The Hidden Meaning Of Coincidences & Synchronicity

When you experience a coincidence, what do you do? Do you shrug it off and think it’s no big deal? Next time a coincidence happens, pay attention. It could be a message from your loved ones in Heaven. Meaningful coincidences, synchronicities, come in a lot of different forms. If you pay attention, I bet you’ll see a lot of these. A friend of mine keeps a little notebook to write them down when she notices synchronicities. She calls them miracles. Here are a few ways these meaningful coincidences show up in our lives.

Have you ever had the same number show up over and over again? Sometimes a number will seem to randomly show up everywhere you look. But it’s not random. Noticing the same numbers on a clock is one example of a meaningful coincidence. Dates are another way numbers can show up to help us know our loved ones are helping us. A friend of mine lost her father at an early age. She says that sometimes things happen on her father’s birthday. It always seems like a coincidence at first, but now my friend sees that there is a message in that date. One year, she was laid off on her dad’s birthday. Because it happened on that day, my friend knew her dad was looking out for her and everything was going to be okay. Sure enough, within two weeks, she had an even better job that took her career in a whole new and exciting direction.

You hear the same song in the grocery store, on the radio, on the speakers at work. Such a coincidence! But is it? When you hear the same song over and over again, your loved ones in Heaven just might be trying to connect with you. Keep in mind that this song caught your attention for a reason! Listen closely to the lyrics, especially if they are repeated a lot. There’s probably a message in there. Maybe an answer to a big question.

There are a lot of symbols with special significance, and we see them everywhere. Sometimes seeing a symbol is a sign of a connection, or a message from one of your loved ones in Heaven. Maybe you are trying to decide whether to take a trip or move and you look up in the sky to see a cloud in the shape of an airplane. Or you are having a bad day, missing your loved one, and you see the symbol of something that was very important to that person, or something that was meaningful between the two of you. That’s your loved one saying “Hello, I’m here. You are not alone.”

Street names, place names, people’s names can all seem like coincidences but are really messages. A woman I met at one of my events told me that after her father died, she had to travel out of town to make a big presentation. She was still so sad about losing him and didn’t know how she was going to be able to do what she needed to do. When she arrived at her destination, she saw her father’s name, Joseph, on street signs, convention centers, restaurants and even in the name of the ballroom where she was making her presentation. It turned out that one of the founders of this particular city had the same first name as her dad. Coincidence? Not to her. To her, this was a message from her dad letting her know that he was with her and watching out for her. It gave her the courage she needed to do a great job. During her trip, every time she saw the name Joseph, she said, “Thanks, Dad!”

If you want to start noticing the coincidences, synchronicities, keep an open heart. Take some quiet time to clear your head from all the messiness of life. Maybe keep a small notebook and write down coincidences. At first, it is sometimes hard to notice these coincidences or think of them as meaningful. When you pay attention, you will start to see patterns, and then you will start to see them more and more. Your loved ones want to stay connected. Make sure you pay attention, and they will keep connecting with you.

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