Do You Have a Million Photos on Your Phone?

I know I do, and aside from the ones I share on social media, I’m pretty much the only one who sees them. It used to be different. When I was growing up, my mom had big albums stuffed with pictures that my sister, Maria, and I would look through.

There was one old album filled with faded sepia photos from when my mom was young. We’d sit on the couch together and my mother would tell us stories about our great grandparents, great-aunts, and great-uncles who’d died before we were born.

I’m a big fan of technology – it makes everything simpler and helps cut down on clutter, but those photo albums had a magical appeal that digital photos just can’t duplicate.

Meaningful Mementos from Loved Ones Who Have Passed

It’s nice to have something tangible to remember people by. It doesn’t have to be a photograph, it can be anything!

You might have a piece of jewelry, a vase or any keepsake that makes you feel closer to a loved one on the other side, just by having it around. We have a few items at my mom’s house that bring back vivid memories whenever I walk by them — and they have the same effect on other family members.

A Recipe for Remembrance

I have many wonderful memories of my grandmother. She showered me with unconditional love, and because she was a psychic medium herself she was able to help me understand the spiritual gifts I had been given and, of course, there was her cooking!

On holidays and just about every Sunday, you could find her in the kitchen creating something delicious. When I was really little, you couldn’t just Google a recipe, and I don’t think my grandmother would have done that anyway. She wrote out her recipes, and kept them in a little notebook on the kitchen counter.

When my grandmother passed, my mother kept that recipe box with the recipes handwritten on index cards. It was precious to my Mom because every time she made one of Grandma’s dishes, she would see the notes in her handwriting (along with splashes of olive oil and tomato sauce). She told me it made her feel like her mom was right there with her while she was cooking.

My grandmother was Italian, so naturally there were many treasured recipes on those cards! But everyone isn’t a cook – and with so many recipes and videos online, more and more people don’t even use recipe boxes or even cookbooks.

Creating a “Recipe Box” of Memories

Seeing how precious Grandma’s recipe book is to my mom made me realize that anyone can take the idea of a recipe book one step further to create a repository of memories. Your loved one may not have ever made a home-cooked meal, but they’re sure to have cooked up some great memories, and a that’s where my “Memory Repository” comes in!

Here’s how to create one for a family member or friend who has passed.

Find a box that represents the person. It might be Mom’s old jewelry box, or a cigar box that belonged to your grandfather. Include a photo of the departed and a few items that represent them. Make sure you have some letters or notes in their handwriting. Now add some memories!

Write down some of the good times you had together. If you’re not a writer, make some notes on the back of photos. Invite other family members to add their own stories or mementos to the box. Let everyone contribute.

When you’re missing your loved one, or just want to feel their presence, you can go through the box. You can share your repository with other family members, and take it out during celebrations. Be sure to keep it going by adding more memories, photos, and other items as they present themselves to you.

Love and Laughter Draws Souls in Heaven Closer

I believe the best way to enjoy loving memories and bring the person you’re missing “back to life” is by talking about them and sharing stories with the other people who loved them. A box of memories is a great way to get that conversation started when you gather with family.

You might think this will make people sad, and it might for a while, especially if the person passed recently. But if you get in the habit of bringing them into the conversation and share joyful memories, I’m willing to bet that you’ll find the whole process incredibly healing.

Heaven Has Memories To

Something that always amazes me during readings is that the same memories that you think back to with a smile, are the same memories that your loved ones have with them in Heaven as well. Spirit tells me that the moment you enter Heaven all your memories return, even the forgotten ones!

Have you ever had a moment when a long lost memory just appeared in your head?

Suddenly out of nowhere you remember laughing with your Dad at the beach, or sharing a conversation with your Mom that passed away. The same way those in spirit send signs to us here on Earth, sometimes they even share with us memories through our thoughts and our dreams.

This is why when I do a reading,  your loved ones will often talk about the most favorites memories they enjoyed with you here in this world. It is their way of reminding us here on Earth not to dwell on the sad days, but instead let go of the grief and remember the good times we shared with them as they do the same in Heaven.

If you have ever wondered what Heaven is like, or what your loved ones in spirit are doing, I want to personally invite you to come and join me for an online group reading by clicking here. During this online event I will be helping you reconnect with your loved ones in spirit. It truly is a family reunion with Heaven.


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