What Is a Spiritual Attack? Signs, Symptoms, and How to Protect Yourself

Matt Fraser, dressed in white, sits cross-legged on the grass near a river, surrounded by a glowing, colorful energy ring. The setting sun illuminates the landscape around him.

Have you ever felt like your life is unraveling all at once—like every aspect of your world is crumbling, and no matter what you do, things just keep getting worse? If so, you may be experiencing what is known in the psychic world as a spiritual attack.

Positive, loving energy is what keeps us bonded, connected, and strong. Think of it as an invisible glue that ties us to those we love and care about, creating harmony and balance in our lives. However, just as positive energy uplifts, negative energy can drag us down. Sometimes, it can feel like it’s coming from everywhere, throwing us off course and creating chaos in our lives.

When negative energy from another person—or even a group of people—collides with your energy field, it’s called a spiritual attack. In Italian culture, this concept is known as the malocchio, or “evil eye.” It is rooted in the belief that a person can be harmed or negatively affected by another’s envy, ill will, or malicious intent.

Symptoms of a Spiritual Attack

The effects of a spiritual attack can be subtle or dramatic, depending on the strength of the negative energy directed toward you. Here are some common symptoms:

  • Everything seems to be falling apart. You might experience problems in multiple areas of your life—your relationships, career, health, or finances—seemingly all at once.
  • Persistent headaches or physical discomfort. These can manifest as tension or heaviness that doesn’t seem to have a physical cause.
  • A feeling like the world is against you. You might sense that nothing is going your way, and it may feel like unseen forces are working against you.
  • The heavy energy of others. Being around certain people might feel draining, as though they are pulling you down with their negativity.

The Italian Ritual of Releasing the Evil Eye

I remember as a little boy watching my grandmother perform a sacred, ancient Italian ritual to remove the effects of the evil eye and release negative energy. Friends and family would come to her when they felt overwhelmed by heavy energies, and she would pray over them, calling on God, Heaven, and the Angels to take the negativity away. And it worked.

This secret technique, which has been passed down through generations, is not something widely taught. In fact, in Italian tradition, it is believed that the ritual to remove the malocchio can only be learned on Christmas Eve. Yet what always amazed me wasn’t just the ritual itself but the profound shift it created in the energy of those who sought my grandmother’s help.

Understanding the Power of Negative Energy

It’s important to understand that nobody can truly take away your energy or power. However, the negativity of someone’s ill will or jealousy can feel like it has power over you—if you allow it. Spiritual attacks occur when we absorb or internalize the negative energy being directed our way.

For example, imagine you have an ex-best friend who is deeply jealous of your marriage. Her envy and resentment create a heavy, negative energy that you and your spouse might unconsciously feel, leading to tension or unnecessary arguments. Even though she can’t directly harm your relationship, the energy of her jealousy may still infiltrate your life if you don’t take steps to block it.

But here’s the key: You don’t have to accept this energy. You can learn to send it back and protect yourself.

The Spiritual Block Button: Taking Back Your Power

Negative energy is a lot like spam emails. Just like those phishing scams that try to steal your personal information, spiritual attacks can sneak into your life and cause unnecessary alarm. But every email inbox has a “block” or “spam” button to filter out unwanted messages—and the same is true for your energy field.

You have the power to block negative energy, but it starts with awareness and intentional action. Knowing that spiritual attacks exist is the first step. The next is learning how to protect yourself and clear your energy when negativity comes your way.

Exercise: Unlocking Your Spiritual Block Button

Here’s a simple but powerful exercise to activate your spiritual block button and take back control of your energy:

Step 1: Recognize the Source

Take a moment to identify the energy that feels heavy or disruptive in your life. Close your eyes, breathe deeply, and ask yourself:

  • Where is this energy coming from?
  • Who or what might be sending it?

Often, the answer will come to you intuitively. Trust your gut feeling, even if it doesn’t make logical sense at first.

Step 2: Visualize a Shield of Light

Once you’ve identified the source of the negative energy, visualize yourself surrounded by a brilliant, glowing light. Imagine this light forming a protective shield around your body, keeping out any energy that doesn’t belong to you.

