What Are Breakthrough Signs?
When a person dies, the friends and family members they leave behind often look for a sign that they made it to Heaven and that they are okay. It’s not so different from the way you feel when your child or spouse is taking an international flight and you can’t rest easy until you know they’ve landed safely.
Sometimes when people arrive in another country their phone doesn’t work the same way as it does at home. Maybe they need a WIFI connection to talk, and they haven’t quite figured out how to use apps like Viber or What’s App. They might need a new chip for their phone, or to sign up for a special plan. It can take a while to figure things out.
It’s the same thing when a loved one tries to reach out from Heaven! When they first cross over, right after they complete their life review, many souls try to contact their family members on Earth let them know they got there “safely.”
But just like using a smart phone when you travel internationally, it’s not as easy as you might think. At least not at first. Just like you must get used to losing a loved one physically, they also have to learn to get acquainted with their spiritual body and the spirit world in which they live.
Early Signs From Heaven
When souls first reach out and try to communicate, weird things can happen. These are some of the early signs, or what I call “breakthrough signs” that are the first evidence that someone who recently passed is trying to connect with you:
- You wake up at the same time at night – maybe for a few nights in a row – feeling a presence with you.
- You become aware of repeating numbers such as 11:11 or numbers that are connected to that person and their passing.
- Your electricity starts to go haywire. You notice lights flickering, radios and televisions turning on and off randomly, even smoke alarms, clocks, and doorbells going off when no one is there.
- Maybe it’s not that concrete. You may just feel something you cannot explain.
A Goodbye Message That Was Overlooked
Decoding early breakthrough signs can be challenging, and they’re easy to miss entirely. This story might help you understand this phenomenon:
I remember at one of my live events, the moment I walked onto the stage I became aware of the spirit of a young man. He absolutely would not leave me alone! He was jumping up and down and begging me to relay a message to his Mom, who was in the audience. He told me that he had passed away years earlier in a car accident.
He pointed out his mother, and the moment I started to read her son, she looked at me in disbelief. She said, “if you are talking to my son, ask him why he never sent me a sign.”
Immediately her son whispered in my ear, “Tell her that I rang the doorbell on the night I died!”
Well, as soon as I said that the woman turned white as a ghost. She immediately knew what he had meant. The night he died, she had heard the doorbell ring, and when she opened the door, nobody was there. This had happened just moments after she received the horrible news that her son had died in a car accident.
This was a breakthrough sign – an immediate message a boy sent his Mom to let her know he had passed over, and that he was ok.
Don’t Miss the First Breakthrough Attempts
Receiving breakthrough signs can be so healing and comforting that I want to make sure you don’t miss them. Here are three things you can do to help the connection get started:
- Have conversations with your loved one in Heaven. It might be painful at first, but it will open the door and help you be aware of their attempts to communicate with you.
- Create a simple, happy space where you can remember them. Put a photograph of them taken during a fun event and add a meaningful trinket or keepsake. There’s so much sadness when someone passes, and the soul will be drawn to a happy, positive memory.
- Keep a journal of unusual occurrences that you notice. Songs that play on the radio, random numbers, electrical glitches, odd coincidences. Jot them down, and after a few days review them all. You might be surprised at the patterns that emerge.
In the hours and days right after someone dies, important signs are often overlooked – then a few weeks later, people often come to me wondering why their loved one isn’t reaching out to them, when in fact, they have! Give your loved one time and know that the breakthrough signs are just the beginning of an eternal connection. When you recognize the first signs and send love back, you will encourage and invite more signs and messages.
Keep In Touch
If you enjoyed this article, I would like to invite you to join my “Email from Heaven” monthly newsletter by clicking HERE. Each month I will send you my newest blog posts, videos and also a free gift to your inbox. I hope that my emails help you on your spiritual journey and help you stay connected to those you love and miss in Heaven
Hi Matt,
You mentioned that we do in heaven those same things we love to do here on earth but what about a dr. Who loves to heal? There are no sick souls in heaven. Or myself who spent my life helping my mother building and fixing things for her on earth but I’m assuming in heaven repairs and fixing things won’t be necessary?
