Insights From Heaven: Pay Attention to the Little Things

A man named Matt Fraser standing in a field of tall wheat raises his arms, surrounded by flying butterflies at sunset.


One of the reasons I love doing group reading events is that everyone in the audience leaves the room with an insight or piece of information that they didn’t have when they arrived. Now don’t misunderstand me! This wisdom doesn’t come from me, at least not directly. I’m just doing my job as a medium –  channeling the things Souls in Heaven want you to know. 


Those Souls have a lot to say, and it’s important to listen closely, even when the message isn’t directed at you. Here’s why…


Once your dearly departed has spent some time in Heaven, they gain a whole new perspective on the life they left behind. When they come through with a message, the information they share doesn’t just benefit the one person who it’s intended for. It can help, heal, and guide multiple people in the room – including the medium! 


It might seem strange to think that your Uncle Walter or Aunt Emily, who were perfectly normal people when they were alive, can be the source of such profound  wisdom once they’ve passed over. But they can be, and here are a few of the reasons why: 


  • They have revisited their entire existence during their life review, and have seen the effects of their words and actions – not just on themselves, but on the people around them. They have a unique perspective on the aspects of their life that truly mattered most, and the ones that seemed important at the time, but didn’t make a bit of difference in the long run. 


  • They have all the wisdom in the Universe at their disposal, and are able to share their knowledge with their loved ones on Earth through me. Because their vision is so clear, the messages are valuable for everyone who hears them. 


  • Because they have left their worldly “baggage” like fear, resentment, and pain behind when they crossed over, their perspective on life is crystal clear. They have nothing to hide, and are not trying to impress me, their loved ones, or anyone else.


  • Their goal is to help the living to live their best lives, and they’re in a perfect position to do so because they know firsthand how precious and short life can be.


Sometimes, it’s the little things that matter most. 


Of course, I hear some of the same themes over and over, and they’re about pretty serious stuff. For instance, your loved ones in Heaven know just how important family is. The last thing they want to see is their beloved children fighting over their inheritance, or being at odds with each other for any reason. 


They know that while work is important, money isn’t something that you can take with you when you pass. They often urge their loved ones to have the confidence to take a chance, and pursue their passion instead of playing it safe.


But in addition to the big messages like family, forgiveness, and having the courage to follow your dreams, the dead know that sometimes, the little things in life, the small pleasures they left behind, matter a lot.  


Even though they’re able to watch over you, they’d give anything to share the everyday stuff – going to a ballgame, playing cards, or having a cup of coffee and a donut together. Now, when they see people taking small blessings for granted, they do their best (through me) to send out a wake-up call: 


  • They want you to look up from your phone and really listen when your spouse or the kids are telling you about their day. 
  • They hope you soak up the beauty that’s all around you, from pink sunrises and golden sunsets to the stars in the night sky. 
  • They know that you can brighten someone’s day with a smile or an act of kindness, and they want you to take every opportunity to do so. 
  • They see that some of the purest, most unconditional love comes from your pets, and that they don’t live nearly long enough – so take that long walk with your dog, or give kitty a few extra neck rubs. 
  • They realize that so many things we worry so much about, like money, and gaining weight, or keeping up with the neighbors, doesn’t matter for long. 


I consider myself lucky to be able to learn from the Souls who share their wisdom with me. By passing them on to you, I hope it can remind you of those things that make our time here special and meaningful. Next time you attend one of my reading events, either at a theater or on Zoom, I hope you’ll listen closely to every message, and take what you can to benefit your own life!  





  1. I have newfound inspiration for living my best life since the passing of my son. The way you connect with and share your gift of connecting with the departed is beautiful. I appreciate you.

    1. Watching you has helped me accept my ability to help spirits both stuck in the mortal in-between and those in heaven. I still don’t know when or who. But I am able to help some upset spirits. I see spirits during the day and in my dreams they communicate with me.

    2. Signed up for March 3rd online group reading. I tell my loved ones, prior to each reading to step up and shout out to Matt. Hope they persist in getting Matt’s attention At this reading. Can’t wait. (=^,^=)

    3. I cannot get over things in the past. Things I wished I said and wished he would have told me some things. I miss him more everyday. I know that God wanted me to be with him and help him through life. It took a long time until he could see that. I wished he would visit me again. I need him. He kept me grounded as I made him see love. Keep doing what you do best Matt.