As you do this, say aloud or in your mind:
“I am surrounded by the light of love and protection. No negative energy can penetrate my shield. I am safe, and I am strong.”

Step 3: Return the Energy

Negative energy thrives when it lingers in your space. To clear it, imagine the source of the energy (person or situation) and visualize sending the negativity back to where it came from. Say:
“This energy does not belong to me. I send it back with love and light, releasing it from my space completely.”

It’s important to include love in your intention—this ensures that the energy is neutralized, not amplified or perpetuated.

Step 4: Call on Higher Help

Ask for guidance and protection from a higher power. You can call upon God, the Angels, or any spiritual beings you resonate with. Say a prayer, such as:
“I ask for divine protection from all negative energy. Please guide me in releasing anything that does not serve my highest good. Surround me with love and light, and keep me safe.”

Step 5: Clear Your Energy Regularly

Just like your home needs regular cleaning, your energy field does too. Incorporate rituals like smudging with sage or palo santo, taking salt baths, or meditating to clear and reset your energy regularly.

Taking Control of Your Energy

What I’ve learned over the years—through my grandmother’s teachings and my own experiences as a psychic medium—is that you always have the power to release negative energy and take control of your spiritual well-being. Spiritual attacks only have as much power as you give them.

When you activate your spiritual block button and take intentional steps to protect yourself, you’ll find that the chaos, heaviness, and negativity begin to lift. You’ll feel lighter, stronger, and more connected to the positive energy that surrounds you.

The Ancient Wisdom of Protection

The Italian tradition of removing the malocchio reminds us of the importance of community and spiritual connection. My grandmother’s rituals worked because they combined faith, intention, and the belief that no negativity is stronger than the light of love and protection.

While not everyone has access to ancient rituals passed down through generations, the principles remain the same: You have the power to protect yourself and release the energy that doesn’t serve you.

Embracing Your Inner Strength

Spiritual attacks can feel overwhelming, but they are also an opportunity to reconnect with your inner strength and spiritual tools. By recognizing the signs of a spiritual attack, activating your spiritual block button, and regularly clearing your energy, you can create a shield of protection that keeps negativity at bay.

Remember, the most important thing is not to let fear take over. You are always stronger than any negative energy that comes your way. With love, light, and a little bit of practice, you can reclaim your power and restore harmony to your life.

Now is the time to take back control. Try the exercise above and see how it changes your energy. You might be surprised at just how powerful you truly are.

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    1. Thanks,Mr.Fraser for a detailed post.
      Would it be additionally helpful to chant St.Michael’s Prayer for protection?
      Most such protective spells work better if they are chanted,if available,in original Latin.

      With Warm Regards,

    2. Hi matt. I set intentions and prayers for tonight regarding something deeper and darker than what I am able to handle that is happening to me physically and within my home. I’m well versed in intentions prayer surrounding myself in the white light as you say the light of love…calling upon my spiritual team …. Archangels…Spirit guides.. in fact they are the ones that confirmed something that has taken approximately 2 years to realize. I don’t want to sound crazy so keep it short. I acquired some porcelain Indian dolls,they are collectors. (I have been collecting dolls my whole life) for reasons again even begin to explain here on this platform they need to be removed from my home respectfully and place where they need to be. As well as I need to be clenched by someone who specializes and things of this nature. As well as my home. I’m not sure who to contact or how. moved your emails from spam to regular email. if this happens to get to you and you feel there is something I need to know or you have something to offer who I can contact to help me I would greatly appreciate it.

  1. Thank you for this informative information today Matt. I do know about the Evil Eye, in fact I have an Evil Eye Necklace. I do my own oracle card readings for myself from several decks I have and before I even ask my question I pray over my cards to God and I always ask him to watch over my card reading that particular day and to please keep any negative, lower energy forces away from my card reading, and only let his loving good energy come through for me to answer my question. So thank you for even more information you just provided that you learned from your Grandmother and from your own physic abilities. Always love learning of the spiritual connections and about receiving messages from our loved ones in Heaven. I do receive many signs from my loved ones in Heaven and over the years know what to look for and know when I receive my messages and hello’s from them, they even show up in my photo’s…!! Thank you again Matt for sharing your thoughts and information about the Spiritual World with all of us..!! Blessings, Linda

    1. I would humbly suggest,if you indeed need this to chant Saint Michael’s Protection prayer,twice daily.
      You will feel doubly protected.

