Have you ever walked into a place and immediately felt that you didn’t belong?
Maybe it was an unsettling feeling in your stomach, the room temperature suddenly dropped, or you even felt a cold touch out of nowhere. These are all signs of paranormal activity—a phenomenon that occurs when a place is haunted by a spirit. While most spirits you may encounter are good and simply trying to connect with loved ones, some spirits do not cross over and can carry dark, malevolent energy. These are the spirits you don’t want to encounter.
As a psychic medium, I’m often asked about the presence of evil spirits and paranormal activity. Interestingly, these encounters are rare for me because I’ve learned how to protect myself energetically. However, that doesn’t mean these entities don’t exist. In my experience, evil spirits are the souls of individuals who, in life, committed heinous acts such as murder and never repented. These souls become earthbound, trapped in a lower vibrational state that some people refer to as hell or purgatory. It’s not a place of fire and brimstone but rather a space of isolation and darkness.
The Reality of Evil Spirits
Many people, including some psychic mediums, believe that all souls eventually transition into the light. I wish that were true, but I have yet to see this happen. Evil souls must face the consequences of their actions. They are required to come face-to-face with the people they hurt and the pain they caused, but some refuse to acknowledge their wrongdoing. This stubborn refusal is what keeps them earthbound.
For example, souls like Adolf Hitler or other cold-blooded killers are unlikely to transition because they cannot justify their actions or feel remorse. These souls linger in a dark vibrational state, and they can become problematic if you actively seek them out.
In my experience, 99% of souls do cross over into the light. Only those who were truly evil in life, who committed terrible acts without remorse or accountability, remain earthbound. These are the exceptions, not the rule.
Why Evil Spirits Linger in Abandoned Places
Evil souls are often drawn to places far away from happiness, such as abandoned buildings, deserted hospitals, or isolated locations where traumatic events occurred. These spaces lack the joy and positive energy that higher-vibrational spirits are drawn to. For example:
- An abandoned asylum where patients suffered mistreatment may attract lingering, malevolent energies.
- A deserted house that was once the site of a violent crime might feel heavy or oppressive.
- Remote woods where tragedies have occurred can hold residual dark energy.
These spirits thrive in the absence of light and happiness. They avoid places filled with love, laughter, and positivity because such energy is incompatible with their vibrational state.
Real-Life Encounters with Evil Spirits
I’ve only encountered truly evil spirits on three occasions, and in each case, the client brought the situation upon themselves by engaging in dangerous activities. One person tried to be a paranormal investigator and visited sites where murders had occurred, hoping to make contact with the spirits of the perpetrators. Another client played with a Ouija board and inadvertently attracted a malevolent spirit that followed them home. The third client used a spirit box, a device that scans radio frequencies to channel the voices of disembodied spirits, and ended up inviting an unwelcome presence into their life.
The Risks of Ghost Hunting
Ghost hunting has become increasingly popular, thanks in part to TV shows and movies that glamorize the practice. However, what many people don’t realize is that professional paranormal investigators are trained in psychic protection. They spend significant time cleansing and clearing their energy, praying, smudging, and practicing other protective rituals. Despite these precautions, even seasoned investigators can run into trouble.
I know one famous paranormal investigator who accidentally brought a spirit home from an investigation. Fortunately, their team included a shaman who knew how to properly banish the spirit. This incident highlights the importance of understanding the risks involved and taking the necessary precautions.
If you’re not trained in psychic protection and cleansing rituals, you’re essentially opening yourself up to danger. Engaging with malevolent spirits is like arguing with a bully—they feed off your fear and negativity. My mother always taught me that nothing good can come from interacting with evil.
The Spiritual Hierarchy: Heaven, Hell, and the In-Between
There is a spiritual hierarchy that includes a high vibration, often referred to as heaven or the afterlife, and a lower vibration, which some call hell or purgatory. While there is no devil with horns and flames, this lower vibration is a holding place for souls that don’t cross over. It’s important to note that not all earthbound souls are evil. Victims of tragedy or individuals who died by suicide often make it to heaven because they are met with compassion and understanding from the divine.
The only souls that don’t cross over are those burdened by their own darkness. These spirits are stuck in a vibrational state that prevents them from moving on.
Your Guardian Angel: A Shield Against Evil
The good news is that we are naturally protected against evil spirits. Each of us has a guardian angel whose role is to shield us from harm. Your guardian angel ensures that only spirits with good intentions can enter your energy space. This includes your loved ones, pets, and friends who have passed on and wish to connect with you out of love.
