Valentine’s Day Magic to Connect With Loved Ones in Heaven

Hands holding a red heart made of felt with a bandage across it, symbolizing healing, against a rustic wooden background.

If you fear the approach of Valentine’s Day because you have lost your soulmate, let me share something that might ease your mind – and heart. I can’t bring your loved one back to life, but based on what I’ve learned over years of speaking to Souls in Heaven, I can help you feel closer to them. 

The interesting thing is that during holidays like Valentine’s Day, when you’re missing that special person so much, they’re likely to be right there beside you. The reason isn’t because you’re sad and missing them – it’s the opposite! The fact that so many people are thinking about and expressing love in so many ways creates a vibration, a powerful energy that Souls can’t resist! It’s like a million tiny thoughts, words, and acts combine to create a magnet, drawing them closer.  Let me try to explain…

Souls are Attracted to the Universal Love Vibration

I was reading my son, Royce, Dr. Seuss’s classic story, “Horton Hears a Who?” and I was struck by something. Horton was an elephant who had such large, sensitive ears that he was able to tune into a community of “Whos” who lived in Whoville. Whoville was the whole world to the Whos, but in fact, it was just a tiny speck of dust perched on a flower – kind of like our own world is small and insignificant when compared to the vast universe. 

But, here’s the part of the story I want you to understand. It wasn’t until all the Whos raised their voices to communicate with the outside world that the other animals, besides Horton, were able to hear them. Every one of the Who’s tiny voices combined together to transmit the message that “We are here!” Why am I telling you this? Well, that’s how Valentine’s day on Earth feels to your loved ones in Heaven. The heart-felt energy that comes from every one of us at this time of year resonates across the universe and draws Souls even closer, and they respond with signs and messages to let you know they hear you. 

This means that when you’re looking at Valentine’s cards or gorgeous bunches of roses, and wishing with all your heart that you could celebrate with your dearly departed, that longing is drawing your loved one closer. Like the Whos in Whoville, you, and all of the people who are celebrating the season of romantic love are combining your energetic voices to create a powerful vibration that Souls can hear. 

Sending Love Notes to Heaven

Because there’s so much focus on love from so many people, the combined energy is enough to attract your loved one. However, I always like to go the extra mile, and I sense that you do too! I put together some practices that are very powerful and healing, and will help you attract love from both Heavenly and Earthly sources. 

Simple Ways to Transmit  Love Energy Across the Veil:

  • Write a love letter to your soulmate in Heaven. Be sure to include some happy memories from your time together. If there’s unfinished business, or something you have been wanting to tell them, this is the time to bring it up!
  • Journal about your loved one, and pose some questions that you’d like them to answer. Let your questions sit for a day or two, then read over them again and open up your mind to receive a reply! It might come in the form of a sign, or you might find Spirit communicating through your pen as you write your next journal entry.
  • Get your art supplies out and create a picture that represents your lost loved one. You might want to draw or paint the two of you doing something you dreamed of, but didn’t have time to experience.  Your art might even be abstract, a wash of colors that represents your feelings in a less literal way. 
  • Do something kind and thoughtful for someone they loved. For example, you might send flowers to your deceased husband’s sister or mom and say “I know how much John loved you, he would have wanted you to have these.”
  • Visit a special park, restaurant, or any spot the two of you enjoyed. As you make your plans, mentally invite your loved one to join you. When you arrive at your destination, don’t push too hard, just relax, enjoy the moment, and open your heart to feel their loving presence.  
  • Sometimes guilt can block your connection with your loved one, so if you’re feeling conflicted because you’re involved in or considering a new relationship, let yourself off the hook! A true soul mate is secure in knowing that you will be reunited in Heaven. In the meantime, they want you to experience love and be happy.  
Love Bridges the Gap Between heaven and Earth

Throughout the year, and especially around Valentine’s day, the love we send out through kind acts, words, and reliving cherished memories becomes a beautiful serenade, resonating throughout the universe. It’s a reminder that love is not confined by the limitations of time or space, but rather a force that connects us across dimensions. 

