How Can I Improve My Chances of Getting Read at a Psychic Group Reading?
My group reading are what I love doing the most. It’s so great to have personal interaction and meet so many of you up close and personal.
Most people come to group readings hoping to hear a message from their loved ones, and sometimes people are disappointed when they don’t receive a direct message. Some people do the strangest things they think will help them get a reading.
At every event it amazes me how some people come hours early to be first in line and rush to the front row seats in hopes of “being seen” by those in Spirit. People bring their loved one’s belongings, memorabilia and even ashes. One woman even brought her husband’s glass eye! People try all kinds of things to get a message. But does any of that really work?
Here are some things to remember about attending a group reading with a psychic medium…
Sit Anywhere
When you come to a reading don’t worry about where you are in the room, it doesn’t matter where you sit. If your loved one has a message, that message will find you. I have had messages for people sitting at the back of a room as often as I’ve had them for people at the front. The important thing is to come to the event with an open heart and a positive attitude.
That is why I treat every seat at my event like the front row. Each event is a group experience, and every seat is a good seat. I might get pulled to the way back corner to deliver a message to a mother who lost her son. Later, I may be pulled to the middle of a row to talk to a woman who lost her sister. Going in, I never know where the messages will be going, all I know is to listen and follow the direction of Spirit.
Be Patient
When your loved one has a message for you, that message will come when the time is right. Messages from Heaven don’t always come when we want them to or when we think they should. The messages come when we need them to and when we are supposed to receive them. Remember that time doesn’t matter, If your loved one passed recently, that doesn’t make it any more likely you will hear from them. Many times, It can be the ones that passed years ago that come through the strongest. If you don’t get a message during a reading, that doesn’t mean your loved one doesn’t want to talk to you. It might just mean that isn’t the right setting, and they will reach you in some other way.
Keep in mind that sometimes it can take up to a years time for a loved one to come through with a message. Not all the time, but sometimes it might take a little longer to hear from that special someone. This doesn’t mean they are not with you, it just means they are waiting for the perfect moment. Spirit will only deliver a message when you are ready to hear it and when it will help bring you happiness, comfort and joy.
Bring Memories, not Memorabilia
Your belongings don’t help when it comes to receiving a message at a group reading. Your loved ones are connected to you. To your loved ones in Heaven, memories and the soul connection you share are much more important than any physical objects. The physical objects are great for helping you feel the connection, but they aren’t necessary to your loved ones. Bring them if they make you feel good, but remember the connection is in your heart, not in your hands.
Have an Open Mind
Sometimes you might attend an event hoping to hear a message from your mom, but your dad comes through instead. It depends who has a message. You might even get a message from someone you don’t like or didn’t even want to hear from. Sometimes an ex-husband will come through with a message to apologize for bad behavior. It’s so important to keep an open mind and be receptive to whatever comes your way.
A group reading can be a great way to learn about the ways your loved ones try to communicate with you. Remember that they are learning how to communicate in this new way just as much as you are. They might come in a way you aren’t expecting, even through someone else’s reading! I have had many people tell me that even when they didn’t receive a message, the feeling of connectedness and hope of being part of a group reading lifted their spirits and gave them hope.
Don’t Let Doubt Stop You From Attending
The saddest thing I see is when someone comments on Facebook and says they won’t come to a group reading because they are not “guaranteed a reading”. I have to shake my head at that. Even during private one-on-one appointments I cannot guarantee that the certain loved one you want to hear from will come through. No Medium can say that for certain. When I channel a message it is a request from the other side, and it is Spirit who makes the decision on whether they decide to speak.
As the old saying goes ” you never know unless you try”. When you attend a group reading, your loved ones see it as an opportunity to reach you and speak to you. If there is a message waiting for you that you need to hear, they will make sure that it gets delivered to you. At a group reading I don’t pick the people, those in Spirit do. I just am the messenger waiting for the next message they need me to deliver.
During COVID19 my team & I have started something exciting new and different. I am now doing LIVE group readings online ! You and your family can gather around your computer or smartphone and be part of a LIVE video reading right from home. This is only going on for a short amount of time and space is extremely limited. If you would like to attend, CLICK HERE to find all the details.
I hope to see you online! There might just be a message waiting for you!
Matt I LOVED reading this. It reminded me of the first time I came to see you. I remember packing up all of my mothers things and demanded her to come through to you on the way to your event. I was devastated when I came and got nothing. After a few days I calmed down and decided to try again. I had realized I had been acting selfish. So many people in the room had a far greater loss than I did. I waited a few months until you were in town and I booked my tickets. This time I came with nothing but an open heart and mind. Guess what? She came through ! I was so happy, shocked and emotional. It was the perfect message at the perfect time. Thank you.
This happened to me. I came to your show wanting to hear a message from my father, but my brother came through instead. I was so shocked I couldn’t speak. We never had a good relationship and had been estranged for quite some time. His wife didn’t even tell me he died! I found out in the newspaper obituary. When he came through all I could think about was my Dad. I couldn’t process the message at the time because it wasn’t who I wanted to hear from. When I got home all I could do was cry. For once, the grief had left me and your words from him sunk in. I had been carrying a big burden of guilt that I buried deep inside myself. It was your message that healed me. I will always be grateful.
I came to your show a while back with my Mom and my daughter-in-law.
My Dad came through, you spoke to my Mom with his message.
