The First Soul Connection

Growing up with a psychic Mom was never boring. I have vivid memories of her having premonitional dreams. There were many mornings when she woke up happy and excited after dreaming that a friend or family member was having a baby. She’d rush to the phone to call the person and share the good news, “I had a dream that you were pregnant!”

For her, the dreams always followed the same pattern. A departed family member would appear in her dream holding a child that would soon be sent down to his or her mother here in this world. The souls were always eager to share this news with my Mom because they knew she would pass the message along to the new parent to be. Usually, her predication would be within a just a few days of the couple getting their positive pregnancy test result.

My mother is a gifted psychic and medium, but dreams and visitations like this can happen to anyone. In fact, it happened to my wife Alexa.

A Dream Come True!

From just about the moment we met, Alexa and I always planned on getting married and starting a family. That plan went into action the moment we each said “I do” back in October. However, when Alexa received her first two negative pregnancy tests, she started to feel sad, anxious, and even a little nervous. She wanted to see that positive mark on the test so badly!

One night, she was really stressing herself out. “What if I don’t get pregnant?” she asked. I could see the worry on her face, but I reassured her it would all happen in God’s time – when it was meant to be. Luckily, I didn’t have to wait long for her mood to shift. That very night she went to bed and woke up a changed person. She shook me out of a sound sleep, excitedly telling me she had met our son.

In Alexa’s dream, she was pregnant and gave birth to a little baby boy. She saw herself singing to him in the car, dressing him up in cute outfits – she could see his personality as he waved and interacted with her in the dream. The details were so vivid! He loved Winnie the Pooh, Disney music, and car rides. He was sassy and energetic. She woke up and knew she had met our son. After so many years as a child, watching my own mom have these same types of dreams, I knew it was real.

Alexa connected with our “dream baby” so strongly that she began to miss him – wondering if she would ever get to hold him and love him in real life. To our delight, we discovered two weeks later she was pregnant. The moment she got that result, I knew it was him. Our son!


Confirmation & Validation

Sure enough, when we went to the doctor for blood work, and it was confirmed that we were having a boy. As a medium, I’ve had souls explain how babies wait in Heaven to be born. I know for sure our boy was waiting and couldn’t resist dropping in on Alexa to let her know. Since I’m the psychic, you would think that I would’ve known first! However, our little baby decided to give Alexa the upper hand on this one.

This wouldn’t be the first time a baby visited its mother or father before being born. I have talked to many people who have had similar experiences. When we’re in a subconscious state, we’re more open to Spirit connections, which is why so many souls visit us in our dreams. It’s not just babies, relatives, ancestors, and friends that have passed away will also make their appearances in our dreams.


Remember, that dreams can be a sign that Spirit is around you. Don’t pass it off as wishful thinking – if you have a dream that seems especially vivid, write down the details as soon as you wake up. You might have a deceased loved one trying to close out some unfinished business, or you might be expecting a new little blessing from Heaven!


  1. Thank you for sharing thus story…WHAT A BLESSING!!
    I know spirit is around me trying to communicate but I don’t remember my dreams so what should I do…any suggestions?

    1. I to have dreams about family members and close friends get pregnant. I once had a dream that there was a baby coming. But I didn’t have the big belly. But when I called my 3 children to see if they were expecting,. They all said no, but a few days later, they all 3 called and asked me how I knew they were pregnant, I told them about my dream. Come to find out l 3 were expecting. 1in June 1 in July and 1 on August. But everytime I have a dream about someone being pregnant, I get on the phone and start asking. But, a few times my friends and family call and ask me if I’ve had any recent dreams. It happens everytime someone close to me gets pregnant. But, I have a virtual meeting with you on May 6 at 7:30. I’m really looking forward to meeting you. I pray that my mom comes through. Until then have a blessed day. Olivia Bowers.

      1. What a blessing for u both best wishes, I’m so happy for u guys. I have three boys and wouldn’t change it for the world.

        1. Happy to hear the great news. Congratulations to y’all. Many Blessings for your New arrival. When I was pregnant with my first child (1977) I saw in a vision how he looked liked and I was so happy and I mentioned that I was having a boy. At time of his arrival, he looked just how I saw him in my vision. 11 months (1978)later I saw my baby girl and again she was an image of looking like me. In 1983 yrs later another vision of my 3 rd child a girl and was so happy. Then in 1998, visions again and my last baby boy. Gosh I was turning 40yrs old and I cryed . I was starting over but definitely made my world turn a different direction. My last child kept me busy, being that I divorced his father for drug related reasons. I was not going to raise my last child in that environment. So Yes, some of us do see our babies beforehand. I was Blessed with seeing all 4 of them before they were born. By the way he was my last because I was getting older. Thank you for sharing your story. Blessings to y’all.

