It’s time to say goodbye to 2020, and hello to 2021. I didn’t expect this year to turn out the way it did, and I’ll bet you didn’t either. There was a lot of crazy stuff happening in the news, too many people got sick, and many of the activities we’d always taken for granted were suddenly off the table.

Spirit tells me that difficult times have a lot to teach us, and that was definitely true this year. Here are just a few lessons I learned during these unusual times:

Accept that You Can’t Control Everything


In the beginning of 2020, I had a ton of big events scheduled all over the country – then the pandemic hit, and suddenly venues started to cancel. First we thought things would get back to normal in the spring, but as days, weeks, and months went on, it got pretty clear that it would be a while before it would be safe to have large indoor events again.

So, I got my team together and we replaced the live events with weekly live online reading events and guess what? People loved them, and my “virtual” readings were just as strong (maybe stronger) as they would have been if we were all in the same room. What did I learn? You can’t always predict what’s going to happen event being a medium, but when something totally unexpected throws off your plans, freaking out doesn’t help. You have to stay calm, be positive, and get creative!


If You Don’t Think You Have Much to be Grateful for, Think Again


There’s probably not a medium out there who doesn’t know how important it is to be thankful for the good things in your life. The reason? So many souls come through with the same message, “I wish I’d appreciated my family, my health, and my life more when I had the chance!” This has been a tough year, and it was easy to get negative – especially if you watched the news a lot. But I found myself counting my blessings every day. I have my health, a wonderful fiancé, a crazy family that I love, and a career that lets me help and heal people. And that’s a lot to be thankful for!

Even When Times are Hard, You’re Never Alone


I bet there were days this year when you were sick and tired of worrying about Covid-19, and wished you could jump on a plane and go somewhere, dance at a wedding, or throw a big dinner party. Even worse, maybe you lost your job or someone you cared about. It’s easy to feel isolated at times like this, but it’s important to know that loved ones in Heaven are always there for you. They can sense your thoughts and emotions, and they want to help. Know that if you are going through a hard time, you are not alone – so pay attention and watch for signs and you might get just the guidance you need.

Being an Angel for Someone Else Helps Both of You


The thing I love most about being a medium is the effect I have on people when I bring through messages from the other side. Hearing from a loved one in Heaven lifts the burden of grief and sadness instantly! Because I am part of that healing experience, it makes me feel good too. Of course, you don’t have to be a medium to help people. Sometimes all it takes is a smile or a joke to make someone’s day a little lighter. Many people are having a hard time right now, so there’s never been a better time to buy a stranger a cup of coffee, give a delivery person an extra big tip, or share a few kind words. Trust me, everyone benefits from a simple act of kindness!

Look for the Silver Lining


Yes, this year was totally crazy – but there were a lot of good things that came out of spending more time at home. I felt really blessed to have Alexa to spend quarantine with! It brought us even closer together, and without the need to travel to events, we suddenly found ourselves with extra time to learn new healthy recipes. Some of my friends took online courses or picked up new hobbies. Just about everyone I know mentioned that they found a lot to be thankful for during 2020 – and I get the feeling the gratitude habit will stick. 

I’ve written about how souls go through a life review when they pass, but you can learn from a life review right now, while you’re alive. Just taking time to look back over the last 12 months and think about how you handled the challenges that you encountered, the lessons you learned, and the way you made other people feel can help you to grow so much. I hope 2021 has wonderful surprises in store, but I also want to be sure not to forget what this year has taught me.

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