When your friends want to give you a message, they just have to email or text or pick up the phone to give you a call. When your loved ones cross over to Heaven, their messages still come through, but not always in the way you’d expect. Sometimes you have to do a little work of your own to hear the messages your loved ones are sending.

Messages from heaven can be like those 3-D pictures that used to be popular. At first glance, you see a flat image or a pattern – but when you shift your focus or cross your eyes slightly, a three-dimensional figure pops out of nowhere! The funny thing about it is if you try too hard and stare straight at the picture, the figure won’t materialize at all. Connecting to Spirit is kind of like that!

I want to tell you a story someone shared in an email recently. Her husband had passed a few years ago, and she wanted me to know that she thinks about him often and has followed some of my suggestions to let him know she is open to hearing from him. She described how she sometimes sits down and writes him a letter when she is struggling with loneliness or faced with a big decision. She makes it a point to wear one of his cardigans and sit in his favorite old easy chair while she writes. This ritual makes her feel close to him.

But recently, her son was going through a difficult time and she didn’t know what to do. She felt lost, and her letter writing wasn’t helping much at all – it still felt like her husband was very far away.

While this was going on, she became aware of a couple lines of a song stuck in her head. She couldn’t place the tune. The same words kept repeating over and over in her head, “After you’ve done all you can, after you’ve gone through the storm.” It was starting to drive her a little bit crazy because she couldn’t figure out what song these lyrics were from.

She mentioned this to a friend who showed her how to search for lyrics online. She saw the name of the song, and suddenly it hit her. She knew it had to be a message from her husband. Whenever they drove in the car, he always wanted to put on spiritual songs, and she always wanted to listen to the news. This song, “Stand,” was one of the songs her husband had loved to hear whenever she gave him the chance to choose the radio station. It is about standing and waiting for God to step in after you’ve done all you can do. She knew her husband was sending this song to help their son. It was the answer she was looking for.

She sent her son an email. “I think your dad sent you this song.” He called his mom later that day. “That was just what I needed to hear. Thank you for passing on Dad’s message.”

When our loved ones want to reach out to us, the message doesn’t always come through the way we think it will. Spirit can be very subtle, like a song playing in the background of your thoughts, and messages from Heaven sometimes need a little bit of work for us to reveal their true meaning.

If you are longing to connect with someone in the Spirit realm and you’d like a little help, I’d love to have you attend one of my live events. Just being in the space where souls on both sides of the veil come together might be all you need to open the door to receive your own messages from the other side – not just at the event, but every day!

If you enjoyed this blog post I would like to invite you to join my “Email from Heaven” monthly newsletter by clicking HERE. Each month I will send you my newest blog posts, videos and also a free gift to your inbox. I hope that my emails help you on your spiritual journey and help you stay connected to those you love and miss in Heaven.


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