        1. Thanks Matt
          I’m in England and never had I think a true reading.
          It’s so hard to believe some people, but I have had signs and believe that my lived one is by my side.
          Just need to here a really true reading that I fully believe.

      1. Love,passion, believing continuing forth with blessed love of ours who rejoice for us as you Matt Insights from Heaven Heaven here on Earth.

    1. Hi I’m moving soon I lost my fiance 3 years ago and I’m scared if I move he won’t come to me will he find me I really miss him so much thank you I listen to your show on you tube!!!

    2. The 2nd from last paragraph everything is true.

      My folks taught me these important gifts & pointed out natural beauties around us look up above. always naturally doing good deeds for others without anyone other than those they help, ever knowing.

      They gave me the gift of philotimi by always being this way, pointing out when others were the same, it’s in their roots.
      Also never judge as you never know what someone is going through.
      If you are in the time to present that branch then do so humbly only if you are sure it’s ok to, like you say just a smile or a friendly chat can make all the difference.

      After my folks passed So many people came forward to share how they had made a lovely difference to them.

      And yes don’t worry about the little things you mention there’s so much more going on.

      If we are lucky to share the love of family & friends embrace it.

      After they passed, I have had white feathers randomly in my pathway or beside me, in my dreams, I’ve been lucky enough to hold my dad, fill my arms around his healthy full body in an embrace, feel him hug me back with so much love, I feel this is assuring me that they are just fine, seeing them both smiling and having a great time.
      (Even though when I wake I cry because I miss them so much)

      I pray we’ll share happy loving times together again when it’s my time.

      I just hope while I & all their loved ones are here that they will guide us well, protect us from possible harm & keep giving me signs so we feel their love, protection & warmth leading nudging us on the path that is best for us.

      If they really want to pass on a message that I couldn’t translate then to somehow chanel it to someone who can to pass forward to me.

    1. Thank you Matt so very much for everything. See you vía Zoom February 24th,maybe my mom will come through we will see.

    2. I look so forward to our zoom session this will be my second one my loved ones did not come through. I am hoping this one they will . I want closure. And of course I miss them every single day Thank you for giving us your gifts that God has given you♥️

    3. I cannot get over things in the past. Things I wished I said and wished he would have told me some things. I miss him more everyday. I know that God wanted me to be with him and help him through life. It took a long time until he could see that. I wished he would visit me again. I need him. He kept me grounded as I made him see love. Keep doing what you do best Matt.

    4. Thanx so much are my new found hero..your words of wisdom..resonate, because of you, my fears for my daughters passing is not so horrible..and that I am not afraid to die anymore..I believe that it’s not ‘s to Alexa & Roycearoni..

    5. I have been a part of 3 online readings. Even though I haven’t yet been chosen I have learned a lot. So many predator “psychic” stuff online UGH taking advantage of ppls emotional vulnerability (sic) I tell ppl I know that Matt Fraser is Genuine and kind much love and respect for him God Bless him and his Thanks Matt for being Real especially in this very deceitful time.

    6. Such wise beautiful words kindness is free for all and to share with humanity what a wonderful world this would be if we was all to be kind to one another ❤️? send love to my love ones that have passed over

  2. I think your amazing. My son killed himself in 2020 you have helped me so much with all your videos. Maybe one day I will get to speak to my son through you Matt.

  3. Wow this I felt.. it hit hard. Because I was wondering about that I think about it often about the pets ?butterflies, ? birds .I look for signs . I haven’t had a reading. But I know I Miss the love of my life dearly ? I also look up at the sky everyday to tell him I miss him n love him . Thank u Matt for sharing this with me . And I think I feel a touch but I don’t Ingage because I’m worried it might not be my loved one ?

  4. I am so grateful for the beautiful blessing that God has given you to help heal those who are struggling in life due to a passing of a loved one, or animal. Spirit is always around us showing us they are close and still a part of our lives. I have lost my whole family and am so blessed to know that they are at peace and are still a part of my life just from a different energy. Thank you Matt for all that you do in healing of so many people. God Bless

  5. i do , i listen to every message very closely and I hear something for me all the time. on Feb 24 it will be my 4th time. I really really hope to hear from someone.

