I was stuck in traffic the other day, and I figured I’d take the time to plan out this blog. I knew I wanted to talk about the different kinds of mediums and how they connect with souls on the other side but couldn’t figure out how…

Mediums can serve a specific purpose.


So, I’m sitting there thinking about my upcoming Dr’s appointments when suddenly it hits me! Mediums are kind of like all the different Dr’s we have.. Hear me out!

Just like doctors have a specialty, there are mediums who specialize in different types of readings. For example, there are psychic mediums, pet mediums, medical mediums, mediums that hunt for ghosts – just like there are chiropractors, Dermatologists, Optometrist, Pediatricians, and cardiologists, that all specialize in different parts of our bodies.

You’ll have the most success if you find the kind of medium you need. Just like you can complain to your chiropractor about chest pain, you can go to a psychic medium with a medical question – but it’s not ideal!

Although every Medium has a unique and special way to connect with spirit, they all have their own specialties.

Three generations, three different ways of connecting.


Beyond having a specialty,  mediums also receive messages differently. Also, the way psychic and mediums use their gifts varies! Take my family. My grandmother was a medium, my mom is a medium and I am a medium. We share genetics, we’re all mediums, but we have different gifts – different ways of connection.

My grandmother was primarily a card reader. She would do readings, mapping out the past, present and future for her clients using her handmade tarot deck. She relied on psychic ability, but mediumship was not a main connection for her. She could sense and feel spirit, but mainly received premonitions.

My mom is a psychic life reader. Before each reading she meditates on the client she is about to read, pulls a few cards, and suddenly thoughts, visions and feeling start to take over and paint a picture of that persons life. My mom’s readings help people navigate life, career and romance.

She can also decode symbols found in tea leaves or coffee grinds at the bottom of your cup.

It’s funny, because when I see tea leaves or coffee grinds they mean nothing – but to my mother, they tell a whole story. My mom’s mediumship also comes through when she looks at photographs. She is able to identify and see spirit in photos, and bring through messages.

For me, it’s different because I see visions in real life. Spirit appears to me in the form of a shadow or silhouette and I hear messages like a whisper through my thoughts. It’s not the same as the movies, though – they’re more like glimpses or impressions.  I also feel physical sensations – I’ll get a sensation in my chest and know the person who passed had heart issues, or feel a sudden pain in my head and know they had an aneurism or stroke.

I use all of these senses and feelings to understand the message spirit is trying to relay. To me it’s like putting together the pieces of a jig-saw puzzle.

Meet the Clairs!


You’ve probably heard of clairvoyance, and maybe you even thought it was synonymous with psychic. Actually, it’s only one of the ways that psychics and mediums receive messages. Here are a few of the most popular “clairs,”and how they feel to the medium.

Clairvoyance – Seeing:  Clairvoyant mediums have the ability to visualize memories or events presented to them through the mind’s eye or the third eye. Mediums usually see these visions as quick mental flashes which include pictures of people, places, and objects, or even symbols, colors, and auras.

ClairaudienceHearing: You can probably guess that this is the ability to hear messages from the other side. The words aren’t crystal clear like a phone call – the medium usually has to piece them together. What comes through is often fast and jumbled, or can even be a mix of voices that sound like what happens when you scroll through the channels on a radio.

Clairsentience Sensing / feeling:  This is the ability to sense emotions from spirit both positive and negative. Mediums with this gift can  also “feel” any physical pain associated with the spirit connection. These feelings are being transmitted from the soul they’re connecting with, and are clearly different from their own feelings.

Claircognizance – Knowing:  This is commonly described as flash of understanding, a premonition, or a sudden understanding that comes out of nowhere. Mediums who have this gift can often gain valuable insights in a reading that answer a question or help the recipient gain clarity or closure.

Clairalience – Smelling: This is the ability to smell a fragrance being transmitted by the spirit. It can be related to the spirit who is sending the message such as smelling cigarettes or pipe tobacco for someone who smoked or catching a whiff of the soul’s favorite perfume.

Finding a medium who is a match for you.


Why am I telling you all this? You might feel that I’m giving you TMI (too much information). However, it’s always good to have the knowledge to make an informed choice. If you’re in need of a medium for a reading, or for any purpose, it’s important to find out a little about them. I’ve said this often, a medium is like a translator between you and the spirit realm. That’s the reason you need to find a psychic or medium you connect with. It’s like finding a teacher that speaks your language, and communicates in a way that helps you to learn.

Now that you’ve been educated on the types of mediums, I invite you to see one in action. ME!

You can experience my style of readings without leaving your couch. Check out my online group reading page, sign up for one of my Online Group Readings and find out if someone on the other side has a special message for you.






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