It doesn’t matter if you’re the one passing over or the loved one left behind, either way, it’s difficult to let go.
I’ve seen mothers who were gravely ill hang on with everything they had so they could be there for their daughter’s wedding or their son’s college graduation. I’ve known fathers who wouldn’t quit until they had settled their affairs, and made sure their family would be provided for.
You know that death is a part of life and that Heaven is a beautiful place where your loved one will be at peace and pain-free – but it still hurts to think you won’t be able to spend time with them or talk to them on the phone.
There are ways to ease the pain of letting go. A recent experience I had at an event illustrated this.
What is it like to die ?
A young woman came to an event. She looked like the picture of health. Her mother who’d passed a few years earlier came through immediately and told me her daughter was very sick. She’d been watching from Heaven as her daughter received her treatments.
The daughter came up to me after the event and asked me to tell her about death and dying. What she had to say brought tears to my eyes. She was terrified of dying because she wanted to be there for her two teenage daughters as they reached important milestones – but her doctors were telling her she didn’t have much time left.
I had to help her. We arranged to meet one-on-one a week or so later. I explained what Heaven was like but what she really wanted to know was how to reach out to her daughters after she passed.
I recommended she devise signs she could share with her girls—pennies or rainbows or anything her daughters could look for that would tell them their mother was ok.
Right after we talked, she sat down with her daughters to put together different words, songs, and signs they could watch for after she passed. That way she could send specific messages when they were sad, celebrating, or just missing her. It put her mind at ease to know she now had a way to be there for them as they grew up.
About two years later the mother of two young women in the audience came through.
“I feel I know her,” I said but I couldn’t place her.
“She did a reading with you when she was alive.”
The women told me they’d come that night because they knew that if their mom came through to anyone it would be me. Their mother let me know our plan had worked. The daughters thanked me for encouraging them to set up the signs before she passed.
Doing so had made her passing a just a little less painful, and had given them great comfort over the years.
Staying In Touch With Those Who Pass Away.
Not everyone has the chance to set up signals and signs for loved ones before they pass. Sometimes death comes suddenly, and there’s no time. But there are many ways to feel connected to loved ones in Heaven.
Here are just a few ways to keep the close:
1. If possible, arrange for a sign before they die, just like the girls did in the story I just shared with you.
2. Write a letter to your loved one and “send” it to them. You can burn it, read it aloud to their picture, or if your message is short, write it in the sand at the beach, and let the tide wash it away.
3. Create a personal shrine with a picture of your loved one and something that belonged to them. This doesn’t have to be a “traditional” shrine. Anything that is meaningful to you, set in a place where you will see it often, will keep their memory close.
4. Look out for coins, cardinals, butterflies and dragonflies. These are all classic ways that souls in heaven reach out to the living.
5. Pay attention to songs on the radio – you might hear one that was significant to both of you, like a song you danced to at your wedding, or it might contain a message that resonates with you at that moment. Either way, it’s their way of reaching out to you.
6. Write down your dreams. Dreams are probably the most common way the dead bridge the gap between heaven and earth.
7. Talk about them! Keep their memory alive with others, but don’t focus on their death. Sharing happy memories and funny stories is what attracts them and brings them closer.
8. Visit a place they loved. This doesn’t have to be a big production. Of course, you can travel across the globe (when it’s safe to fly) but you can also go to their favorite restaurant or park.
9. Don’t be afraid to be happy and enjoy your life. Souls in heaven are not jealous or resentful. Their greatest wish is for their loved ones to live their best life.
10. If you’re not sensing the presence of loved ones, be patient. They might be adjusting to the transition. It sometimes takes souls up to a year to come through to a medium, or to send a sign to loved ones.
As a psychic medium I wish that I could loan a pair of my eyes to every single one of you so that you could truly see that your loved one in spirit is right by your side. Of course that can’t happen, but I did the next best thing. I started doing Live Online Group Readings during the pandemic where you and family can join me with other families across the country and be part of an online psychic reading event.
The experience is truly amazing. Its all done by video and so I will be able to see all of you and you will be able to see me LIVE right from your home. What is truly incredible is that during these events as I start to see different families appear on screen, I also start to see their loved ones in spirit standing behind them. So far these Live Online Group Readings have allowed me to meet so many of you that I would have never been able to meet and read before. As of today I can proudly say that I have read over 250 people during these readings alone.
If you are stuck, anxious or missing a loved one, I hope you will join me with your family and take part in this event with me. All you need is a computer, iPhone/smartphone or tablet to attend. Space is limited so if you would like to attend, please Click Here.
In the meantime, keep an eye out for all the amazing signs around you. Even though you may not feel them at times, I promise you your loved ones are closer than you think.
