Over the last few weeks Alexa and I have taken a few days here and there to travel. It has been amazing to have a change of scenery and be around people again. It made me realize that before covid, I took a lot for granted.
I feel like the past year and a half has given me a new perspective, and a lot of other people have been telling me the same thing. But as a medium, I must say – this isn’t the first time I’ve heard from people who suddenly realize what’s truly important. The difference is, before covid, I was hearing that message from souls who had passed over.
Looking Back (Over Life and Covid) With 2020 Hindsight
One thing that differentiates souls in Heaven from the living is that they can look back over their lives with total clarity. They view things in a whole new light and understand what mattered and what didn’t. They see opportunities missed, and things they would have done differently.
But here’s the good news! You don’t have to be dead to shift your perspective and change your life for the better.
I believe the silver lining of the pandemic is that it’s taught us to appreciate life more and made us realize that we don’t always have control of what happens.
Before covid, I could never have imagined celebrating Thanksgiving or Christmas without my whole extended family. But that’s exactly what happened! Now when we all get together, I’m much more aware of how precious these gatherings are to me.
What I’ve Learned…
It might sound crazy, but some of the lessons I’ve learned from the events of the last few months are the same things the dead have been saying for years. You might not realize it, but when souls come through from Heaven, they’re not just here to shoot the breeze. They have a purpose – to make the lives of the people they left behind better. They want to heal them, close out any unfinished business, and help steer them toward living their very best life. You can learn a lot from the universal messages they share, and there’s never been a better time to take these lessons to heart. For example:
- Spend more time with the people you love. Memories the dead treasure most involve spending time with friends and family. The activities they show me are usually simple – Sunday dinners, family game nights, holiday traditions. What makes them special is the love and laughter that was shared.
- You can’t take it with you. Souls might come through showing me their sense of style or that they liked nice cars – but they mostly do that to be recognized by the person receiving the reading. The material things we all enjoy in life aren’t important when you pass. What does matter is the happy times associated with that home, car, or other possession. So, if you have a beautiful home or car, be sure to enjoy it with the people you love – because those are the memories you’ll treasure.
- Life is unpredictable so make the most of every day. Don’t put off your dreams or worry too much about what other people will think. I was working as an EMT, when I realized my true path. You can imagine, my career change to medium raised a few eyebrows! But I followed my heart and have found fulfillment and happiness.
- Don’t wait. You can’t always wrap up your life in a neat package before you pass, so don’t wait to mend broken relationships, or tell someone you love them. I can’t tell you how hard some spirits work to come through to me, just so they can say “I’m sorry” or “I love you” to someone they left behind.
A Fresh Start.
I had a lot of time to think during covid, and I know what I’m going to do going forward – travel more, hug the people I care about, enjoy every day, and appreciate my health. Life is precious! We hit the pause button, and it gave everyone time to think. Now that the world is slowly opening, You have a chance for a fresh start.
So, here’s my challenge for you. Think about what you’ve learned over the past year and take another look at the messages the dead have for all of us. Then go ahead and take the first step toward your best life!
I hope you will continue your online Readings even if they are only say one a month asso many of your fans live outside the USA..
It is such a wonderful opportunity for us to hear from our loved ones.You have a Remarkable Gift x
Hi Matt , my name is Gary from England UK, I do have gift I have seen my mum and dad, and other spirit people, I would love to go deeper with this, but I don’t know what to do can you help me matt ???.
I spent 2020 caring for my dear husband who was diagnosed with stage 4 cancer. Running between home, hospital emergency and cancer center everything became a blurr. Finally I spent my birthday, taking him to see his mother in BC fir the last time. In March we were told he had 2 weeks to live, and I cared for him at home. His children and grandchildren came and spent his last days caring for him and making that time count. He passed peacefully March 25th 2021 and now it’s my turn to suffer….. He guides me, flips over pictures, talks to my psychic friend and her daughter to send me messages.
You could look for a spiritualist church
Helle Matt lovely to be intouch with you . Have you any messae from my twin brother that i caref for for 14 yrs i miss him so much i never got to say my goodbye because of the medication he was on love B
Good morning Matt
Thank-you so much for your beautiful email I do have the gift to connect with spirit I am learning I would love to access one of your courses
Hi Matt, my name is Kirsty. I lost my soulmate 21 July 2021 due to covid. We both married late in life after previous divorces. We had almost 3 yrs together. Far too short, so many plans. I know he didn’t want to leave me but he did. So many questions. This man really carried me in his hands and loved me dearly. I just want to contact him and hear he’s ok and why he left me so soon. The pain is unbearable
Matt!!! Buddie they are all over on the other side!! They all left me here. In a friggin weird situation lol
Hi Matt,thanks for everything you do! You are an amazing person!
Matt, i heard about you from a friend. My Mum passed in Janruary of this year. I would love to hear from her.
Kind Regards
What you told me was good advise but what if the sons, grandsons and great grandson doesn’t want anything to do with you. What then! All have things to do that doesn’t envolve my husband or I. I guess we are to old. My sons don’t want anything with my husband and I it breaks our heart since we been there went they needed us. I feel this generation don’t care about us.
I had 2 sons and 3 grandsons and 1 great grandsons which we don’t see. I love my boys but sometimes I wish i would’ve had daughters instead. I hate saying this but that’s how I feel. Maybe went we die they’ll miss us. But by then we will be gone. This year has been very depressing. Seems like everything is going wrong. I always asked my self many times what i want to be when i grow up.(still wondering) i dedicated my whole life for my kids and foster children for what for me. Hoping to hear from you Matt. Maybe you can tell what i am doing wrong? Thank you Matt
Hi Yvonne,
I’m a follower of Matt too and while I’m not a psychic or medium sometimes all you can give and do is all you CAN give and do.
You sound like a very loving supportive Mum and Grandma and of they don’t appreciate that… well then…it’s on them isn’t it? It’s not you.
If you’ve reached out and they still reject you and your husband, let go knowing you did the best you could.
Families are complicated. Families are even more complicated when you marry into one. I don’t have an ideal situation either but I know I did the best I could, we are not here to allow others to bring our spirit down, don’t let anyone take that away from you, they aren’t worth your time regardless of who it is. Trust that spirit will place you with the right people in life those that lift your spirit.
