10 Signs of Spirit Communication: How The Departed Are Trying To Communicate With You
Death is not a permanent goodbye. I want to remind you that the same way you are learning to communicate with your loved ones in Spirit, they are also learning to communicate with you.
Signs are a special language that your loved ones in Spirit use to get your attention and keep in touch with you. They use signs to send messages to you, bring you comfort, guide you, and let you know they are with you every day.
Sometimes you might not notice the signs because they can be subtle, but once you know what to look for, your loved ones can communicate with you more easily. Have you noticed any of the signs below ?
1.Familiar Smells That Bring Memories
Have you randomly smelled cologne or perfume that your loved one used to wear? Smells hold memories that your loved ones use to show you they are close by. For example if your Dad was a cigarette smoker, you just catch a whiff of cigarette smoke when you are home alone by yourself.
2. Signs Through Pets
Pets can see and sense Spirit too. If they randomly perk up and start barking or staring at a chair in a corner that your loved one once sat or spent time in, it’s a sign they are there.
3. Songs That Bring Meaning and Love
If a special song keeps playing in your car, house or when you are out shopping it is not a coincidence. Spirit uses music to communicate and send strong messages. It could be a song that your loved one always sang to you or a special song like a wedding song that the two of you shared.
4. Repeating Numbers
Seeing repeating numbers like 11:11, the birthday of a loved one, or a specific time of death is a sign that they made it to Heaven. They love using numbers because it is the easiest way they can reach you. The pop up randomly on license plates, clocks, or even receipts!
5. Waking Up At 3:00AM or Randomly At Night
Waking up at 3am or the same time every night is a sign. It normally happens when a loved one first passes away and is trying to get in touch with you. Bed-time is the easiest way for your loved one to reach you because your mind is in a relaxed state.
6. Dream Visitations
Those in Spirit love coming to visit you in your dreams. To them visiting in your dreams is like a Skype video call with Heaven. You might see them standing their happy and smiling or they may come and have a conversation with you. These dreams come every so often and are very real. You may even wake up thinking it actually happened.
7. Hearing Your Name Being Called
Have you ever heard your name being called and nobody was there ? You might sometimes hear your loved one. No you are not crazy. They sometimes we call out to you or say something that you can hear audibly to remind you of their presence. You might even hear then speaking to you through your thoughts when you are upset or need guidance.
8. Phone Calls from Heaven
I have had many readings where loved ones have come through the phone lines. You might get a call from their number or your phone might ring randomly and nobody is there. These calls normally come from souls that liked to play jokes here in this world. If your dad or brother was a jokester, they may be prank calling you from the afterlife. Spirit is energy and can manipulate electronics such as phones, TVs, and computers to send a message.
9. Feeling A Spiritual Presence
I have had many souls come to tell me that they visit their loved ones at night. You might feel them sit on your bed or just feel their presence In the room with you. When you feel the presence of a loved one, talk to them. They can hear you and love coming to check up on you.
10. Seeing A Spirit Figure or Silhouette
If you have ever thought you saw your loved one standing in the hall or saw a figure move past you, your eyes are not playing tricks on you. Sometimes you might catch a glimpse of your loved one for a split second. It’s rare but it does happen. Sometimes, they also will show up in photographs as distortions, blurs, lens flares or sometimes even orbs.
If you can relate to any of these signs, it means your loved ones are close by in spirit and trying to communicate. You are not alone in what you are sensing and feeling. It is real. It is why I love leading the way for groups of people to connect with spirit. It’s why my LIVE shows are so special to me.
The experience of being together, honoring loved ones on the other side, and raising the group vibration to receive messages creates a ripple of loving energy that infuses every member of the audience.
I hope you will join me at my next group reading by Clicking Here or by scrolling down and viewing the events below.
You have seen and heard me give readings on TV and Radio. Now it’s your turn to join me up close & personal at one of my upcoming group readings where I will help you connect with your loved ones that have passed on.
Seating is limited and kept to an intimate crowd so be sure to get tickets early as they do sell out quickly! Click Here to get tickets to a group reading near you.
I have had 4 out of 10 of these experiences. It started when my husband passed away. He would come and sit on the edge of my bed every night. I never knew others had this same experience.
Now I know why my Dog keeps barking at my father’s bedroom door! He loved my Dad they were best friends!