      2. Congratutions Matt & Alexa. I believe this little soul will bring much joy to you two♥♥

      3. I had a different dream,in 2008-about My older sister, she was pregnant and then lost it in September 2008-but the baby of hers spiritually REACHED out to me,proving that it didn’t want to be born to a woman like her —or to be in such a messed up family like hers. I saw the baby become a 5 year old –in the dream, she was in the future –2013-& the little girl and our siblings (me, my brother –& my daughter was in the dream, we were in my sister’s back yard, and her little girl came up to her and asked her mom to read a catalog of pictures to her…. and she thought about it for a minute,then turned so angry,took the little girl by the back of her coat, and tossed her to the ground, and I saw it and I asked my brother –“take that little girl away from her, she’s being abusive, there’s NO reason for that… and my daughter was with me in the dream, and she was upset and crying –but when I woke up from the dream –I said -“May it never be”3 times….in Jesus name, May this dream never come true, and a few days later —my daughter called me –she was staying with my sister to babysit her daughter in 2007-2008-& she told me that my sister lost the baby –it was stillborn. She was showing me that she didn’t want to be abused by my sister –&GOD wasn’t going to allow another member of the family to be abused…(long story). I woke up from the dream crying —cuz it was a warning dream from GOD….a “precognitive” dream. True story.

    2. I would love ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ to have a reading about my Mama,she passed away March 17,1983 and I had my son October 23,1984, he’s the oldest grandchild,my daddy passed away December 27,1981,she was 39, passed away with TOXIC SHOCK SYNDROME,my daddy passed away with CANCERi just miss them so much, I’m on disability and can’t afford a reading but have ALWAYS wanted one to see if one of them or both will come through

      1. Very vivid dreams are common for me . I understand the messages right away. I also have smell whiffs and see quick shadows around me but not sure who they are. One smell I get allot is tabbacco? But no one i can think of who has passed smoked. So that’s odd

      2. Congratulations to you both future papa and mama. May Alex have a smooth pregnancy. Let us know when the baby arrive this world. Let him know that all people who know or have heard of his parents welcome him to our world with love and outstretch arms!!!Christina Powell

    3. Matt you and Alexa are both a gift from God. You both are perfect for each other and I knew that the first time I saw you all together on YouTube. I’m a single father and I was married for 13 years. Now I’m raising two young boys 13 and 9. You I’ll never forget when that baby boy is born. It’s such a precious time and I want to congratulate you both! My boys and I will be present during the online stream May 18th. Even if we don’t get picked for the session we want to say thank you for your inspirational videos. My son was on the brink of suicide and him and I watch your videos together because it motivates him and he realizes that there’s something far greater after this life but to live this life to the fullest! Congratulations on God’s amazing gift to you, a little boy. Any baby names? From, the back is family, Richmond virginia.

    4. I just “knew” who my kids were way before they were conceived. I knew when I was pregnant exactly who was who. I was told to not be so sure but I knew. I knew. I was laughed at even. I knew the sex of babies that acquaintances were going to have. When I told them, they looked at me weird.

    5. wow Olivia bowers that is such a blessing to have all your daughters pregnant n have such a joyful gift. hope you get a reading tomorrow.


      1. My dad passed the night before I was flying to see him in hospital. Then just a few weeks later he visited me in a dream and hugged me goodbye. He was dressed fabulously and was about 35 again and this is how I will always remember him my 8 year old grand daughter visited me and we had a picnic on a very colourful blanket, this too will stay with me forever. Matt and Alexa I’m so excited for you both and this journey you are on together. Just know that you are SO loved by so many God Bless

      2. I’m so happy for you both. I had a vision a while back when you announced you both were getting marriage that within a few months after saying your vows Alexa would be pregnant. So I was not surprised. And I knew it would be a boy. You both will be very good parents.
        Not only do I see this pregnancy however, I actually see a couple more. I can’t wait.
        Love you both!