So when you pause to think about that loved one you’ve been missing, instead of feeling the distance between you, imagine your thoughts joining all the other love energy to make a beautiful bridge, bringing that Soul closer to you. 

Hearing From Heaven

How do I know all of this you ask? Being a psychic medium when souls come through they share not only messages to their loved ones, but during each reading they give me a glimpse into the life they live in the spirit world. That is why I feel my readings are so important. A reading is not just a message. It is a chance for you to learn about the spirit world and the many ways your loved ones are using to communicate iwth you each and every day. 

If you feel you are ready for a reading and to connect with someone in spirit, I highly recommend you attend an upcoming Online Group Reading by CLICKING HERE or attend an upcoming LIVE Event by CLICKING HERE. It is during these events that I will be using my gift to help you connect with the spirit world.


  1. Very weird you said the name of John that was my soulmate name just to wierd it brought tears to my eyes and soul.?♥️??

    1. That’s so strange my son nam is John I was just thinking of him and your message pops up in my email

    2. I think so much of you i would like to see you but your not near me . It has been 2 and half yrs since he has been gone i hate cancer its so mean.Married 43 yrs i camt seem to move on i cry everyday i listen tp our 60 7o music which hurts alot i would love to talk with him we needed to say a few more words

    3. Thank you Matt for your I cried when I read this. I’m in a relationship that is very good but I still miss my husband and feel guilty. Thank you letting me realize that they want the best for their loved ones . See you in at the Genesee March 14.

  2. Thank you Matt, I absolutely love reading your articles you send us.
    I am so glad I came across you. I can’t wait for my reading 2nd March. ❤️?❤️

    1. Thanks Matt, I always enjoy your emails and watch other people reading that you put on line and I have done one of your group reading before I didn’t get a message from my love one that time but will try again.

    2. Hi Matt thank you for sending your articles to us. Really enjoy knowing we will be able to see our loved one in heaven. Cant wait to see my son Nick. I miss and love nick so much. Thank you Matt for helping us

    3. My soulmate is maybe is in heaven cuz I saw a war zone with men the place was sand or dirt a few hills one standing looking out with a gun on his shoulder so maybe he died in Vietnam or that was just a coincidence or has a life so different in another place. This morning your letter hit me hard and I read it last night. In my mind I keep hearing a certain song and I think I know what it’s trying to tell me. I had tears and my throat trying to maintain my emotions. Then this morning at work was something that my mom and dad would give as a signal of love was placed on my desk by a co worker but this item was my parents saying happy Valentine’s Day I just wanted to burst into tears but I maintained as tears came to my eyes. Thank you Matt. Happy Valentine’s Day your an angel from heaven.

  3. Happy Valentine’s Day to you, Matt, Alexa, and Royce!
    Your stories of the afterlife, our loved ones in heaven, instilling hope in each one of us to walk in love not fear, to embrace our thoughts, feelings and emotions when messages are trying to reach us, being open to receive…all of this is because you care so much for us to live in the light of all possibilities in this life! You are a gift from God blessing us through our loved ones.
    Thank you and God Bless you and your family in love & light!

  4. Matt you are always an inspiration to me. I can’t wait for my next on line March 21. Thank you for always bringing our loved ones closer to us❤️

  5. Oh my gosh! This is so beautiful & just what was needed today?Thank you for sharing & love you Matt! Happy Valentine’s Day!?❤️?

  6. Thank you Matt, I have been following you since Jan 2020 when I lost my father. Now my husband tragically passed away unexpectedly in Oct 2023. I watch so many videos and rewatch your videos to help console my loss. My husband John is my soulmate. I have attended many readings online and enjoy the messages you give others. You help heal the living’s hearts and bring peace to them. May God bless you and your family. Thank you, and see you online March 2.

