You opened this article for a divine reason, it is because you have a loved one in Heaven who is trying to reach you and speak to you. Maybe you have sensed them around you but you’re not sure if it’s really them. I have news for you; your loved ones are ALWAYS with you. They are using many ways to try to communicate and speak to you from Heaven. One of the ways they are trying to reach you is through this email right at this moment. There is NO such things as coincidence; everything happens for a reason. I was told by the ‘The Other Side’ that I had to send this email message to you.

Below are 7 ways that your loved ones are using to reach out to you. How many of the following ways has your loved one used to communicate with you lately?

Through Your Thoughts & Feelings: Have you ever just felt the presence of your loved ones around you but couldn’t explain how or why? Maybe you were looking at a picture of them and you felt a chill down your spine, or a warm feeling envelops you. This was a very real experience; you were sensing those you love. When a person passes on, they leave their body behind and take on an energy form. When you begin to feel tingling or sudden gentle sensations, it is because you are actually feeling their energy around you. You may even notice that this happens more when you think about them, or when you are speaking or reminiscing about them. I have news for you; many times when you are thinking about your loved ones, they are thinking about you during that exact moment. They will sometimes send you lost memories of them to make you smile. Have you ever just daydreamed and then remembered a time with your loved one that you had forgotten about? That memory was sent to you from Heaven. When you have those little moments, it is as though your loved ones are sending you a little greeting card from Heaven just to watch you smile and to let you know that  they are around. They want you to remember the good times you shared with them.

Dream Visitations: When you fall asleep, your soul takes you on journey to ‘The Other Side’ and back. Many times I get asked “What is having a vision like?” or “what is it like being psychic?” Well, the best way that I can describe having visions is that it’s like actually dreaming while you are awake. Heaven is completely made up of energy and so are your mind and your thoughts. While you are relaxed and sleeping, your loved ones use your dreams as a video conference between you, and use them to stop in for a visit. If you have ever had a loved one appear in your dreams where you could have sworn it was real, you just had a dream visitation. Many times they will visit you in a dream to deliver news to you. It could be that they tell you a new baby is about to be born into the family, or they might stop in during a time that you are desperate to hear from them. No matter what it is, know that they are visiting because they want to check up on you and to remind you that they have not forgotten about you. Their message is to let you know that you WILL see them again.

Signs Around You: Have you been seeing things repeating that you just can’t explain, like numbers repeating (11:11), or feathers dropping from the sky? Maybe you have been seeing dragonflies, or find dimes no matter where you go. It looks like you just got a beautiful message from Heaven! Your loved ones do not want to interfere in your life or cause you pain that makes you search for them. They want to let you know that they are with you, watching over you, guiding you silently from up above. They will send you gentle reminders using everyday things that reflect their personality. For example, if your grandfather was a coin collector, you might be finding coins just about everywhere. Maybe your grandmother wore a very distinct perfume and you begin to smell it out of nowhere. These are all signs that they are using. It is their way of saying “Hello from Heaven”. 

Songs: Music is, in my opinion, one of the best ways that your loved ones will use to reach you. It seems like one special song at the perfect moment can make so many old feelings come rushing back. Sometimes ‘The Other Side’ will play songs so powerful that they will cause you to stop in your tracks and think of the last time you heard that song with them. Because those you love now have an energy form, they can take control over electronics such as TVs, radios, and even cell phones. When you really need to hear from them, they might just send you a beautiful song from Heaven to show you they are at peace.

Through Other People: Have you ever had the experience where you may not have seen a sign from your loved ones, but a close friend of family member has? You might be asking yourself the question “How come my Mom comes to my sister and not me?” It’s funny because I am asked this quite often. No, it is not that your Mom does not love you or that you Dad doesn’t want to speak to you any longer, but rather that some people are more sensitive than others. If you have a lot on your plate at the moment and your head is filled with thoughts, then you are missing the signs that they are sending you. That is when they will go to other people instead, not because they love them more but to be able to reach you. If you have a child you might even notice that your son, daughter or grandchild might see and sense your loved one that has passed on. It is because they are using other people to get to you. They want to remind you that they are still with you no matter where you go. Even though you may not feel them, it does not mean that they are not there.

Through Your Pets: Just as your pets can sense a thunderstorm days before it happens, they can sense and see your loved ones in Heaven. Pets are extremely intuitive and psychic beings. When you catch your dog or cat barking or meowing at the wall for no reason at all, it might be that they are seeing someone you love. Many times they may stop and stare at a place in your house that your loved one favorited, or they might sit in a place where they always sat. No need to be startled, they are just seeing your loved ones as they pass by to check up on you.

Through Photographs: Have you ever seen something develop on a picture and know instantly it was your loved one? Often, those you love will show up on birthdays, holidays, and in family pictures. You may see orbs or energy forms that appear out of nowhere. Because your loved ones are energy and they are around the family, they will show up in many pictures when you are all together. Your loved ones NEVER miss out on a family celebration or milestone in your life, even from Heaven. When you see these energy forms, know you just caught a loved one on camera. So, you might be wondering “What should I do when I see this?” The best way to connect with your loved ones is by opening up your heart, mind, and soul to the many messages from ‘The Other Side’. When you open yourself up to these signs, you show your loved ones that it is okay to communicate and speak with you. The more open you are, the more often they will send you signs and symbols. 

As a medium, when you come to a group reading or have a session, I do not bring your loved ones to you; you bring they to me. When you attend an event, you may notice that as I walk through the room, I begin to see all of your loved ones standing behind you, next to you, or even by your side. That is because that is where they are. If you were in the grocery store, I might be running up to you trying to deliver a message because that is where your loved ones always are. Right by your side. You have a strong connection that runs from your heart to theirs. It is a soul connection that works like glue to always keep you connected with them. As a medium, I just tell you what they are saying and what they want you to know; that is why they have asked me to write this email to you. Below is a reading I just gave to man in the Fox News studio. The moment I sat on the couch, I saw his father behind him waving to me. It turns out his Dad died when he wad 14 years old. It just goes to show that when you lose someone you love, it does not matter how long ago they died. Their spirit is always there with you.

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