I read an amazing book after my so. Was killed that’s no longer in print but you can read it online….it was a channeled who ch….long story short..,doctors are often helping doctors on earth with new treatments and things…inspiration from above! Same with artist and musicians! I love the idea of that!
How perfect. I love the notion of that, so glad you shared
A young relative of mine is seeing shadow figures at night that seem to be threatening. I think she may be physic How can I help her deal with this, so she can sleep?
My first true love left me not once ,but twice .. I just want to know he loved me like i loved him .. and he’s ok and resting now as his life was so messed up and busy .. x
My Dad has been gone 3 years now. I tried to get to him before he passed. I missed him by 12 hours. I keep trying to be open to him contacting me. I haven’t ‘felt’ anything from him.
My mom passed 9 months after him. I’ve seen signs from her left and right…
My parents were married 34 years. My Dad was with his 5th wife. My mom was the 1st. He said he let the best 1 get away.. My mom.
I know he committed adultery and I just want to know he made it to heaven. He was very worried about his ‘sins’.
His 5th wife made him miserable. After he died, her and her other Philippinos, created a week long Vigil of praying for him and his sins and his time in purgatory. I was furious. I just need to know he went to Heaven?
I lost my husband 3months ago he was 26years old. Every week that passes seems like its getting harder, he left behind 2 year old and 6month old baby. I wish every day just for him to come home heart is broken, I’m still crying every day. I do talk to him and try look for signs. I just hope he’s still with us.
Wish you would come to Canada.
I saw you in Chicago a few years. My husband came through to my daughter to thank her for all she does for me.
Hi I’m pretty sure that even though souls don’t have physical bodies, if they had any disease or long chronic condition in life, they still require some sort of clearing or healing to fully recover from this in spirit. We retain what we experience in all our lives and develop on that cumulative experience going forward. I saw a vision of a huge beautiful white marble columned building with healers where the recently crossed over received healing.
Hello Matt,
My son passed away alone over 3 years ago from complications of Adult Diabetes. We had been estranged for years due to things that occurred during my marriage to his father & a subsequent 2nd marriage. He was angry at me & blamed me for everything, but I was never angry at him. i loved him dearly & still love him. Nothing was ever resolved between us, and my worst fear is that he still may be angry at me, even in death. I have only seen one sign from him that I feel was legitimate & I was at my daughter’s home while she was away, when on a January day a year ago, a flock of Robins landed in a tree outside the window & after a few minutes many, many birds of all kinds flew to the same tree & stayed for about 20 minutes & finally flew away. Otherwise, even when I went to see you in Hyannis, I have had no sign that he is okay. is there anything you can tell me that would help me feel better about losing .y beautiful son without saying goodbye? Thank you Matt.
Hi Matt, My dad passed away a week ago and I stayed with him until his last breath. After his death we gathered around the body and I spoke to him as if he was still here and I was waiting for a sign from him to know if he was well or a feeling but unfortunately I did not feel anything. The only thing I noticed a few days after his death was a rabbit in my yard for 2 days. Do you think that could be a sign from my dad?
Thank you so much to respond
It is to my understanding that ppl in heaven help us down here on earth.. so u might get a different job assigned to u. Hope this helps
Hello Matt I was married for 50 yrs. Sometimes I feel like my husband is close by I visit this resting place and took a picture of this stone there was one picture that a place on it the other did not it look like a face with wings. Could it be?
I had a visitation from my husband a few days after he passed. I was wide awake and I saw him as he looked 47 years ago. He leaned in to me as if to kiss me and I felt him pass through me. It was very comforting to see that he was no longer suffering .
You could become a guardian angel over someone on earth who does similar work and guide them.
My husband passed away Jan 30 2022 when I am home I hear a beep at 1:30 My daughter said it was my husband. Just now as I am writing this my phone rang. It said unknown caller. When he first passed my phone fell off the table. There were other things happening. Could all this be my husband? We were married for 61 years
I spent 4 fantastic months with a man that didn’t really know what love was. I think I changed his mind though. I cried every day for 2 months after he passed. To make this short, I was sitting in traffic telling him how much I missed him, I looked up in the clouds in front of me and the clouds had written I LOVE yo… I was too in shock that I didn’t take a picture of it. But it did help my grieving ! Now I always look to the sky.
