Matt Fraser, in formal attire, stands between tall, classical columns with a cloudy sky and greenery in the background.

Have you ever felt a sudden warmth wrap around you like a cozy blanket on a chilly day? Or maybe you’ve caught a whiff of your grandma’s signature perfume suddenly – with no logical explanation as to how? Well, let me tell you something exciting – those moments might just be love notes from Heaven!

You Are Never Truly Alone.

In my journey as a spiritual medium, I’ve learned a lot of things about the spirit world, but perhaps the most simple – yet most powerful – thing I’ve learned is that our loved ones in the spirit world are always trying to reach out to us. They’re not content with just watching from above – they want to be an active part of our lives!

But here’s the catch: they can’t exactly pick up a phone and give us a call. Instead, they’ve got their own special way of communicating, and once you learn to recognize it, you’ll feel their presence every single day, and learn to listen to their guidance and advice for you as they try to aid you in your life’s journey.

Celestial Love Notes…
So, how do our heavenly loved ones send their messages? Well, they’ve got quite a few tricks up their spirit sleeves! Here are some of the most common ways they try to catch our attention:

  1. Through Nature’s Beauty: That cardinal that keeps showing up in your backyard? It might be Grandpa saying hello! Butterflies crossing your path? That could be Mom watching over you.
  2. In Our Dreams: Ever had a vivid dream about a departed loved one? That’s often their way of visiting us when our minds are most open.
  3. With Familiar Scents: If you suddenly smell your dad’s favorite cologne or your aunt’s chocolate chip cookies, they might be letting you know they’re near.
  4. Through Meaningful Songs: That song on the radio that always reminds you of your best friend? It could be their way of sending you a message.

With Coins or Feathers: Finding pennies or feathers in unexpected places is often a sign that your angels are watching over you.

Decoding the Messages.

Now, I know what you’re thinking – “Matt, how can I be sure these are really signs and not just coincidences?” Well, here’s a little secret: it’s all about the feeling. You have to trust your intuition – that’s how our bodies, minds and spirits tell us when someone is trying to communicate with us from the spirit world.

When these moments happen, pay attention to how you feel and listen to the voice of your intuition. If you get a sudden rush of emotion, or a sense of comfort and love, that’s your heart recognizing what your head might doubt. The world of spirits isn’t bound by the rigid rules of logic and cause-and-effect like our world is. It doesn’t have to make sense to be real.

Your loved ones in Heaven want nothing more than for you to know they’re still with you, cheering you on and sending their love. They see your struggles, celebrate your joys, and want to guide you through life’s ups and downs.

So the next time you feel a gentle breeze on a still day, or see a butterfly land nearby, take a moment to pause. It might just be a love note from Heaven, a reminder that love never dies, and that you are surrounded by more support than you could ever imagine.

Remember, you don’t need to be a psychic medium to receive these messages. All you need is an open heart and a willingness to believe. So keep your eyes, ears, and heart open – your heavenly loved ones are ready to shower you with signs of their eternal love!

If you want the chance to talk to your loved ones, consider attending one of my LIVE events. Experience the magic of spirit communication firsthand!

Check out upcoming dates and locations at:


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