The separation between Heaven and Earth isn’t a wall or a gate. It’s more like an invisible curtain which can be crossed freely. As a medium, I reach across that veil to connect with the Spirit realm, but it goes both ways. Souls, Guides, and Angels pass through just as frequently to visit the living.
A Family Reunion in Heaven.
Did you know that we all begin our life journey from the same place? Everyone starts out as a soul in Heaven. Before you are born you gather with those who passed before you – including your grandparents, great great grandparents and even ancestors who died centuries earlier.
At the same time that you meet your extended family in the spirit world, you’re assigned a spirit guide and guardian Angel. They’re excited to join you on the journey that lies ahead!
When a baby is born, they don’t consciously remember the time they spent with loved ones in Heaven, but that’s not important. What is important is that the loved ones remember. Some will remain with the child throughout their life. They will be there to provide support, guidance, and love.
It might seem strange, but it’s no different from the way living family members rush to see a new baby born into the family. Once you accept that you’re part of a soul family that exists in Heaven and is watching over you with the same love as your Earth family, it makes perfect sense. But that doesn’t mean people don’t sometimes get surprised by spirit visitors!
Recently on my Facebook page I got a message from a mother and father who were experiencing that exact situation.
The couple posted footage from their baby monitor on my Facebook page. At 3:00 am they were awoken by the sound of their baby laughing and giggling in his crib. When they checked the baby monitor, they saw bright orbs flying around the baby’s head, and the child was having a great time interacting with them. It’s not unusual for a camera pick up orbs, which often appear as small floating circles. The camera is actually picking up on the energy of spirit. I recognized that this footage was a spirit visitation, and as I watched, it was obvious there was nothing to fear.
The poor parents didn’t see it that way! They were afraid the orbs represented something negative- maybe a force that was trying to possess or harm their child – when in fact, it was totally the opposite. They were seeing the spirits of Angels and loved ones stopping by to visit the baby. I was able to reassure them that their baby was in no danger. I know they believed me, but I have a feeling they slept with one eye on the baby monitor for a while.
Your Spirit guides and Angels are always there, even if you get older and don’t feel them as strongly.
Heavenly visitations are the reason some children see and interact with imaginary friends. Many children will see great grandparents, angels, and even people who have recently passed away.
As they age, most people become less aware of their connection with Spirit. It doesn’t mean their loved ones aren’t there, only that most adults are less open to seeing the signs and feeling the energy of Spirit visitors. They might see things like orbs in photographs, but often pass it off as a glitch with the camera or a trick of the light.
The best way for an adult to open to Spirit visitors is to make a conscious effort to tune in. Talk to your guides and angels, keep your eyes open for signs from Heaven, and use your intuition to sense when Spirit might be near. If you want to take your Spirit awareness to the next level, I offer courses on my website, to provide tips and guidance. You can view all my courses by Clicking Here.
From before you are born till the day you die – and beyond – remember that you are not alone. When you see a sign, or spot an orb in a photo, take it as a reminder to us that Heaven does exist and that our loved ones are always with us
So many young adults that were once in my life but have crossed over from drug overdoses have me heartbroken.I just would love to know that they are okay.These young people were like my adopted children.I loved them.Not just a couple but 6-10 that left this world from addiction.I wish I could have the peace to know that they are ok, healed and happy.
Can someone remember Heaven? You said we forget, but what if some of us do remember?
When my daughter was around 3, she casually told me she chose her daddy and I when she was walking with God in heaven.
My daughter said she saw me from heaven and chose me to be her Mum..
We may not remember the Sea of Souls (my term for it); but we can remember previous incarnations. Hearing the voices of relatives who give advice and encouragement brings comfort to those of us still living. Even if people have been taught to ignore or not talk about spiritual encounters we still experience loved ones and guides from the other side.
It’s hard to understand some die such violent deaths on earth . Where are their guides & guardian Angel ???
Conversations With God by Neil Donald Walsch explains this the best way I’ve ever read. Books, 1,2 & 3.