I would like to have a private chat with you, please?
I am from the Philippines. . .
I know how busy you are but i just don’t know how to make an appointment with you.
I already sent you a message many months back but still fully booked up until this time.
Hello I look forward to this. I lost my husband of 50 yrs on Jan 26,2022 and I believe I have felt him in different ways.
Hi Matt I need to know that I never failed my son .He’s been gone 2 years and I have never had a sign but other people have.I don’t know if he’s mad a me or just doesn’t want to communicate with me
For what is is worth Amanda, those in spirits do not hold animosity or resentment when they get to the other side. Try to forgive yourself, because it’s 100% likely that he has forgiven you.. we all make mistakes here on earth but than doesn’t define us. I’m sure he’s with you.
I believe My son has come to me a couple of times. Turning on lights and a TV. Maybe he’ll come through at my online reading In January.
I lost my dear Monia My wife of 15 years three months ago tomorrow suddenly. She had a massive GI bleed that she never recovered from in hospital fighting for her life for four days.
I miss her so much and we were spiritually very, very close. I talk to her night and day and have been looking for any signs. The only strange thing was the day after she died I found a black moccasin snake coiled up next to the front door angrily hissing at me with his mouth wide open. These snakes are highly venomous so I hoped that wasn’t a sign. I feel very close to her but would love a clear signal she is safe and happy and to let her know I miss her so and love her.
When my sister passed last year, I was heading out my door and saw a large, gold colored moth on the outside of my door. I never saw one like it before. And it wouldn’t move! That was Cathy letting me know she’ll never really leave me!
Hello Matt I was married for 50 yrs. Sometimes I feel like my husband is close by I visit this resting place and took a picture of this stone there was one picture that a place on it the other did not it look like a face with wings. Could it be?
So very beautiful, cause I DO believe that what you sent is true across the Universe. Thank you!
Hallo my name is ronel vermeulen 59 from Cape town western cape south Africa.plc my son took his life 18mei 2018 plc why he do it can you please ask him and Tell him I’m loving him so much
My sister was 61 when she passed. I was in my fifties and we were very close. I had some medical issues when she passed and had lost my voice. I had to bring someone home to Georgia from Florida and unfortunately the night before had spent most of the night in the ER. I was exhausted so as we drove I slept and we stopped at rest stop when we were almost there. I know I look like hell. And most of the men that I encountered in that rest stop where I eyeing me. Some were older and some were younger. I couldn’t figure out what was going on until it finally dawned on me I am sure my sister was playing a joke on me by having these men look at me like that. I’m a large size girl so men are not typically drawn to me so easily. Now when I’m down something like that will normally happen to me and I just laugh because I know it’s her up to her old tricks. I miss her
Hello Ronel,
I am a psychic- medium in training as I was reading these comments, yours struck me, your son is ” probably ” feeling guilty about and maybe ashamed to communicate with you, so I would say to you, pray for his greatest and highest good, healing for his Soul and emotions. Tell him You and God only have LOVE for Him.
Keep sending your son thoughts of LOVE and God’s Light, You don’t have to wait for anyone else to talk to your son for you, YOU can do this YOURSELF, and as you pray and send yours and God’s LOVE to your son. LET GO AND LET GOD WORK OUT THE REST: BE ANXIOUS FOR NOTHING.
I just saw Matt for the 1st time, now I am following him. I was very close to my paternal grandma and I pray to her nightly. Twice in my life since she has passed, I have felt she was with me during those difficult experiences I’ve had. Would love a reading with Matt when he is available. I live in south Louisiana and my name is Claire
Matt, I had to put my pup to sleep after 15 years. My beautiful Pomeranian Popo became blind & then I found out he had matastisized cancer of the abdomen & lungs. I could of took him home & treated it as a hospice case but I just couldn’t watch him suffer. Is he mad at me for not bringing him home, was he ready to go & can a pet show you a sign as well?