    6. Congratulations to you and Alexa! Your love is strong, your marriage is strong, and you’re the perfect couple to have a child. With love and best wishes, Nancy

    7. This is so beautiful but I have to tell you when I received this email my thoughts were about my grand daughter Alexia. I thought this was about her. I called her and sure enough she is 3 months pregnant. I don’t believe in coincidences.

    8. This sounds like what my mother always told me. She was a strict Catholic, and said she dreamt that the “Virgin Mary” was holding each of her children who were eventually born. She said she never apoeared for those babies who miscarried.

    9. Congratulations Alexa and Matt on your beautiful baby Boy I know y’all will be the best parents in the world.

    10. Dear Matt and Alexa. Congrats! ❤️ In my family both sides also run psychic powers. Mother’s side dreams, Father’s side trad healing from Bothnia Finland e.g. Kalevala limb fixing and making blood stand still. My grandma used to see dreams when someone was about to die. When mum expected me she had a dream they were with dad on a meadow in Paradise and a butterfly landed on her hand, turned skin color and started to die, then The Butterfly flew away. She thinks it was me, and I believe her, I’ve had vivid dreams since a toddler and I learned to write age 3 before I could read. I have photographic memory and auditive memory. I’m quite good with intuition and I write stuff that becomes reality. Sometimes it is scary. But all I know is: I’m a robot, God’s Robot.

    11. I am so very happy for you and Alexa. May your love for each other always be strong and your new son thrive in that love.

    12. Congratulations to you both. A son is a huge blessing. I enjoyed my son almost 26 years but he’s in heaven now and I havethink of him every day. I think he watches over me and his loved ones.
      He had sent me signs from time to time, just to let me know he’s still with me…love for a son knows NO Boundries….I hope you have many years with your baby boy… thank you for all you do for families and the messages you share from the departed…
      Keep on sharing your beautiful gift, and God Bless you all !!)

    13. Ask your guardian angel and your spirit guide to help you remember your dreams! Ask to be woken up so you can remember & recall all your dreams. Thank your angels.

    14. Congratulations, so wonderful to hear. Just remember to talk, sing, touch him, read him books when he is in his mom waiting to see you. Lots of love and Aloha to your Ohana. Many blessings as well.

    15. Keep a journal, and a pen at your fingertips, bedside. Upon awakening record your dream in your journal. Do not allow anything (non-emergent) to distract you from writing.
      Once you have completed documenting your dream enjoy morning coffee.

    16. What a wonderful experience! I’ve had many “visit” dreams from departed loved ones. My husbands mother came to me in my dreams. She was a younger, healthy version, one I’d never known, but somehow I knew it was her. My husband validated the way she looked in my dream.
      The best dream was from my departed son. He just set with me on the edge of my bed, so healthy and handsome, emitting love and light. It brought peace to this mother’s heart!

    17. My family is sooooo excited for ya’ll’s family. This is the most wonderful time in life. It will pass very quickly so enjoy and immerse yourselves in every moment as they are fleeting. As they say, “sit down, hold on, shut up! Here we go!!”

    18. To remember my dreams, for a while I repeated to myself “I want to remember my dreams /I will remember my dreams” each night in bed. And After a while it worked !

    19. Thank you Matt for sharing your beautiful story.. You both have a precious little miracle coming your way very soon.. I look at it as a gift from heaven for you both. I have my whole life many miracles and had 2 near death experiences. One of going to the light and other into darkness.. I am very intuitive and empathetic I feel and sense energies ect.. I have such a strong bond off my angels always right by my side from birth on.. The energy of love is imbeded in my soul forever.. Love and blessings Jenny.. ❤❤❤❤

    20. When I was pregnant with my son, we did not know the sex. I had a dream of my mom, who has passed away the previous year. She was holding the hand of a little boy with bleach blond hair. I told my husband that my mom showed me our son in a dream. I had a boy and he gad bleach blond hair.

    21. I also had a dream but it felt real with my first child I woke up and seen seen a boy and girl holding each other beside me in my bed then I went back to sleep. And sure enough I had a boy and girl.

    22. That’s awesome. I had 4 babies, had dreams with all of them. In each dream I found out the sex of them. A few years ago I had a couple dreams, thinking my oldest daughter was pregnant. Come to find out both of them were. Also had a dream when my oldest son was going to be a dad. I’m not sure why but my youngest son I never had dreams for them and they now have 2 kids. My oldest daughter is pregnant now again after having 2 miscarriages. The other night I had a dream of identical twin boys. Lol. Guess I have to wait till November to find out

  2. I have 5 kids and my youngest has told me a few times since he was 3 years old (he’s now 5) “Before I was born I saw you and Dad in the kitchen” when I asked him what he means he simply said “I looked down and saw you guys” ❤️ So of course I tell him he chose us and I’m so happy to be his Mom!

