Have you ever wondered what a spirit looks like? A lot of people ask me this question and the answer is not what you would expect, here’s why…
Understanding Mind, Body, and Soul
Deep within you there is another version of you; A version that is free from illness, pain, disability, negativity and fear. That version is called your SOUL and it is the perfect version of you just in energy form.
Your soul looks just like you! With all the beautiful characteristics that make you who you are right down to the way you wear your hair.
When you first pass on, you leave your body behind and your soul takes flight and enters into Heaven. During this time you leave behind the pain and illness that you experienced in life and only bring with you the love that is within your heart and the memories you treasure the most.
This is important because many times when we lose a loved one, we see them go through so much suffering. However, as a medium I can tell you that your loved ones in spirit are completely at peace and free from the illness and disabilities that have plagued them within life.
The Best Version of You
During the readings I give, loved ones will come through and show me what they look like so their families know that they are ok.
I have seen children who couldn’t walk here in this world come through dancing and running, a grandfather who lost his teeth come through with a full smile, a mother who lost her hair during chemotherapy come through with thick brown curly locks waving her hair.
Many times when I connect with the spirits, they come through looking younger and at an age when they felt their best. For example, one time I was speaking to a soul that passed of Alzheimer’s. For years she couldn’t eat, talk, or even walk here in this world. However, when she came through to me in a reading her soul appeared 10 years younger. She reverted back to the time before the illness had taken over her body and when she felt and looked her very best.
You see, just like we change clothing and hair styles here on Earth, your loved ones pass on and they can change their outer appearance to reflect a time in their life that they feel they looked their best.
Spirit Visitations
If you have ever dreamt of a loved one that has passed on, then you have seen a spirit. The reason why is because when you are fast asleep, your body shuts down and you begin to dream. Because your loved ones are energy, they can slip into your dream and come and visit you while you are fast asleep. That is the reason why if you have dreamt of a loved one, you might remember being able to hug them, kiss them, and even touch and feel them. That is because it is really them!
As a medium, it is no different for me! When I see your loved ones, they appear to me in visions. I first see shadows and silhouettes, and then detailed visions that show me what they were like here in this world. I see them, hear them, and most of all sense them. Sometimes I can see them so clearly, I even forget that they have died!
Free From Pain and Illness
What I loved most about the readings that I give is that with every spirit I talk to, they show us all a little bit of what Heaven is like. During a reading they share with me their favorite memories, show me who they are within Heaven, and ask me to deliver messages that they were not able to before they had died.
I love this because a reading is literally like getting a few more moments with those you love in Heaven. It shows you that even when you might not feel them, they are always close by and with you. They are not dead, they are just different and with you in a different way.
If you would like to hear from a loved one that has passed on, I hope you will come and join me at one of my online group readings by Clicking Here. It is during these readings that I connect with spirit and deliver their messages.
I just love listening to you give readings cause it just gives me hope that my husband (Ted) of 53 years who died of a massive heart attack when I was driving him to hospital. He died beside me and I never got a chance to hold him or hi me..he was in so much pain. It has been just about 2 years now and I still don’t know if I can make it without him…I cry for him all the time and my life has changed forever. I cant go on..he was my boyfriend from age of 14 and died at 75. How do I talk to him ..have a hard time believing that he knows about me and what im going thru. Wish this is all true what you do ..bless you
barb, you have to had loved deeply to grieve. my husband has been gone since we were 57 in 1999 and sometimes it still hurts and dont like being alone
My name is Debi. I have so many loved ones that have died, many have come to me in dreams, there was one in particular, the dream was so vivid and so real, I remember every word that was spoken, every detail, I know it was my mom visiting me the night she had died. She had a severe mental illness, which caused her to take her own life, she came to tell me that she was finally at peace. I have felt nothing but happy for her, sad for me, I miss her, but she is no longer in mental torment! I’d love to hear from her again!!!
I always wounder if people with your gift was real .But after watching I believe you can talk to spirit I believe you have amazing gift .I so badly need to talk to my mom I wish she talk to you
Hi Matt,I lost a lot of people in my family,mom sister all my uncle’s but 4 yearsago I lost my dad he was my best friend..we went everywhere together,then the bomb hit..my beautiful daughter passed going on 4 years now,her death was tracic .now I never felt so alone in my life she and I were very close..her death was sudden ..I am broken still..I have a reading with you on the 29th of Aug,at noon…I Am praying she pushes her way to the front so we can connect,I talk to her everyday and I tell her I know she’s here with me and I also told her about you…I keep telling her to use her strong personally to get your attention on that day..so Thank you for all the lessons you are teaching..I watch you every chance I get…I think You are refreshing and you always make me feel good and you are so funny…and I think your girlfriend Alexa is a beauty..you two are a perfect match..well that’s all for now
See you Sunday for my online reading..Love you.