I have absolutely no doubt that it was him. You knew how he died and you also knew things about him and my Mom that I didn’t know until that night. Their love was a beautiful and undeniable thing to see when he was alive. A life together that lasted over 60 years.
It was so reassuring to see it live on even after death.
I had hoped so much that I would hear from my late husband that night but it was my Dad instead. He carried the message that he was okay and he was whole, happy, and well. He also let her know that he knew and appreciated all she did for him. The message was for her from him but it also put me at peace that my husband was also well, happy and okay. Thank you!
Matt I have come to many of your shows. You read my twice! I will never forget how special those moments/ readings were. Now, I make sure that I am at every event when you are in my area. I feel that if I am there, it gives my loved ones an opportunity to connect with me. Even when I don’t receive a message, I leave feeling renewed.
I have saw you twice and each time gotten a reading from different people. I love your work and what you do
Matt, I absolutely LOVE coming to your group readings. Each time you come to town I get a group of girl together and we get tickets. Each time we have come, someone in our group has gotten a reading. We go to dinner after the show and talk about it over wine. It is amazing to be part of each experience.
Dear Matt, I would love to come to the group reading.
Thank you for this message. I am so looking forward to the event with you in Los Angeles. My father just passed away and just being in the room with you where anything is possible and peaceful brings me comfort. Thank you for sharing your gift and voice with the world
Is there any plans in the future to come to Adelaide Australia
Matt I cannot go to your reading I would love to go but I live in Spain I had a reading about 14 years ago before I moved to Spain I could smell flowers around me and my father came through with an very important message to me which I believe saved my life I was seated at the back of the church God Bless.
I am praying that I get read when I see you in June I have positive thoughts you will send some peaceful messages from my Husband who I need to hear from. I know if I do I will be so relieved. Thank you and see you in June it’s a birthday gift from my sister and hopefully a message will be a gift from him..
Matt your a blessing took me 4 events but I got my msg still have one important unanswered question but I believe I received it through another way I look forward to seeing you again it’s so heartening to hear others receive msgs as well
I laughed when you said “Hello!!!!! Wake UP!” It wasn’t my row that was standing….but the “Horses…..Judy” you were looking around for was for me. Judy saved my life……with a connection to horses……many years go. I didn’t know she had passed, but I did the math and realized it must be so….I should have raised my hand I guess. I just thought (this can’t be for me!) but it was. Thanks. totally unexpected.
Matt. This is exactly what happened to me. My husbamd and I attended am event as I was hoping to hear from my Dad. Low amd behold my husbands Dad came through loud and clear amd it was so wonderful for me to know my dog that hd passed was with him. Thank you so much?
You are an inspiration and I will definitely be attending again
Went to see you in Marlborough in March. Was so glad I went . You made made so many happy. Made me cry tears of joy and laughter . Didn’t get a reading and I didn’t expect to. There will plenty of time to hear from someone. Looking forward to seeing you in September in Marlborough.elll
This will be my first experience at a group reading. As someone with a gift I am truly looking forward to seeing how this is done. I do readings for friends but can never get any information that connects to my own life. I am a skeptic of my abilities but have had many people tell me there is no way I should know the things I do. I know I am not a medium, more of an empath I guess. Anyways looking forward to this experience very much.
Hi Dawn , Linda here . I read your post and felt compelled to write to you . I am an empath as well . I found Matt here on FB and was drawn to him because like him I was born and raised in New England , Rhode Island to be exact . I’ve felt this connection to him from the first time I heard him speak . I believe in what he does . I believe that god puts us exactly where we need to be at the exact moment we need to be there . God bless you and good luck ????
Thank you so much Linda for the great reply. I am also a true believer in everything happening for a reason. The day my Mother and I are seeing Matt is my deceased Grandmother’s 90th birthday. I am on the edge of my seat to see whst this journey has in store for me!
Oh Matt I completely understand what your saying . You have to keep an open heart . The message you might receive could be hidden inside someone else’s message . I’ve listened to you I’ve watched you as you do readings . I feel in my heart that you have a message for me . I will be at one of your readings maybe more than one lol I have faith in our father that he will put me where he needs me to be . I won’t reveal who I think has a message for me . We will let the fates decide that for us . You are a very gifted man . I found you on FB one day and it was like a lightbulb was turned on in my head and it said this man has a message you need th hear . When it’s meant to be it will happen . God bless you Matt XOXO
Its funny when i hear this i am hoping to make it to the June show. Years ago i went with my sister to someone else in Wickford RI she was hoping to hear from her dad my step father i was just with her dont get me wrong i believe in this very much in fact being a pisces im told i am one of the most psychic of the zodiac signs anyway she is waiting to hear from her dad all of a sudden the man is saying i know someone here had a big orange cat that died and i whipped around and i was like i did a long time ago he said well he is here and wanted me to tell you he is ok and he doesnt blame you he knows it wasnt your fault he knows you loved him i couldnt believe it and needless to say my sister was very upset i heard from a cat and she didnt hear from her dad lol ?
I was at one of your events a few nights ago in New Hampshire. What I began to realize was you connected to people who really needed to hear your messages at this time. You brought comfort and answers to so many people. Thank you for your kindness and compassion you showed everyone. You are a remarkable young man to share such an emotionally draining gift with so many. I will keep you in my prayers for your continued health and happiness. Love to you and yours.
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