The Unexpected Comedy of Spirit Communication: When Messages Get Lost in Translation

As a medium, I’ve learned that our loved ones in spirit definitely keep their sense of humor. Sometimes the way they choose to communicate can lead to unexpectedly funny moments that remind us laughter truly is the best medicine—and that they’re as cheeky as ever.

When Spirits Get Sassy

You might think spirit communication is always serious and profound. While messages often are deeply meaningful, our loved ones love to show their personalities—especially the jokesters!

I once had a grandmother come through who kept showing me wooden spoons. I couldn’t understand why until her granddaughter burst out laughing. Apparently, Grandma used to playfully chase the kids around with a wooden spoon when they tried stealing cookie dough. Even from the other side, she was still teasing them about their cookie-snatching ways.

Another time, a grandfather kept showing me an old, beat-up recliner. His grandson was laughing through tears, sharing how Grandpa always refused to get rid of it, calling it his “throne.” That recliner may have been an eyesore, but to the family, it was a hilarious reminder of his stubborn yet lovable nature.

Lost in Translation

Sometimes spirits communicate in ways that only make sense to their loved ones. They’ll show me seemingly random objects or scenarios that leave me scratching my head until the person receiving the reading connects the dots.

One spirit showed me a rubber chicken—which made absolutely no sense to me. His wife nearly fell out of her chair laughing. It turned out he was a high school science teacher who used rubber chickens in his physics demonstrations. It was his unique way of saying, “Yes, it’s really me!”

Another spirit kept showing me a bright pink flamingo. I couldn’t figure out the connection, but his sister burst out laughing, explaining how he once pranked their whole neighborhood by sneaking dozens of plastic flamingos onto lawns at night. Even in spirit, he was keeping the mischief alive.

The Universal Language of Love and Laughter

What I’ve learned through thousands of readings is that our loved ones want to lift our spirits—quite literally. They often choose to remind us of funny moments we shared because they know those memories bring the most comfort.

Spirits often highlight the little things we forget to cherish in our busy lives. A father once came through reminding his daughter of their “pizza dance,” a silly jig they did whenever ordering takeout. That simple, joyful memory turned out to be the reminder she needed to focus on the good times rather than the sadness of his passing.

When Messages Get Mixed

Sometimes, the way spirits communicate can lead to humorous misunderstandings. They might show me symbols or memories that I interpret completely wrong at first. But even these “mistakes” often end up being meaningful in unexpected ways.

I once saw a man showing me what looked like a tennis racket. Was he a tennis player I asked? His wife corrected me immediately—the tennis racket was his flyswatter! He used to chase flies around the house with dramatic flair, a memory she had completely forgotten until that moment. That detail brought both laughter and a deep sense of his continued presence.

Why Spirits Love to Make Us Laugh

Laughter is one of the most universal expressions of love. It lightens the heart, reminds us of happy times, and creates a bridge between this world and the next. Our loved ones in spirit know this and often use humor to let us know they’re still with us, cheering us on and occasionally poking fun at us just like they used to

The Playful Signs They Send

Don’t be surprised if your loved one uses a lighthearted sign to let you know they’re near. Whether it’s a song on the radio, a random memory that pops into your head, or even a prank-like occurrence (like a picture falling off the wall), these playful moments are their way of saying, “I’m here, and I haven’t changed a bit.”

One client told me she knew her dad was around when her phone alarm randomly played his favorite country song. Another noticed how a certain bird—her mom’s favorite—seemed to follow her around on her morning walks. These moments may seem small, but they hold big reminders of love.

Still the Same Souls, Just a New Address

Our loved ones want us to know that while they may have left this physical world, they haven’t lost their sense of humor or their ability to make us smile. They’re still the same souls we knew and loved—just with a slightly different address now.

So, the next time you feel your loved one’s presence, don’t be surprised if they find a playful way to let you know they’re around. After all, laughter is one of the best ways to feel connected across any distance—even between worlds. 

If you’d like to experience the joy, love, and sometimes laughter of reconnecting with your loved ones in spirit, I’d love for you to join me for an online group reading

Together, we’ll share in the beautiful ways spirits remind us they’re still with us.

Spaces are limited to ensure a more intimate experience, so grab your spot now. 

>> Click Here To Reserve Your Spot Today!


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  1. This is really cool. I sometimes feel like I get messages, and sometimes they are crazy funny, like a billboard that makes me laugh. I have been saying the Universe has a crush on me, since I had so much fun going to a candle making workshop on my birthday. I was laughing about it today on the way to the chiropractor, and looked over and the license plate in front of me said, its’ true. I have also seen a license plate the said UR2Fast–wasn’t sure if I should do a juice cleanse, but more likely my need to slow down to the speed of life. I also get a lot of dirty jokes that seem to pop up. The thing I am not sure of, is can we send and receive messages from our higher selves or do you literally have to be dead in this dimension?

  2. in addition, a number families use another [url=][/url] – purchase (at a price of 8 495-27,995 dollars in the states and rent (1,395 dollars America per month ) cameras for HBO.

  3. I terrified of dying .. i don’t want to come back to earth as anything , I’m done. I have trouble believing a loving God would allow such things to happen in this world I have joined 2 of your online readings but did not get chosen. I have your books . Why was none of this taught in my religion class.. a life review terifies me. What if I don’t see the light? I scared myself . I have anxiety so with that comes being terrified . I do get signs but I’ve never received a ” REAL” SIGN that would make me drop toy knees. Although I did receive a miracle.. and that’s a long story. But I have fears ..

    1. We have a loving God . 2 Timothy 1:7, say ” For God has not given us the spirit of fear, but of power of love, and of a sound mind. Also in our life review God has removed our sins and we are washed as white as snow. That was the reason for him dying on the cross was the forgiveness of our sins. If you know that, when you get to heaven it will be glorious.

  4. My husband passed Oct. 2023. Soon afterwards the hall light would flicker when I turned it on. If I made a bad decision it flickered rapidly. ?? Is this my husband?

  5. My question I submitted was is my husband playing a joke on me by flickering the hall light after I turned the light on. It flicks rapidly if I make decisions he would not like. And just goes on and off randomly. Is this him?

  6. So why do spirits communicate with symbols instead of just words – so you could just “read” their thoughts instead of having to interpret symbols?

  7. Matt, I’m wondering if the dead ever say something not so nice like maybe they never liked me? It can’t always be good can it? Maybe those dead people don’t choose to respond? Thank you!!

  8. This is so informative and inspiring. I have noticed several of the things Matt has mentioned and now know it is my loved ones letting me know they are with me.
    Thank you very much for all your help, knowledge, caring and support.

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