If you want things to change and have done all you can but are powerless like in my instance because some people are “sweepers” or refuse to acknowledge what’s right or wrong then dont choose to be stuck in it, choose to live your best life while you can and while you are here. Sometimes things happen when you least expect it.
I don’t know if this helps but best of luck to you and your loved ones. X
Hi! I’m glad that u wrote,what am i Doing wrong, because for example my mom usually is looking who is quilty other than her. She is very judgemental and negative. I don’t want to hear advice Everytime.I am already 40 years old. She think she is always right She doesn’t even listen to me if I’m trying to explain something why I disagree.My mom always helps me financially.I am grateful but she thinks that I’m not if I disagree with her. I won’t have it that way,so that’s why I’m not with her that much. I have two sons and they say the same with her grandmother. How can I help her realize what life is about?Do not judge, forgive,love and live.
Hello Matt. What a wonderful soul you have. Connecting people with Loved ones is a true gift and you definitely don’t waste the gift. I know my Nan is around me and over the last week I have seen so many feathers. One of which was whilst watching tv. Butterflies in the most unusual places. I did have sign in details for your readings 1st August….misplaced the e mail or deleted by accident. I know the readings today will be awesome. Take care and keep your soul intact. Much love Gail x
Thank you Kat it just hurts alot because i feel lonely as well. Your right we should live our life and go on. But that is so hard to do especially because the people you love don’t love you. I hope someday they realize that before it’s too late. Thanks again best wishes to may God bless you and yours
In the past I’ve dreamt people in accidents then hours later we get notice someone has been in a tragic accident and passed. I have had a few and also feelings that something is going to happen and it does . I was so scared that I prayed and told god I was not able to handle those types of dreams and have not dreamt anymore. I do believe we all have a purpose in life and if we don’t accomplish it an leave this earth before that the spirits do try to communicate. I believe my mom has that same ability to see and speak to spirits but was scared and dose not know how to ask what they want or interpret the signs. I watch your show and your amazing on how you express what the spirits are trying to communicate with their loved ones. May you continue to help many families get closure.
Dear Yvonne it sounds like you miss your children very much and that is very sad. The goal as parents are to raise our children to be independent so that they can build their own lives and live it. Stop beating yourself up. You must have done a great job. It’s time for you and your husband to relax and find things that the two of you enjoy together. You have done your job. It doesn’t mean that your boys don’t love you. It means that they feel that they can live without you now. Life has a way of going on and unfortunately children get busy and forget to call and visit parents. That isn’t your fault. They are independent beings thanks to you. Wonderful! I do often wish I had of called and visited my mom more but I thought she would live forever. I bet your boys think that same way. Don’t wish death on yourself. Celebrate the life you gave your boys and do something for yourselves. Enjoy the rest of what life has for you. You have given and lived enough of your life for them. Go out and live for you!
Hi matt so very true so I have had to let go of so very much the last few years my heart has been broken and I look forward to seeing you in August and perhaps getting answers from loved ones whom have passed
My soulmate passed on just before Christmas 19,i have no relatives at all but two sons one has two sons the other two daughters.not only do i not see them they cannot even be bothered to call.I devoted my whole life to them and they are just too busy for me now
Thanks Matt I really appreciate it I been down a lot lately my husband lung cancer is back it got a lot bigger he has chemo for another two years I prayers everyday and night he will be okhe been fighting chemo and radiation therapy for two and 1/2 years now thank a again
how beautiful and so eloquently put……
Hey Matt, I left a heartfelt comment earlier this afternoon which when I saw it posted it said it was being reviewed. Somehow it didn’t seem to make it here after all. Do some of the comments here not all make it? I might try again but maybe I can understand what happened.
Hi Matt I love watching you give readings you have a talent and I think your amazing. Also love your personality. Keep doing what your doing as your the best at it. I lost my mum a few years back and you have made me see I will see her again and for that I can’t thank you enough take care of yourself and your beautiful wife Lexie.
Matt, I love your words. I would like to know if you can give a reading. I try the one where you pick people from audience but unfortunately i didn’t get picked. I miss my mom dearly and wish she were still here. I would love to hear from her. At times a get things in my dreams. One night i dreamt that my grandson, his girlfriend was having a baby. I told his dad he was going to be a grandfather and he didn’t believe me. But called me a few days later to tell me i was right my own grandson didn’t know it either and ask me who told me who told me. I told him it came in my dream. Which this happens to me often. I also get feelings from my love ones that something is wrong and sure enough I’m right all the time. Sometimes i see things from the corner of my eyes. What does it mean went you dream of water. What does this all mean. Sometimes i look up at the clouds hope to see my mom but no luck. Hope to hear from you soon.
I agree.
Beautiful and tboughtful words of wisdom.
I totally agree, Matt.
Covid has been difficult and many lives, tragically, were lost.
However, it also has shown many of us how much we take for granted, whether it be our family, our friends, our lifestyle, etc. I could go on and on.
Thank you so much for all you do to help all of us here and those who have departed.
I know you have made a difference in many people’s lives.
I always enjoy watching your videos, love your positivity, your candor and your big heart.
God bless you, Alexa and all your family.
Hi Matt, love from India eagerly waiting to get a reading from you as this covid has taken my strength my father away from me.
Please help me to reach him as I didn’t get a chance to say goodbye as he was is in isolation.
I like to thanked you Matt for all the Good deeds and information,you deliver from our departed soul.
I have Family who have Passed and would like to have a reading with you one day,I was in New York,3years ago and it was a short holiday only one week .But I Pray and look forward to come and see you to have a Reading from you,.
I want to wish you Good health and to keep doing the good job.And I’m following you from the Seychelles.
Stay safe .
Jacqueline Steinmayr
Matt, I would love to see you in person, your ability and energy is remarkable. I so wish I could afford that. I have attended a couple of your online events and really appreciate how affordable they are. Sharing your gift is so important to so many of us. Thank you.