  2. Very interesting. I am full Italian and I remember the “evil eye”. I don’t think that’s my problem though. I lost my daughter last year and I’ve become a very angry, bitter person . Not towards other people, maybe my immediate family and God. In fact I just can’t forgive God, go to Mass anymore or pray, because I’d feel like a hypocrite.

    1. My mom lost 2 kids both boys. I lost two brothers one just last year too! I am sincerely sorry for your loss. You are still grieving. Our father in heaven knows what you are feeling He lost his only son for our sins. Don’t give up! I’m pretty sure your daughter doesn’t want to see you in this pain and negative space. Our heavenly father is patiently waiting for you to go to him and ask for help when you are ready. Remember that Our heavenly father is a loving father and doesn’t intentionally go out of his way to hurt us! Remember what matt has said before. We write our charts before we are born and we speak to our family before we are born. We choose our path in life and how it ends. We just don’t remember. please remember that your daughter loves you and sees you still. Hopefully once you feel a little more you again and all negative thoughts are not lingering. she will be able to visit you in your dreams. I’m no medium but I am human. I do know you are still grieving and rightfully so! But don’t be angry with our heavenly father. He loves you and your daughter and she is with him. May yausha bless you and bring you peace to your broken heart. Sending this to you with much love and light. Take Care!

    2. I’m so sorry for you loss. I know a lot about loosing a child… May I suggest that you read the book “The shack” by WM Paul Young? I think you will get a whole new perspective on God will help you process your loss and sooth your soul.

  3. Thank you for always providing us with such powerful guidance & amazing information that we can practice ourselves in our everyday lives & in our future 🫶🏼❤️🙏🏼

  4. Thanks seems like what is happening to me pops up a there is guidance I needed to hear thanks for getting me back on track

  5. Oh gosh I started immediately taking your advice in visioning me within a white light asking for protection. Throwing back the negativity (with love). Now to exhale instead of gritting my teeth all day & night.

  6. Thank you Matt. I am very much in this situation and feel there is an evil eye over me as it’s just like you explained. Thank you also as you have given me so much hope and understanding since i Iost my precious husband and feel the sadness every moment of my life, but you bring such comfort through your readings and videos. Thank you so much.

  7. Hello Matt what about if somebody is in your energy field. I have been having a very difficult time with a jealous ex. Would love some help or thoughts on this cheers Nicole

  8. Please, Please, Please Matt I am begging you to pray for my daughter That all negative energy is released from her. I am so broken.

  9. Jan 25 a Saturday I will be at the zoom group, I sat down with medium psychic and he told me some good things and was good, then he told me that my family for several generations have had this black cloud that stays with us, and that someone back generations dis something really bad and that until his debt was paid it would cover his direct family until his debt was paid, and that it was with me and my direct family, so my kids, but he did say soon it would be full filled, I and my direct family my kids, have a saying if anything is good it is going to hit ten times fold with bad,. I had never heard of this and do not know how to make a mends so my family can find the good and smile about the good staying. Please can you help as my health is falling apart and my youngest son has gone through so much bad it is emotionaly devastating him where he has thought suicide, and drinks to be able to speak and that turns in to bad nights, he has been fighting for his daughter with a not so good baby momma, she has taken him to court now 4 times to get his child support raised and it has been over 900 a month, so as a welder he could make big money but is so scared to make but a certain amount so then he takes days off and after a while now matter how much they need him they let him go, now I have 3 sons and 2 almost 3 grand babys my 3rd is baking in the oven lol just a few months and I will have another girl, so my first was a girl my beautiful Emmy then my grandson Mayson and my soon to be ready to enter the world another girl, please please I pray you see me and you can tell me how to either full fill what needs to be, or how to lift this so we can not be scared if something good happens, I have lost so many of my loved ones starting with my dad and ending with my mom and then her oldest sister, I started writing to my self like you had said telling me about how happy I am and wh!t I have and then started telling of the story’s I had and it was all good, and I reminded my self to ask our guardian, our beautiful angels, our family and our almighty, dear Lord Jesus. To help guides us on our right path, and show us signs and give a push if i am not listeing lol, I even told myself I would write to myself every day, and tell myself of great things, my family gets very worried as soon as something good happens we know it is followed with something bad, and because of this i have 2 of my family that drink everyday and thats my husband and youngest son, and my other too just dont come home unless it’s family holiday, then they don’t stay long, please help. Last time I was on group chat I was not called on so I am sending alot of good twords you in hopes you see me and can lead me to helping. Thank you, I will start doing what I have read here today. Thank you so much and I love to beautiful energy and love with your beautiful white light that flows around you, not sure but I was just told it’s green light lol all good that comes through you, you little man is so freaking adorable, and I wish my marriage was even one drop of a bucket is happy and loving as yours. My marriage after 33 years, it’s been falling apart.
    I have my sons that want me to walk away, but we’re all kind of trapped together, in 33 years, I have never send the D word and this year I have said it 4 times please help. I don’t know if I’m supposed to walk away.
    But i’m on social security, disability and don’t make enough to be on my own, already? I will let it be at this. I’m, I’m so excited to be in this group unzoom, and I hope and pray send all my good energy so that you see me in. Hope you can help. One of your biggest fans, thank you.Thank you thank you❤️🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻

