You May Be Psychic…

A lot of people who come to my shows ask, “How can I tell if I’m psychic?”

Well, the truth is that some people are psychic and don’t know it! We all born with a sixth sense, but as we get older, many people “tune out” and lose it. They might start out extremely psychic, but they begin overthinking and questioning what their intuition is telling them so they don’t benefit from it. Big mistake! Even if you never plan to make your living reading tarot cards or tea leaves, being tuned in is a helpful tool when it comes to navigating relationships, careers, and just about everything in your life.

There are a lot of ways to know if you have a psychic gift. And the best part is that even paying attention to the possibility can help you develop your abilities and improve your intuition. Here are some ways that your sixth sense can show up in your life:


Have you ever seen a spirit? Sometimes it’s a person who has passed. Sometimes it’s a beloved pet.

You might think you’re imagining things, but you might be seeing them as they are reaching out to connect with you. Sometimes it might not be a direct connection. You might see something out of the corner of your eye. And even though you don’t really see it clearly, you just have a feeling you know what it was. For some people, the connection comes in sound more than vision. They hear voices, whispers, or hear phrases out of the blue that make a powerful connection.


Another way that psychic connections happen is through energy. You might feel the energy of a room or of a building when you walk in. A friend of mine was looking for a house. She drove her realtor crazy because sometimes they’d step through a front door, and my friend would say, “no” and go right back to the car. She didn’t know anything about the floorplan or price. She just knew that house wasn’t for her. Sometimes the feelings come when we meet a person.

We can feel their energy and have an instant sense about them. With friends, we might know something is going on even when they don’t say anything. You might suddenly think of a friend you haven’t talked to in a while. Make a phone call. You’ll usually find out they needed that call because they have something going on that they need to talk about. It can happen with animals too. Psychic people often have a sense that they understand animals and know when something is wrong even if there’s no “evidence.”


Sometimes you just know that you know. You have a sense that there’s more going on than just what we see with our eyes. You feel things very strongly. You aren’t surprised when something unusual happens…as if you already knew it was going to happen!


When you are getting in touch with your psychic abilities, you might get ideas that seem like premonitions or spiritual contacts, but sometimes it’s hard to tell what are psychic connections and what are your own thoughts and ideas. It can be helpful to start a journal and write down the things that come to you. If you have a dream that seems important, take a moment to write about it right when you first get up…before you forget!

When you have an experience like some of the things we’ve been talking about, write it down. Write about the feeling you had, and what you did. A couple days later, look back and take some time to review what you’ve written. See if there are connections. See if there are some things that still seem to be psychic connections and if some things now seem to be just good ideas. Over time, as you practice more, you might start to see connections.

If you’re wondering whether you have psychic abilities, that means you’re open to the possibility. And that means, the answer is probably YES!

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