Oh my sweet matt.i understand now.lost acouple of family members back to back just this past week.love all my family.and yes I’ve changed alot this year after covid and made a lot of changes as well.i will continue to look for messages from my loved ones.sending light and love …may the holy blessed mother and light of the holy spirit surround you and your family
Matt Ive wanted a meeting with u for a long time I need to talk to my mom so bad
Hello Matt! I’m from India…i don’t know what is there after death but seeing your work my heart wants to believe in afterlife….i really need a reading from you Matt
I learned about you from my hairdresser while I was getting my hair done a few months ago and started following you that very day. Every day I watch your videos and readings and cry. I AM NOT an emotional person. I don’t cry or express my feelings. But every time I see you work I tear up. Not only because of the messages and closure you are bringing to people, but because you are just a beautiful soul inside and out and even though I don’t know you, I can FEEL your loving energy. I’m 51 and have been living with chronic back and leg pain for 4 years now. Until this, I had a normal and active life. But since having this pain I’ve been depressed and closed off. When I watch your videos it opens my heart and I just wanted to say “thank you” for being you and helping me with my journey to recovery. I have tickets for your September 7th online group reading. I cannot wait to see you work, even if I don’t get picked for a reading. Please don’t ever change. You help so many people every day. Much love and many blessings to you and your family:)
Good Evening Matt.
I came across you by chance and in very happy I did. Looking at things more and curious.
You do amazing work. Giving people peace and yes even sometimes closure.
Thank you for bring you and helping people heal with your kind generous nature.
Keep up the good work.
Linda x
Thank you, seriously.
I would like to know why I lost my grandson at the age of 9 with brain cancer it’s been nearly 6 years and I still have my days crying when I think of him his name is Tobias
I would love it if I could hear my mom. I miss her so much. I really wish I had the gift.
Hi Marilyn, My nephew had brain cancer, its a rare one that develops in young adolescent males starting puberty. most of the brain tumors go undetected until they are in their late 20-30’s. There are no signs of this growing, no headaches, no eye issues, just no signs until its too late. my nephew was very lucky, his was a bleeder, my sister never gave up, doctor after doctor, treatments to shoot tint crystals into the veins hoping to stop the bleeding, packing the nose and the blood came out the mouth. She finally found and EMT told her what was going on, but he couldn’t help her for the tumor was too big and he didn’t think there was a doctor in the state of Louisiana that would operate on him. Again she never gave up, she did find a doctor at childrens hospital took the chance. he had to be checked every 3 month, it did come back again, but the doctor removed it. He was checked every 3 months until he was 27, he now 37 a fireman. the reason she never gave up was out brother complained of leg/ hip pain for years , our mother told him to take and aspirin its growing pains. Its wasn’t it was Bone cancer Ewing cancer, if she would have looked at his leg or taken an interest in her sons pain he may have been alive today, but he passed dec 24, 1976 at 13, he never got to take my kids to the park, never had a girlfriend never go to fall in fall in love etc, NEVER GIVE UP WHEN YOUr child is sick, ONE JUST MAY FIND A MIRACLE DOCTOR -LISTEN TO YOUR CHILDREN’S PAINS. i WOULD LIKE TO SEND MY LOVE TO MY HUSBAND WHOS IN HEAVEN, i MISS HIM AND MY BROTHER SO MUCH, i HOPE THEY ARE OK AND WITH GOD AND JESUS, WISH THEY WOULD VISIT ME. I LOVE THEM SO MUCH, i CRY EVERY,THERES A HOLE IN MY HEART AND SOUL. HOPE THIS HELPS YOU.
I would like to say hello to my mothers and father let them know I love them and miss them every day
Its really hard to move on and take those steps. I have not ever been lucky enough to get the closure i need, i do want to be happy but without actually trying to get that closure or that special message from them its so hard.
In a strange way, COVID has been a blessing. We have changed our bad habits to better ones, I’ve started painting again…. Something I haven’t done in years…. And I’ve been downsizing my wardrobe… i’ve put that off long enough. Although it was abrupt, COVID has had its benefits too.
MATT. I’m 70 yrs old and lost my Grandson. In a bad car wreck last year in august.. I was wondering what he was thinking when it took his life. And Now if he has any message for me. I cry almost every day. I miss and love him so much. Tell him that. I know my days are coming closer to the end. My health isn’t that good. Please let me know if he has a message for me. Love. Marilyn
Matt you amazed me with what you done and also make life a little bit easier.I lost my son a year ago and life is so hard and I’m struggling each day I don’t know where to turn Thankyou
Matt, I think what you do for all of us is beautiful..you truly have a Devine way of
sharing your experiences in such a genuine way..Thank you Matt, and I hope you
will be able to slip in a “Live” reading every now and then between your tours ! I feel
a close connection with you during the lives ..I didn’t know anything about” Matt
Fraser “before COVID-19 …. meeting you on Facebook during this terrible
time in the world has truly been a blessing !
Hi Matt,
I love life, I love my family, and I know I am dying- I have not been diagnosed with anything like cancer, but I feel it, whether it is age or the steady decline I have felt, I don’t know, but I know it is a constant battle. I thank you for your gift, it gives me hope. I have done alot of horrible things to people, things i am deeply ashamed of. I hope that when it is my time, that the people I have wronged in this life will forgive me
WOW!!! TRULY hope they can Forgive you Lisa
Thank you for kind words. I’d like to do things with my husband but he is not well at times and he to is always doing things of his own. And i know my kids don’t need me anymore and they have there lives to live. But a call or a visit would be nice. When my mom was alive i always made sure i called everyday. She in another state and i lived in another. Even when i lived in the same state i made sure i would invite every where i went with my young children. I never wanted to see stay at home alone. She worked hard to raise 3 girls and that wasn’t easy. I have only 2 sons and they don’t ask me out.i really don’t know anything else to do because most my life I’ve dedicated myself to them and foster children. I always loved children. And i given my life to them. But unfortunately they don’t have time for us. Maybe when they do realize it, it may be to late. Things are so different from when i grew up. Thanks again.
I am so glad that for some reason or another you were put in my path to understand how to communicate with my beautiful son in heaven. Watching your videos has helped my to deal with his passing. I can’t wait to video with you on September 16 so my heart and soul will have comfort. Till then god bless you.