What about non believers or skeptics who are having trouble or doubts believing in heaven or Jesus and god? Do non believers go to heaven, the Bible says no but I’m scared
Hello Jordyn, don’t be afraid!, You are bigger than what you think you are. Your soul is always guard by you guardian angel. God is all Love. Ask your guardian angel for a sign, perhaps in your dreams. I used to be in the same place where you are right now but I encounter a miracle and after that moment I never doubt it.
God loves all of his children, don’t be afraid.
Can a person join your online readings from Africa?
I wonder if care giver she try kill my mom. I wonder everything about my mother death. One week before she died i had car accident but i know the moment i was survivor was angel save my life. Who was? My little sister she died. I wonder all about the end of death. Did she okay? In heaven? I miss my dad. God i love him and grandpa to. Can please ask who took everything away when my mom past way. I need messeger from her. Tell everyone i love them and i miss so deeply. Thank you.
I am so sorry for your loss. But I lost a mom and 2 sisters in a 2 year period and they have came to visit. So I really believe Matt. Be patient and know they love and are with you everyday.
I say with great certainty, it makes no difference whether you believe in God or the afterlife. We are born with no recollection of “home”, and we’re not meant to. So when our bodies expire, our souls do indeed “return home”, with a lot more living left to get on with (in spirit).
We all go to heaven!(though there is different “levels” there)
Do right thing, walk under God’s white light, nothing to be afraid of.
I don’t get signs from my fiance that passed and it breaks my heart. ?
I have the same question as Jordyn, do non believers go to heaven? If not what happens to them? The Bible does talk about some crazy times and revelations how do they connect with the world we live in today. Bible says GOD is a loving and forgiving GOD so yes what happens to those who don’t believe now , is it true that they will be denied in heaven?
ABSOLUTELY!! Remember that while the Bible was inspired by God, it was written by human beings and passed down through 100s of generations. If we have learned ANYTHING about what information gets passed along or misinterpreted…or bold faced changed by people in power in order to rule the masses, you can rest assured that ALL SOULS GO TO HEAVEN. You can choose to believe that or you can choose not to and live in fear and doubt in this lifetime. Either way, a belief is just a thought you keep thinking. When you pass from this world – believer or non – you will most likely be pleasantly surprised.♡
Hello i am new user and i would to ask you, How to disable avatar?
I am very connected to the spirit world and I have booked a group reading September 13 th I am very excited and thank you for this wonderful opportunity!!
Matt thank you for doing the online live readings. My husband and I attended last week and his Mom came through. It was what he needed for a long time. I cannot tell you how much healing you brought him.
It has been just over a year since my Hailey passed. I miss her so much. I have been to 2 of your on line readings and have not yet been lucky enough to get a reading. I have tickets for another and cant wait. I hope and pray that this time will be our time. Your gift is amazing and I cant wait to experience it. Hugs and love to you Matt.
Love that you have opened this up to families for such a low price. We will be attending the next few. It helps us to feel peace and comfort even when it is not us getting a reading.
Hi Matt My Mom died of Brain cancer and my Dad died of Kidney cancer they both died one year apart from each other!! I no crossing over is a part of life but I don’t seem to be able to live my life without them!! I am So depressed The only thing that helps is reading everything that you talk about and telling me and Others that our loved ones are still with us !! I do believe that with all my heart
I’ve had signs with butterflies 2 butterflies ? ? fly around my legs every time I take my dog out back and also my lights go down and up and sometimes turn off and then come back on again and that never happened before until my parents passed on to heaven!! I talk to them every day as if they’re right here with me in the room most people would think that was crazy I do not!! I have a memorial in my bedroom of Pictures candles and Angels it gives me some peace!! Thank you Matt for helping me fell at peace! I just wish I could come out of this Depression?
Dear Matt,
Thank you for sharing your gift and helping people heal. We all could probably tune in and receive, but we have walls up ,that keep us from utilizing our brain’s full capacity. You are truly blessed to have inherited this ability. It hurts so much to lose someone to the other side. I don’t ignore the signs, but I force myself to be skeptical, because I figure I must be inventing all the ‘’coincidences’’. I want to ‘see’ them, especially our most recently departed loved one. My little girl is heart broken and my husband and I cannot seem to heal. Reading your posts and attending your online readings have helped. One of my mantas, these days, is: Matt says..(smile).Again, thank you for sharing. Blessings and love to you
Hi Matt,
I have sat through 3 group sessions with you and am signed up for one more. I want to thank you for sharing your gift. I have had many losses in the last 10 years, my entire support group has left this world. I have been feeling great comfort listening to your readings. May God bless you for all you do!
