Who are your spirit guides and what do they do?

I have great news! You are never alone. Angels and loved ones in heaven are always around you, watching over you, helping you. But that’s not all. You also have special guides assigned to you. These spirit guides are there just for you, and they can see you with absolute clarity and have only your best interest at heart.

 What is a spirit guide?

A spirit guide is a soul that has passed, maybe centuries ago, and taken on the divine job of watching over you. A spirit guide is not a family member or even a friend. Instead, they’re a “spirit volunteer” who spends decades learning about you at the deepest soul level to be able to help you during your journey here on earth.

Spirit guides are divine beings and are 100% nonjudgmental. Their mission is to watch us and guide us – but of course, we have free will, so we sometimes decide to ignore their help. They allow us to make mistakes when we decide to go against their advice and care about us so unconditionally that they keep trying to gently steer us back toward making the right choices to live our best life.

Your spirit guide is there just for you, walking silently beside you. Although you may not feel them, they are always there. Your spirit guides help you with so many things during your life. They help you to meet your soulmate, making sure you connect with that special person, pulling strings to make sure you meet at just the right time and smoothing over any obstacles that might get in the way of the relationship working out.

Your spirit guides also help you discover your life path and introduce you to the people who will help you along the way. That might be a person who comes into your life to give you a nudge into a new job or someone you meet randomly (or so you think), who ends up being your best friend. During the journey, your spirit guide helps you get through some of the difficulties that you might encounter, and some of those challenges might lead you towards even better things.

There are ways you can connect to your spirit guide. Meditation and journaling are good ways to get connected. Try to sit quietly with the thought of your spirit guide and what you need help with. For example, if you are trying to make a decision and just don’t know what to do, write the question down on a page of your journal then sit quietly for a few minutes of meditation. Don’t even try to think about the question. Just still your mind and open yourself up to receive their divine guidance. After this period of meditation, pick up your pen and journal about the question you wrote down. Let the words flow, and allow the answer to come to you as you are writing.

Even though you won’t meet your spirit guide face to face during your lifetime, you will feel their comforting presence when you need it. Always remember you are not alone and don’t be afraid to just say a silent hello or thank you to your guides every once in a while. They’re always happy to connect with you, and the more you acknowledge them, the more open you will be to receive their guidance.  And when you get that nudge that you’re supposed to do something or avoid a certain person or a certain path, listen. Your spirit guide just might be trying to help you get where you need to be.

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