I’m glad you help people I always wanted a reading but fear the unknown actually fear everything cause I was told when a person does readings they open another world and sometimes bad slips through maybe it’s not true I just don’t know but I like your readings for others God Bless you and your Family
Hi Matt you are such inspiration for ever. You and Alexa are just so humble, down to earth, and so caring. Thank so much for being there for everyone!!!
I absolutely love you and what u do for everyone! My brother passed unexpectedly in April and i couldnt be more excited to see if he comes thru !! Love u so so much
Hi Matt to me there is nobody like you. The ordinary people seem to be important to you I personally have never heard of a Celebrity Medium reading for just Joe Soap. You use the gift God gave you to comfort all walks of life and do it for $19. Who does that? I would love to get a reading from you because I believe you. I live in Ireland and I don’t have an I phone so it’s not going to happen. Just know that you have fans all over Ireland and I’m your number one. Rosie
I lost my mum 4 months ago too cancer and found out within 3 weeks of her having it too her passing happened all so quick I really want too know if she has passed over yet and if she is ok I miss her so much but I feel so numb still I really want too feel her around me when will this happen
I lost both my parent’s in the last year and have an online group reading with you next week, hoping so much for a message from them as need guidance. Watching you give people reading’s give’s us hope and comfort that we will meet up with our loved one’s again.
Catherine Coyle I have thought and felt the same!
I love watching and listening to Matt Fraser. Energetic positive enthusiastic uplifting encouraging hopeful caring compassionate and humble.
hi matt just to let you know how everything you said is so true and we all needed to stop and reflect on life in general. i thank you for all you meet and give them the gift of healing that truly is amazing. i wish you and your family all the best in all your adventures you can do now. happy travels from a big fan of yours.
Hey Matt. I hope the time is coming that I can join one of your sessions. I just have not had the funds for it but I might see a flicker at the end of the tunnel. I have always wanted a reading but have never had the funds NOR have I ever seen anyone do what you do that I trust. I have seen the spirit of my daddy before my mama passed away in 2006. He used to hang out here often but once mama went to be with him and the rest of her family, I do not see or hear from him much. Then I lost my son unexpectedly in February of 2019 and I have a hole in me that will never be whole again. I pray that when I do get to join in that one day I’ll be called on by you to have a reading.
You are the best and I feel like you are genuine. Thank you for all you do for people. I hope to chat with you soon.
Matt I need to know my daughter is all right and forgives me
Not to be cynical because i know that makes wrinkles, but honestly, Covid and 2020 just plain suck and i feel like it will be a while, if ever, that a silver lining can be found. …appreciate your messages and all you do. I wonder what mediumship will be like when you start getting messages from all those who passed this year. Enjoy your road trips, I hope they are fantastic.
I’d love to know why my mother died when I was 18 and my dad the next year. I had to leave college and have no family except my husband. I’ve felt my dad but never have even had a dream about my mom. Love your work.
Hi Matt I lost my girl friend 6 yrs ago, I miss her very much. I’m always thinking about her. Can you tell me how she is doing in heaven, also I lost my brother 10 year ago, in a car accident. I like to know if he is doing ok in heaven.
Hi Matt I wish I could just do that but I’m not to close to anyone in my family .. I feel like the only person that understood me is no longer living and it’s hard to this day to not cry and it’s been 18 years I wish I could believe that we live on after death but I just don’t believe that .. when we die that’s it we’re gone do don’t exist anymore only in memory I wish I got signs from him to let me know his here but I don’t .. and I need to except their in the ground now ..
Wow I loved what you posted to me & being cooped up in my house because of Covid & now wear we live we can live again & do stuff we want to do without mask wearing . Even playing Bingo we had to play it on ZOOM & it was nice seeing people but wasn’t the same . Now I’m looking forward to play Bingo out side of my house& i can visit & talk to people that I missed . It was scary but my thought was , why be scared & live life to the fullest & you can’t just live in fear & we have to keep moving . I loved having family come over now for barbecues or just to visit how we take life for granted I just cannot believe & now I’ve changed . I now here spirits & at night if my blinds are up I even see spirits & for me that’s scary . I always say I love you more because I’ve never done that because , that’s hard for me to do & now I’m doing that &now I enjoy life again
I lost my husband a little over three years ago and I’m having the hardest time moving forward. I felt his presence once a few weeks ago. I know for a fact that he wouldn’t want me to not go forward we spoke about it before he died.
Our love was deep in my grief is deep. I don’t know if I’ll ever truly be happy again. I have my children and grandchildren and they’re such a blessing and my dogs. They are such great companions to me I don’t know what I would do without them.
So if my husband comes through please let me know I long to hear from him.
Thank you and thank you for everything you do for people you are a blessing.
Because I’m a senior and live on Social Security I have to watch every penny that I have and can’t afford to hop onto your readings.
But thank you for giving readings to the people who can’t afford it. I’m sure it eases their hearts.
I cannot wait for your online group reading on August 12,2021.
Hi Matt, I’m on a two year waiting list for a personal reading . I wanted to see if my father will come through but just a month ago my husband of 33years unexpectedly passed away and I wasn’t in the country. There’s so much I’d like to hear from him. Is there any chance I could have the reading sooner? I’m praying for that!
I’m having a real hard time. Our daughter was married on July 17,2021 it was a rescheduled wedding from last year because of COVID.
Last year my husband was in the hospital with COVID for 102 days and has cold and beat the odds. He also had a stroke in 2009. In July of 2010 he fell and was left with a traumatic brain injury with my moms help I was able to continue work and gave medical insurance.
In December of 2014 my mom & sister went out for a cup of coffee and were involved in a horrific car accident.
30 days later my mom passed away leaving 54 grandchildren that’s including great grandchildren too.
My daughter and I had to make the decision to put Tim in 24 hour care. Tim aspirated at our daughters wedding reception and they didn’t get to have a first dance, cut their cake. I find myself being angry and sad. I try and stay positive but I don’t know what I did . I feel like God is angry at me
I’m having a real hard time. Our daughter was married on July 17,2021 it was a rescheduled wedding from last year because of COVID.