I want to meet you in person you seem like such a sweet good hearted soul and refreshing to watch I can only imagine all the emotions in a room of your live shows<3 anyways, I honestly didn't think I would see another medium that is actually genuine after Sylvia Brown..she was the first one to make me actually feel in my bones that there could possibly be an afterlife…then there was you on my you tube suggestions and something told me to watch that video and I did! Never will regret that choice. Theres been a number of times that I'll be having one of those days where I'm really in my head about alot, and a notification of a new video of yours was posted and my whole day is flipped! So thank you for all those times!!
I’m sure I had a sign from my Mom after we came home from her funeral. There was a big peace plant in her bedroom that my cousin had sent in her memory. When we came home we were in her bedroom and one of the big leaves on the plant started to bounce up and down. No bugs or anything like that on the plant, no windows open, nothing at all to cause it but the leaf was bouncing up and down. I thought at the time for sure that was her. I also talk to her and ask advice sometimes when I am decided what to do. Now I can’t say that I hear her voice or anything like that but it’s a feeling I get inside and I know she is helping me figure things out. I always have an answer and I am sure it is her helping me. I so enjoy all of your emails. Please keep them coming. They help to answer a lot of questions that I have.
I have had signs and I do believe my husband had contacted me. I smell different smells, I see lights flash, I always see 111, and many other triple numbers. I do wake up at 3 for some reason and I did see a shadow once.
Matt I’m having severe back pain so I don’t leave my house and I’m not able to see you in person. I wish he sends a message to you for me.
God bless
Matt this story is amazing
I am grateful for you
In my case it was a very strange noise coming from the refrigerator, and also light switching off suddenly and switching back on the moment I tried to check the lamp or the very second I said something to my dad because I thought it was him who switched the light off, thinking nobody was in the bathroom.
Hi Matt I was talking about my Loved one that has passed and then in my twin brother house the lights flashed on off I no it could of being him as we were talking about him and how much we missed him
Yes I lost my brother, and his girlfriend was pregnant. So I have this precious baby that is named after him. That I’m now guardian of. It’s so hard not having him here. But I am so grateful for this baby. I hope I am doing everything right
I lost my husband September 23, 2022 after 19 years of marriage. He is my eternity. I have been following you for about a year. I believe my husband is in a better place and happy. The grief is real and deep.
There have been occasions that I have felt my husband’s spirit to calm and comfort me.
Thank you for what you do.
My son went to hospital and didn’t come home when I got to the hospital I was told my son was a crime scene from that day on I have not been at peace I know that my son is not at peace a grieving mum.
If he has passed on, he is in good hands! He’s fine. He’s being taken care of.
After my brother died, I was jarred awake at about 2:30 in the morning to one of the songs he used to play (he was always in a band and extremely talented). It was so loud I went from sleeping directly to standing and trying to figure out what was going on. I had to go and turn the music off. I just felt it was him. I moved houses a little bit later and in my new house the same thing happened at the same time and the same song. I have his ashes and I carry them with me; they were the first thing I moved into the current place I live. I was so angry with him because he took his own life and he just devastated our mother. I miss him so much and he was so talented. I would give anything to hear him play again.
Hi Kimberly. I’ve had 4 suicides in my family, one being my aunt who I was very close with and her namesake. Years after she passed and all of my remaining family members except one passed as well, I became so angry with her that I had to put away all of her photos. I couldn’t seem to shake the anger I had towards her. I didn’t want to feel that way. There are circumstances that are out of our control that can happen at any moment like an injury that takes away abilities for one example and thankfully not very often more than one thing can happen that completely changes one’s life which is exactly what happened to her. It took a couple of those same circumstances happening to me and doing some research on the subject of suicide and seriously taking myself out of the picture so to speak and seriously putting myself in her shoes until I could get to a point of thinking I could understand the “why” behind it. She only wanted relief from the pain. She didn’t truly want to leave just yet. I really hope this will bring you some peace and forgiveness.
Please help me..need a sign, 7 months today at 5:35 my husband passed. I am hurting so bad. So lost and alone, he was my love, my best friend, and partner…
I have lost my mom and Dad in the 1991 Then in 2013 my sister also tow other sisters 2016 2017 Then my Brother in 2022
I lost my grandmother 10 years ago two days before my birthday. She was in hospice or supposed to be anyway however, her brain was not shutting down when her body was and I remember calling the hospital and speaking with her over the phone and she told me she was OK and then I told her I was gonna come visit her, but then she had slowly passed away, maybe a day or two later. However, relative to telling me that there was no phone access to her when she was in hospice even though she was alert and OK but I know that I called there and I spoke with her but I’m being told that I did not .
