Lessons From Heaven

In the USA, The 4th of July is a pretty big deal. I’ve always loved everything about it – getting together with the family, eating tons of food, and watching fireworks. This year, with many people avoiding large groups, celebrations might look a little different. My family won’t be getting together on the 4th this year, because we’re being super careful not to expose my mom to any germs. I was talking to Alexa about that the other day, and I had this crazy idea. How about making 2020 the year to celebrate “Spiritual Independence?”

What the heck is Spiritual Independence?

You know I don’t think of myself as a spiritual teacher, but when you hear messages from souls in Heaven like I do, you start to notice some patterns.

I realized a long time ago that dead people can teach you a lot about life. For instance, I used to wonder why the souls who came through to me never seemed to hold a grudge toward anyone – even if that person had been responsible for their death. Also, they didn’t seem bothered if their loved one was with another person, as long as they were happy.

Bottom line, it became clear to me that when you pass over you leave behind things like jealousy, resentment, anger, and even fear.

Think of it like this – negative emotions are like heavy baggage, and a soul can’t ascend to heaven with all that stuff weighing them down. So, they hang on the light emotions like love, gratitude, and compassion, and they jettison the heavy ones so they can transition.

Which brings me to my point about Spiritual Independence.

You don’t have to wait until you die to release yourself from the grip of heavy emotions. Think about how negative thoughts might be blocking you from having the things you want in life. Wouldn’t everything be a whole lot better if you took control of those feelings, and could live your life independent of them?

But wait! This is terrible timing.  How can anyone focus on positive things right now, when there’s so much negativity and fear everywhere you look? Isn’t that like starting a diet on the day before Thanksgiving?

Actually, this is the perfect time to start shifting your energy. It’s just what you and the people around you need right now. And it’s not that hard.

Let’s make a pact to declare our independence from all things negative by July 4th.

Here are some ideas to get you started…

  • Minimize your exposure to the news and violence on television. I’m not saying you have to live in a bubble, but the news has a way of stirring up our fear and anxiety. Limit yourself to a few minutes each morning to check the news, then focus on what you’re grateful for, meditate, and have a nice cup of coffee (and maybe a donut).


  • Think consciously about replacing negative emotions with positive ones. Do a little inventory at the end of each day. Think about how you felt that day, what your mood is now that the day is done, and what contributed to your emotions – good or bad. Set your intention to spend the following day focusing on thoughts and activities that elevate your mood and put you in a positive space.


  • Be kind to yourself and others. Doing nice things for people, even if it’s just telling a joke and making them smile, has a ripple effect. It brightens up your day, their day, and makes everyone’s interactions with others a little bit lighter.


  • Spend time with positive people. You know how some people love to complain and gossip! When I’m around them, that energy rubs off on me. But when I’m with Alexa, or any of my positive, grateful friends, the whole world feels brighter.


  • Know that your loved ones in heaven are cheering you on. When things are hard and you’re faced with sadness and uncertainty, look for a sign from Heaven and remember that you are never alone. Loved ones who pass aren’t really gone – they are with you always, protecting and guiding you.


Don’t let fear, jealousy, insecurity, and anger weigh you down. You have control of your emotions, so assert your independence!

I hope the little messages I have been sharing with you from Heaven help you on your own spiritual journey. Whether you are looking to heal grief, achieve your dreams, or connect with your loved ones in Spirit, I am here to help. That is why I have recorded a brand new series of audio classes where I share with you the same tools and techniques I use in my everyday life. I hope you will take a look and that they will help you the same way they have helped me.

Click Here to check out my brand new inspirational audio series.


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