Nothing to Fear – So Much to Gain


It happens all the time. For years, someone will follow me on social media or write to me. They make it clear that they can’t wait to attend an event so they can meet me in person and get a reading. Then, when the time comes and I am finally in their city or state, they get cold feet and don’t show up.

Recently, a woman bought a ticket to my Las Vegas show, and at the last moment decided not to attend. I know she had someone she wanted to connect with – but something held her back.

This to me is just the saddest thing. There may have been a loved one in Spirit waiting for her and when she decided not to attend, it left no way for me to give her the message.

I decided to write this blog post for one important reason – to explain why you should never fear attending a mediumship event or getting a reading. Here are ten facts about mediumship that will put your fears to rest:


1. Your loved ones are not dead, but they have transitioned.


Many people think that their loved ones will be “different” on the other side. Although they may now be a spirit, one thing will never change – your connection to them. Your mother is still your mother, your father is still your father, and your sister is still your sister in Heaven.

The bond that you shared with them is still alive, even though they have passed on. And here’s something you’re going to like! When you’re having a reading, you might be surprised to find your loved one’s personality is just the same as when they were alive – and the memories and stories they share in a reading can reassure you they are still with you.


2. Readings give everyone in the room a little glimpse of Heaven.


With every reading that I give, something amazing happens. Even if you are not the one receiving the reading, you’ll learn about Heaven and the Afterlife.

In fact, that’s the reason I know so much about Heaven and the afterlife. With every message I share, souls give me window into their lives in Heaven – including who they are with and what they are doing. Take if from me, getting that peek into what happens when we pass is life-changing!


3. We become more aware of our own psychic connection and are better able to recognize signs from Heaven.


During readings, souls will often tell me the signs they use to reach their loved ones in this world, like dreams, animals, repeating numbers and songs on the radio. They also help us recognize and understand our own psychic connection. You’ll realize that you are more psychic than you might think, and can feel their presence even when there’s not a medium in the room!


4. Souls only come through when you are ready to hear a message.


When it comes to connecting with loved ones in Heaven, it’s best not to overthink things. If you are being drawn to a mediumship event, but question if you’re “ready” to hear a message, my advice it to “let go.” Show up at the event and let heaven decide.

Remember that even with private readings, there is no guarantee that you’ll get a particular type of message or that a certain soul will come through. This is why I encourage everyone to attend an event, because it gives your loved one the opportunity to reach you if the time is right and you are ready.

For example, it you attend an event and are not emotionally ready to hear a message, your loved one will wait until you’ve had a chance to heal, because they only want to deliver messages that will be helpful to you.


5. There may be unfinished business to resolve.


Some people won’t attend an event because there is someone they don’t want to hear from. They might be afraid that the message will be negative, judgmental, or in some way difficult to hear. Don’t worry! When a loved one chooses to come through, they do so with love.

I have seen many relationships heal after death because of a particular reading. Keep an open mind! Sometimes it’s the souls that you don’t want to hear from that come through and bring the most healing.


6. Will I hear bad things?


Remember that your loved ones in Heaven are there to love, watch over, and protect you. The readings I bring through prove that fact again and again. Sometimes the information might not be what you want to hear, but at the end of the day, it will help you to heal and confirm that your love are watching over you


7. Attending a mediumship event opens the door to Heaven.


Remember that attending an event doesn’t just give you the opportunity to reach a loved one in spirit, it also gives your loved one a way to reach out to you.

It always amazes me that before every event there are a bunch of “early-bird” spirits that show up way before the show. They have usually been trying to reach you, but you may not have felt them. When you make plans to attend an event,  they know it’s their chance to deliver you a message – loud and clear.


8. It’s not a sad experience!


The other night after my Arizona show, a woman came up to me and said she had no idea an event could be so “fun”! It’s true there are sad moments when we talk about death and dying, however many of the souls that come through are quite funny and full of personality.

During the night, so many souls come through, share stories, and act like their old selves. I love when their personality comes through because it reminds us of who that person was before they were sick


9. Readings give us hope.


When I first met Alexa, she was petrified of the thought of death and dying. Today, that’s no longer that fear. When we talk to souls that have crossed over and they share what Heaven is like, it demystifies the afterlife and helps us to feel closer to those we love. That’s such a healing, life-changing thing!


10. You will sense the presence of those you love.


If “letting go” of someone you love after they pass doesn’t feel right to you, I am here to tell you that you don’t have to. Spirits are with you each day. My readings show people that although we may lose someone physically, we never lose them spiritually.

When you attend a reading, you will learn to sense and feel their spiritual presence with you as you walk through life.


Take a leap of faith!


So now that I have told you all the reasons why you shouldn’t be afraid to attend a mediumship event, are you ready to take the leap of faith?