Good evening
I’m a widow twice my first marriage car accident second marriage my love of my life died of a heart attack at the age of 43. I’m 58 and still mad at my husband for leaving me you see before he passed he was interest in another women in which he kissed and said it was nothing. It broke my heart. I’m strong and probably will never have another man I don’t trust anymore. I do miss him along with my mom and so many family members my father and my aunt
I wrote this after losing my second partner in 6 years time (they were friends):
“If it hurts so bad to lose something or someone, at least it means that what you had, was freaking great. Be grateful for that. Many are not as fortunate.”
And I wrote that for myself, actually. But I think this bigger than me. This counts for everyone. And if you get it, it will help you deal with the pain by adding joy and gratitude to the emotions. They balance out the pain. I know. Twice this had been proven true.
It’s been 21 years since I lost my late husband, he sometimes touches my left inner elbow when he visits me. About 18 years ago when I went to sleep, I saw my late husband driving a shiny black truck in the clouds. He stopped the truck when he saw me standing by the clouds , he told me about three times to come on and go with him, I saw my spirit guide sitting beside him in the passenger seat. My spirit guide told me it was up to me if I wanted to get in the truck and go with him. I looked again at my late husband and told him I had to go back and watch over and be with our children. Then he drove off through the clouds and left. I woke up got ready for work and while driving I looked over at a car lot and saw a shiny black truck. I knew then that I went in spirit to find him, which is astra projection. Yes they can visit us on earth, but we can also visit them through astra projection, I know if I would have went with him in the truck then my children would have found me dead in my bed. But since I didn’t go with him I woke up.
I would love to meet you one day soon. I wish I had the money to book a reading with you for my husband and my sister in law to be able to heal.
They lost their father to cancer, he was just aged 40, when they were still young too and it left a Very Very big effect in their life’s.
We stay in Cape Town South Africa and would give an arm and a leg to be able to give them that gift of healing and moving forward.
I was wondering why certain dreams I have mostly have someone who has passed. I love that I’m never afraid. I do however wonder why my father, and grandmother has never came through. They left behind unanswered questions for me. Is there a reason that they don’t connect.
I’vee seen my son in many dreams,, I hope to see him in more ,, he passed away dec 16,2020
I would love to have a reading.I stayed in the hospital with my husband for 9 weeks I ate,spent the night and stayed by his bed side until he passed.He suffered with his lung cancer.All I want is a reading to see if he is doing okay.
I had reading on July 1st 2021 and it was amazing thank you. I was wondering if I could get a copy of the video?
Do you ever interact with pets who have crossed over.I lost one 7 years ago and the pain hasn’t lessened any. I start to cry when I think about my pet. The pain never goes away.
Good afternoon Matt. I really enjoyed watching your reading you helped so many people and I would like to thank you.
My father passed away for more than thirty years. And I really missed him very much. There are times that I dreamed oh him we were talking as if it is real. Then I walked up sobbing.
I have tried so hard to get a reading from you but no luck, as I am in the UK. I have been so ripped off with mediums, yet they knew I was weak from my recent loss, so lost all faith in them now . good luck in what you do , you seen so lovely and enjoy what you do.
My grandson saw my Mom. He said she looked grey. She spoke to him,she wanted him to play a game with her. He does not remember which game…
I wish I could hold my mom for the last time. I dreamt about her the day after her funeral, she passed away 14th May 2021.
Last night I dreamt that she was wearing a Big Daddy’s t-shirt (the place I used to work), somehow she was also on lunch and gave me a big hug. We walked together to go shop for groceries, she stood outside and was gone when I came back outside to go home
I lost my son, Matt 4/13/17 at age 44. I lost my older son 1/28/21 at age 52.
I’m hoping you will seem them in your online reading on Sept 30th as I have signed up. Perhaps you can tell me more about their passings. I’m devastated beyond words. My only 2 sons.
I had a dream of my partner that passed in June, I could only hear his voice and that was the only time he was in my dream.
Matt……My son Tommy passed suddenly 3000 miles away from me 05/06/2021…..that was the last I spoke to him in this human life…I somehow knew something was different….he had been recovering from sepsis…he was self medicating after being released from the hospital..and received a very bad drug….He and I were and are very very close……We had talked about death and dying while he was so sick in hospital..he was so happy he was getting better…me as well……………he struggled with the pain…I can’t believe this has happened.