Sometimes I wonder why some people are protected by an angel and some aren’t. We lost our oldest son on March 15, 2021. He was in the Army for 12 years, only to be shot multiple times by his 13 year old step son in his own home. Where was my son’s guardian angel? If he had died in an Army related event or even in a car accident, I could accept it easier, but not the means of how we lost him. We don’t think the boy did it, but I don’t think we will ever know the truth and we doubt anyone will be held accountable either.
Are my angel all together miss my sister so much,I hope she understands why I did want to see her before she passed, love our memories
All souls that cross over from addiction issues are welcomed with the same love, care, compassion and understanding as any other person crossing over. My brother David helps those addicted souls to adapt and heal when they go home. You cannot but be happy when you go home because your horizons expand a thousand fold.
I recently wrote a book about my journey in healing from addiction. It is dedicated to all those whose lives have been impacted by addiction. I pray for all the souls that have left this earth battling addiction. I pray also for the ones that are still here and feel the great loss. May peace be with you always.
I have a baby picture of me as a new born it has orbs in
It as well as a cross on the wall. I was wondering about it
For a while now the cross isn’t any like most it looks like
Someone Drawn one there.. it’s a very unique picture . Maybe if allowed I will post it. On line and see what other s
Will pick up the energy from the photo .
They are OK. They are free of suffering . They review their life and can see what they could have done better and . Once they see and understand they keep going into heaven . Watch for signs from them . ❤️
2 of my grandchildren past 6/1/2021. My grandson had graduated 2 weeks before. I was not allowed to attend or given any pictures but when he past I saw senior pictures and every pose has orbs in it!!! It scares me that it was a sign that he was about to pass. It doesn’t bring any peace.
Be at peace Brenda, They are both safe and well and sending their love and peace to you.
I lost a daughter four years ago. Have you thought the orbs could be his gaurdians or family to help transition and guide him in his passing instead of an omen. God Bless. I hope you find peace.
Are our lives predestined?
Heaven (your entry into it)is what a person imagines it to be.. to the entent that if you believe you will see a certain religious figure, you will, if you think you’re going to hell you may see darkness at first etc.
When Matt and others say we see heaven as our best experiences on earth, they mean that you’re in a higher dimension and we are flecks of energy. We can manifest the experience we want. So even if you have had the worst life ever, you can still choose to be in a beautiful field of flowers, or outside a parisien café, or on a roller coaster, or cuddling with your dog who passed away 20 years ago. Having a crappy incarnation does not destin you to an awful afterlife. Almost all of us get to experience the perfect ambrosia and infinite love of Home. A select few have to spend time alone , studying , being with mentors getting their spirit healed before they are allowed because they have done evil acts and are at a lower vibration
Laura, when you get to heaven, you’re immediately surrounded by love, your guides, angels, and loved ones who have crossed. You can create any circumstance with your mind. Even if you have had a painful life with many struggles, there are still some moments of beauty and happiness in that life. Heaven is called heaven because it’s great! Don’t worry.❤️
Is my son ok, I worry because of his past.?
Only in as much as setting guide lines and signposts for the lessons you want to learn in this lifetime and you can still deviate from that if you so desire.
Thank you
My mother came to me in a dream as if she was a shooting star with colors so bright I was amazed. I started communicating with my brain and I became a shooting star with energy like her and we chased each other for awhile then she told me she had to go back to school??? Have you heard or seen this before???
Wow! That’s awesome! Yes, in heaven you can continue learning from Masters and other higher beings. Read Michael Newton’s Journey of Souls or medium William Stillman’s The Secret Language of Spirit. Mediums Suzanne Giesemann and Laura Lynn Jackson are great too.