However, your guardian angel can only do so much. If you actively seek out evil spirits by visiting haunted locations or using unsafe methods of communication, you’re essentially bypassing their protection and inviting trouble.
Safe Methods of Connecting with Spirit
If you want to connect with the spirit world, there are safe and effective methods that rely on your own psychic abilities and the energy of love:
- Angel Cards: These cards are infused with positive energy and provide gentle guidance from your guardian angels.
- Tarot Cards: When used with the right intention, tarot cards can help you connect with your intuition and receive messages from loved ones in spirit.
- Pendulums: Pendulums work by tuning into your own energy field and the energies of spirit, making them a safe tool for communication.
Unsafe Methods to Avoid
There are also methods of spirit communication that are inherently dangerous and should be avoided at all costs:
- Ouija Boards: These boards are notorious for attracting low-vibrational entities because they create an open portal without any form of protection.
- Spirit Boxes: These devices scan radio frequencies and can attract disembodied voices, including those of malevolent spirits.
- Ghost Recording Devices: Like spirit boxes, these tools can pick up on energies that you don’t want to invite into your life.
Using these tools is akin to entering an online chatroom where you have no idea who you’re speaking to. You might think you’re communicating with a kind spirit, but you could actually be inviting a predator into your energy space. It’s simply not worth the risk.
Why You Don’t Need to Seek Out Spirits
The truth is, your loved ones in spirit are already connected to you through an invisible bond of love. They don’t need you to use risky methods to reach them. Instead, they send signs to let you know they are around, such as:
- Butterflies
- Dragonflies
- Repeating numbers
- Songs on the radio
These signs are their way of letting you know they are with you and watching over you.
Stay In The Light Always
If you’re curious about the spirit world, there are safe and loving ways to explore it. Focus on methods that enhance your own psychic abilities and rely on the protection of your guardian angel. Avoid methods that open you up to unwanted energies or spirits that have not crossed over.
The good news is that evil spirits will not seek you out unless you go looking for them. As long as you stay in a positive, high-vibrational state and avoid risky behaviors, you’re unlikely to ever encounter an evil spirit.
Remember, the spirit world is full of love and light, and your loved ones are just a thought away. Stay safe, stay protected, and always trust in the guidance of your guardian angel.
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My husband committed suicide 2 months after we split up. He lied, treated me awful and could not be trusted. He was emotionally and mentally abusive. I feel like he has left me signs that he is here. I found a lozenge in my sink one morning. Twice my pillowcase has been turned inside out. Sometimes I feel him move in real close. Does this mean he can’t cross over? Very curious what is going on and what I can do about it.
Wow Matt I’ve known about spirit since 1981. But you have explained more than anyone else about this subject. Love you. 👏😇🙏
I played with a ouija board many yrs ago n we talked to a spirit named Regis
We did this at lunch time in a doctors office. A psychic checked it n said he was ok but it’s like going out to dinner n u dont know who you r going with
So interesting and important to know. Loved reading it, gives great comfort to know this ❤️
How do I strengthen my psychic side?
What a about watching paranormal investigations? Is it dangerous to do so?
No he said it’s not possible to encounter through movies or stuff like that
Someone from my distance past who has always drifted in for a quick hi or relive a something we shared. Last July he drifted in and has not left. What i discovered he had past,he never let me know. I FOUNF INFORMATION ON SONPME HIS SHORT LIFE AND I CRIRD. THER AVE BEEn dreams frome him and one from his father these past months,but there are more question than answers. In November I sent away for some info. He called to me four times with urgently, aside not wanting me to know. Since that day there has been nothing,yet he is still with me. Some days I’m so drained,I don’t know if this journey has ended,and he just want to stay close,or if my journey is to go on. There is no more information out I can locate,no pictures, it’s as if he never existed after passing. Yet I can find all of his families memorials,mother father siblings. May be he’s afraid of being forgotten here,or wanted me to know some parts of his life before we meet again. They still make me cry. He was the first man I fell in love with and the only man I was in love with then and now with all that I am.
I believe in angels every sense my daughter passed I see faces
Matt & friends: THANK YOU — I appreciate your thoughtful blog post here, and my good friend, George Noory, who is regular host on COAST TO COAST: AM, where you are a regular guest, has often expressed concern about Ouija Boards, and would probably enjoy your blog post here.
So, to than end, I wanna give you a heads-up that I emailed him a link to your excellent timely post here. And did attempt to cc copy YOU, too! To “keep you in the loop.”