My wife used to collect pennies. No matter where she would go, she would find and collect them. Since her passing all I find are pennies everywhere. I know it’s her…
I always see license plates with my mom and dad’s initials RW or MW…I know its a true sign
Looking forward to this!
Many times I’ve woken up at 3:00AM, this has happened for years but no one close to me has passed away so I have no idea who or what would want my attention
I’ve experienced lots of these things, but one of the most shocking happened one night when I was 11 years old, and clearly heard my friend call my name 3-4 times in a row, very quickly, as I was lying down to sleep. It was so clear that I actually called out to him hoping he would respond, but apparently he was done trying to get my attention.
Unbeknownst to me, he had “died” earlier that day in a dirtbike accident, which I didn’t hear about until the following morning.
During the summer I had dragon flies following me everywhere I went whether in the yard or in a parking lot! I’m sure it mother, who passed on Holy Thursday this past April.. would talk to her and so pleased to see the dragon flies. It was comforting. I just love your meetings with groups. You are such an up-lifting speaker!!! Will be at one of your events in November. Bless You!
I have had several of these experiences. After he passed my daughter and I were flooded with messages he would use his cell phone a lot and my daughter was the telephone operator so to speak. I had heard of spirit leaving a scent in the room but i was awakened one night smelling bacon & eggs i sat up in bed thinking maybe one of my neighbors was getting ready for an early hunting trip. As I tried to take in the smell it only disappeared. It was then that i had to chuckle to myself. “Oh that was Mike” he was a logger and got up at dawn to make breakfast, frequently leaving the kids some bacon! These communications were frequent for 3-4 yrs after he passed, then my three year old grandaughter started seeing and playing with him and she immediately called him grandpa Mike. Interesting because we never referred to him as Grandpa Mike if we talked about him it was Dad this or Dad that. Anyway i could go on & on I just love it that he actively participates in many daily descions and without doubt he is but a heart beat away! Thank you for the work that you do.
I live in GA a man came to my church from my Grandfather’s home state RI to visit. We talked for 30min. When we were saying good-bye I smelt my grandfather. Very strong and unmistakable. Amazing just amazing.
After my transitioned my cat would go in my room and jump around crazy like, knocking things over. He would all of a sudden out of the blue start trying to climb the walls. Looking at the ceiling and crying. I know it was my husband and my Logan saw him. Logan has since passed. Miss that so much.
July 14 2019 i got into my truck which the windows were rolled up. And there was a dragonfly on my dashboard . I was stunned how did he get in? I than went to my family reunion in long island an there again was a dragonfly flying all threw the tent that was set up for the gathering.i wasnt going to go to the reunion i was so sad i believe it was my sons way of letting me know he also came
Do our pets try to Communicate with us also?
Yes they do after my dog passed of cancer my other dog would stand over by his bed an growel an show his teeth with hair on his back raised. An i could hear something straching. Plus his card the vets office sent me keeps,falling off the place i put it an hitting me ? i miss him but i know he’s here in spirit with me
Yes have had many of these signs since my husband died of unexpected cardiac arrest at age 54!!??
Angela my husband was 58 he died of the same thing?I lost him 6 months ago, but I haven’t had any dream visitations yet, I’m so sorry for your loss?
My husband was 58.he died suddenly in his sleep . He had cardiac tamponada, I haven’t heard him or gotten any signs. I do believe we live on in a different form, but I am so sad that I haven’t heard from him
I just lost my best friend my little Yorkie Benny, do pets go to heaven and do they also try to get in touch with us too. Is there really a rainbow bridge?
Thankyou for all this information.I have literally just returned home after my mum’s funeral today,and am feeling heart broken.
Wonderful to read comments from those who have also lost loved ones.
Much love to each and everyone of you,and of course to you Matt.
Love from Karen in the United Kingdom xxx
I had number 4 last night, I was sitting at kitchen table he walked up on side of me. I was hugging him next to me didnt want to let go he have a navy blue sweat shirt on but I dont remember seeing his face. Felt so real was my brother in law.
I’ve experienced most of these. It helps me so much. Please believe & keep your loved ones memories alive. Spirit is always with us. ✨?
have had all the above happen to me especially my dad he always smelt of oil and l know hes here with me l always thank him….