Last year my husband was in the hospital with COVID for 102 days and has cold and beat the odds. He also had a stroke in 2009. In July of 2010 he fell and was left with a traumatic brain injury with my moms help I was able to continue work and gave medical insurance.
In December of 2014 my mom & sister went out for a cup of coffee and were involved in a horrific car accident.
30 days later my mom passed away leaving 54 grandchildren that’s including great grandchildren too.
My daughter and I had to make the decision to put Tim in 24 hour care. Tim aspirated at our daughters wedding reception and they didn’t get to have a first dance, cut their cake. I find myself being angry and sad. I try and stay positive but I don’t know what I did . I feel like God is angry at me
Thank you so much Matt for your wonderful work and fabulous gift. You are truly blessed I was a sceptic until just before Covid hit and have to say my eyes have been opened. You have given so much hope and much needed closure for so many grieving people. Thanks again. Much love Harry’s Mum
Thank you Matt. Much appreciated!
Hello from South Africa Matt.. We in level 3 lockdown again.. I’ve miss being with my friend’s or just having a girls night out I don’t know what it feels like anymore to be free in a sense..Covid is still very rife here so we not taking any chances but ooo how I miss doing normal things.. You so right covid has taught me to respect and appreciated life because its so short..Hopefully by the end of this year we’ll be back to normal whatever that means..lol..I must say I so enjoy your video’s and the peace you bring..You a vibrant and beautiful soul and I hope you’ll keep on communicating through FB because it makes me feel good and we all need you ..Thankyou for bringing light and peace through your readings and video’s.. May you always be a blessing in my life ..Thankyou Matt..
continue from last comment. My husband unexpectedly when to the other side on October 6,2020. I never said good bye. The paramedic was working on him. It felt it was a minute Next thing I knew the paramedic called the policeman, then the police office
came back in the kitchen to tell me he was sorry for my lost. I was in shock, I never said good , to my love of my life, my one & only love & my soulmate.
I believe in everything you say. Life is too short to hold grudges or dislike someone. I tell my family I love them every chance I get.
I am utterly freaked out.. I got a message from this lady named Angela, she went on to say ” there’s a dark cloud over you, that’s why things never works out in your favor. A awefull spell was put against you.”Imagine my heart dropping”. Am I doomed? Were are my people? I’m kinda freaked out. “Help”
It does not sound authentic to me. There are people who pretend to be mediums as a scam. After freaking you out, they then offer to remove the bad spell … for money of course.
Matt you are amazing and blessed! Thank You So Much for all that you do!!!!
Thank you Matt that was really supportive you r a true Medium l have read your books at l follow you you make me feel a lot better love and lite
Thankyou matt for your kind message it meant a lot to me I miss my dad so much he was only 50 when he died his name was Ramon Barlow I loved him so much god bless you and your family
See you September 12th 2021
12 noon…..
thank you i no what i have to do get my grandma book out there when she was in a battle of good and evil and i need leave this life im living and close the door and move on thank you for your massage it really helped me to make my choice that i was battling for so long keep doing what your doing you change people life for the better thank you so much matt
Thank you for your blessing of your gift to inspire each of us to be our best self in life amazing gift to reach others spirit !
Tonight I am taking part in a group reading. I am so nervous and excited. I want to hear from my Daddy who has passed a couple of years ago. I miss him so much!!! I need some advice about my family…. We have fallen apart!!! I feel like I can’t do anything to please them…. I moved in with my Mom to help take care of things (the yard and anything needing done) and help with finances. It was nice… the. I started feeling taken advantage of my family members. I miss his words of wisdom so very bad.
Hi Matt!
Such an inspirational message and so true! Thank you for sharing your messages and helping so many people find closure and feel better, it’s truly a blessing!
God bless!
Thank you for your E mail ,and enjoyed what you had to say ,my hubby passed in October 2020 ,he was induced into a coma ,here at home ,he could not longer stand the pain ,of cancer ,was very traumatic I was alone with him after the Doc and nurse did this he only had a couple more months .I know he is free ,I know hes here ,also saw a blue orb above the door,I know he wants to me to ,enjoy life ,right now ,so right now I’m just learning about myself ,and my own abilities which road do I take .kind regards Patience .
Dear Sweet Matt
I came across you by accident or rather I believe I was spiritually guided to you. I think you are truly amazing and everything you say is always spot on
My soul mate passed in Jan of this year. So unexpected. First ambulance failed to take him to hospital even though he was struggling to breathe By the time 2nd ambulance came out (thus time 3 ambulances and 2 rapid response teams) it was too late .
Even although we had no longer been together we had lived together for several years and was also the father of my daughter
There was so much I wanted to say to him and was about to -then was told by my daughter he had passed. Coroners verdict was pneumonia which I will always find hard to believe as he’d never seen a doctor in his life. (I’ve had pneumonia so many times in the past yet im still here)
Thank you so much for all you do
My daughter and I were on your online reading last week. You were talking to a lady who had a husband that she had left, not because she didn’t live him, because he had bad behavior. He had a girlfriend but the wife took care of him in the end when he wasn’t well. I cried because my situation had been exactly the same. He wanted to tell her he loved her because he was too stubborn in life to say so. Call me crazy but that was my Mark speaking through her. Thank you.
Thank you fir your email. It was lovely and something I can relate to. I have a close contact to the spiritual world but haven’t really followed up on it. I can feel things around me. I love following you and would love to have a reading from you if you ever get the time. I’m in Scotland so a wee bit far, so would have to do it over Skype or something .
Hello Matt! I know you will be at in Detroit this coming month I would love to get a chance to meet you or be one’s to get a reading! See you soon!
Thankyou Matt…you have enlightened and confirmed to me to the various ways those who have passed, send messages -are in out thoughts-and so many other things…I myself have always believed they are around..my gram was very big on signs and meanings and I am so thankful to hear you say the same things…There are smells-songs-animal signs-senses etc…..I pray for so many to be at peace and pray for my grown children..one of which has a brain injury and strives so hard to be independent…I cry alot.!!. and am tired…
I do have a question…if they are in heaven and we call them and need them…does that interrupt their own peace.?…Do they feel sadness or pain -“emotion”?..sometimes i feel bad thinking that would be the case…Knowing
my family and lost ones..they probably are already at your door!!!!…Bless you both Matt-stay happi and safe…
Hey how are you.To be honest I hadn’t heard of you and I just happened to be scrolling thru facebook and your name popped up and I looked at A few readings and I was fascinated so I will continue to watch out for you and I think I was meant to see you anyways it’ s A blessing the gift you have.God Bless.
