Growing up, I always heard that when you die, you’re reunited with your loved ones who passed before you. It was a comforting thought, but I remember wondering who exactly would be in that group. My best friend from third grade? Relatives who I didn’t even know? Pets? Would I get to pick who I hung out with in heaven?

As a medium, I’m considered an expert in the afterlife, and it turns out I’m not the only one who wonders about these things. People have a lot of questions, and I get it! Knowing that you will be together for eternity can make losing someone easier to handle, and it can make the whole idea of dying less frightening.

Love Keeps Us Connected

A common thing people ask is if they will be with friends, family, or adopted family in Heaven regardless if they are blood related. The answer is yes, Heaven is a place that reunites us – it doesn’t separate us.

As a medium, I’ve learned that souls come through based on how your HEART recognizes them and not your genetics. Stepfather, stepsister, adopted parent, foster parent, best friend, are convenient ways to describe our relationships but sometimes the heart creates a different, more authentic label based on how strong and deep the connection is.

I remember, I once read a woman whose father had been missing from her life. When she was just 3 years old her Mom remarried. The man who was technically her stepfather was a loving person who treated her like she was his own. In his heart, she was his daughter and he loved her unconditionally. Throughout her life, he was the only father she ever knew. She called him Dad, and nobody ever knew anything different. After he passed, she came to me for a reading, and his spirit came right through. She was so relieved because she had feared that he wouldn’t be there because they were not related by blood. He made sure she got the message that they were connected forever – by love. She broke down in tears knowing that he was still with her in spirit, and they would be together in Heaven.

A Soul Connection

People often don’t understand that an enduring soul connection has nothing to do with legality or bloodlines. I’ve known people who tragically lost a fiancée before their wedding who worried that they wouldn’t be reunited in Heaven because the marriage ceremony didn’t take place. People who have been married more than once are sometimes confused about who they will be with in the afterlife. Remember that in the afterlife, true soulmates always reunited and love always finds a way to keep us connected.

I’ve done readings for people who were adopted. That can get interesting!

Sometimes both their adoptive family and biological family members come through. It’s confusing because they have 4 sides of their family instead of two and they may know nothing about their birth parents. However, I have found that most times it is the adopted family that has the strongest presence in readings. They are the ones that shared memories, love and a deep connection with that child, and that is what matters most.

Pets Become Family

Then there are pets. Even though they are not the same species, and are not ” born into our family” they become family because of the love and connection that we share with them. It can be hard to lose a pet you love, especially when their lives seem so short compared to ours – but they are watching over you in life, and will be waiting to lead you across the tunnel of light to the other side.

Heaven is not a place that looks for marriage certificates or DNA samples. You will be with anyone you loved in Heaven.

So, when people ask me questions about being reunited with loved ones in heaven, I always tell them the same thing, “Love is thicker than water – if you’re not sure who you will spend eternity with, your heart knows the answer!”

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