Are you conscious of the presence of ghosts and spirits around you? Do you find you’re able to accurately predict things before they happen? Are you extra sensitive to the feelings and emotions of others? If so, it’s likely you were born with a “antenna” that’s tuned into to the frequency of the Spirit world!

People often ask me if anyone can be a psychic or medium. The answer is “It’s complicated.” It’s true that we’re all born with a natural sixth sense, but it manifests itself differently in everyone. Just like some people have extra sharp eyesight or hearing, a lucky few have a super-developed sixth sense. You might wonder how certain friends always seem to make the right choice, avoiding everything from traffic jams to toxic relationships. It’s likely they possess psychic ability or are able to receive messages from guides or spirits.  

From the time I was a boy, I could see people who had passed. I was lucky enough to have a mother and grandmother who had lived through what I was experiencing, and could help me understand my gift. Even with their support and guidance, there were times when I felt scared and different from the other kids – but as I got older I realized my mediumship was a blessing I could use to heal and inspire others.

If you have spiritual gifts, I encourage you to work on enhancing them. Like a muscle, your psychic and mediumistic abilities will get stronger and more accurate with focus and awareness. Even if you never plan to go into business as a psychic or medium, developing your spiritual gifts can benefit you in ways you might not have thought of.

Here are some ways a strong spirit connection can make life better for you and the people around you.

Your sixth sense gives you a career edge – especially if you are in a profession that’s people focused. Before I dedicated myself to mediumship full-time, I was working toward becoming an EMT. As I pursued that path, I found my sensitivity and intuition to be invaluable tools when dealing with injured and frightened people.

Your intuition can assist you in finding your soul-mate. Trusting your gut is the key to looking past the surface to find someone who if a perfect fit for you – spiritually, mentally and physically!

The universe will signal when you’re on the right path. How many times have you been faced with a tough choice, and wished that someone or something would give you a nudge in the right direction. With a little practice, you can recognize the signs Spirit sends you, and proceed confidently on your way.
Sensing the presence of spirit around you gives you a whole new perspective on life. I love having the opportunity to relay spirit messages to others, and as the medium, I find I can always learn something from the insights they share.  

Your sensitivity can help make the world a more compassionate place. Listen when your intuition signals that a stranger might benefit from a smile or a kind word. You’re simple act could make a big difference in someone’s life!

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