Thank you in advance. God bless you for all the good work you do.
Hi Matt, I’ve been reading your post & I’m liking them, I am short funds & wondering if you could help me with a reading xx
I am just wondering why a medium would have the need to request a medium to do a reading.
Please don’t think I am being negative in any way. But can a medium not get messages from their loved ones themselves without the help of another medium.
Matt, I just got done reading your book and going through all the videos in it. I loved it and I think you are great.
Hello Matt
Your are a true blessing. I would love to get to see you one day or maybe get a reading from my loved one’s that had passed. One day i can’t wait to read your book that will be on my list of books to have ..your truly amazing ..Be safe with your family.
Hi Matt been wanting a reading from you by video or phone call it’s hard to get a hold of you I look at your videos and love how you help people with thoughts Brenda.
How do you know if your meant to be a median? I always have dreams before family members or close friends pass been experiencing it since I was little. I’ve gotten to see and say goodbye to my great grandma, my daughter, and just recently my grandpa. The dreams start before they pass and my grandpas was the most clearest I’ve ever had I knew where, what day and what time he was going to pass cause he came to me in a dream and he told me to tell my family that he loves all of us and that he is okay now. I was scared to share with the pastor who performed his service but my family knew and shared for me and she said it’s a very special gift to have. I’m very appreciative for it but wish I understood it more. Any tips on how to communicate and stuff would be very helpful. Ps ur amazing.
That’s amazing . God bless
Very important to be aware of the surroundings however we must stay focused in a positive light to continue our journey.
Gotta Love your positivity & truth’s!!! Always gain something from your post!
So there you go…You just helped another person! Happy New Year

Hello i am new user and i would to ask you, How to disable a pm?
was in the icu 2 times and every time i was told u almost died im doing alot better getting stronger but scarws to death to get convid but i stay home been here all year will i be ok and every morning at 3 o clock i hear the phone ring only one ring whats up with this help
Hi Matt. This is Daniel, from Madrid, Spain. My mother had a brain stroke three years ago that left her on bed forever. She has been slowly losing her mind since then and her life is really painful.
I have a very strong feeling that someone is trying to pass a message on to me regarding this situation from the “other side”, but I don’t know how to receive it.
I’ve been feeling sad and lonely for this situation, but sometimes I perceive someone trying to tell me I’m not. Perhaps that’s why watching your readings makes me feel good.
I am expert of pandemic, and i can help you.
PS: How are you? I am from France :)/ mixx
I was wondering Matt, will we or can we meet famous people that we admired in this life who have passed when we get there?
Hello Matt. I just love to hear you speak. You bring out the positive in every situation. I want to tell you a story. My mother passed away on 2-28-15m. She told me she always thought of me when she heard the so e “You are my special angel”. My old boss sold the ophthalmology practice I had worked for for 24 years. Literally half my life. I broke down crying in my car and spoke to my mother in heaven that I wished she was here because I needed a hug… would t you know it, that specific song came in the radio. I had only heard this song from her when she sang it to me…right then did my tears become tears of joy. I knew my mother was with me. Letting me know she was there and it would be okay. Those are the signs we need to look for too. I sure miss my mama.
You cute little Beam of Light you…. mwah!
Please I’m hoping you can help me in Quebec Canada… our postal code won’t work for a reading… I’ve been waiting 45 years for a message since I was 9 years old and also from my mom who passed 4 years ago on Xmas day and still can’t believe she hasn’t sent me anything … if you can help me up here in Quebec please let me know… a heartbroken girl since 9 years old ♥️
My name is Natalie Shelton my brother Jermaine Shelton was murdered and 2000 I just want to know how is he been doing have you been around us we miss him so much I want to know do you know I love him just want to know some things that’s going on with him spend so many years but every day is still feel just about the same
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