My ex son in law died in a drowning accident his son was only 12 he doesn’t believe in God because he thinks his dad was atheist can yo help I feel like his dad is around at times
Matt, My brother and I were all we ever had growing up. I raised him due to our parents having drug issues. I knew all his life that he wouldn’t live past age of 26 although he knew I had a fear he would pass at an early age and from drugs I never told him the age he would pass. He was murdered 16yrs ago a day after he had been revived for the 5th time from a heroin overdose. He died all alone in downtown San Antonio while trying to cop more dope I can only assume and it was not until two days after he passed that my stepdad found out and called me but I already knew because I believe he came when he passed to tell me and he is still with me all the time I feel like and I think he stays with me to take care of me like i did with him all his life. Am I right and does my paternal grandmother do the same? I feel like they’re hear with me quite often and at times it’s almost like they speak to me in a sense not that I hear them actually talking to me but it’s like I can feel what they are wanting me to know. Am I crazy or am I really hearing from them and not just wishful dreaming? Also, one of my most dearest friends passed several years ago and it was after we’d had a falling out and hadn’t talked in a few years and we’d never done that we’d always been in each other’s lives since she was born and I found out she had passed when I felt like i better reach out to her before something happened but I’d had that feeling several times prior and never did. However, this time when I called her phone number that had been her phone number since she was in teens and it didn’t work so I tried finding her phone number online only to instead find her obituary and that she had died in her sleep without warning. I know she probably died due to all the pain pills she took and I tried to find her momma on and off for the next few years but was unable to get in contact with her mom, whom was like a 2nd mom to me and gave me some of the BEST memories with her crazy wonderful loving personality. When I went to try to reach out to her mom again I find that her mom passed away on my birthday the previous year… and this feels so crazy and wild that she died on my birthday. Are they upset with me because of our falling out? Especailly my friend Jaime since part of our fall out was due to my fear of how bad she was abusing the pain pills and I felt it was going to do just what it did to her and I could not watch it happen… and I am her daughter, Ashley’s god mother and she’s named after me but I’ve not reached out to her yet because I feel like I let her down and she might be angry with me or hate me. Do they want me to reach out to her and will she let me be a part of her life if i do? And has my friend, Jaime and her momma Gail forgiven me and know how I wish every single day that I had not let those moments pass without reconciling with her or had been able to have just gotten in my car and hit the road and made the 4 1/2hr trip like I used to do all the time and just shown up without even a call but I’d let me fall apart in my own life and lost me after I lost my brother. Please let me know what i can do or just tell me I’m crazy reaching for straws…..Thank you so much for sharing your gift with us all ..it makes me feel not so different and sad.
I so appreciate what you do! Your gift is a blessing to so many. I too have many of the psychic gifts, but they are very random and I can’t just make them happen. At least not just yet. I am 60 years old and met my soulmate Or at least what I always considered would be a soulmate on June 5. He was killed in an accident on July 4. I have never had a connection like I did with this man and now I have no desire to ever be with anyone again because I want to be with him in the afterlife. Starting to get conflicting messages on how that is supposed to work. I always told people our loved ones want us to move forward and find love again, but now I’m wondering if I ever gave the right information. I don’t want to arrive with a second person by my side. I may be thinking in human ways, but I’m not spirit yet, so I don’t know anything else!
Hey it’s ok if you re-marry you will still go to heaven with your first true love. Don’t stress about it!
Would love to talk to my Mum….
I have waited very a long time to get some kind of sign From my mom so I know she was ok.She died a very violent death and it still affects me everyday
Hi there, I just love how you keep us all involved with you. I appreciate your work and your joy for doing it. This subject was spot on today as usual spirit is always seeing things clearly. I have decided at 61 yrs old to sell my house and move into a Apartment with all the things I like, example a large swimming pool, gym , etc. I am letting go of my responsibility to a a house. I want to enjoy life. Also I will be closer to my grandchildren. I share your gift of hearing the dead. I get the joy of helping people. I am a person that still cannot believe what I hear is correct. I work in manufacturing of blood slides, and qc. So even my choice of work needs to change. I have been stuck for a while. I am becoming in stuck and Happy. Janine
Love reading your readings Matt I have miss talking to my husband we had unfinish talking that i wanted to bring up but he was not well and didn’t want to bring it up but deep down inside i think he understand what had happen to us so that was all ways on my mind still is with thoughts Brenda
Hi Dear Matt, I do follow you on your YouTube and Facebook accounts and I amazed and appreciate you what you do. You are an amazing, intelligent, gifted and special person! I missed your event of last Saturday-July 24th because of my flight during the covid rules. My dad accidently passed away 24 years ago, my 2 siblings passed away by illness, 1 younger brother was police officer and killed on his work duty, my children’s dad-my husband passed away 16 years ago by health problems, and I never met my grandparents because they passed away before I was born! I did not say words ” I love you and good buy” to them before they gone!… Hoping that you will talk about my apologies and I miss, I think and I love them-messages to them!
Thanks to your staff again for the services, your emails and videos!
Hi Dear Matt, I do follow you on your YouTube and Facebook accounts and I amazed and appreciate you what you do. You are an amazing, intelligent, gifted and special person! I missed your event of last Saturday-July 24th because of my flight during the covid rules. My dad accidently passed away 24 years ago, my 2 siblings passed away by illness, 1 younger brother was police officer and killed on his work duty, my children’s dad-my husband passed away 16 years ago by health problems, and I never met my grandparents because they passed away before I was born! I did not say words ” I love you and good buy” to them before they gone!… Hoping that you will talk about my apologies and I miss, I think and I love them-messages to them!
Thanks to your staff again for the services, your emails and videos!
i have booked a spot on your aug 4th online viewing i just hope you read me imm keeping my fingers crossed.
