When the pandemic hit in 2020, I must admit I was worried about how I’d keep doing events. It kind of freaked me out to have to cancel dozens of engagements – but of course, I had no choice.
I’d been doing one-on-one readings over the phone and on video for years, but doing readings online for a group? I wasn’t sure how that was going to go.
Fast forward over two years later, and I have my answer. Messages come through loud and clear over the internet (I guess Heaven has good WIFI lol) and people love the fact that they don’t have to wait for me to come to town for an in-person event. Anyone 18 or older can tune in to my online events from virtually anywhere in the world with a WIFI connection, without leaving home or dressing up (more about that in a minute).
So, if you haven’t attended one of my events yet, how can you get in on the action?
Here’s everything you need to know to have a great experience at an Online Group Reading Event.
Reserving Your Spot.
If you’re wondering how people feel about my online events, just check out my event page. You’ll see that they sell out quick – so get your tickets early. I’ve priced them at just $19.00, so you might want to sign up for more than one event! I promise, you’ll get a lot out of being there whether you receive a personal reading or not. There’s so much to learn from souls who have passed, and the experience will help you feel closer to your own loved ones on the other side.
If you can’t find a date that works for you, keep checking back, I add new events all the time. When you sign up, you’ll get an email confirmation with the date of the event and a link to log on. But just like with live events, it’s up to you to remember to show up at the right date and time. Spaces for these events are limited, and tickets are non-refundable.
If you do not receive an email with your login details, please contact us by sending an email BEFORE the event by visiting the contact us page. Before you do, be sure to check your SPAM or junk folder. This is where most lost emails turn up.
Before the Online Event.
What do you have to do to prepare for the event? Not much!
If you have your email with the link, when the time comes, you’ll be able to easily join the event from your smartphone, tablet or computer. We are partnered with Zoom, so you can participate without any special software required. Just be sure you have a reliable internet connection. How can you tell if your wifi is adequate? If you can stream Netflix or access the internet from your computer or device, you’ll have no trouble accessing the event.
What Should I Wear?
You’ll always be able to see me and the person who is getting a reading. But, unlike some Zoom events or meetings you may have attended, If you’re not called on to speak, the audience cannot see you. Keep in mind, most people attend an event with the hopes of getting a reading, so wear whatever you want, but be sure you’re comfortable with other people seeing you if you get called on. You want to be able to focus on what your loved one in Heaven has to tell you, and not be distracted or self-conscious because of what you’re wearing.
That goes for your environment too. If you can, sit on a chair with your computer on a table or desk. Turn your computer to face an uncluttered area or blur your background in case you’re called on.
Oh, and I learned this from experience. You’ll look better onscreen if your camera is raised a bit. Nothing is less flattering that having the camera aimed under your chin!
I don’t want you to think people are going to judge your outfit or your living room when you’re getting a reading. That’s the last thing on their minds! This advice is for you, so you can focus on your reading without stressing out about others seeing your pajamas or your messy office.
During the Event
The big moment has arrived, and you’ve found the Zoom link that was emailed to you and joined the event. Now all you have to do is press the button on your screen labelled “Raise Hand” to let me know you’re available for a reading. There will be many hands raised, and no one has an advantage over anyone else. Spirit makes the call here, and I follow their guidance to choose the people who I call on.
If you’re called upon, you camera comes on screen and you will be prompted to unmute your mic.
Your friends and family are welcome to attend with you if you are all on the same computer with each other. If your family or friend live in a different location, you have the option to add an extra device when you are purchasing your tickets, so they can join you virtually.
I’ll read as many people as possible during the 90-minute event. Remember, although not everyone will receive a reading, everyone who attends will benefit from the love and insights shared from the Souls who come through.
Join Me at an Event!
I love the fact that I can reach so many people through my online events and deliver messages that touch people’s hearts and heal their pain. I consider that a big win! Right now, I’m blessed to have the best of both worlds. I’m scheduled for in-person events all around the country – plus, when I’m home I can connect people with their loved ones in Heaven with my online group readings. I hope you’ll pick a date and join me.
Hope to see you soon!
I have so many souls that I feel are around me. I hope you can help them communicate with me. Thankyou Matt for sharing your special gift.
Matt I cannot thank you enough for my reading. Hearing from my brother changed my life! I will forever be a follower. I recommend your online readings to all my friends and family.
Ok so the first time I attended an online reading, nothing. The second time, nothing. The third time and I could not believe my Mom , Dad and son Dominic came through! It was the moment I had been waiting for and I’m so happy I tried again. Matt is truly amazing. I will always treasure this experience. I feel he gave my son back to me.
Dec 4 12pm can’t wait looking forward to seeing you and any love one coming through
Matt I need to hear from my son that was killed at the age of 18 years old I miss him so much he’s been gone 22 years and I remember his big smile but his voice is getting dimmer I did a online with you praying that you would do a reading from him to me I will be on your next online reading I pray he comes though
I will be back home in Los Angeles and would like a reading fr you . I have no knowledge of meeting online. I’m an old folks . Maybe I will try to schedule w you once I ask my niece to help me out
Matt, I’ve felt the presence of both of my grandparents but never my Mom or first husband. My daughter, granddaughter and I will be joining you on-line on Nov. 26/22. I can only hope my Mom and first husband will join us.
I missed my first sign up when “life” intervened and I wasn’t able to check in as I wanted. I shall be more attentive to the date/ time and make sure all is well here.
I’ve attended a couple of online reading, and what I’ve noticed is that most of the people that get readings lives in USA, I live in Norway.
Please confirm schedule online readings are EST, as I am on the west coast and need to consider time zones. Thank you so much!
I live in Alberta Canada
How big are the groups ?
What is the time you do the group reading so I can convert to my time.
Hi Matt, my name is Dawn Berrett. I bought two tickets for the online reading for December 6, but I did not add my friends name to the list. Do I still have the ability to add his name? I don’t know if that makes a difference when it comes to a reading. By the way December 6 is my birthday so maybe I’ll get lucky. Thank You!
Looking forward to seeing you soon, I hope all of my family will come through, and that as I’m in Uk the time will be ok for me ? As we work off Greenwich mean time !!!
I can’t wait!!!
Hi, I am in the UK & tragically lost my amazing soulmate recently in the blink of an eye, my heart is shattered in a million pieces & part of me passed on that day, life is so lonely & all our future dreams & plans are no longer & it’s left a huge emptiness in my life, I just now can’t wait to the day I join him, see his lovely smile & have a big hug again. I am desperately seeking a reading . Can anyone please tell me how many people approximately in the audience for online reading group so what are the chances of a reading? Thank you so much
Hi Matt I am excited to attend the online meeting on December 6 (I will have turned 70 years old on December 5)! I have been following you for years. I was so happy to see you fall in love and then have your first born! Congratulations ! Wishing you all the best
Misha/Michele Anderson
Looking forward to something wonderful happening this Sunday, Matt!!! Love to little Royce-a-roni!!
I am talking to my husband in spirit to keep pushing to come through this Saturday. I have lost so many so many!!! So really any of them to come through to meet you through them would make a big change in my life. Son hope to talk to you this Saturday!!!!
Matt, have you ever had one of us on this side pass and show up on the other side and surprise you? You bettee brace yourself, it’s gonna happen one day if it hasn’t already! I was just thinking about that! Lol! Happy Thanksgiving to you all!
Matt,I’m a very big fan of.yours,I am happy that you have become married to your lovely wife and I love your sense of humor because it makes you approachable for both the spirits and the living I loved meet the Frasers and I love the Long Island medium Theresa caputo too yet you are my favorite medium because of your humor,I am proud of you for becoming a father
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