The question has come up many times when people have asked me, “Is there a dark side of psychic ability?”

The answer sadly is yes. It’s not something that I like to talk about, but just like there are negative people, there are also negative souls who roam here on Earth. The good news is these souls are very rare and often not ones I come in contact with. Chances are, you will never run into a negative being or soul. They do not attach to people like in horror movies, and they mainly only bother people who go looking for them. I have been to some of the most haunted places and nobody has ever pushed me down the stairs or pulled my hair. Most of our ideas of them are made up by Hollywood, but there are some cases that are real.

When I was a child and first coming into my psychic gift, I ran into some mischievous energies, and it frightened me. When you are psychic, you are like a beacon of light the spirit world sees. Souls both good and bad will try to reach you because they know you can speak and communicate with them. When I was younger, I was terrified. I would hide under the covers and call for Mom to try to escape the voices that were around me. Sometimes, I even woke up while sleeping only to find that I couldn’t move or talk. I learned later it was something called sleep paralysis. I noticed this happened when I started coming into my gift and learning about my spiritual calling, and it only went away when I prayed. I later realized it was negative spirits trying to scare me away from doing the light work of delivering healing messages.

My mom was the first one to teach me to do everything in prayer. “Set boundaries, keep yourself protected and always work in the light and for the great gift of God.”To this day, it remains the same. What you don’t know about me is that before every event, I walk the room and say a prayer of protection and I make sure that I set boundaries and only speak to the souls who are from a higher power.

I learned when I was young that negative souls cannot hurt you or cause a disruption in your life unless you allow them in. That’s why I have never picked up a Ouija board or any other similar device. The best advice I can offer you is for you to do the same. If you go searching or tapping into something you shouldn’t, you will find something you shouldn’t. For that same reason, I am not a fan of ghost hunting or paranormal activity. I feel that’s something, we just need to leave those things in Heaven’s hands. What we cannot control, God does.

If you have had a similar experience or maybe feel the presence of a negative soul, ask Archangel Michael for support and let that soul know they are not welcome in your life. Below is a special prayer of protection I would like to share with you. I hope you will keep it safe and use it if you need it.


Dear God, Holy Spirit and Archangel Michael,


Please bring peace and light into my home and protect my family, friends, loved ones and most of all myself from all evil or negative energies.


Please keep us protected and take away all worrisome thoughts. Only allow the souls who are here for our highest and best good.


We thank you for the healing that has already been given and for your ultimate and divine protection.



You may feel a particular spirit in your house that doesn’t belong. It may not be evil or negative, but it is a lost, lingering soul. This is normal. Sometimes, souls can still stay connected to a place they loved, and if it happens to be a house you just purchased, you may feel their presence and need to send them on their way.

When dealing with negative souls, lost souls or any souls who don’t belong, it helps to open the windows, let in fresh sunlight and air and play music and invite people over for dinner. Negative energy can only thrive if you let it and give it power. It cannot stay where there is happiness, love and light. When you create an uplifting energy space in your house, that energy has no where to go but to leave. Opening the window also sets the intention that the soul or energy is no longer welcome in your home or in your life. This process will only push out the souls who don’t belong. It will not push away your friends, family or loved ones who come and visit you. They are on the permanent guest list and are connected to your heart, not to a place or object.

At the end of the day, it all comes down to the following: Do all things with love and light and you will be fine. Keep yourself protected through prayer and speak to your angels and loved ones in spirit when you need help or assistance.

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