Wow that was beautiful. My dad died about 9 months ago and I’ve had very nice dreams about him where it felt like I had actually seen him, and one time he hugged me and it felt so so real. When dad was alive he believed so strongly in the afterlife and so do I. We had so many conversations about it. When your loved ones actually pass though it takes a lot out of us and you then start to question everything. Sometimes I worry what if we don’t meet again but another part of me is certain that we will, and when I have my dreams I’m so sure that we had met.
Matt I find your words very comforting and just from listening to some of your videos and reading some of the stuff you have written on these emails, you have made me feel good and positive on some of my down and out days. I still get these days quite a lot as I’m sure we all do because let’s be honest when someone close to us who we love so much dies, it’s like something inside us dies with them. Anyway thank you Matt for what you do and giving so many people including myself hope. Like my dad used to say. “Hardeep there is an afterlife and we will meet again”.
Hardeep your father was a wise man. I will pray you have peace during your grieving. Matt does indeed give all of us hope and strengthens our belief in the afterlife.
Please read the book Return from Heaven by Carol Bowman. You will get reunited in this life also.
When my grandmother passed she came to me in a dream. She was wearing a long gown with the brightest, most vivid colors i have ever seen in life and never in a dream. She told me that she was okay and that everything was going to be okay
I thank you for your gifts that God has givin to. I believe I have the gift of an Impath. I also sense things at times, that others do not. Seems as though they are trying to get my attention but I fail in understanding at times. Constant numbers that are the same on my clock each day when I happen to look. Pennies, dimes in my path, etc. one physic said my Daughter lilly and I are also but I am not so sure about me. Anyway … thank you for your insight. I find it all so interesting.
Back to school? Yes! When my husband passed away, he showed me many stages in the transition from physical life to spiritual life. One of the events I saw through my husband’s experience was a place like an outdoor amphitheater with an angel or guide who was giving a lecture. Time isn’t measured like it is here. Who knows how long that lecture goes on. Then there’s a quiz! You must pass this quiz in order to go one to more orientation lectures. Being born is a choice, and I learned that we don’t always stay in the same family line with each incarnation. Why your loved ones visit you is because you are familiar! They love you, can accept their actions that lead to their deaths. You living your life helps them as much as it helps you!
Need to know why my brother dies
we never know why for sure,, we lost our son to suicide,, didnt evn know he was soooo
depressed,, now we all have to keep going on and on and ask him to come visit you in a dream,, my daughter having very rough time with this too…. and all of us
Loved it, very beautifully said
I’ve been following you for a few months now and I’m really impressed. You seems honest and trustworthy. I’ve lost too many people from my life lately and it hurts and is alot to deal with. But I’ve seen them and feel their presence every so often. I’d really love to hear what they have to say. Today I’m broke and can’t afford a reading from you at this time. But hopefully one day I’ll be able to get a reading from you. Thanks for all you do.
There’s a number of spirits in this house my granddaughter and one grandson have seen them. I see an energy field that’s a beautiful turquoise color. I wasn’t feeling threatened but happy when I saw it. My husband’s spirit is also here hear it. I have trouble getting back into meditation so I can decipher some of these business I just have not been able to do it.
When children are abused and mistreated by family where are the angels and spirits? Who watches over those children?
OMG, Sandra, I thought I was the only one physically abused by my mother, beaten with belts where I was literally skinned from my bottom to back of legs. Mentally, verbally as well my whole life. She always had mental issues and diagnosed bi polar late I’m life. Very narcissistic, then married one as well, I didn’t know. She passed two years ago and I still wonder why she hated me
I tried to be perfect but always failed. She presented extremely well in public, people said so many nice things that I wanted to scream. We are Catholic and she always spoke of God so what happened to her and all the venom she spewed about me to the public
Even got left out of the Will which I could care less about cause it all was a horrible trigger anyway
I do understand what you are saying and I’ have you in my thoughts and prayers. I will say that God keeps original receipts
Listen to Dr Ramani’s YouTube videos on Narcissism. That will help you with understanding your mother and also with “filing” ♡
Excellent question. Got me wanting to know now. The spirit’s need to protect our fragile and vulnerable children.