  3. My first pregnancy i dreamed I was inside my body waving the sperm in the right direction. It was crazy but felt so real. That same week I had a dream I was a big oh pregnant whale in the ocean. Two weeks later we found out I was pregnant with my son Colt. He passed just this past sept at 26. After his funeral I had a dream that I lost him and couldn’t find him I then seen a white peacock and it seemed so odd for it to be on a football field. I turned and there sat my Colt looking healthy and he gave me a reassuring smile. I woke up thrilled I knew without a doubt it was him.♥️♥️♥️♥️

  4. Dreams are funny, I met my husband & two eldest children on the Great wall of China in a dream , quite a while before I did met him . Then when I did, he thought his bio father was Chinese & Hawaiian.(He is adopted) Turned out it was Korean & Hawaiian..

  5. I don’t know what to comment on or about. I’m so new to this here, my sister is a, something she reads cards and can feel people out, I went with her to RI this one time more or less to keep her company because she n a lady down there became friends and they’d read each other, well long story short, the lady that owns the building asked me to leave, she said I was making it difficult I was coming through n not my sister who was sitting right with her she said laughing go up the street get a coffee don’t sit at my door, later she said I came through so strong even after I left she had a hard time reading my sister & offered to help me bring out my gift and abilities , what’s your opinion can you feel me ? In a physic way or what everI have had really strange feelings that something’s going to happen but can’t figure out what Could those premonitions be worth indulging into? Do I really want to know , I don’t know, maybe my sisters rubbing off on me when we’re together ? The coffee I had was on a lovely cobblestone pathway to the nice set coffee shop too, Injust felt like you said where was I , maybe I’ll ask my sister cuz I have no idea where she brought me 🙂

    1. Breathe. Look inside yourself. Be still, so you can hear your own inner voice.
      Seek guidance when you are ready, open. You will know when, and if you want instruction.

  6. Another comment ?
    My son, I wait for him he’s not deceased but I don’t think he’s far from it. My mother and father concern me and my family that’s a lot of family. I had an accident with my car fairly new car and was devestated after this accident, not hurt was alone but did more damage then I’d ever even think I could do I’m afraid to drive again I did drive today and I’m not sure if I should do it again, Really all my fault 110 % my fault See I have no answers, it’s still me , again

    1. Hi I’m so happy for those who have been blessed with children I would love to have a baby.but it’s not in my future.buti have there’s visions when I’m wide awake I see loved ones and friends who have not yet passed away but when I see them they are in full body form but their faces have a gray cover over it and then not long after I get the News they have passed away and I get really sick and have to be in bed for a few days .I don’t know why this is happening but I’ve been able to see this since I was a young girl if Matt or someone else who knows anything about this that can help me understand this please let me know thank you

    2. I’m very sorry for what you’re going through.
      Decades ago I had intense reservations about driving, following an accident. Fortunately I overcame them, and was good to go.
      If I felt extreme trepidation about driving that persisted beyond an attempt to drive I simply wouldn’t commute in my car. I might seek professional guidance, and wait until I was good, and ready – and comfortable – to take the wheel.

  7. Best news ever! Congratulations to you both! God bless and looking forward to this little blessing to arrive! Nancy

    1. You can reach me on my mrssager page it’s pennybell but my email is in my maiden name it’s penny Beckett 482 @ gmail.cim if anyone who can help me please do so thank you and God bless you and your little angel

  8. Matt, After going through Breast Cancer at the age of 34, and having a three year old son, I kept praying for another child. I wanted to have a daughter. The dreams began. For months I dreamt of a little girl running through the fields, wearing a pink dress with a white collar. The dream reminded me of the commercial for Ivory Snow. Every night for weeks, I had this reoccurring dream.
    Suddenly the dream stopped, two weeks later I found out I was pregnant. Our daughter is almost 27 years old. Congratulations on your little boy. I am 100% confident that your wife has already met your son. Blessings always.