  10. I loved this very important message. I have felt this way my entire life and ask God what did I do wrong to deserve this punishment. After reading your message it makes me wish I received this when I was growing up until present. I thank you tremendously for sharing the unknown of a precious tool.

  11. Sadly many spiritual attacks to keep my light down.. I breaks me.

    Thanks for the article Matt. Hope thinks improve 🙏🍀

    1. But i will never allow this to beat me. Once I remember my soul again and my light, which is my true self and light.. there is no more space for any darkness ✨ I will never give up or let this beat me…..

  12. I think I have been under an attack for years. My health continuing to fail, my husband then died after 41 years. Things seem not to have purpose like before.

  13. Matt, Thank you. This was much needed validation in my core beliefs. While reading it, I was taken back to a darker time in my life when a coworker noticed I was under attack. Her prayers for me at that moment were pivotal. I could literally feel the shift in energy when i returned to my area. Yes, i was still under attack… but it gave me much needed strength and brought me back to core beliefs in Christ. I was losing faith and spiritually drowning… she gave me hope to move forward without feeling like everybody was against me… Again it was key at a critical time.
    Life has lessons. I don’t want to repeat them. True evil does exist. We do need to cleanse our spiritual lives often to protect ourselves. Thank you for the reminders and insight.

  14. I also apply frankincense behind my right ear, which closes the portal to my thoughts. I also put Palo Santo in the ashtray burning throughout the day with the ceiling fan on, and we use Epsom salt in the bottom of the shower if we don’t have time for the bath. And this way it soaks through the skin. And also writing things down I want to let go of and burning it with a bay leaf

  15. Thank you for this information. I remember my childhood friend’s grandmother doing the malocchio on me. I have quite a few evil eye bracelets and I wear one everyday.

  16. Dear Matt,

    I want to say Thank You. I needed to see this article about Divine Protection. You helped me a lot on my way!!! I was guided to You after my loss. Lots of Love and Light, from Germany, Yours Dana

  17. Dear Matt, I love how you don’t try and sell us medalions and other stuff to “ward off evil spirits” or help for us to “get great wealth” if we buy items from them. I already know you are legit (I got a reading) but I think others who try to sell us trinkets are not.

  18. Thank you for this. I have needed this for so long in my life especially since the passing of my husband. I will be practicing this on a regular basis for the rest of my life’s journey.
    Sincerely appreciated.