I would like to know the answer also.
Ok, enough of you are wondering WHY Spirit doesn’t seem to protect the children or people that are fragile. I am learning that all Soul’s who reincarnate have a Soul contract. We came to Earth’s 3rd dimension to learn. If you were an abused child like I was( beatings, severe punishments, verbal abuse and rape) you put all that in your contract before being born. Your Earth parents are part of your Soul family in heaven. In truth they love you very much to volunteer to play such a hideous role here in the 3rd. It says in the Bible to honor thy Mother and Father and do not JUDGE. When we cross over and we have our life review, we are judged only by ourselves. That’s right…God doesn’t even judge us! We judge ourselves on what we learned and how easily we’re able to forgive others and just as importantly to forgive ourselves. I hope this helps Sending all who reads this Love and Light
Our lives have some pre-destiny but we still have free choice.
Sometimes when bad things happen it’s because of soul contracts for the greater good. And other times, it’s simply a person will free will who made a bad decision.
Spirit guides can sometimes try to help intervene but our ears have to be open to hear it. For example , when the world trade centre was hit, most of the people who worked there, were not there at the time of the attack. People told stories of how they missed the train, or their alarm didn’t go off (for the first time ever) etc etc I believe these are our guides at work— that’s why I’m not upset anymore when I’m running late or stuck behind a train. Because I’m exactly where I’m “supposed” to be.
This is something I struggle with all the time, logic tells me that this is something these young souls choose to experience but emotionally I find it very hard to accept or understand.
That’s exactly the thought I have when talking about our guradians. That’s a question I’d like an answswer to,, but, I know the only ONE that can answer is GOD.
I really need your help.
Hi Matt, recently you posted that Heaven is a creation by us (sort of) based on a beautiful time we had in our Earth life.
I’m wondering – what if you don’t HAVE one!?
What if you lived a life of struggles and sadness with very little joy? What would Heaven be?
✌ ✌
As a child I had an imaginary friend I insisted the place was made up for him at lunch and dinner time could this have been a spirit
I often feel my daughter s sprit visit me! Her cat comes to me now at strange times when. I’m sad or just thinking about her! Always hugging me and just cuddling!!
That is so sweet.
my daughters cat does thevsame thing
I have several pictures of me with orbs some people and I also have premonitions I find this a gift Thank y Matt people think I’m crazy but I’m not I have that gift
I am related to a lot of good people who I never met Most of us are teachers or nurses. Most of us desired a soulmate and a family. The majority of us have been used and mistreated raising our children alone. How can that be? People ages 30-75 who have never met each other, natural born care givers of the world, raised by total different parents, desired to have families and everyone be able to have happy reunions yet we are all kept separate and made to be on with earth without a soulmate. All good , loving , believers in God ?
When my oldest son was only 2 years old he came to me and said, “I always knew that I wanted you to be my mother. I said to God, ‘God I want Maureen to be my mother because she needs help and I want to go help her.” I was in the throes of alcoholism and when my son was 7 months old, I dropped him one night when I was drunk. I remember saying, “God you have to help me now,” because as long as I felt that I was only hurting myself it didn’t matter. But when I hurt my son. I knew I needed help. I want to my first AA meeting the next day and have been sober ever since (33 years) I will never forget my 2 year old telling me that. He basically chose me to be his mom. I get goose bumps every time I tell that story.
Hello Matt my mom pass the end march this she wish to be cremated my sister didn’t like because her friends said that she will no go to heaven i fee that is not true, picked her ashes yesterday she was 103 years please assure me that she is going to heaven she suffer all her childhood and adult life i think she should be with her mom that she never knew
Thank you
I think about this too. It’s painful enough to endure a life of abuse and neglect.
Hi Matt
Reading your book When heaven calls
and other articles by you is helping me strengthening my belief that my loved ones are near me
It is a difficult journey for me and I hope to get some signs from above to help me ease my time on Earth without my loved ones
My grandson was murdered 3 days before Christmas in 2020, we where so close in this lifetime. My heart is healing as he shows me he is still here.