    1. I will be online with you, Matt. I know you don’t pick people, they pick you. I’m sending out energy to my mother and grandmother to please come through. I’m at a crossroads in my life right now and wish for them to give me good advice like have done while alive. ❤️❤️

    2. Grammy or grampy or Mike could you come through on February 24th it would be nice to hear from one of you or any of my bunnies could come through do you you guys know about the dizzy doctor I saw if you do please come through to Matt Fraser step forward

  6. I have attended numerous events to no avail. The spirits with the most unsavory situations and also the most loud insistance are heard. Unfair to those wishing simple, meaningful contact.

    1. Keep trying, and keep your faith strong, but I can promise you this. The signs are there you just have to be open to them. Be receptive and have an openmind. They communicate through numbers, electronics, dreams. It’s what you allow yourself to be receptive too. I hope the best in connecting with your loved on. God Bless

    2. It’s been 35 years since my first love passed away, I was only 21’so unable to travel for his funeral, since then I have had no closure and feel so hurt, before his passing we didn’t even speak for 8 months, time just passed n then he was gone just like that, I have been trying my luck with many psychics but no real truths so far, I have so much to ask, I wait for signs and cannot figure out anything, how pathetic I am n still in love with him till date, nothing will take that away in this lifetime , hopefully one day with you Matt I get the answers I have been so looking for , thankyou

    3. Well the first reading last year it was me and my daughter and not one person of are family did not come through nor good friends of ours does this happen for a reason please let us know should we do this again and see.Thank you Matt so much

      1. Hi, I feel my husbands present, Valentine’s Day I received a V shape white tiny on my doorstep. When in the garden receive larger white feathers. Lights flickering. I am moving soon and hope he will be able to rest in peace. Thank you Matt for all your wonderful advise

  7. Such profound wisdom. Holding on to it is the most important thing. Also to realize that we are not in control of our destiny but we ultimately can control what that will feel like if we live our lives with kindness, gratitude, and loving others as ourselves

  8. I am excited, tomorrow evening, February 13, is my first group reading with Matt. I love his connections to the other side and his humor. I look forward to whatever will transpire as it will be perfect. Hello Family! I love you.

  9. I wish I could believe in the afterlife.I don’t see him,feel him and have not had any signs.I am going through a really hard time with my grief.It has been 9 months since my husband of 51 years passed.To say I miss him doesn’t even scratch the surface of how much he is missed..I can’t leave the house.I can’t stop eating.I have gained 70 pounds since he passed.I am wondering what is the bloody point of anything anymore.He took every bit of joy with him along with any purpose tomy life

  10. Hi Matt.. you are such a treasure.. not easy what you do. People think it’s easy to do because you make it look easy! It takes a lot out of you if people would just be calm, you can see it. You share yourself with all who will listen and hear from all the departed souls. I’m amazed how people say they have gone too a lot of readings hoping their loved one will come through. What they don’t realize messages are for all to hear as you say. When I watch your reading of others I’m just still and listen so if the message resonates with me. Sometimes it does sometimes it doesn’t. People need to quiet chatter in their mind so they can hear. I wish you well. Stay your course and remember some people can’t be helped and are bitter. We can only hope they learn to be kind and know you are one person and a number of so many souls! Plus Rice a Roni is a loving soul! I send him protection as to you and your family. ❤️?‍♀️☮️

  11. Hi Matt Can hardly wait to see you in Peterborough, ont on May 2nd Looking forward in learning how to reach out to my family and friends on the other side. Thk you for being you and helping so many. Hugs

  12. I want to start with thanking you Matt for the unselfish most humble and beautiful way that you share your gift with all of us and more importantly I want too thank you beautiful wife Alexa for sharing you with us so you can bring forth messages from our loved ones in heaven*
    My name is Rebecca and I lost my oldest child Brittany 12/2/22. She was 30 yrs old my best friend and the love of my life*. Tomorrow 2/13/24 will be my 3rd zoom visit where I very patiently but hopeful that she comes through with a message for me. I need my heart to heal but more importantly I have to know that she’s in Heaven in the loving arms and safety with Jesus.
    I listen to all your messages Matt and you truly are a hero and an inspiration and I am probably one of your biggest fans. I pray for you and your family, keep doing what you’re doing Matt and I’m so glad you decided to use your abilities to help all of us*
    Hoping to meet you in March in Waukegan Illinois!!
    God bless you beyond measure!!
    *Becca C.

