Understanding Negative Spirits, Souls & Energy.

Sometimes people ask me if all connections to Spirit are positive. “What about bad people who hurt me while they were alive? Can they hurt me after they’re gone?”

A friend of mine bought a beautiful old mansion in Newport to use for entertaining. Her family didn’t spend much time there, but when they did, they were uncomfortable. My friend asked me to come to the house with her because after she had some odd experiences. She thought the house was haunted. When I got there, I could sense a great sadness associated with that house. I felt emptiness, coldness and stagnant energy. The moment I walked in I felt that I was not welcome.

Even though the house was beautiful, it felt cold, sterile and airy – like a hospital. I told her it was really just an energy imprint, not a haunting. While I was there, I was shown that the original owners of the house had experienced tragedy. Their energy was still in the house. As I told my friend, it wasn’t a haunting. The house needed my friend’s energy.

An Energy Imprint is also referred to as an “energy haunting”. When a tragic, violent or emotional event happens in a house or a certain area, that energy can be left behind leaving an imprint. Even though there may not be any actual “ghosts” there anymore, you may still feel uneasy, sad or scared in the area. This is why so many people feel these sensations when visiting haunted placed like the Lizzy Borden house or the Winchester Mystery House.

I told my friend to infuse the house with her family’s happy, loving presence. The house needed to be recharged with positive energy, with day to day events, meals, sunshine and fresh air. She started going to the house during the day to work. She even took her pets to the house, so they could run and play in its rooms. Over time, her family’s positive energy replaced the old stagnant energy. Some of that old spirit was still in the house, but when the new lifeforce was allowed to come through, it edged that old energy out.

Crossing Over

Since we are all energy, things we interact with keep traces of our energy. That energy can stick around after we’re gone, but it’s not really the same as what people think of as “haunting.” Hauntings are rare and usually indicate a problem with a soul crossing over. Mediums can assist in replacing old energy, like I did with my friend, but transitioning the living over to Heaven is God’s work.

Souls have to be light to cross over. When you die, you let go of old pain, trauma and resentment. On the other side, we have to forgive and be forgiven and let things go. Sometimes, souls are too heavy to cross over, usually because of some darkness in their lives, and they become stuck. That’s what we think of as hauntings.

Those heavy spirits that get stuck here can’t hurt you when your own energy is positive. As my mom said, the only people you have to fear are the living! Still, there are some things you can do to get yourself some extra protection….and these techniques help with those earthly encounters too!

Psychic Protection Rituals
  • Imagine a mirrored wall surrounding you, forming a wall and reflecting negative energy away from you.
  • Get to know your angels and guides, and call upon them to protect you.
  • Burn sage to clear stagnant energy out of any living space that feels uncomfortable to you. It really works!
  • Take a few steps to infuse new spaces with your own energy. For example, I like to personalize hotel rooms by putting a photo of Alexa and our cats on the nightstand. I also play some of my favorite disco tunes!
  • When all else fails open the windows and let in the sunshine and fresh air.

Some people think being a psychic medium might be scary or a morbid way to make a living, I don’t see it that way at all. On the contrary, I feel blessed to be able to spread light and help the living heal by letting them know that their loved ones in Heaven are still with them and wishing them the best!

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