For the last few mts since mam passed ive been drawn to the saint she prayed to. Even when im out & im drawn to a new church I know my mams favourite saint is there. Mam has visited me quiet a few times & my dogs always lets me know when I have spirit visitors.xx
I’ve had my deceased auntie sit on my bed as well as a deceased childhood friend waking me up all hours of the night. I can hear them talking from heaven. How can I communicate with them without being scared to death?
I have lost my Parents and 2 Brothers tragically. I have experienced 8 out of 10 over the years.
I have seen Matt twice and can’t wait for the next one. Haven’t had a reading, but someone may have needed them more than myself. I am a firm believer in Spirits.
The day my brother died I was asleep that night and I heard his voice say get up. I woke up nobody there but i know it was him. Then awhile after he was gone a month or two sitting at home watching tv and the phone started to ring the number came up on the tv and it was our land line phone number I picked it up and there was static on the phone. When my Mom passed away the day of her visitation my dad the cleaning lady and I were in the kitchen heard a boom in the other room went in to check and seen the last picture of her taken on the floor and the cleaning lady said your mom is here. Well I have not felt there presence here at the new place dad and I moved to. But I have seen butterfly s two one landed on each hand. Oh and one time when I got home from work the next day was taking my dad to see old friends in another state and I heard this noise and looked next to me and a hummingbird was real close to my ear.
When my son died I heard my voice being called and I had a feeling of zooming threw my body and I smell things the day my bro died before I even knew I was opening my curtains and in my square which I’d never seen before was a magpie and I said to my husband as it was unusual then hour later I had phone call to say my bro had died suddenly so I’ve had a few signs but I find feathers pennies and it makes me smile aw and a robin always know that’s my son saying itl be ok x
Hi Matt , my boyfriend and I were at your event in Stamford CT . What a fantastic night we had . I was so excited I forgot my dress lol . So loving guy that he is he was going to drive home almost 2 hrs to get it . We decoded it would be better if we just went to the mall and found one …. so there I was with the only dress I found that fit …. but the boobs were hanging out lol . So yeah I was embarrassed so I wore a sweater and covered them .
Matt just seeing you and how you interact with your audience is amazing . John ( my boyfriend ) was a skeptic going in . I think we’ve got him hooked Matt . His mom and dad passed 3 yrs ago only a few months apart . Pop died of a broken heart . We helped care for him in his last few months. There are some feelings like we could have done more . Pop had dementia and was being very difficult . We had no choice he had to go in a home . The first one was one I’ve worked at as an agency nurse . I honestly thought it was a great place . Turns out they treated him awfully . He ended up back in the hosp . It was a nightmare . Matt the elderly get treated so badly in these nursing homes . We felt so bad that he was not able to be cared for at home . John needs to hear from his dad . As for his mother well she owes her son a big apology !!! It’s a long story let’s just say she was not a very nice person . Her kids grew up being terrorized by this woman .
So many family’s drift apart after the parents die . My family has as well. I miss those years we’d all get together for the holidays . Now it’s just John and I . My daughter lives in Georgia . Johns daughter lives over an hr away and has her own family to take care of . Family is all we have . I look at you with your family and it makes me miss holidays at my sisters in Coventry .i miss my mom . I do see signs all the time . I’m trying to open myself up to seeing more . My family has faced a lot of tragedy . I’m way down here in Jersey and my family is in RI ??. I never had the honor of having my mom and dad at my house for a holiday . Not from the lack of trying on my part . Yeah your picking up on some hurt and anger . I’ve always felt that my feelings were last on their list . I’m still that little red headed girl who sought her parents love and approval . Sadly I never felt that way .
So you can see how John and I have a lot in common . My name is on your list for a private reading I guess I’m close to a year ago I put my name on it . God what I would give to talk to a very special angel who’s gone on ahead of me.
I watch you with your audiences the most broken hearted people leave knowing their loved ones are right there watching over their loved ones . Thank you Matt …. your gift helps so many . Your such a great guy . Your fans adore you . God Bless Matt
Linda J Horn
Recently I was laying down to go to sleep and I felt someone elbow me in the arm. It wasn’t a muscle spasm it was a hard elbow. I believe it was my Dad, I said out loud very funny Dad and laughed and fell asleep
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