If you’ve been to a new age bookstore, a yoga class, or a meditation workshop, chances are you’re heard or seen something about chakras. You might have wondered…


What is a Chakra, and Why Are They Important?


The word Chakra means “wheel” and refers to the energy points in your body. You’ve probably heard me say that everything and everyone – living and dead – is made up of energy. Keeping that energy healthy and balanced starts with your chakras, so it’s important that these spinning disks of energy stay open and aligned.


The Chakras control every aspect of your actions, from your psychic abilities to how you digest food. There are seven main chakras that run along your body – from the base of your spine to the top of your head.  Each one is associated with a color, and each serves a specific purpose and is tied to a group of nerves, major organs, and various aspects of your emotional and physical well-being.


A Very Basic List of the 7 Chakras and What They Do:


  • The Root Chakra is at the very base of the spine. It’s associated with the color red, and is related to your physical identity, strength and stability.


  • The Sacral Chakra is a couple of inches below the navel. Depicted as an orange sphere, it is associated with sexuality and creativity.


  • The Solar Plexus Chakra is just above the Sacral Chakra, represented by the color yellow. It’s all about confidence and self-esteem.


  • The Heart Chakra, is an emerald-green chakra located just above the heart. Not surprisingly, it represents love and connection.


  • The Throat Chakra, blue in color, is located in the throat and connected to your ability to communicate verbally.


  • The Third-Eye Chakra. A deep indigo, this chakra is centered right above your eyes and is the source of your intuition and psychic gifts.


  • Crown Chakra. At the very top of your head, you’ll find the violet or white Crown Chakra. Considered the chakra of enlightenment, this chakra keeps you connected to your spirituality and your greater purpose.


Opening the Third Eye Chakra.


You may have heard that everyone has psychic ability or psychic senses. If that’s true (and trust me, it is!) then why isn’t everyone sensitive and tuned in? For starters, to maximize your intuition, it’s important that the third eye chakra stay clear and balanced.


The third eye controls your psychic ability and intuition and can even lead to out-of-body experiences and astral travel. It’s also sometimes referred to as your sixth sense because it’s developed by developing your psychic abilities and intuition.


Since this chakra is physically located on the head, when it’s blocked or unbalanced you can experience headaches, issues with sight or concentration, and hearing problems. People who have trouble listening to reality (who seem to “know it all”) or who are not in touch with their intuition may also have a block. But, when it’s open and in alignment this chakra allows you to follow their intuition and be able to see the big picture.


I can’t see my chakras, so how do I know if they’re balanced?


You can tell when your chakras are “off.” You feel frazzled, flustered, drained, and may even be having health issues. The good news is, like a lot of spiritual ideas, what seems complicated is actually pretty simple to manage. Anything that allows you to be calm, focused, and in-the-moment can positively impact your chakras. So, meditation, yoga, walks in nature, eating well, not drinking and smoking too much, and being aware of your feelings instead of pushing them aside are all critical to a balanced chakra and a healthy life.


Your chakras are attached energetically, and while many people have one that seems to impact them the most, they all matter. However, we’re here to talk about how to enhance your intuition, and to do that, you’ll want to spend some effort specifically targeting and activating your third chakra. You’ll need to meditate on the third eye chakra daily for several weeks or months. Meditation is a key part of developing your psychic ability and being able to align with your body, mind, and spirit.


Opening the Third Eye Chakra


Start by sitting quietly for a few minutes each day. Once you’ve regulated your breathing, begin focusing on the middle of your forehead. Picture a bright indigo blue ball centered above your eyes, rotating in a clockwise direction. That’s your third eye. As you breathe in and out, relax and focus on the area. While you’re in this position, it’s time to imagine your chakra opening up, releasing your psychic ability.


When you get in the habit of focusing on your third eye through meditation, you should notice a deeper level of insights and awareness as you go about your day. To take things one step further, exercise and test your psychic muscles whenever you can. Keep a dream journal and jot down what you remember about your dreams and what you think they mean. You can experiment with automatic writing or making psychic predictions using tarot cards by yourself. Then share what you write or predict with others so they can weigh in!


Everyone Needs Intuition.


Intuition is real, and it serves a very practical purpose. It can help you make better choices and be safer, happier, and more connected to others. With a basic understanding of the chakras, and particularly your Third Eye chakra, it’s easy to tap into this natural gift through meditation or other mindful practices. I hope you’ll give it a try!


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