Hi Matt, I am so totally crushed and heartbroken at the loss of my mother. We were so close here on earth and she told everyone how wonderful I was, but in the end, I let her down and I find it very hard to live with myself. I really need to hear from her and know that she still loves me and forgives me. She was the most important person in the world to me and I feel so depressed and guilty. I attend online readings in the hopes you will call on me and have a message from her, but you never do. Please help me find happiness again.
Dear Matt,
I watch your Utube channel all the time and you have no idea how you’ve helped me. I want so much to connect with someone who was the love of life. I never imagined my life without him. I miss him so much.
Matt, My breakthrough signs came in the form of License plates immediately after my partner – husband died. My sweetheart of 33 plus years sent his name on a license plate, at a traffic stop, from his birth state. Shortly after, our only child saw his name on a plate in a different state. I have taken picture’s of all of those I’ve seen. I must have 30. The day his ashes arrived here, I was alone shaken up In my car. I pulled into Dunkin’ Donuts drive thru to get a decaf and calm down. The car in front of me? It’s plate said “ALWZLVU”, from his home state. I pulled to the window and the woman had paid for my coffee. Examples I have seen this first year and a half after his passing:
‘JSTHVFN’, ‘H FAMILY’ (2 days before our family flew in). LUV SOX (he loved the Red Sox) Lu Jo (our kids name an his, tag is his birth month) And…My name on a Lic. plate from the state we live in now. I was at an important DR. Appt.,alone. I pulled in , in disbelief, I knew without a shadow of a doubt that he was there with me. I find all of this mind-blowing and I hope it never ends. Thank you Matt for letting me tell you the story of the License plates. Love, Joey’s Girl. Love you Matt!!
As for my daughter & I we went through covid….along with her father, my life partner… He passed to covid…. we are still recovering after such a lengthy time& our world is so different without him…. I wonder about if he has messages for me
Matt, when I was attending and meeting you at the Reno, Nevada show , I had tense aches in my shoulders. Do physical sensations like this manifest as a result of attempted spiritual contact? I wish I had asked you if you could see my past family as you and I met . May have been a connection?
Hi Matt. I moved into this old house in western Massachusetts. I left my Nest cameras on one night and picked up orbs flying around my home. They are active most of the night and sometimes during the day. I’m trying quite hard but without success in determining if these are spirits are connected to the house and land or whether they are my family and pets that have passed. It’s so unsettling living here and not knowing. Do you have any suggestions on how to determine who the spirits are?
Hi Matt, why is it that when I dream of my love ones that past away, they won’t talk to me or answer me when I try to communicate with them. They just look at me and hold me but not talk.
Lights flickering , lights turning on when power button is off/ iphone songs when i was in shower – 5 random songs when i had just hit regular play all songs alphabetical order etc – 5 songs randomly played – and what i mean is 5 songs each maybe a few lines -maybe a minute-only then onto the next it was incredible i knew it was my boy i even said Jordan are you messin with my music , of course you are -hi my sweet baby i miss you please come back –
one song did actually play all the way to end
I know its true Matt
I lost my wife to cancer going on 4 years December 29 2018. A few weeks later I had a dream that we were both at a bus stop, she gave me a kiss and hug, got on the bus by herself and waved goodbye to me as the bus was leaving. I knew then that she was going to her next journey which was heaven. I miss her so dearly
I lost my husband on July 22, 2022. He had a hard life growing up and continued as an adult with bad choices continuously being made and eventually becoming an alcoholic that took his life. I miss him very much. I happened to turn on Utube trying to settle my soul and there was Matt discussing the afterlife. I listened to all the shows that were posted. How wonderful it made me feel and gave me peace, so thank you Matt. My daughter bought your latest book for me and read it in a matter of a couple of days. Amazing! Thank you for all you do! By the way, I did have a dream about my husband…I could feel his face again and talked to him in my dream. It felt so realistic. That just happened recently. I’m thinking that was his way of letting me know he’s ok.