I do believe he came to in a dream…and I also believe hes around me….Your sharing your gift has helped me understand this.
Wow, such a great explanation. It takes away my fear of death and it makes me look forward to see my dear mom again. I miss her so much …
I 1st lost my mom in Sept 2012, then just shortly a year after that my 1st born in Sept 2013. The worse was my son, it was liked a part of me was ripped from my spirit, soul & heart. It took me long time to get over his traumatic death which in itself was traumatic for me. Lots of bad events have lead to the drama of his death in hospital. I was at least lucky to sort of say my goodbuys to him in hospital. He actually want to commit suicide which lead to a mysterious car-accident before they took him to hospital. There were 3 versions of his car-accident from police, ambulance and hospital. I tried to do my own investigation at the scene of the car-accident after his funeral. I am still mystified by what exactly had happened with the accident. I guess i will know the die i will also die, pass over to the other side. I have also a life-threatening ill-health condition. I am not afraid to die, actually looking forward to it because i will be pain and ill-free and meet all my loved ones in the AFTERLIFE/ heaven/dimension or whatever you call it. My dad also passed away in May 2017. I was present to both my son and parent’ts pass away. Death have visited me many times with my beloved son and parents. I feel like abandoned. I at least still have a lovely daughter and my lovable little daschund doggy Levy which i treat like as a child and in some way as a todler for when my son was that age.
I’ve listened to many many of Matt’s reading and he has indeed talked with pets!!! As a matter of fact, you will actually be able to communicate with them when you reunite! They are whole, happy, and healthy watching over us. They can be with loved ones who have already passed too. Gives me so much comfort knowing we will one day be together along with others we have loved. Hope this helps.
Can I please ask a question. I had an experience where I know I was awake I could open my eyes it was past midnight early morning and my estranged mother came and spoke to me and showed me visions of my child hood and all the bad stuff and explained in understand though dream type thoughts she looked beautiful and at the end of the conversation she leaped up and helped in the most joyful almost child like and yelled I am free and smiled like I have never seen her face like that and she left. I have no idea if my mother is alive or has passed but wow that experience has blown me away ..what is this … What does it mean. Did I just have a phsycotic episode .. I can not explain this absolutely real event
Very interested Thanks
I am still waiting for a sign from my husband of 60 years to let me know he is with me. He died on our 60rh anniversary two years ago. This August 22nd I have a reading opportunity with Matt Fraser at noon this will be my third time trying to get a message from my husband.
My husband died tragically on June 24th 2019 due to a motorcycle accident. It was a clear day on the highway and he left the road on a curve and died from stem cell injury. He was fully dressed for riding such as leather jacket, chaps gloves goggles and most important a helmet. Me and my children still don’t know what happen. Did he have a Health issue such as leg cramps or something else.we may never know!
The most vivid dream I had was right after his passing. We were in a crowded room and I felt someone behind me. I turned around and my Husband reached for my hand.
I looked at him and said “I feel you” he just smiled. It was like in my dream I knew he had died so why was it that I could feel his hand. This brings me so much comfort.
Thank you so much Matt for sharing your gift and helping to ease the pain of so many who have lost loves ones. Watching you you sharing your gift is absolutely heart waming and helps comfort that gaping hole that is left when we loose someone we love… Somehow it helps cuahin the pain.
On 13th July 2020 i lost my beautiful daughter, the eldest of my 3 children. She had suffered at the hands of 2 abusive partners who were both absolutely unforgivable cruel and caused so much devastation in both my daughters, her children and our families lives and the pain continues. Without going into too much detail, the police are adament she took her own life, i do not believe that despite knowing she was struggling….. After over 12months of struggling to come to terms with her devastating loss and fighting for justice with the unwavering support from a charity called AAFDA and other valued professionals,
we now have a domestic homicide review in place for her in the desperate hope to get the justice for her, herchildren and us all as a family. Our onlycomfort is that hopefully she is at peace now and those monsters can no longer hurt her. Every night i finally go to sleep hoping she will visit me in my dreams and tell me she is ok and what really happened. Hopefully that will happen some day soon. Until then we will keep going as best we can, holding on too the good memories and our love to help keep her close and keep us strong. Watching you share your gift with others helps to give us comfort in this dark place xx take care and thank you.