Hi Matt,
My name is Alisha May from Papua New Guinea and I’ve been following you on Facebook. I am so blessed listening and watching what you do and am so hopeful that I too can hear from my loved one. I lost my only daughter, Christmas, 2018. She was 16years old. I have always had a strong bond with her and although it has been 3 years since her passing, I still grieve for her. I miss her so much and just want to know if she is okay and if her passing was peaceful. Hopefully knowing this can help me move on.
Thank you so much for being gifted with this beautiful gift and may God continue to bless you always.
Hiiii matt my mom passed away a month ago and i were not around to say my Goodbye to covid and am so sad and Depress all the time am trying to find closure on her passing thanks.
Jesus Matt! Do you really answer to all those messages? Some people seem to mix your gift with medium who see the future or had a psychologist. You are amazing and generous. We learn a lot from you. Thank you,
I went to mediums who speak to the dead, 2 of them, & they were not cheap; one was $300 & the other one, who had a radio show in LI, NY but unfortunately they gave general info that you can find on the web. I need some clarity as I lost my mom, husband, mother in law all withing 5 months & sudden; then my brother, sister, best friend from high school,my coworker friend , my chiro secretary,my bank clerk all within 4 years of each other ages 42 to 57 & all sudden. Then I heard my first true love died in 2009 , who I still loved. I am unsure if I could get a reading from you, as money is an issue since my husband died without life insurance. But maybe a discounted price. I am disabled , but work part time & life is difficult that I really hope when u die, there will be happiness & no more pain, Stay safe. I hope to hear from you. It is sad the 2 mediums I saw just wanted $$$.
Skeptic, I was for sure and when my mother passed away I took pills to sleep and antidepressants just to.make it through the day. I have been on several online readings and thought for sure you must have had this staged, but the more you see these people and the distance they are globally , you could not have coerced this at all. One thing I have promised.myself is to have you do a reading for me and if that takes years , then so be it. You have an incredible , unbelievable ability and even Nobel prize winners in the past have said there is more to life after death then we know, but you seem to know this so easily. I lost the most precious person in my life and that never leaves my mind. You are an amazing individual and never stop what your doing, but do take time for your family, life is short.
I too a skeptic! Family religious and don’t really believe in mediums! But gotta tell u, Matt is the real thing!! Had fortunate live event in Nashua NH after husband died unexpectedly! Had only been 3 mos, but took dgt and friend! He was way across aisle, said being pulled towards our row with a man that was choking or making coughing signs as such( clearing throat to catch breath)! I said did lose Jeff recently! My dgt in tears, he made same sounds Jeff did, as later know having heart attack and coded! 50 min of CPR but heart blocked! Passed at 54 without warning!! He came to us, spoke and everything he said was very accurate! He could not know the things he revealed and said to my dgt, even if googled my name! Intimate times he could see and tell my dgt things from her dad, about things they did, what he hoped for her!! So unreal but he was 100% right on! So happy he came thru(amazing actually) and gave great peace to my dgt! Brought friend, skeptical, but after seeing and hearing Matt, things she knew of Jeff, couldn’t believe it!! So Matt is a true psychic medium!! Not a false make money wanna be!! He has the true gift to speak to other side!!
Hello Matt, I can’t thank you enough as you have opened up my eyes to not fearing death. All I want to do is speak to my deceased nun and Dad to hear that they are wirh me every step of my journey in life. I miss them terribly. And think of them daily since they passed many years ago. Mum was very hurt and sad on her death bed with us kids. We had argued over many issues that broke her heart to see. I often wonder what she thought that day she died.
I tried so hard to bring the family back together again since her passing. Have succeeded bar one brother. He wants to forgive his siblings for what’s been said and done, but can’t move on. It breaks my heart. Thank you Matt. I look forward to hearing from you should you hear anything fir me.
Thank you once again Matt. You have changed my life with your lessons to share.
I want to learn how to talk and hear back from my parents. Please help me Matt.
Kindest regards, Maree Larson xx
I’m so excited I finally got a meeting with you on Sept 2 can’t wait. I was so upset because I really wanted to take your class but I just couldn’t come up with the money, my husband’s mom passed in a unfortunately bad way that caused really bad feelings in the family his 2 older sisters signed a dnr behind the backs of my husband and his brother and younger sister and then they took both of her insurance policies and left us with the house and bills and she had those so that wouldn’t happen and we were all devastated when we found out what they did because they had agreed to give her 24 hours and sent everyone home and by the time we got home they called to say she passed so she was all alone that was so cold and cruel just for her money , I know I have abilities but I don’t know how to use them but I also have a cat Bella and she always sees things in the house and she follows them some good some bad I had to have the house blessed because there was something bad here but my cat has this electric charge in her when she puts her claws in my chair it’s like a motor turns on in the chair and when she gets down it stops and the same thing happens with my bed. She has been possessed a few times and attacked me so occasionally I have to sage her. But I have so much love for my family I saw the message from the lady talking about her son’s well I have the daughters and one of them is a nurse and they are no better than the boys I also have a boy 3 granddaughters a grandson and 2 great granddaughters and I don’t see any of them anymore and it breaks my heart but they are all too busy with jealousy and greed and even after the pandemic they still haven’t learned anything about loving your family and how important they are and how a family’s love is unconditional,, my mother died a few years ago of lung cancer and she was not on good terms with me I never felt like she loved me I was like the black sheep of the family I didn’t mean much to anyone in the family I always felt like I didn’t belong. I never knew my grandparents on either side and my mom wouldn’t help me out with info about my dad. She was cruel. But I was told by another medium that my grandparents are with me all the time and my sister who was mentally challenged who I loved so very much died I had a very hard time with her passing I miss her terribly she was the sweetest thing and my mom was so mean to her and everyone else picked on her all the time but I had such a hard time when she passed I cried and cried and a woman I had never seen before came up to me in the store and hugged me and said sandy was ok and she said for me to stop crying and be happy for her she’s not in pain anymore and she knows that I love her but it is time to stop crying and be happy. I turned around for a second and turned back and she was gone. I think she was an angel . Now we are being evicted from our house not for rent because it was sold and the new landlord wants us out. We have no where to go there is nothing out there available. So we might be living in the car because I’m not giving up my baby’s either. I have 3 pets , rabbit, guinea pig . I keep getting told by other psychics that I have a higher power I just haven’t found it yet but I’m here for an important spiritual reason for the world. So what do you think,, are you feeling any of that Matt??? Thanks again be safe and healthy God Bless
Hi Matt,
I love listening to your messages to your fans; you make me as happy as you make them! You are an incredibly talented man. I am just another of the billions of people who have lost loved ones (3 since Covid) and we all have questions, wondering if our loved ones are okay on the other side; happy and pain free. Please keep doing what you do and share your special gift. I will be on your call this Sunday and CAN’T WAIT to experience the adventure you are about to take us on.