  13. I am so grateful that I found you. You have absolutely changed my life. I’m FINALLY finding purpose and understand it. I have found peace for once and I haven’t even had a reading yet. I thought my purpose was rescuing animals. Which it is except now my love for them is much much deeper because I know they appreciate me and we will spend eternity together.
    I know there has to be more. So I’m reading, watching and putting to practice your wisdom. I’ll NEVER be able to tell you how grateful I am. Stinks that it took so long to find you but better late than never right. God bless you and thank you for all you do. You are amazing! Looking forward to my next online reading later today. Hopefully this is the one but if not. I’ll be back. Even if it is I’ll still be back.

  14. Matt .
    Seriously, what would we all do without you? I am so happy for all of the messages able to give. You must remember how special you are. I love your mind, your personality is so wonderful, funny, and loving! We are so appreciate your insight. Someday I will try again. Be well and don’t work too hard!

  15. Thank you for your words.
    I believe I have some extremely important messages coming from the other side, and as I do not directly speak with them, I would very much appreciate your confirmation. This is not just about loved ones….but rather awakening awarness of the laws of nature and re-establishing the ideologies of current world leaders and those laws that are immutable. ??


  17. Matt, you’ve given me so much support through all your messages. I’ve booked for your next online session and I will book again.
    My darling husband died 8 months ago and the pain is unbelievable, but I know he’s with me and I’m learning to recognise the signs.
    Keep doing what you do, it helps us all.

  18. I believe my grandmother’s spirit comes and goes from this house I called her Grammy because a psychic did say that her spirit visits this house because me and her were really close when she was here on earth but just because she’s passed on doesn’t mean that connection doesn’t exist it does even in death

  19. Well the first reading last year it was me and my daughter and not one person of are family did not come through nor good friends of ours does this happen for a reason please let us know should we do this again and see.Thank you Matt so much

  20. I love the enthusiasm with which you do your work. Also, the fact that you, (as well as those on the other side) do a lit to teach, not just relay information. Disbelievers need small steps to come to terms with realities they never seriously considered and often i hear you filling in gaps for the understanding of those who are not actually having the readings. Good on you my friend!

    1. Don’t give up Lonnie
      Pray to them
      Leave all this behind and bring God into your heart and soul. They will wait for you and love you every second of the day . Enjoy Peace with them. I was yearning too , but now I have the strength and know they are here . Read some encouraging daily inspiration Jesus Calling by Sarah Young.

  21. Grammy and grampy and Mike i love you guys I wonder if you guys are watching over me I know you are Grammy we were really close when you were here on earth I hope we are really close now too of course death doesn’t separate us our connection is always there could you guys please send a message through Matt feb 24th I invite you guys to come through

  22. Grammy what do you think of my saint Francis statue on the top shelf of the fireplace in the living room he is an animal saint you know don’t you wish you had one when you were here on earth you loved animals you know of course you loved people too and did you see the prayer of saint Francis too

  23. Hi Matt I watched the reading that you did with this woman that lost her two little boys because they drowned I heard you say your getting a pool put in for you and Alexia’s new house you should probably get Royce a life jacket for when he’s near or around the pool it would help to put a fence around it too and put a lock on the gate that leads to your pool that will help too it will keep Royce from wandering in there it could happen you never know

  24. Remember Grammy grampy and Mike about February 24th it would be nice to get a message or advice from you guys through Matt Fraser and any pets I’ve had are welcome too Matt can hear them too love you guys

  25. hi Matt I saw the Facebook video of Royce and Alexia traveling on tour with you Royce sure is a sweetheart just like you are Matt I know you mentioned that Royce is affected by time change when he’s traveling but I don’t think Royce knows the concept of time change I don’t think he knows the difference yet not like adults and older children do I don’t think traveling fazes Royce right now

  26. Grammy and grampy and Mike could one of you please come through to Matt tomorrow February 24th or even a past pet or a resident from our lady of angels where I worked at one time there are residents that have passed away that knew me and adored me please someone come through I’ve never been selected once

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