Hi Matt,My son is 22 and has never seen his grandparents,He would get upset when all his college friends would talk about there grandparents .I tell him they are always with him and they are watching over him.How can I convince him.Thank you Kelly
Thank you for offering the group readings. My daughter and I have tickets for September 10th and we’re looking forward to it. We’re both excited to be there!
Thank you for what your doing. Helping us reach our loved one’s during this pandemic is amazing. I attended your online reading 8/20 and scheduled another for 9/13. Even though I wasn’t read, just watching and hearing you read others is so beautiful. The laughs, the cries. Very, very heartfelt. I absolutely love you Matt and your gift of seeing in return is our gift of receiving. God Bless You
Matt, My sister and I will be at your reading on August 29th, we lost both parents in the pass 2 years and also are both widows…looking forward to seeing who comes threw…my spouse is always around and it’s been 9 years, almost everyday day hes reminds me he’s here watching over us ?
This will be my first time attending a reading of any kind. I am booked for August 27, 2020. I instantly felt simpatico about this. My mom passed on the 27th of a month – 4 years ago. There has not been one month since then that I don’t silently acknowledge the 27th of every month, so how exciting to attend on such a day in hopes that my mom will come through for me. Thank you a million times, Matt.
Thank you for allowing us to see and share your experiences with our loved one’s. I attended your August 14 reading and even though my loved one’s didn’t come through it was a beautiful experience. I will be at your Sept. 3rd reading hoping my loved one’s will come through. Thank you for sharing your gift. Oh my daughter and I saw the entire season of your show “Meet the Frasers” and we loved it. You and your family are hilarious, “Hello” to them and Alexa.
It makes my heart so full to see you share your gift with so many. I bought tickets for your Sept, 10th readings and I’m looking forward to it. Thank you again for being so selfless.
Hi Matt, I lost a very special person and I have dreamed where this loved one treated me badly or ignored my attempts to reach out. I concluded that if these dreams are an attempt to communicate, how is this hurtful behavior healing my grief? You stated that our loved ones don’t feel resentment or jealousy, but this isn’t my experience. My sadness makes it hard to be happy or feel loved. I did participate in one of your group readings hoping to gain insight, but although I enjoyed the readings you gave those people, I remained feeling the void. I can’t believe that those who cross over are immediately unfeeling of any loss, regrets or even sadness??? Are we not the consciousness of our souls?
My husband of 28 years passed away from COVID. I am so desperate and very open to signs but haven’t received any. I have attended 3 of your sessions so far and I am attending again on September 10th.
Thankyou so much for allowing me to attend one of your on line invents. I lost my mother in 2014 after having my heart surgery. I hope she will come through for dad has also past to and maybe he will come through. I never understood why my mother left that quick.i will be attend on September 10.
I am one of 11 in the family 10 of us living. Can your love one that has departed be at all of our sides? I have some siblings that say they feel them all the time but I don’t feel them it makes me sad like I’m not as important!
My Dad this month he suffered terrible on earth with my brother more of it is coming to light now he passed I tried to help him
He was in uk I had to move money was hard for traveling 16 years I did not get to go back home. The last two years I did and had a lovely time with my darling daddy.
I tried to sort some stuff out for him he refused my brother was behind it
I wanted to get home before he passed on my passport arrived a 2 days before the nurse said I would not make it got to say goodbye on face time.
I told him to go sleep I so wish I didn’t now.
We had no sign to give I don’t have any personal items of his I just put a photo by my bedside hoping ang praying I see him in my dreams all I want to do is be with him and comfort him I love my dad I want to take my own life
Thank you Matt for sharing your gift. I have attended 2 on line events so far and even though I haven’t received a reading yet it is comforting to listen to you S you connect with others. I always enjoy your comments at the end of each event as well. I am signed up for September 10th and very excited as always. Stay well and God bless.
hi Matt, i’m signed up for the online group reading on Sept 10. i’m not very tech savvy, so here’s my very important (to me) question can i connect with your reading on my I-pad? i don’t have an Iphone, or a computer.
Yes you will be able to use your iPad to join the online session. Your iPad has a camera to transmit live video of you to the group. It will work perfectly well. Enjoy it.
I’m so excited to see you on September 10th live! I love watching your videos of readings, so super excited to see you in action!
Hi Matt! I am truly amazed at your abilities to communicate with the departed. I have purchased tickets for both September 3rd and 10th. I am looking forward to seeing you bring people closer to closure. Until then… be safe and healthy!
