Unfinished Business. A Medium’s Insights on Life, Death, and the Afterlife

Matt Fraser, dressed in a purple blazer and white pants, walks through a stone archway with a neutral expression.

Whenever I’m around a new group of people, I never worry about running out of things to talk about – turns out that being a medium is the ultimate conversation starter. Not surprising! 

After all, death is the biggest mystery we face, and when people are around someone who talks to Souls in Heaven regularly (like me!), it stands to reason they’d take the opportunity to ask those burning questions. Often, my answers aren’t what they expect! I love using my mediumship gift to clear up misconceptions and shed new light on these important matters. 

The good news is that you don’t have to run into me to get the answers to those “life and death” questions. Over the next few months, I’ll share some of my favorite FAQs (and the eye-opening answers) not just through blogs like this one, but in videos on YouTube and on social media. If you haven’t checked out my YouTube channel, now would be a great time to head over there and subscribe! 

Let’s start off with a couple of questions about what happens when a Soul dies with “unfinished business.”

Q. Is Your Loved One Resting Easy in Heaven? 

A. It’s hard enough to lose someone you care about, but it’s even worse if you don’t feel confident that their soul is at peace in Heaven. I’ve known people who were consumed by some aspect of a loved one’s death to the point that it ruined their own peace of mind. That’s why I decided to answer some of these questions to put your mind at ease, because based on countless messages I’ve received, Souls usually do find peace and enlightenment in the afterlife.

Q. Does Everyone Make it to Heaven?

A. Yes, most Souls do make it to Heaven, even if they’ve done some bad stuff when they were alive. This is because when a person passes and goes through the life review, they see things with a clarity that they never could have achieved as a living being. When you’re alive, things like ego, defensiveness, and fear can keep you from admitting and making amends for negative behavior. In Heaven, you let those emotions go, and as you look back over your life you have the best chance ever to accept what you’ve done and start to make amends. The only people who don’t make it to Heaven are those who are truly evil. For this small percentage of Souls, even when their worst deeds are revealed to them in their life review, they don’t care. 

Q. Do Souls Who Were Killed Seek Justice?

A. Surprisingly, no. When you die, earthly emotions no longer have a hold on you. This includes the desire for vengeance, and that even applies to murder victims. I’m always grateful to be able to let loved ones know that their dearly departed is not endlessly reliving their untimely death in the afterlife – in Heaven, they’re free from that. They usually don’t even follow the case to punish their murderer. They don’t have the time or desire to. They are with their loved ones and pets who have passed before them, and from their new perspective, they realize that justice comes in different forms, and doesn’t necessarily involve a jail sentence. 

Many times, those in spirit forgive the people who caused their passing. It doesn’t mean they forget about it, they just trust in a higher power and know that one day the person who caused their death will have to answer for their actions and face the ultimate justice.

Q. What if a Soul Passes of Suicide?

A. So many people believe that someone who takes their own life won’t be allowed into Heaven, but I know that’s not true. I’ve spoken to enough Souls to know that regardless of what drove them to their final self-destructive act, they are in Heaven and finally at peace.

When victims of suicide come through, many tell me that they regret cutting their life short, and that in itself can be hard for those left behind to hear. So often, the Soul makes sure I let their loved ones know that there was nothing they could have done, and to stop blaming themselves. I always hope that the recipients of those messages can finally let go of their guilt and allow themselves some peace. 

Here’s something I figured out after hearing messages like this several times. The soul is sharing their experience for a good reason. They want to protect others from making the same mistake! It’s part of their job in the afterlife to let people know that no matter how bad they might feel and how hard things get, there is still hope for better days ahead.

Q. Do the Dead Feel Regret in the Afterlife?

A. Imagine looking back on your life and seeing the people you hurt – not just by what you did, but by what you didn’t do. I can’t tell you how many Souls I’ve connected with who have deep regrets over not expressing love, or refusing to forgive. I’ve had Souls who didn’t speak to a sibling for years come through with so much sadness for the time they lost. Fathers who never knew how to show their children how much they loved them in life, look down and see the lasting, negative effect that this had on their sons and daughters, and have so much remorse. It’s kind of funny how these Souls in particular are so desperate to come through, and will practically leap over other Souls who have gathered at an event to get their message out. 

If you’ve read through this blog, you’ve probably noticed a common theme – that death is not the end. So many people feel that when someone passes, they’re defined by their last act – or what happened to them at the end. But no matter how you lived, and no matter how you died, in Heaven you have no choice but to release all the fear, ego, and resentment, and see the events of your life with clarity and understanding. It’s from there that you can heal, make amends, and help and guide the people you left behind.

If you enjoyed this blog and want to dive deeper into the secrets of the afterlife, you’ll love my latest books! They’re packed with insights on connecting with your loved ones in spirit and understanding the incredible bond between this world and the next.

>> Click Here Now to view my latest books and continue your journey into the spirit world.


  1. Thank you for this insight Matt. I’ve always believed that life is too fantastical for there to be nothing whe we die. What would be the point of life without life after death. I believe you’ve helped such a lot of people, I also believe that you are the real deal. Keep up the good work.

  2. My son passed in January by suicide due to PTSD. Sadly he also took his two children, my grandchildren that I raised with him. Daily I pray that they are all at peace and hugging each other.

  3. That was wonderful to read but everything that Matt has to say or write is beautiful and so very helpful. I have been following Matt for quite a while and he has helped me overcome my fear of death over and over again and every lesson he has to teach us is so important to me because it makes my day better in one way or another.Before I found Matt by scrolling through Facebook I wasn’t sure about God or Heaven and dying scared me.; I mean I was raised catholic and went to church but as time went by I had forgotten about all of that and I stopped going to church because hanging out with my friends meant more to me at the time but on that day almost 2 years ago as I was scrolling through facebook when I found Matt, that was it for me!! I was hooked and I continued to watch right up until this very day. I have so much respect for Matt because he puts us,his fans before anything except for his family of course and he makes sure that he does what he can for us.So now I believe in God and Heaven and that’s because Matt gave me back my faith and for that I thank him from the bottom of my heart.Thank you for reading..Love from Danette in Canada.

  4. Is there anything souls have told you that could help us, who’s age brings us closer to that side, to not fear death?
    Love your teachings.

  5. Hello Matt,
    Congratulations on baby Fraser #2. I was wondering on visiting angels. When I was young, my sisters and myself lived a scary life.
    In one of those days, I was visited by “Mary”, and told me “Everything is going to be okay”.
    I don’t know if it was my imagination or if it was real.

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