  9. Matt, After going through Breast Cancer at the age of 34, and having a three year old son, I kept praying for another child. I wanted to have a daughter. The dreams began. For months I dreamt of a little girl running through the fields, wearing a pink dress with a white collar. The dream reminded me of the commercial for Ivory Snow. Every night for weeks, I had this reoccurring dream.
    Suddenly the dream stopped, two weeks later I found out I was pregnant. Our daughter is almost 27 years old. Congratulations on your little boy. I am 100% confident that your wife has already met your son. Blessings always.

  10. Beautiful. Thank you for sharing and Congratulations to you both. It is a wonderful gift. I was never blessed with children, just furry kitty ones.

  11. Hi Matt, I’ve gone to see you several times and your gift is amazing. The last time I went it was to bring a neighbor who lost a son. The feeling that I had to bring her was so strong that I bought tickets without even asking her if she would go! I barely knew the woman! When I got there I sat next to a woman who asked to look at the book that I had just bought from your staff. That lead to a discussion about a book that I wrote years ago and never published and this woman told me all about self publishing. It was such a bizarre meeting. I wonder if the need to go there was actually meant for me and not my neighbor. She was not chosen but was fine with that.

  12. Beautiful experience and story. I hope you have a journal of all your experiences . You will enjoy reading it 20 years and on . Take lots of pictures

  13. How cool! Congratulations to you both! I also had a dream while pregnant. In my dream, A woman that was healer told me I would have a boy and what his name would be. I woke up shocked. The dream was so vivid. I told my husband the dream and we both loved the name and the only one we had agreed on so needless to say that’s our son’s name.

  14. So excited for you and Alexis. Couldn’t happen to a more wonderful couple. God bless and enjoy the experience of welcoming your baby boy. Love and hugs to you both.

  15. Babies are a blessing! Congratulations to you both!! Wishing you all the best!!

  16. Babies are a blessing! Congratulations to you both!! Wishing you all the best!!

  17. On my way to see your show in Philadelphia in March, and as I was turning the corner outside the River Casino, I was thinking about you and prior virtual sessions we had attended, and then heard loud and clear, “They will have a boy.” I turned and told my daughter. She told me the next morning that you had announced that you were expecting.

    My daughter and I were the last 2 in line for the book signing that Saturday night, and I forgot to mention it to Alexa as we started talking about your ‘cats’ with her while we waited. Truly tickled my premonition came true. I have a very strong feeling your son will have your personality, and the next child, a girl, will be identical to her mother. Blessings to you both.

  18. A SPECIAL congratulations to the both of you. You are a very special person and your wife is your soul mate. May God continue to bless you both and just know your child will also be blessed. He has waited a long time for special parents like you. Be happy

  19. Hi Matt! This happened to me as well, before I knew I was pregnant. I had a dream of a little girl, about 4 years old, sitting criss-cross while floating up in the corner of my room. She was giggling. It was super vivid. I gave birth to her and low and behold, she grew into the same little girl I saw. So weird but so cool!

  20. Thank you for sharing. I’ve dreamt of my boys before they were born. I actually had one of those vivid dreams last week . It followed an entire pregnancy of a baby boy with super light skin and dark black hair. One of my boys has brown and the other blond hair and fairer skin. I think it’s my grandpa who passed showing me I may have another child in my future. I’m always receiving signs from him so it seems the most fitting. I love these stories. It’s wonderful to get a glimpse of the future this way.

  21. That was such a great story, I’m thankful you shared that. I had a very vivid dream when I was i think about 9 years old, age is foggy now. Anyway I dreamt a new girl would be in our class, how she looked and that her father was a pastor. She said in the dream they are traveling that id soon meet her. It was so vivid it shook me to my core. Over the years I’ve known birthdates or month a person is born on or if something awful is about to happen. If I stand near a person I can sense if they are upset and what not without seeing their face sometimes. As an adult a dream I recall is my deceased dad talking to me iand family around. I’ use to have more dreams of him. I try better now to make more sense of my dreams. Im still lost on how to focus my thoughts and vibrations I get.idk what to do but so glad there are people like you

  22. Wow
    Congratulations I have 5 on my own
    2 boys
    3 girls
    I’m very happy for you two cause I know the feeling n the blessing of that kind of love , is a blessing from GOD for life
    God bless you 3 n for the ones to come