Hi Matt,
I am so looking forward to your Aug 4th online meeting. I have tried during Covid to keep my chin up and be positive but due to situations beyond my control, I keep taking steps backward. My boyfriend of 18 yrs committed suicide on May 2 of this year . We had spent the evening together and went to breakfast. I left to go home and recd a text 1 1/2 hrs later that he had taken his life. Then it didnt work (by text he sent) so I jammed over and called 911. They took him to hospital. By the time I got there, he had passed. I feel he kind of used me to help with his decision without me knowing. He had many ailments. I have so many questions plus I only was able to hug him after he was deceased. I miss him so much. Looking forward to your meeting. Told him he better push his way thru. Thank you for all that you do.
Matt, I’ll first say I’m amazed by your readings, and for a long time, I’ve wanted to meet you and have a reading. I’ve had several family members that passed on and it was during a time of turmoil within my family. I don’t know if some of these people are aware of the results after their passing. I myself and my spouse are at an age now that mortality could be any day. I want so badly to know if I will ever see them again and that they know how the family is now. Thanks in advance
Hi Matt I’ve had readings but you touched a nerve in me . I have always had a connection but it scared me just for myself and my best friend that has been for 56 years and open me. Just wanted to touch base because I have a husband that has demica and I’m different because I see life different. But I respect what you do to help people and your ♥️
Beautiful words Matt just what I needed to hear at this moment
Thanks Matt your words are inspiring I hope and believe there is an afterlife because lost someone really close to me and I have lost faith in life and I feel like they are all around me and helping me at this low time in my life I have to have hope because life can be heartbreaking
Hi Matt,
I know there is a 2 year waiting list for your Reading session right now. I am from India and I have lost my 12 year old daughter 20 days back. I just want to know that she is happy there. I want to be sure that she did not suffer. I have joined the waiting list with the hope that you can bring some solace to a grieving mother’s heart.
Matt I just want to thank you for all that you do! My mom passed recently and watching your readings has helped me tremendously. I hope one day to get a personal reading from you and hear from my loved ones on the other side.
Words of an Angel..I can always feel the positive vibes of Matt Frazer, In every reading he does.
God bless you
Good Morning Matt,
Keep up the wonderful work. May God Bless You for helping all of us.
COVID means Appreciate for me.
Appreciate your love ones, appreciate living and appreciate others!
Have a wonderful day!
Hey Matt or anyone who wants to reply to this.
I know its kind of petty complaint but I only have dreams of passed away celebrities (most recently Prince) and I never have dreams of my relatives.
It’s hurtful because I have a stressful life or death surgery coming up and other stress going on. Why isn’t anyone showing up for me?
Hi Matt
Thank you for what you are doing for so many. I would love to have a reading and would like to know how to go about booking this.
My life would change if I could here from my late husband
Thank you
I know what you mean I do have a gift but for some reason it tends to come out of my mouth randomly or I get a gut reaction also in my dreams but it can become a bit annoying when you feel like you have lost 25 %of it I find myself feeling like a jinx when you go through so much it’s hard to be positive ect I don’t even think I know who I am now I try to keep smiling I’m not scared of death because i know that we move on to are new chapter there is just sometimes we don’t even get the answers we need if you know what I mean thank you for your kindness etc you have such a great support of spiritual guides surrounding you you are an isperation love and light God bless you
I always feel like I have an ‘angel” watching over me and protecting me, have lost many loved ones, would love to know more about it!
Thank you Matt for your monthly/weekly talks about what you have learned and experienced they have definitely helped me. Spirits give me clues everyday but I don’t know who they are. I get a poke, a shout while sleeping, a picture in my mind, money on the ground, feathers, songs, cardinals in the backyard, etc. I thank them when I realize it. I call on Arch angles to help me in a situation and they always work. I am grateful for knowing this though you. Fran J. from London, Ontario former New Yorker.
Hey Matt love hearing from you cant wait for our video visit aug 26th more or less have more questions and interest in learning or keeping my sensitivity under control vs passed loved ones those i really care for are here at home still but i am hoping my sister comes by and my best friend hoping they can shed some light on things i tell them all the time
Matt I have been to your online reading answer bought your fabulous book. I wouldn’t be writing you but I have a serious time sensitive question and the only person in the entire universe who can answer is my Momma and I do get signs and dreams I have gifts not exactly like yours. But my Momma died in January and some really bad things have happened since too. And if you were to actually find time especially room in your heart for someone to make a very special request I am actually beginning for a reading with you. I tried to get on your waiting list months ago but it was 2 years out and not accepting new ones. I’m desperate or My Mom would tell you I would never write anyone because I hate to bother people. If this were to even reach you I would absolutely do anything in the world to have 2 questions answered before it is too late to do something legally. Forever a Fan of the #realdealmfraser
Hi Matt
I have been obsessed with u since getting to know you thru videos etc. I believe you are a special person with a very special gift.. you make the world a better place just by being in it.
I’ve watched almost every video reading I’ve come across and you really help people to move on.
I’m hoping the same for myself after losing 4 people in a very very short time period
I came across an announcement about ur online readings. As I hurried to see if any dates were left I saw there was one on my moms bday. To me that was a sign this reading was meant to be. I’m looking forward to seeing you and hopefully hearing from anyone I’ve lost especially my mom.
Thank u for all u do and never change who you are. That’s what makes you the most special of all.
Thank u
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