  19. I very much appreciate your insight and knowledge Matt. I was just chatting with a friend in dispair over this very thing. I tried helping her clarify what’s important to her and to let go of the anger that goes along with negative energy. So instead of sending this to her I thought I would personally do it with her. I’m sure it will hep. Things do happen at certain times for reasons.
    You’re always at the right time

  20. Great post Matt! I have felt targeted with negative energy from my psych RN position since July I have been ill with one thing after another but I always seem to bounce back due to my strong faith in God and my loving husband and daughter- meeting you and seeing your shows are an inspiration to me and others- you are truly a blessing to this universe- thank you!🧡🙏🥰

  21. Hello Matt, what a great blessing to have and to utilize this message. I love positive energy but some days sucked in by what’s around me. Thank you 😊 so much 💖

  22. Matt: I am an Usui Reiki Master, as well as Karuna Ki Master! I perform healings on family and friends, to balance their energy! There are many types of Reiki, but I the one I was taught is to call on God, Mother Mary and usually the ArchAngels Grabriel, Michael, and St Raphael, depending on their needs!
    Every day after my shower, I call on ArchAngel Michael to help me get grounded, and with your hands brush away from your body, all the energy that my body no longer needs! Repeat And So It Is! Shaking your hands 3X, before exiting the tub!

  23. Thank you for helping me in cleansing my body and soul from negative energy.
    Thank you for sending love and light my way. Sending mine back to you!

  24. Thank you Matt for this information! I have heard of the evil eye but didn’t know what entailed it. I have experienced feelings as you described in the past. Couldn’t ever figure out why I was feeling as such. Now you have given me the tools on how to handle it. Thank you for sharing!

  25. Thank you Matt, I do feel as I am being attacked, I’ve been in pain for awhile now and I just did the ritual you suggested in this blog and I am ordering the polo santo candle.

  26. Dear Matt, I so enjoyed reading this and it was timely for me. I have had a hard time clearing the feelings that come whenever I am with some of my children. I never in my life knew that I had to put distance between me and them but am learning slowly because again when I was with them yesterday for a birthday party, I had to let go of so much hurt and pain that has been caused by some of them. I know it is evil that penetrates telling me I am not enough, I am powerless, I am not worthy. So, I have cleared using the methods provided by your loving grandmother and hope it makes a difference in my life today as I have a meaningful purpose and want to move forward so I release this feeling of “stuckness” to the Universe because I know I am more than what they have labeled me as. My love to you Matt, please pray for me, your sister, Shelley PS. I am doing your next online event to learn more about who I am in truth and light. Namaste, Shelley

  27. Thank you so much Matt for this wonderful advice. I will definitely practice this as I know negative energy has been affecting me lately. Prayers and love to your family 💓

  28. Oh my goodness Matt, I just was telling my closest niece & best friend yesterday that I feel like someone (2 people specifically) have placed a curse or bad juju onto me because it has been feeling like nothing it going my way, no matter what I do, things just seem to be getting worse and worse for me. I feel deep down I knew who it was and I don’t even know why the thought came to me, but it did and it was like a clear thought. My niece confirmed that if that strong thought came out of nowhere then it was very possible and I needed to do an energy clearing asap. Then this morning, I get this email to read your blog. “WHAT IS A SPIRITUAL ATTACK…,” it was just another confirmation of what I was thinking was true. I have gone through the steps and already feeling lighter! My rare medical health condition won’t just go away, but maybe now all things in my life will start going in a better direction! I just have to be mindful I need to be aware of the energy that I’m feeling, not to doubt it, and to regularly clear my energy and space so I can live in more positive, light and love space as I once was.
    Thank you for always sharing your beautiful gifts with us! Sometimes I just need a gentle nudge to know my intuition is right on and I need to be more willing to listen.
    Sending light and love to you and the family,
    Heather K

  29. Dear Matt,
    Thank you for your insightful words of wisdom. Spiritual attacks are too common in this day and age and we need to set our positive intentions and surround ourselves with the Divine Light. Thank you so much for what you do in helping others! God Bless you!

  30. Thank you so very much Matt. Truly needed to know. Been weighed down as if, literally, ton of bricks on shoulders for months. Angel signs every single day for long while. Hopes to get reading soon. Love you

  31. Thank you for sharing this Matt 😘🙏✨. Such sound advice that I’ve already found through spiritual books but this explains the approve in detail. It’s difficult sometimes to find ones inner strength when negative energy hurts but, once one learns to believe in themselves and the good energies it helps our spiritual growth.

    Blessing to you for sharing,

  32. Reading this just validates what I’ve stumbled into learning on my own in my life, but I didn’t know about the part of “returning the energy.” I’ve only ever blocked it by putting a light over my entire home to protect the entire household. (I first saw that light during a critical juncture as a child, so that’s how I learned about it.) Sometimes, I catch myself wishing for karma to hit my attacker, so it was good to read what you said about returning it to the source. I need to be bigger than that. 🙂 Thank you.