  23. Matt, I loved that you shared Alexa’s dream and I am so happy for both of you and your little son. I wanted to be a mom so bad. It took me 4 years to get pregnant. I was 30 years old when I had my son Christopher. I then wanted a girl. I had my daughter Vanessa 18 months later. I went to see a lot of mediums and Psychics because I needed to know if I would ever have my baby. I found out from a psychic that I had a problem, I was going to see a Dr. and he would fix it and I would become pregnant. That is exactly what happened. I already had an appointment with a specialist and they told me that I had scar tissue from a double hernia pulling down on my tubes and they were going to clean that up and within a month I was pregnant with my son. I can’t wait to see pictures of your beautiful little boy. 🙂 Love you guys. Denise Schmidlen

    1. Congrats Matt and Alexa , may this little Angel brings you both a lot of good wishes and more happiness.

  24. Congradulations Matt and Alexis. I”m so happy for the both of you. Thanks for sharing your beautiful story. I think it amazing how she had a dream of your child and it’s a beautiful baby boy. What a delight. Can”t wait to see him after he is born. God Bless you all.

    I hope I can finally get a reading with you. I am desperate to speak to my mother or father soon.
    I am Greek, too.

  26. That’s so exciting for Matt and Alexa.
    Not all psychic dreams are of good news. Sometimes they are to prepare you for bad new. I had a vivid dream for 6 months before I was hit head on. Unfortunately the passenger with me passed. 6 yrs later she came to me on her birthday to let me know she was in heaven and that she’d been given permission to come see me. Heaven awaits, heaven is real.

  27. Love this story of Alexis’s dream.. And you hoth were very much blessed with a new son .. I am very happy for you both …

  28. I met my oldest son in a dream. He looked just like he did when he was born. For whatever I did not dream about my youngest son. Can’t wait to see your bundle of joy!

  29. Thankyou Matt for sharing such an amazing story and Congratulations to both of you ♥️

    1. Congrats on your baby boy, they are such a Blessing. I’m hoping you will come to Georgia soon. Perhaps Augusta???. Maybe by then I will have tge money to get a reading at your show. God Bless you both!

      1. What an awesome story! I am so happy for you both. You are such an amazing person to watch use your gift! I enjoy every video I see. Thank you for sharing your gift with the world. I will be seeing you online in June! Can’t wait!!

    2. Congratulation! Your life is already a Blessing but with this new little bundle coming it’s Twice as blessed.
      Children bring so much joy to a family.
      God Bless you all, you do such great work n help so many people bring peace to their families just hearing your kind words from Their departed family members..
      I lost my 38 year old Son 6 years ago, the pain is almost unbearable at times.
      Enjoy your family Matt…God bless..♥️

  30. Matt, I tried for 11 years to get pregnant after 2 miscarriages. I once had a dream that I saw this beautiful little girl who looked like a porcelain doll. She had big brown eyes, light skin, and dark hair, I think she was wearing a white dress. She just sat there looking so precious. Not too long after she became a reality when I found out I was pregnant, and she looks just like she did in my dream. Her daddy’s big eyes, and light skin…everything like in my dream. Blessings to you, your wife and your little bun in the oven. ✨ ✨

  31. Congratulations that’s wonderful news you deserve it all the happiness and blessings in the world To your both

    1. Congratulations to you both!!!! That’s wonderful news!

      Will he be named Matt Jr? I bet he’s going to be a very handsome kiddo!!!!

      Happy baby shopping!!!

  32. A few weeks after i found out I was pregnant .I saw My little girl in My dreams.I immediately called my husband and told him It’s a Girl and she looks just like your sister. Now here she is Our beautiful little girl and yes She looks like her aunt.Nothing like me

  33. What a beautiful gift from Heaven. Congratulations to you and Alexa. Your little boy is very lucky to have chosen such wonderful parents to join for this lifetime. How exciting for all!

  34. We had a miscarriage. I could not think of anything but having a baby. One evening I do not know if it was a dream or if it was a vision, but I looked up and in our bedroom doorway I saw a little boy. He looked to be around 2 or 3 and he smiled at me and waved. He had brown eyes and dark auburn hair and he was wearing a ball cap. It was navy. Flash forward two years and our son, Isaac was born. When he was two years old, I got him ready to go outside and as we were heading out the door I put his matching cap on his head. He looked up at me and I caught my breath. It was the little boy in my vision. It was him. I’m crying just remembering. Isaac will be 23 years old this year. He is our promise fulfilled.

