A woman sits on a couch in a dimly lit room with framed photos on the wall behind her. She appears deep in thought, with one hand covering her mouth and the other arm wrapped around her knee, reflecting on memories that include Matt Fraser.

Hey everyone! I’m so happy you’re here and that you’ve decided to take this step toward healing. The saddest thing is that so many grieving people out there don’t even realize they are in grief. They just accept a life filled with pain, hurt, anxiety, worry, and fear, feeling as though there is no way they can heal. But you being here shows you’re ready to take that step towards healing, and for that, I commend you.

Understanding Grief

As a psychic medium, I see something that very few people really see: the light at the end of the tunnel. You don’t have to go through life filled with worry, fear, pain, and anxiety. Heaven tells me all the time that grief is a human emotion, but it’s not something we have to stay locked in. We don’t have to be prisoners to our grief. I’m here to share with you all the insights I’ve received from the spirit world.

The Nature of Grief

Denial is the first part of grief. Many people feel something but don’t know what it is. It’s a human emotion that causes blocks within our lives, robbing us of our happiness and joy. Grief lingers until we address it. It’s like a bully that taunts us, changes our thought perception, and makes us feel uncomfortable. But we don’t have to let grief control our lives.

The Story of a Grieving Father

Let me share a story with you that profoundly changed my perspective on grief and healing. There was a man who came to one of my LIVE readings. He didn’t want to be there, but his wife had dragged him along. His son had passed away suddenly from a brain hemorrhage. Since that tragic day, he had closed the door to his son’s room and never opened it again, thinking that by doing so, he was protecting himself from the unbearable pain of his loss.

During the reading, his son came through with a powerful message. He told his father that it was okay to go through his things, to open that door, and to move past the day he died. His son assured him that he was at peace on the other side and didn’t want his father to remain a prisoner of that day. The father had kept the room closed because he was afraid of confronting his emotions, believing that ignoring them would somehow shield him from the pain.

This message from his son was a turning point. The father realized that by keeping the door closed, he was not protecting himself but rather deepening his grief. He took a courageous step and opened the door to his son’s room. The process was incredibly emotional, but as he began to sort through his son’s belongings, he felt a sense of peace and connection. He started to remember the happy times and the joy his son brought into his life, rather than focusing solely on the loss.

The Healing Journey

Grief blocks us from having our happiness and joy. It’s important to understand that our loved ones in spirit know so much more about grieving and how to help us through it. They go through the journey of grief with us, cheering us on and pushing us forward. The story of the father from Detroit illustrates how opening up to the emotions and memories associated with our loved ones can be a powerful step towards healing.

Practical Steps to Healing

  1. Acknowledge Your Grief: Recognize that you’re going through grief and allow yourself to feel the pain. Accepting that your loved one is no longer physically present is the first step toward healing. Denial only prolongs the suffering and prevents true healing from beginning.
  2. Express Your Emotions: Talk about your feelings with friends, family, and others who understand. Incorporate your loved ones into your life by sharing memories and talking about them. This helps keep their spirit alive and reinforces the connection you share with them.
  3. Seek Additional Support: Whether it’s grief counseling, therapy, or support groups, seeking help from others can be incredibly beneficial. Sometimes, we need guidance from professionals who can provide tools and techniques to navigate our grief.
  4. Take Care of Your Physical Self: Physical health is closely linked to mental health. Taking care of your body can help you feel better emotionally as well. Exercise, proper nutrition, and adequate sleep can significantly impact your overall well-being.

Heavenly Perspective

Our loved ones go through a life review when they pass to the other side. They gain a Heavenly perspective, seeing things clearly and understanding the pain and questions we have. They want to help us heal by showing us that they are at peace and still connected to us. This perspective helps them guide us in ways that bring us closer to healing and happiness.

Creating a New Purpose

After losing a loved one, it’s important to create a new purpose in life. Think about what your loved one would want to see you doing and incorporate that into your life. Make plans and take steps that honor their memory and keep them close to you.

For example, if your loved one had a passion for helping others, you might volunteer or start a project in their memory. If they loved traveling, consider visiting places they always wanted to see. These actions not only honor their memory but also create a sense of purpose and fulfillment for you.

Embracing the Connection

Remember that your loved ones in heaven are guiding you toward healing. Keep faith, stay open, and embrace the journey. They are always with you, sending you signs and messages to let you know they are near.

One powerful way to strengthen this connection is through meditation. Focus on the love and energy that connects you to your loved one. Visualize a string of light that binds you together, allowing their love to flow into your heart.

Navigating grief and healing after losing a loved one is a deeply personal and challenging journey. By acknowledging your grief, expressing your emotions, seeking support, and taking care of your physical self, you can begin to heal. Embrace the Heavenly perspective of your loved ones and create a new purpose that honors their memory.

Thank you for joining me on this path toward healing. Remember, your loved ones in heaven are always with you, guiding you and cheering you on. If you have any thoughts or questions, feel free to share them.

If you’d like to connect further and experience an online group reading with me, visit Online Group Readings. Together, we can continue to navigate this journey and receive messages of love and healing from the other side. I look forward to connecting with you and your loved ones in spirit.


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