Thank you Matt. I lost my sister and best friend a month ago today. I keep talking to her but not sure if I can look past the grief to see signs. I think I saw her waving to me the night she died in a dream. I do talk to her and just wait for a sign.
Hello Matt,
My son passed away alone over 3 years ago from complications of Adult Diabetes. We had been estranged for years due to things that occurred during my marriage to his father & a subsequent 2nd marriage. He was angry at me & blamed me for everything, but I was never angry at him. i loved him dearly & still love him. Nothing was ever resolved between us, and my worst fear is that he still may be angry at me, even in death. I have only seen one sign from him that I feel was legitimate & I was at my daughter’s home while she was away, when on a January day a year ago, a flock of Robins landed in a tree outside the window & after a few minutes many, many birds of all kinds flew to the same tree & stayed for about 20 minutes & finally flew away. Otherwise, even when I went to see you in Hyannis, I have had no sign that he is okay. is there anything you can tell me that would help me feel better about losing .y beautiful son without saying goodbye? Thank you Matt.
I lost my husband 11 December 2014 2 days after hi birthday and miss him so much can not get over Max don’t know what to do as I have a walking problem and live on my own with not much help, have had a lovely dream some time ago but want to know what he thinks I should do…
Hiya Matt , I’m Anita from Ireland , I love all your videos and sence of humour i hope you can maybe give me a msg from a loved one i lost last year ,My Heart is broken , some stuff that happend my loved one by other people is making me so angry but i take comfort in hoping my loved one feels safe now in Heaven , Lots of Love Anita
I worry that my Dad who passed years ago is watching my life and is disappointed in me. Do the dead disapprove of us?
That’s a really nice story. Breakthrough signs are real. Thanks Matt. Happy X Mas
I know your group online sessions are recorded. Are they available to view somewhere ? Thank you for the comfort and hope you bring to those who have lost loved ones.
I have had times where my iPad or phone will just start typing on its own, never actual words, just repeating a number or letter. My brother was a computer expert, and was working in IT. I just know it had to be him,
My son died yesterday I can’t stop thinking about him and I don’t know the cause of his death. I miss him so much he is only 46 years old I need to see him or speak with him. Please tell me how
Hugs Karen, I am so sorry!
Our son passed 12-11-19 in car accident, he was 26.
When my mother died she came to me after 3 months. She sat on my chair and stared at me and I looked up and she smiled and then just disappeared. Was she telling me she was doing well ? She died on my birthday and I was her caretaker.
My son, Keith, sent me a sign the following morning after he passed. I continue to get them. I keep telling people who say they do not get signs, that they are not paying attention. I was sitting at the dining room table praying and asking for a sign he is okay. I remember saying a feather, anything. My dog decided to want in the house at that same time and he was carrying a bird. I, of course scolded the dog and got rid of the Bird. The next morning, still asking for a sign. Again, the dog wanted in and again he was carrying a bird. THEN it hit me, my son was sending as many feathers as he could! My dog has never carried a bird before or after.
I spent 4 fantastic months with a man that didn’t really know what love was. I think I changed his mind though. I cried every day for 2 months after he passed. To make this short, I was sitting in traffic telling him how much I missed him, I looked up in the clouds in front of me and the clouds had written I LOVE yo… I was too in shock that I didn’t take a picture of it. But it did help my grieving ! Now I always look to the sky.
Our son Brian was in a fatal car accident 12-11-19 he was 26. I’ve seen his face in the clouds, is that him or my wishful imagination?
My Dad just passed on Saturday. I was shoveling snow yesterday and stopped to ask him for a sign that he was ok, I said,” Dad, just send me a bird”. About 2 hours later I was standing in my backyard and an owl flew right past my head and landed in a pine tree next to me. The owl then turned and we locked eyes for a few seconds. He then flew away. I asked for this and I received it. This made me smile and I will be forever grateful.
A few years ago I suffered a tragedy and a loss unimaginable. During my time in critical care I still recall a very vivid dream that had a message which I understood, could that be a early sign?
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