  35. This sounds like what my mother always told me. She was a strict Catholic, and said she dreamt that the “Virgin Mary” was holding each of her children who were eventually born. She said she never appeared for those babies who miscarried.

  36. What a life and so much adversity. This is why Easter is my favorite holiday. Jesus Christ broke the bonds of death and was resurrected, giving us all hope to be resurrected and live again too! What a beautiful gift your son gave you❤️❤️❤️

  37. Thankyou so much for sharing i have 23 great grandchildren and saw them all before the mums were either not pregnant yet or a couple of weeks pregnant so put a stat on fb go have a preggy test sure enough another grandchild on the way. I have a special bond with all of them as they must know i have already met them. I have also me a few of my grandchildren and it’s amazing i see there actual faces i love this gift that i have been blessed with band have also seen my Spirit guide as i asked him to show himself to me please. He is a Warrior.

  38. How sweet! What an amazing couple you are, I wish you lots of love and happiness. Can’t wait for the little tyke to be born! God Bless!

  39. Congratulations !!!! I’m so happy for you guys, you’ll be ah-mazing parents !!!!

  40. Thank you Matt for sharing such wonderful news and that amazing story. Having a child is such a blessing, congratulations to you both!

  41. I too have had dreams like this and did with my kids before they got here. The Ultrasound tech tried to tell me it was a girl but I already knew it was my son and I was right. My sister is 35 she has tried for years to become pregnant with multiple medical options and none have worked. I pray she will be blessed one day. Matt, if you read this hopefully you can see if a baby will soon be on the way to her:)

  42. Matt,
    I am consistently finding myself in complete awe of your gifts and they way in which those gifts are shared with people. You are an inspiration. I had attempted to attend an online reading but my computer dropped audio right as session started. You were trying to talk to me but I couldn’t respond. I was so disappointed. I hope to attend another session as soon as I can afford it. God bless you and your family!

  43. That is a very uplifting story. I would love to talk to you. I am going through my second round of ivf. I would love any sign that it might work this time. Its so expensive and so hard physically and emotionally. I pray I have a dream and it comes true for me too

  44. That is a very uplifting story. I would love to talk to you. I am going through my second round of ivf. I would love any sign that it might work this time. Its so expensive and so hard physically and emotionally. I pray I have a dream and it comes true for me too congratulations by the way!

  45. Good for you. What a special experience. Congratulations to you both. A great story to tell ur son.

  46. I had a dream where my 4 yr old son who died tragically in a vehicle accident came and visited me. He appeared in a bright light which I could barely look at and descended down the steps and hugged me. He assured me he was fine and reached up to his head and said see my heads just fine, I’m with my heavenly father now. He let me come tell you to stop grieving, I will not be able to come visit again, please mom get better.
    I know it was a visit and I did feel better. I also dreamed I would have another child, a girl in fact. I was shocked because I was done having kids, but 3 years later I was married and guess what! lol

  47. Congratulations!!! I’m so happy and excited for you both and your family. What a wonderful & beautiful blessing. Thank you for sharing your story. I hope it helps all the women out there who are waiting for their little miracle. Praying blessings over your lives.

  48. Congratulations to you Matt and Alexa. Being a great grandma, babies are definitely a blessing! So happy for you!

  49. My daughter met her first born son in a dream. He was tall and blonde and playing LaCrosse and all the girls were talking to him. Today he is a blonde 13 yr old LaCrosse player and soccer as well and is very connected to his Mom.

  50. Matt & Alexa, thank you for sharing your story.
    I have a question. At what point during a pregnancy does the soul enter the fetus? I ask because when my son was 2, he told me he did not like being born “into your tummy, it was too dark”. Of course, he has no recollection now, many years later. Thank you for sharing your gifts.

    1. Awe congratulations from Scotland….that’s great dreaming about you,r son before he’s born…I too have dreams about baby’s coming into my family….it’s amazing…
      It’s great you actually met him..
      Well done the two of you…..xx

  51. Congratulations! You both will be wonderful parents! I think my 5 year old grandson might be a bit psychic. He tells us things that my deceased husband tells him that he would never know. When his mother told him that she was pregnant and he was going to have a baby brother or sister he told her”no mommy, you are having 2 babies”. He was right! She had twin girls in January. He also is biracial and he told her one baby will be white like you and one will have darker skin like me. Well he was exactly right! One looks caucasian like his mom and one is light brown just like him! I am coming to see you live in Columbus Ohio and bringing my 2 adult daughters. We can’t wait to see you live!