I was concern he never made it over to the light, but I believe he finally did.
Quinn’s last 6 years were hell on earth, I realize now that he is healing his soul in heaven, thank you Matt , your words and knowledge have help me healing my heart from this tragic ending , love never dies and I will meet him when I go , I know he’ll be there. Waiting for Grammy♥️❤️ ❣️
I watched one of your videos about spirits visiting us in our dreams, even though they don’t wish to disturb us. You mentioned that if the spirit comes into your dream, their energy can be strong and wake you up with their presence. This happened to me earlier this week! I was visited by a very big spirit cat that was purring in the distance but I couldn’t see it. Once it got closer to my auric field, it purr/meowed and startled me into waking up. I’m 100% sure this was a visitation. It was either one of my deceased cats, my totem animal, or the cat next door astral projecting. Anyway I loved it! it was so neat.
Matt I love watching you and your gifts that you use to help other people. I’ve always wanted this gift but not lucky enough I guess. I’ve been trying to teach me mom to watch for the signs so she can feel my dad’s presence. She doesn’t believe in this stuff but I’m working on her.
My nephew committed suicide 2 years after his mom “my sister ” died of cancer. The night after his funeral he came to visit me while I layed in bed crying. I’m sure I wasn’t dreaming, I was awake. He came to tell me that he was ok. I asked him if he was with his mother, my sister, but he said no,not yet. When I asked him why he started to panic and told me that he had to go back, he said that he wasn’t supposed to come and visit me,that God didn’t know he was visiting me and said he had to go back before God found out and got him in trouble for coming without his approval. He then disappeared. I haven’t had any dreams or signs from him or my sister who also came to visit me dressed in Grey the day that my nephew committed suicide. I feel that I let them both down. I believe that she was trying to tell me that her son was going to die and I did nothing about it . She did not talk to me when she visited, she just smiled at first and then looked really sad and left.
My beautiful daughter took her life shortly after her 16th birthday.I was married to someone who fed off the pain of others,when I got the courage to leave it was to late.The damage was done.She went to counseling for years, but she could not cope with what happened.I got home from work and found my precious girl.I pray she is at peace.I pray she got the childhood that was robbed from her.
Running a home care company during covid era produced a lot of pressure — I had to learn to relax and feel the presence of those gone before me — guiding me through this tough time. So far, we’re OK. We’re still growing, finding the clients, the caregivers. I know I’ve had heavenly help. I couldn’t have done it without them.
Hi Matt
I was adopted at 5 from another country and was raise by an older couple in their mid 40s. Life was tough for me. I never knew my real parents and don’t know if they are still alive. I would like to know if they are still living or have left the physical world. I wish I could find my siblings or relatives.. So who will welcome me to the other side since I don’t know who my family is. Do I have an angel or spirit guide that watches over me since I don’t know any loved ones that have passed over.
Bonnie, you are loved by all in heaven! You’re a Soul having a human experience just like the rest of us. Earth is nothing more than a school for learning lessons. Remember…there are no such things as mistakes. All mistakes in reality are lessons Go ahead and live your best life and watch for miracles to unfold X-O
PS: Everyone has guardian angels and spirit guides. You can’t ce to Earth without them. Talk to them and let them know, you know they are with you. I talk with mine all the time since I can remember.
Wow I’ve lost so many really close loved ones in the past few years to addiction I am an addict myself I’m struggling with my mental health atm too. I’ve written lots of poems regarding addiction Thankyou for your kindness
Ive been struggling to get answers and peace wanting to know what my husband was feeling or if he knows what happened to him? My husband passed away of covid 6 months ago. Me an my son were able to be with him when he was put onto a ventilator. Could he hear us? Did he know we were there talking to him, holding his hand and praying? I desperately need to know! We have also have a bird that visits everyday and I know and believe it is him ❤ I also have video of orbs all around my son playing his dad’s favorite song on the guitar was it him? Is my husband proud of me and everything I’m continuing to do for our family? Would love for you to respond Matt! Such a big believer of what you do!!
