Matt Fraser, wearing a navy shirt, leans against a stone ledge, smiling, with greenery and the ocean in the background.

The thought of being judged is uncomfortable, especially when it’s by someone who has passed over. Unrestricted from the boundaries of the physical world, are these spirits now around us, making judgments about how the choices we make and  we live our lives?

This is a common question I get from people all over the world and I can’t wait to shed some light on this subject. I’ll start by telling you about some common fears people have after losing a loved one. 

I’m often asked questions like: 

  • Is my father or mother upset that we sold the family home after they passed?
  • Do my friends and family members in Heaven know that I haven’t been visiting their gravesite?
  • Do my parents approve of my career choice or financial status? 
  • Does my deceased partner approve of the way I’m raising our kids?
  • Is my father disappointed that I didn’t follow in his footsteps and become a doctor, or a lawyer, or take over the family business? 
  • Is my spouse or significant other jealous, angry, or hurt that I’m starting to date again? 

We want to feel the presence of our deceased loved ones around us. The belief that they are watching over us helps soften the pain of their absence and eases our loneliness and sadness. 

But there’s another side to this situation. If you believe the Souls of the departed are watching over you, does that mean they’re also weighing in on your actions and behaviors? And if they can see and feel everything you’re going through, does that mean they’re judging your thoughts too? Is what you are doing on Earth making your loved one unhappy in Heaven?

Before you have a panic attack just thinking about this, let me ease your mind…

Your Loved Ones in Heaven are NOT Judging You.

Often when someone dies, the people they leave behind not only struggle with grief and loneliness but also put pressure on themselves to honor that person’s memory and get stressed out about not living up to their expectations. 

While we all have to go through the grieving process, there’s NO reason to worry that your dearly departed is looking down and feeling hurt, angry, or disappointed by what you’re doing. If you’re doing things you’re not proud of, you’re probably beating yourself up over them. However, Souls in Heaven are not judging you. 

Here’s why…

There’s No Room for Judgement, Jealousy, and Resentment in Heaven.

When someone passes away, they leave human characteristics behind, including the tendency to judge and criticize others. In Heaven, they exist in a state of pure love and compassion, so negative, self-centered feelings simply do not exist. 

Instead, from their Heavenly vantage point, Souls gain a higher perspective and a deeper comprehension of what it is to be human. They see the bigger picture and understand that everyone is on their own unique journey, doing their best under the circumstances they find themselves in. 

Your loved ones in Heaven only want one thing: your happiness. When they look at you, they see your struggles and cheer for your successes. Rather than judging your actions, they send you encouragement and strength to help you navigate your path. 

It might be hard to get your head around this – especially if those same Souls acted very differently when they were alive. But trust me, no matter how much your Mom loved her home, she doesn’t care if you sold it after she passed. 

In the same way, she isn’t concerned about how big the flower arrangements were at her funeral, but she does appreciate the loving words that were spoken and the way you and your siblings comfort and support one another. 

Even if your spouse was the most jealous person on Earth, now that they’ve passed, they want only your happiness. So they’re okay if you’re dating someone new, as long as that person treats you well. They’re also not second-guessing and nit-picking about how you’re raising the kids, as long as they see that there’s love in the home. 

What Souls Care About 

There are a few things that Souls care a lot about, and will even interfere with, and they tend to bring them up to me during readings. 

They know that life is short and relationships are precious. During their life review, they saw the results of their actions and their impact on others. That’s why they prioritize love, compassion, and empathy above everything. 

Parents in Heaven don’t like to see their children fighting over their estate and love it when they support one another through the hard times.

They understand that refusing to forgive is a heavy burden, and they long to see you let go of grudges and grievances for your own sake. 

They want nothing more than to see you follow your dreams and spend your life pursuing the things you love.

And finally, they want you to experience love. If your soulmate dies, they know that they will see you in Heaven one day, but they don’t want to see you live the remainder of your life alone. That is why they’ll sometimes pull strings to help you find someone to keep you company. 

Until You Meet Again.

If you’ve been worrying about letting a father, mother, partner, or child in Heaven down, let yourself off the hook, and remember that the best way to honor their memory is to spread love and make the most of every day, until the time comes when you’re reunited in Heaven.    

If You Liked This Blog…

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  1. Beautiful! It all makes so much sense. I want to connect with those I love that have passed before me. I sit and feel them and ask questions, but I don’t get any answers. Is that like cheating? Is their space for love and spiritual support, not to physically turn my shoulders and push me towards my divine purpose? Do THEY even know MY divine purpose?

  2. Believe me, I am so happy and peaceful now that I recommend it to everyone, it touched my life with its magic wand, thank you very much for everything.

  3. Dear Mat,
    Thank you for clarifying this topic.
    I wonder if my departed father Daniel has a message for my brother and I? He died at 51 years old and we never got to say goodbye at the hospital 🥺.
    Best regards from Switzerland

  4. I want to know if my sister gave my father something that ended his life. If he can see what’s going on with his daughters. Does my parents know the truth of the past. Do they know all these years of family lies against siblings.

  5. TY so very much Mr. Fraser for sharing your knowledge on this subject that I’ve often pondered about MANY times. It helped tremendously that you explained it in an easy comprehendable context also. You’ve eased my curious mind, TY again!!

    Peace and Blessings. 👏🏻😁

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