Karen x
My only daughter and youngest child passed away on June 15;2021 from ALS after 4 and a half years! I knew that she would leave us from the illness but when the day came I could not believe what was happening,! She left me a note and that helped! You see this was not the first daughter I had lost. My first baby was a girl and she only lived two days and I was to sick to meet my first little girl. I had my Melanie for fifty eight years and her sister for forty eigh
Hours, I have two Sons who I love very mush and five grown grandchild don’t and three great grandchildren who I adore! I pray that I can come to terms with my loss!
I could really use a reading to get closure on a recently passed love one. HELP, please.
Thank you, Jess
I believe you must always talk to your love ones as much as you can, include them in you prayers each night. Everybody has experienced loss and the sadness it leaves you with, but believe as Matt has explained in his introduction and I hope you all receive a warm hug and kiss whilst you sleep.
Hi Matt, I know this is probably not the best place to ask this, but there is a lot I do not understand I believe in Heaven but I often wonder do we come back and do it all again. If we do are we locked in as a male or female like when we were on this earth before, does this change when we return. When we die can we move onto other life forms in other galaxies or are we tied to this one? What happens to the individual souls that have committed Hanus crimes amongst their brothers and sisters. When we leave this earth are we free to travel to different galaxies. I am a traveller at heart and look forward to many new adventures. So many questions to ask. I just hope that it’s true that we will meet our loved ones again. I am 66 years old now but I will never forget a friend who lost his life when we were 16 because he was such a good friend and came with me that day that he lost his life
I would like to dream about my mom my dad and my brother Roland
I was wondering how far can you reach to the spirit world. Could you please asked them the origin of life and when it will ends?? Is there another life in the universe?? How about baby died in womb?? Was our religion affects the spirit world?? Etc etc..
Dear Matt,
I lost my fiancé suddenly on 7/5/2020. I miss him more then words could say. He was the first real love of my life. So many things happened in the 48 hours prior to his death. I rarely sleep and think about him pretty much every minute of every day. There are so many unanswered questions and some things we discussed in those 48 hours I still can’t process. I really thought we would be together forever. I can’t seem to move past his death. My daughter booked me a ticket to your group reading on my birthday 10/30/21.
How can I get you to pick me for a reading on that date?
Hi Matt;
I lost my dad 40+ years ago
I miss him dearly he left 9 kids
I would like to have a reading
I’m from the Philippines I live here now in states.
I hope you can help me
Thank you
Thank you Matt for everything you do for everyone that gets a reading from you. You are truly amazing at what you do so thanks. I hope one day I’ll get to the top of your waiting list but until then I will coutuine to watch your videos and enjoy them. Thanks for sharing your wonderful gift with everyone.
Thank you Matt for everything you do for everyone that gets a reading from you. You are truly amazing at what you do so thanks. I hope one day I’ll get to the top of your waiting list but until then I will coutuine to watch your videos and enjoy them. Thanks for sharing your wonderful gift with everyone.
I lost my uncle 27 years ago today. He was my only uncle and I loved him dearly! He continued communicating with me in dreams. But I was very mad at him because he committed suicide at 44 after fighting schizophrenia for many, many years. Always wondered were he ended up. I want to think he is in heaven but wondering if you can still go to heaven even if you committed suicide. Have you come in touch with spirits that are tormented? Would you tell me during a reading if that’s the case or do you transmit only positive messages in protection of the souls on earth?
I see him in my dreams a lot. I can feel him hugging me. I also get occasional visits from other family members as well as my dog.
Do the spirits ever tell you they met God?
Hi Matt, I lost my mother years ago and still miss her everyday. I can’t seem to get over it. It still makes me tear up every time I think about her. She was very spiritual and I always thought she would come through in the afterlife. I’m still waiting after 10 years
Matt. I put my name down many months ago to book reading with you. It said I have to wait about 12 months but just want to check if I’m on the list. Can you please tell me? Thank you!
I’m wondering about my dad Ronald Woodarski he’s been on my mind lately. More sence I’ve been watching you. Just want him to know that I love him and hope he is doing good. Also are ghost real and are there bad ghost. My step father use to beat me and force sex on me if he is there is he sorry for his actions? THANKS SO MUCH!!!! DIANE
My son and his girlfriend drowned a month ago and left behind there 5 year old son why doesn’t he visit me and tell me he is ok. Are they visiting there son ?
Hello Mr. Fraser….
Wondering what my husband meant when he told me …I have something to take care of, I won’t be coming to see you anymore, and he gave me a kiss …. I remember yelling…wait… and he left… he passed away June 26,2008… just before I came home from work that morning. I had so many vivid dreams before that, and nothing since …?
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