I lost my 14-year-old grandson June 16 2010 to suicide I always talk to him and ask him to show me signs or come to me and dreams but I don’t feel that he ever does sometimes I feel he may be mad at me I don’t know I also have a sister that disappeared June 1, 1990 never anything found out about her no one‘s ever felt her spirit or seen her we don’t know if she’s deceased or not how do we know I also talk to her but feel nothing
I find it interesting that I opened this article at 11:11. One of my nephews (he was 3 at the time) came into the house from the yard about 6 or 7 months after my Dad passed. He told us that he had just seen grandpa, who had pushed him on the swing, then went up in the sky and disappeared.
I get scared at the thought sometimes that the veil could b that thin for them to cross. Im kinda new to mediumship and still learning everything about it. Would love to learn from u somehow about how to deal with this stuff as no1 in my family has this stuff. Or if they do, they r not talking about it. So im kinda lost with things but still trying my best. I wanna wlcm in the spirit world and know that its safe. But ive had some experiences that i cant really make sense of. Any advice or insight is wlcm. Thx4what u do
lost my husbanb 5 yrs ago due to dementia i don’t see him or feel him does that mean something we were married 53
I believe in God, heaven, angels and the Holy Spirit. I’ve had many loses in my life. I’m hoping they are all watching over me. I talk to them at night and tell them I love and miss them including my dog.
Some nights I have to stop myself or I’ll cry myself to sleep. Bless you Matt for giving us hope we’ll be together one day.
H i Matt, recently my brother that lived with me passed, I was by his side until the last hour. As i grabbed something to eat, my phone lit up, (I have a picture of my Mom on my home screen) with in 3 sec of that
the hospital called my phone to let me know he has passed. I know my Mom came to get him and take him home to the rest of my family, she wanted me to know he was in good hands. I have a very large Catholic family and I know they are all together watching over me.
I would like to thank you for your gift, it means a lot to watch you and listen to you ease others minds.
Shortly after we lost our Mam in August 2017 I had an experience where three orbs or ball shaped lights floated over my bed as I tried to get in.
I had been through quite a lot as I was caring for my mother and father. My mother had been in and out of hospital and my father was blind and had dementia and had fallen down the stairs a few days before my Mam passed. She was in one hospital ward and he was in another.
I wasn’t afraid of these orbs, just amazed. They flew over my bed, then two disappeared and one went under my pillow. I looked under the pillow but it had gone. I just lay down and went to sleep.
I got the feeling it might have been my Mam letting me know she was ok.
My Dad passed in March 2020 but I haven’t seen anything. But he constantly spoke to people around him that had passed. I know that is normal with dementia patients but sometimes I was comforted to know that he was happily enjoying their company.
Yes, where are the a abused children’s guardian angel? Good question.
I hope I can see you, I live in Boston
I really need to know my family is ok.
I do believe in the spirit world I know when I get a ringing in my ear I know it’s my mum dad and they are saying that they wish they could do a lot more for me which they couldn’t but if I know that they are okay then I can move on
Good day Matt, hoping that you are well and Staying Safe, I live in Albany WA, A week ago I had a visitor from the spirit world, I am unaware of who my visitor was, or what they where wanting with me, I am on your list for a reading, though I am finding it hard to focus on my daily tasks right now, I caught ghost on camera , hoping you could shed some light on my situation, kind regards
I have a memory or maybe it was a dream from when I was younger. It’s perfectly clear , my oldest brother and I were laying on a floor looking down on the earth. I wanted to go to earth but he was reluctant. He kept saying “ what if we go and our lives there are hard or miserable. What if we live a long time and we always have heartache.” I begged him to go because I went to earth once before but I didn’t get to stay very long the first time. This is the first time in my almost 60 years I have ever told this memory to anyone. Both our lives have been pretty tough. We lost most of our family and we have both had good and hard times. I am a Christian and I just feel conflicted about this. Maybe I am truly crazy lol
My boyfriend has experienced an enormous amount of loss in his life. He is one of 7 children of which only 2 are still living, the first one to pass was also his twin! He passed away at just 25yrs old from an overdose. In addition to his siblings, he has also lost the mother of his 3 oldest children as well as his father. Most recently, his oldest son lost the mother of his children too! Is there a reason why his family has endured so much loss? It just seems like everyone he loves he loses …… let’s just hope me or our child aren’t next!! I’ve thought about this for years and even though I am sensitive to spirit, I don’t seem to be able to connect with any of them even if I feel their presence. I’d love to be able to provide him and his mom some comfort, but not sure how!! Thanks for all you do and helping people to better understand spirit.
