Exploring Spirit Touch Points: Connecting with the Other Side

A vintage ornately framed mirror emits light and smoke against a dark background with a soft light source from the upper right corner. The reflection gradually reveals the figure of Matt Fraser, who appears to be emerging from within the luminous, smoky glass.

Growing up, my journey with the spirit world began unexpectedly. As a child, I experienced paranormal occurrences that puzzled me until I realized I had a psychic gift. Sensing people’s emotions, feeling presences, and even seeing apparitions were part of my daily life. It started with whispers, calls of my name when no one was there, and the eerie sensation of never being truly alone, especially at night.

At first, I dismissed these encounters as mere hauntings, but over time, I came to understand them as “spirit touch points” – subtle ways through which spirits attempt to communicate. These touch points can manifest as knocks, a sense of presence, or visual phenomena like orbs or apparitions. Have you ever encountered something you couldn’t explain? That’s the spirit world reaching out, showing us we’re not alone.

Mediumship: Bridging Worlds

The realm of mediumship fascinates me because it bridges our world with the unseen. Spirits often communicate through thought waves, subtle energies that mediums like me learn to perceive and interpret. This energy is what you might feel when holding your hands close together – a tangible, yet invisible force that connects us to the spirit realm.

One primary way spirits communicate with us is through dreams. When we sleep, our minds are quiet, making it easier for spirits to convey messages or visitations. These dream interactions are a form of mediumship, offering glimpses into realms beyond our waking comprehension.

Understanding Vibrations: Ascending to Higher Connections

Spiritual vibrations vary; higher ones connect us with angels, guides, and loved ones who have crossed over, offering profound insights and guidance. Conversely, lower vibrations might involve spirits that haven’t moved on, often associated with haunting or unrest. True mediumship focuses on elevating to higher vibrations where loving messages and wisdom reside.

Opening the Channel: Techniques for Connection

Opening yourself to spirit communication requires clearing mental clutter and tuning into spiritual frequencies. Techniques like meditation, envisioning white light, and automatic writing facilitate this connection. These methods help in quieting the mind, allowing spiritual messages to flow more freely.

Building Relationships with Spirit

Developing a relationship with spirits involves consistent communication and trust-building. Daily conversations, honoring their presence, and seeking signs strengthen this connection. Testing the connection through predictions or noting physical responses during sessions also validates spiritual communication.

Overcoming Challenges in Mediumship

Every journey in mediumship is unique, and comparisons can hinder growth. Challenges such as skepticism or lack of immediate messages are common but shouldn’t deter you. Patience, persistence, and approaching interactions with love are key to overcoming obstacles in mediumship.

Embracing the Journey

Embracing my psychic gift has been transformative, allowing me to bridge the gap between the physical and spiritual realms. Through understanding and practicing mediumship, I’ve learned to navigate and appreciate the profound connections that transcend our everyday reality.

Whether you’re exploring your own psychic abilities or simply curious about the unseen world, remember that spirit touch points are invitations to connect, learn, and grow. The journey of mediumship is as much about discovering oneself as it is about understanding the vastness of spiritual existence around us.

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  1. My husband tragically died.
    I’ve been seeing signs of him in various ways and sense him being present. The other night, I woke up and it felt as though I’d just been kissed. I sat bolt upright and there was nothing around me that I could see. Could this be my husband’s spirit or am I going crazy? I was a bit freaked out but can’t get it out of my head.
    I’ve had 4 online reading sessions with you and hope that one day, my husband will come through. Thank you for your incredible work.

  2. My beautiful, adult daughter passed 8 months ago. Cinnamon was my best friend and the lobmve of my life. Our partnership was deep because I was a single parent and it was like Helen Reddy’s song – ” You and Me Against the World”. I had the privilege of witnessing her last breath yet I still am challenged to believe I wont see her again in the physical.
    I miss her every day but I know she wants me to stay strong for her two beautiful daughters – which I am! BUT, there are days that are filled with tears and longing! And so it is!

  3. For years I’ve been saying to myself … Spirit KNOWS the best way to contact or interact with me is through my dreams .. because during the day time , I’m too “alert” but at night , is when I feel more open! I have wild dreams . I’ve had dreams about people who have
    Passed away.. pets.. I’ve also dreamt of “moving people on to the light.” I have a lot of dreams with animals … I have gone back in time..and a lot of the communication is done Telepathically . It’s absolutely wild! And Matt! Ever since I took your mediumship course, I have been working on “testing the connection” during the day time .. it’s a work in progress but I am setting my intentions !!
    I KNEW that dreaming was a type of mediumship, but you have absolutely confirmed it ! And I want to thank you so much for taking the time to teach us and for being of service <3

  4. My fiancé passed tragically this past may 2024 a lot of different factors played into his death, sometimes when I sit and think I feel guilty, I should have known. The bond we have was strong and true, I cannot feel him tho, the one thing that I thought was we loved each other enough and that I’d feel him,
    But I don’t. I’m drinking so I figure that’s why. I wish I k we he was ok and that he knows I’m sorry. We have a four year old son. I’m trying my
    best to live through this but I’m broken.

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