Hi Matt and I can’t thank you enough for sharing your wonderful gift. I would love to be able to see through your eyes! I have tickets for the Aug 27th group reading and I want to connect with my daughter who passed last November more than anyone and I haven’t felt her around me or had dreams that felt like a visit though I keep asking her to please visit me some way. I’d like to know if it would do any good to ask her to please come through on the 27th?. I fear my grief and negativity are possibly blocking her or so I’ve been told . Idk how it all works but I’d love to. And is it possible for them to stay in touch or eventually do they have to move on and go elsewhere? If I could I’d like to have a relationship with my daughter until it’s finally my turn to go too. I don’t fear death and actually look forward to it. I wish we could pick a buddy to go at the same time so we don’t have to go by ourselves but u know for sure that we have ppl waiting there for us so I hope my loved ones will be there welcoming me home. Much love
Matt, my best friend is dying from cancer, her Father and sister have passed already, her mother is in memory care doesn’t know she’s dying. She is not ready she says, she needs to know it’s all good, I have booked for Sept 13th it’s my gift to her to put her at ease. I hope they come through and bug you so much you tell her so.
Matt, My brother lost his son due to a heron over dose. He was in his mid twenties and was a kind sweet. His parents did many things to try and help him. This included sending him away for treatment but in the end the drug won. They are devastated and now worried because they feel he may be in a dark place from dying the way he did. My brother’s wife looks for signs but does not see any or feel him around.
My question is two parts:
Do drugs lower your vibration which would make it harder to reach people addicted when they are here in the physical world?
Also, what do you know about people who died this way and how they come through after passing? Do they take longer to heal on the other side making it difficult for them to come through right away in a reading?
My husband of 47 years passed on January 8th of this year.. I have always heard of signs like the butterflies..but I see so many now but it seems there are so many black or black with just a little color..there are a ton of dragon flies everywhere I go now ..are the black butterflies a sign of saddness
Can I join your group from Ireland ??
Hi Matt, I have tickets for your August 27th reading and I am hoping to connect to my mother. She passes away unexpectedly 3 years ago and I want to know that she is okay. My daughters and I were very close to her and spent almost everyday together. My daughter recently had a miscarriage and I hope to find out that my mom has the baby in the afterlife with her. This is the closure that my daughter and I hope to find and to know that she is doing okay and at peace with baby Cruz. Thank you for this opportunity and for sharing your special gift with us.
I have a ticket for this sunday my wife of 35 years passed from a stroke 4 years ago have gotten conflicting signs would really like to know for sure its her we fought her heart problem for 26 years LVAD transplant list she could not speak from the stroke doctor told me she should recover fine 4 hrs later I gave the ok to pull the plug after blood vessel burst pulling the plug was the worst thing I have done in my life to watch your only true love pass than to find out 2 years earlier our oldest daughter had same thing it comes from her fathers side of the family so the last year and a half I lived in AZ with my daughter where she finally got a heart transplant thankyou God but i wonder what would be if Kelli got one we had one special love I do know how many miles I paced in hospitals over 26 years and another 2 with my daughter now to end up alone me and my dog Gus would really like to know if Kelli is really close as I think
My daughter Lynne passed April 2016. And my daughter Samantha passed April 2019.forever 35 and 28.l cant live my life since l have no interest in anything.
I have someone that passed without anyone knowing, he was found in his home weeks later, I am sad I did not get to say goodbye, but our relationship was unfinished, and I want to know if he was able to cross over, since his passing was traumatic being alone without having help.Did he visit me after he passed?. I would like him to know how I feel about him and hope to see him again one day…Any information would be appreciated and thank you for sharing your gift.
Thank you very much for the invitation :). Best wishes.
PS: How are you? I am from France
So I have abilities Many many experiences as a child and through today but not as skilled as you you. My one question is reincarnation. Is that a thing? Or once our soul goes to the other side it is there for eternity?
Matt, I lost my husband of 58 years one year ago and having a real tough time.I was his caretaker and now I can,t seem to fill the void in my life.I attended one of your shows before Covid and marveled at your abilities. Set to be online Sept. 24 th. Thank you for helping so many grieving people.
I really wish I could afford a reading with you, I lost every single family member that I was close to and loved dearly within a few years time, 2 died together in a murder suicide, 1 suddenly of an infection and then the last 2 close family members I had died of overdoses. It has been really tough losing them all so close together and in such tragic ways. It’s just me and my kids now and it kills me that they have to grow up without any extended family at all. I really miss them all so much.
Hi Matt, can you read animals? My 15 Year old cat crossed over on July 6th, 2020. I can’t get it out of my mind how sick he was and my decision to do this. I feel guilty. I talk to him every day. I have his pictures everywhere in my room, purse, and car. Is he mad at me? Pumpkin was my heart and soul for 15 years.
Can you tell me if my black male cat Bandit is alive still? Another one of my heart and soul animals. He got outside very early on the morning of October 9th. 2018, and never came home. I dont know or understand how he just went missing from his yard. He loved me and slept with me too.
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