Thank you.
my youngest son told me when he was 4 he met my mom in heaven and she told him i was going to be my little boy.. he described heaven like a city with lights but no buildings.. then jesus told him it was time to go… he is 33 yrs old now..
My daughter, will be gone a year April 24th, if I don’t think of her every minute of the day, I feel guilty, my heart is so broken, the whole won’t be whole again till I see her in heaven, sometimes I get signs, but it seems less and less, it breaks my heart if I don’t get them, does that mean, she doesn’t want to send them anymore, those are what I look forward to, died it mean, she doesn’t want to send me anything anymore, that’s what I live fir
When my youngest daughter was four, I said to her you look so much like my mother, I wish you could have met her. She said to me that she had met her. I asked her where and she said in Heaven. I absolutely believe this is true. My daughter was named after my mother.
79 yrs old
Wondering if there is anyone in
Heaven who lives me?
I had to say goodbye to my dog Hank this week. He was 11 with health issues I could not fix. I am just broken – missing him. His brother is confused and depressed- constantly looking for him.
He passed the same day my father passed three years ago so I hope he is with my dad waiting for me when my journey here is over.
My grandson has always said to me gramma Iam so glad that they let me pick you as my gramma because I love you the first time I saw you . I said that was the day you was born he says yeah I know I remember I just wanted you to hold me . I couldn’t believe what he was saying he says gramma they told me that I would look just like you and he dose same eye color and everything. He also told me that Jesus loves us and wants us to be safe and happy together that’s why he is helping me all the time he is such an old soul .He is very wise for a 6 year old!
I don’t directly remember heaven but I do remember feeling as a child that we all come from a place of complete peace and understanding that we all knew before we were born and that we will return to that peace and full understanding at the end of our lives.
Hello Matt,
I recently discovered you. I was watching YouTube when you came up, and I clicked on you. Your accent sounded way too familiar. I then heard you say something about Newport. That’s all I needed to hear and knew you were from Rhode Island. I live in California now, but I was born and raised in Cranston, RI. I know what a bubbler is and can pok my ca (park my car)!
I just wanted you to know that I am now a big fan. I believe in the spirit world and know when we die, we just move on should I say. My husband died about seven years ago. When he first died, I heard him call my name; lights turned on and off by themselves; appliances went haywire; and all the books on a shelf above his desk were knocked off – when I picked them up, they were knocked down again as if someone pushed/threw them. So yes, I do believe. I also have taken many pictures and videos in my home that have orbs. They usually appear when I call to them – my husband, my sweet little dog who passed along with my cats. I am positive that some of the orbs I have captured were my little dog. I wish I had your gift, so I could know what they wanted to say.
I attended one of your ZOOM readings. I really enjoyed it and was hoping you would choose me. I know you said a lot of spirits came through, so I am hoping maybe next time. I signed up again for a reading on ZOOM scheduled the end of June. It was the first one available at the time. I will be looking to see if you ever do a show in California, I would definitely love to see your show in person.
I just want you to know that I think you are wonderful, and I am so glad I clicked on you (YouTube)!