  52. Dear Matt & Alexa,

    What a joy for Alexa to be able to see her son before she even knew she was pregnant. Such a thrill for both of you. You are both blessed and very soon your beautiful bundle of joy will arrive, and you must both be overjoyed. I am so happy for your both & I believe your marriage is blessed. Thanks for sharing your amazing news, and please keep us posted! Take care & God Bless.

  53. Congratulations to you both thank you for sharing your lovely news with us. Blessings Matt and Alexa
    Lots of love xx June.

  54. Thank you for such a beautiful story. There are no mistakes in the spiritual world. I’m so glad Alexa had the first introduction with your son.
    Congratulations on your blessings.

  55. Hi Matt and Alexa I’m so happy for you can’t wait to see the baby’s room when it’s done I look for you two everyday on Facebook doing your coffee run I can’t wait to do a private reading with you Matt love you

  56. Congrats, I had dreams about 2 of my 3 sons, knowing they’d be boys! Trust me, take a white noise machine to the hospital when you have the baby, (for your hospital room)! ♥️♥️♥️

  57. Such a time of joy for you two! Congratulations and wishing your wife an easy delivery. All the very best.

  58. This is true…it happened to me many years ago!…I had a dream that I was going to have a baby. It was so clear, I remember I was at home holding a baby, and couple of days later I got the results.

    Unfortunately, this baby didn’t make it…but I have always wanted to know if it was a boy or a girl so I named the baby, so he or she can have a name in heaven!!!!!!!
    I would LOVE to have a reading with Matt so I can communicate with my baby and ask for forgiveness!

  59. So happy & excited for you guys!! I had a dream when I was newly pregnant…I was pushing my young son on a swing. When my husband said he wanted to find out the gender of the baby, I told him it was going to be a boy, and it was! I absolutely knew without a doubt that the dream was not just a dream.

  60. Before i got pregnant with may 2nd baby i kept dreaming about a baby 3 times…and that time may grandma was sick.And I am 4months pregnant when my grandma died.
    I dont know if it is coincidence or it was a sign that someone you loved will be gone

  61. congratulations matt and Alex on having a beautiful baby boy I wish you and Alexa blessings always you both will be wonderful loving parents and Royce is going to be a very lucky little boy

  62. My dad had a psichic dream when I was in my mom’s tummy. At that time, doctors couldn’t tell if it was a baby boy or a baby girl before birth. My father woke my mother and said: it’s a girl! I saw it in my dream and she smiled at me!
    My dad passed away about ten days ago and I still remember this dream he used to talk about….

  63. I give you my congratulations on the precious soul that God has placed in your care.

  64. Congratulations to you both,fantastic news.Enjoy every minute of every day,they are so precious and grow up so fast.
    Good Luck Guys!!!

  65. The morning my youngest daughter was born , I saw her as a little girl in blong curls looking like a little Shirly Temple over at my fireplace. I knew exactly what she’d be like and it was totally her. Shes 27 now .

  66. The morning my youngest daughter was born , I saw her as a little girl in blong curls looking like a little Shirly Temple over at my fireplace. I knew exactly what she’d be like and it was totally her. Shes 27 now .


    1. I once had a dream where I was outside raking leaves with my husband, and a little boy of about 8 came into the clearing from the woods, dischelved, pointed at each one of us and said “I choose you as my mother, and you as my father”. I was convinced that I had a mother’s dream of adoption. But it’s been 13yrs and neither the husband or child has materialized. 🙁

      About 3yrs before that, I had a dream in which I was shown 2 pictures. One with a family of a husband, wife, a son and daughter, the children under 10. The next picture was of me, the husband – we both had white hair, the 2 kids were in their 20’s and there were also 2 small twin girls about 6yo. I excitedly asked “I’m going to have twins??!!” And was told “Patience child, patience. Many years still” I realize now the twins were step grandchildren. My hair is also now naturally white..just saying.

  68. May EL SHADDAI bless you both. Felicitation, Monsieur et Madame.
    Congratulations, Mr and Mrs Fraser. I’m so happy for both of you.
    You know what to do better than I, enjoy every moment starting
    right now. Singing & talking to him while he’s inside & he will shower you both
    with unconditioned love. Matt & Alexa, will be fantastic
    parents. GOOD LUCK, GOOD LUCK, I am more excited for both of you.
    Thank you, for sharing.

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