    I’d like to keep attending your online readings, but these attacks have taken away our income. It’ll be awhile before we bounce back enough where I can afford to do these things again. In the meantime, I truly appreciate your words reaching us.


  33. Ciao Matt. I thank you for sharing this. I too am Italian and my Nonna would remove the malocchio . I am so blessed and grateful she had taught me on one Christmas Eve many years ago Both in English and Italian. I agree with you whole heartedly in all your wisdom that you are soo spot on and very Blessed. Thank you again for bringing this to light. 💕🙏

  34. Such a great blog with great content and amazing insight we can all make use of. I appreciate you Matt and your blogs. Please come to Colorado! ❤️🫶🏼🙏

  35. Matt my grandmother had a prayer that people would come over to have her help them. She passed and I didn’t learn it. She would pray over my kids all the time . I also want to thank you for doing a reading for me in Palm Springs, my brother and my girl friend came through it’s was amazing just what I needed for closure.
    Thank you

  36. Thanks a lot, Matt Fraser for sharing your ancient wisdom with us for free. I’m navigating multiple significant life transition currently and this is exactly what I need amidst all the changes. Staying positive and patient 💫

  37. 2024 and the beginning of 2025 have been ugly in hard in many ways, physical, mentally, spiritually. I was just thinking a few days ago about who gave this negative energy to me and began having thoughts of needing to stop allowing it in. Today I receive this message. It is absolutely clear to me now what I must do. Thank you Matt for being such a wonderful guidance in my life. I appreciate you and all the beautiful energy, love, and joy you spill out into the world. Thank you.

  38. Thanks for this email u sent. I’ve read your book about psychic abilities and unlocking them. I really believe I may have some abilities but idk what type of abilities and I’ve confided in my husband and family but they believe I’m crazy bc I hear voices all of a sudden and I don’t know how to handle or deal with them or what steps to take. I truly feel alone. I’m trying to learn but it’s confusing when you have nobody to help support me mentally emotionally, nothing like that.

  39. Thank you so very much
    I really needed up lifting Especially after my husband passed 10 month ago all the things that was
    on this somewhat true.to me happening
    Upon me.

  40. Hi, Matt!
    It’s always a pleasure and an inspiration to learn from you. I am so heavily suppressed in life with depression, despair, hopelessness and emptiness that I don’t even know where or how to begin to protect myself and be happy in life. The weight of it all is too suffocating. I grew up heavily steeped in the Italian tradition of God helps those who help themselves but how when I feel so overwhelmed and hopeless! Thank you and may God bless you and yours always,

  41. I really feel that I am under spiritual attack gor quire a few years now….I am going to do this ritual from now on and thank you for it. In Love and Light 🙏

  42. .
    Like others , i desperately needed to read this and pray “again” for this release of hate and disrespect and my daughter for being so negative against me for a stupid reason I call “The dent in the fender”.She won’t accept how I respond. I will say these prayers often until this resolved. Thank you Matt, you always know to comfort someone.

  43. My brother lost his wife two weeks ago. I have two live brothers who carry negative energy and pas it around to our family. This will be very helpful, thank you.

  44. Thank you, Matt. We all have the power to protect ourselves. The best offense is a good defense. I use the visualization of sitting within a black obsidian egg. The outer shell of the egg is solid Hematite. I visualize any threat or negativity bounding off the Hematite shell and going back to the sender. I consider the attack nullified. I stay visually within my protective egg as long as I feel necessary. I try not to dwell on negativity. I know that energy goes where your thoughts flow. I am grounded and centered most of the time.

  45. Thank you for this article and I have heard of that all and I burn sage in my home to get rid of negative energy and I have certain stones of energy and Pray to .St.Michael for protection I also had my priest come and pray and cleanse my home.Especially when my son died in his room.Watch you all the time and attended your online readings too.Thank you for your guidance💕

  46. I love how messages come through. Just today I knew that negative energy must be disrupting my home and the water system and I keep hearing drink more water. Then there you are with this. I believe,

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