Lisa on April 16th 2022.
I lost my amazing son on April 16 2016.
His mame is Quintin I miss him so much. All
All I think about if he’s happy and ok and not alone. Matt I think your wounderful !!!
Hello I’m thinking about my Mom, Valentina, who died in a car accident on 3/25/1999 and my Dad, Stephan, died 9/29/2019. How are they ? I feel my Dad with me but not my Mom. Do you see them? Are they ok? I want them to visit me. Thank you.
My 22 year old son took his life in front of me(he would have never done that in his right state of mind) he lived another 45 minutes then drs told us “I’m sorry” then we came home and had to clean the aftermath , my son took his life in my bedroom… I feel so lost without him, he was my only son and my best friend.. I just recently found out my 22 year old daughter is having her first baby, my first grandchild, it’s a boy… I can not get excited bc I miss my baby so much… I enjoy your posts… you seem to be the o my one I feel is legitimate… thank you.
I just want to know now cousin, her husband and kids are ok.
It was a horrible death . We miss them so much , believe they are happy together yet we miss them so much
I wish I could know that my sister and brother who passed at a younger age of cancer only four and a half months apart. I never dream or see them around me or feel them. I know they were very sad to die and leave their love ones behind. They died much to young . I miss my sister so so much. She was my best friend. I struggle every day to have a loving life but I can’t seem to find it. I’m always sad and lonely since they left.
I just wish I knew how they are doing and are they around me and hear me when I talk to them….
My mum passed away 5th august 1999. I went to see a medium in Ireland on 14th February 2000, who I believed everything she told me. I had a dream my mum came to see me she had along black cape like the lady in the advert my mum wrapped her arms around me and smiled at me she didn’t say anything just smiled it was as if we were floating from room to room my mum just holding me in her arms and me holding onto her face to face, my mum was only small in height but seemed so tall to me in my dream. But it didn’t feel like a dream it felt so real. Did my mum come to me in real life. I’ve never had a dream like this.
Dear Matt,
I watch all your Facebook posts and videos everyday. I would really want to conenct with my father but I am from the Philippines and your group readings seem to be only in USA. I already listed myself for a private reading but it says 2 years wait? My mother is in so much pain everyday and really misses my father–now more than ever. Can you give me a private readlng? I dont know how else to contact you. The email response I got was a “no reply” . Please help me. Loves, Renu Daryanani
I lost my father 10 months ago he was 72. Then my sister passed away it will be 3 months we lost her in just a few days, she was 40 years old.
I’ve had dreams with both of them so vivid. My sister talked to me about where she is.
I’ve had more dreams and signs from my father. A big one here recently. I miss my father and find myself thinking about my sister a lot. I just want to know if they are okay.
My hubby passed last July 26,2021, I have a zoom meeting May 7. I do hope that you pick me this time if he decides to come through. He was sick for many years, but want to make sure he is fine. I miss him like mad. I don’t feel or see any signs from him.
I was with my mother every day as she lived the last months of her life, in a hospital setting, but hours before she died, I had to go…I simply could not bring myself to watch her take her last breath, I just couldn’t do it. Although I will never forgive myself for not being there…to hold her hand as she passed to the spirit world, it is my hope that she understood why I could not be there. She passed in 2019, and I still grieve, every day Please forgive me, mother….I love you
I just lost my husband March 5,2022 . He has been sick for a long time we went back and forth to Dana Farber for treatments thie last two years he had Hs and squamous cell carcinoma and it was aggressive and just spread I miss him so much as we did everything together .I really hope to talk to him with a medium some day .
Matt I am from India and really want a reading from you
For my father who died last year ..Life is definitely not same for me .I miss him alot and couldn’t say my last good bye to him.Want to know if he is fine up in heaven n does he listen to me when I talk to him .please let me know how can a book a reading with you …really lok forward to it …
Hope to get a positive revert from you thanks n much love from India …
Is my mother and sister okay and do they have anything they want to ask me?
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