That said, you mention Tarot Cards, and while I don’t claim to be an expert or wish to directly disagree or unintentionally offend you, nonetheless, some do place those in the same category as the Ouija Boards & other risky practices. NONETHELESS, regardless of who’s right on this detail, I think it’s safe to trust that we all must carefully avoid going beyond our own level of faith or understanding, and have both pure motives AND carefully study & research these things from multiple angles.
Anyhow, thank you, again, Matt, for your dedication, attention to detail, and excellent concern for us. 🙂🙏
Gordon Wayne Watts in Florida
Hi Matt, All of my “Loved” ones are in spirit. The rest are blocked by the world and believe others that don’t know either. Anywho , my mother did the ouija board and showed me, I had one say , I want You. I was Ten yrs. Old. And I did it 3 times after that . How can I cleanse my following, my choices I’ve made. . ??
A very good read Matt, I am struggling with my sons death 3yrs ago, the immediate illness of my husband 4 months later and his death 6 months ago, I am moving forward but there are so many unresolved words that I couldn’t speak of , I find myself searching for signs but no success, finally clearing my mind and the signs from my son appear, my murdered sister has sent signs, they are watching over me
Visiting Gettysburg, I often Since a positive feeling. Of course, I’m empathetic towards the young man who died in that battle. every time I visit, I pray for them to find peace. Is it possible for souls who have crossed over to return to a location of importance to them?
I started to experience some unexplained things in the house where I rent a room. A bookcase moved in front of my door on the inside, so I couldn’t get in. Other unexplained things too. Every night I hear or feel something strange in the middle of the night. I tried some spiritual practices like spraying palo santo around the house and myself or putting healing crystals near where I sleep. Nothing made a difference. Then I decided to pray for the spirit. I felt like I was getting into a negative space when I started praying. And the praying made no difference. Things have kept happening, like someone touching my foot or someone turning on a light that was off. Do you think I have invited a bad spirit somehow? The only thing I can think of is the house I live in is not a happy place for me. I am lonely there.. no loved ones. I would love to know how to banish this spirit. Your reply would really help me. I respect you a lot.
Mahalo (thank you) for your gift♥️ it has made me feel bless and call fortunate to have come across your videos on FB.. something to help me understand that are love 💕 ones are always with us. I will get your books once am able to, i have looked for something to help me more be comfortable in what I see or hear, etc.. when I was younger some(family) would think I was wired or hearing the word freak. You make me comfortable in my own skin at the age of 63 years old mahalo a nui loa thank you very much, me ke aloha pumehana with much warm Love you🌺
Tamala I
IDear Matt
I am extremely grateful to you Matt sharing this information for free, and helping the spiritual community.
This is what makes you a human angle of light, the more we teach with love the more light people will receive and remember.
Even though money does have to be exchanged as we all have to live, I have noticed you are humble with your prices.
What a blessing you had and have strong female teachers in your family, who have nurtured your gifts with love and compassion.
You are a true blessing for mother Gigia and humanity.
Journey well dear brother.
Love blessings and hugs to you and your beautiful family kind regards Leah🙏❤️😇🥰🌈
Dear Matt…Thank you for the Awesome information. I’ve been a huge fan for years. Ivwould like a reading one day. An online reading unless you come to Denver,Colorado. I am Grateful for you and your gifts. You are highly gifted abd have a Beautiful and Amazing one of a Kind Spirit. You are so full of life and a PURE Joy to watch and listen to. Your so full of wisdom and very helpful advice. Your readings are Spot on and you connect with others in a Beautiful way!! This Blog was Amazing and SO are you. God Bkess you and you Beautiful Family!!!! Hope to see you soon. Sincerely, Whendi S. Roberts
Hello. And Bye.
Answers a lot of questions for me. ThankYou so much.
My mother passed away now going on 3 years. She died from a bad heart ❤️. I always see red cardinals everywhere I go! It doesn’t matter the time of day, if I’m out I always see one. I also see my birthdate number 9/17 I don’t know what that means. I’m always happy though to see the red cardinals because it gives me a sense that my mother’s spirit is with me.
While I agree with almost everything you have said, I always have my team ground and cleanse after finishing the investigation. We also never leave the “door” open, for just anyone to try to come through. And, never imitate practices you see on TV, especially inviting a spirit to take your energy. Be kind to benevolent spirits and be sure to let malevolent spirit they can cause no harm.
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