If you’re not ready, take your time. I’m not trying to push you, but I am hoping this blog post will reach that one person who NEEDS to attend an event but is hesitant to fill the trigger.

Maybe that person is you…

If you would like to attend a reading there are two ways to do so, either online, or in person. Either way, you can check out your options by visiting my events page. Go ahead, there’s nothing to be afraid of – and a whole lot of love, comfort and healing to gain!


  1. I lost my Mother a 1 1/2 years ago and I miss her so much that it can become debilitating to me. I love hearing you Matt on youtube. I hope you come to Philadelphia some day. Keep me in your prayers for strength and acceptance of God’s will of her passing.

  2. Would love a reading, never got the chance to say goodbye to my mom or dad, it was siblings being controlling, anyways can’t find how much a reading is, I know your booked up for 2years, just need to know price.
    Thank you☺️

  3. Appreciate a telephone reading. My beloved mother and my beloved husband. Just a few minutes I am not healthy and money is not easy

  4. Thank you, Matt. I have attended 2 on-line events so far & signed up for the October 23 event. I pray that you will choose me for an extremely needed reading. God Bless you!

  5. Hi Matt, I am so thankful you exist!!! Your videos have helped me thru difficult nights when its hard to sleep. You definitely help people get thru grief and sadness. Your bubbly personality is a Super Plus! I hope one day you come to Jacksonville Beach, Florida. I will treat you to all the coffee you can drink Thank you for all you do! God Bless, Marie

  6. Hello Matt
    My Name is Mike
    I was let to your page strangely enough and pushed to leave a message, l get regular visits at night by someone or something at different times 133am or 233am 415am, they always wake me up and let me know they are here. I have regular nightmares.
    I need your assistance.
    Mike Negron

  7. When cleaning out my deceased husbands belongings, I found some disturbing things I wouldn’t want anyone to know about. While I would be open to hearing his explanation, I wouldn’t want it made public during a reading. Does extremely personal information get withheld ?

  8. When will your new book, “We Never Die” be released? I pre-ordered it and am wondering if the book store will notify me your book has arrived and is ready for pick up?
    My disabled Iraq War son was killed by police on 22 SEP 2017. I still have not finished the fight through the stages of grief but I’m working on it.

    Thank you for your love and caring for all of us out here.

  9. Hello Matt, I was drawn to sign up for October 23rd online event, that is close to the Anniversary of my mothers passing, I miss her, but I know she is with other family members as I had a dream after her passing where she and other family who have passed standing at my grandmothers back door waving at me. I woke up at peace that morning. Looking forward to hearing you.

    Corine, Arizona

  10. Hi Matt, I found your videos site by accident and been a fan every since. My ex-husband we just found out has a brain bled witch is cancer plus he already had cancer in his lungs and kidney. They give him 2 months to live. His mother who was like another mother to me passed in April of this year. This is hard for me but even worse for my kids especially my daughter. I have been asking for signs from his mom my grandmother his brother. Even looking for signs from my dog that passed a year ago. I just want to know that my ex will be in peace when he passes on from his family that has already passed away.

  11. I would like a personal reading! I just lost my Mom last year,in 2021,but I also miss my Dad,and my Son Matthew.I believe and know that God needed them,God has many plans for them. I know that they are always with me,but I miss them all so much.❤️

  12. Hi Matt,First I like to tell you your daughter and I will be coming in dec9 2022 show in New Jersey.Her husband passed away in Jan 2022 he was so young. She is Devastated and I hope he will come to talk to her to give her peace of mind. My daughter Nicole will be at peace if she hear from him. I’m praying.Thanks Sheryl

  13. Thanks Matt so much for Your Posts and Blogs. I have been following You for about a year, maybe a bit more, after My Husband, Forever Partner & SoulMate transitioned 16 months ago.
    16 months ago this exact time, well 1:15 am, it was at this exact time that I was doing CPR and trying to revive Him to save Him, then the Paramedics.
    I have so many unanswered questions.
    Matt, You share and teach such positive, meaningful, valuable information. I really enjoy it. Thank-You again.

  14. Hi Matt
    On Aug 17th it will be 1 month since my husband passed it still feels like yesterday. We were soulmates and best friends it hurts so much. He died in a motorcycle accident I didn’t get to say I love you I feel lost and alone. I am hoping he comes through in September I will watch you on zoom

  15. Hi Matt,
    I’ve been on several of your online reading. Haven’t heard from anyone but I love watching you connect with a person’s love one.
    I have a ticket to attend your St Louis, Mo event in February. I so excited to go and I’d like to meet you. I’ve been following you for a long time❤️
    Donna Martens
    Marissa, Illinois

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