  7. Thank you, Matt…Valentines Day is a very emotional day for those of us who have lost spouses, so your message is actually appreciated even more than it normally is….and the fact that you look at the subject from a couple of different perspectives of the loss, leaves none of your readers out. God bless you, Matt. xoxoxo

  8. It’s been two years since my husband of 53 years, my soulmate, passed suddenly. On special days like today the sadness of missing him becomes overwhelming…Thank you, Matt, for giving me just what I needed…xo

  9. Thank you Matt… miss my husband terribly. I did join an online reading hoping o would be selected and a message would come through from him… no luck. Enjoy your Valentines Day with your beautiful wife and adorable son!!! ??

  10. I just posted a painting of my husband on Facebook today and mentioned it’s good that there is no time limit on love. And you mentioned these same things in your newsletter. Quite the coincidence!

  11. Hi matt I paid to go on zoom to one of your events on the 10th of
    feb but couldn’t get on maybe I wasn’t meant to get on I don’t know but I still watch all your events on tiktok look forward to them it would have been great to hear from my brother but was not meant to happen tia

  12. Hi Matt so looking forward to my reading on the 24th Feb I just hope my loved ones come through to say hello and I am doing the right things in my life x

  13. I watch and read everything that I can about you and your readings. You are wonderful, not just your readings but your personality too. I think your personality makes your readings better. I also love the fact that you tell ALL …. ❤️

  14. Thanks for the article today. For the first time since my beloved death 4 years ago . Late last week memories of our first Valentine’s came into my mind. I feel your article is so true. Thank you!

  15. Thank you so much Matt for sharing this with us on Valentine’s Day. I lost my husband to cancer December 2022. I miss him more than words can say yet your messages and articles give me so much hope. I look forward to reuniting with my sweet husband one day.

  16. Thank you. We were married 54 years and I miss my husband dearly. He passed in September and the only way I am surviving is because my grandson has moved in to help me.

  17. Hi Matt,
    I enjoy reading your emails and watch your YouTube videos daily. They are very inspirational as I lost both my mom and husband in April. It’s been very difficult at times. I attended your live event here in Santa Rosa, CA in November and also attended an online event but unfortunately didn’t get a reading either time.
    My thoughts go out to you, Alexia and Royce this Valentine’s Day ?

  18. Matt, thank you for this article. I just recently lost my husband and this is the 1st Valentine’s without him. I got a lot from your article and can’t wait for a year to have a reading from you. I want so bad to hear from him. I hope he will be able to tell me that we are soulmates, as I want to spend all eternity with him. Losing him has been so hard for me to accept. Love to you for all you do. You are so funny and make me laugh, yet, I learn a lot from your knowledge that you share.

  19. In my own little Whoville,I’m so glad I can connect with my Whoever. Who do I thank, Who indeed? Matt Fraser, that’s Who,” Hip,hip, WHORAY!”

  20. Keep up your amazing job. I miss my other half but keep my energy up by always running in with myself and him in spirit. But also listening to you in you tube make me feel more connected. Thanks for you amazing words! Happy Love day!

  21. Thank you Matt, what you have said there make a lot of sense and as a Pisces I tend to be a dreamer, I’ve been trying to meditate or connect with my spiritual connections, cause I can feel and know that I am but it’s been rather hard!! Thanks for the advice and will be sure to try this!!! And I have attended you last online reading last Saturday and I’ve seen you live here in my hometown in Moncton New Brunswick, Canada ??, and I do have a ticket for March 21 unfortunately your next one was sold out but will see you on the 21, hope you have. A great valentine day !!

  22. Matt, you have opened my heart and mind to believe my loved ones are near. I feel their presence at times, hear their voices reassuring me, and have experienced some visitation dreams. I now feel my grief has turned into loving memories and a better me. Thank you for sharing this wonderful email about Valentines Day. It was just what I needed today, and I could feel my sweet husband’s love from Heaven sweeping over me as I read your message. See you soon!

  23. Happy Valentine’s Day to you and Alexia and Royce too me and my boyfriend James have been together for awhile we both have special needs but we still love each other and have a relationship he has OCD and I have Aspurgers which is a high functioning autism he’s been the best boyfriend

  24. I want u to know I love u so much I was trying to go to see u in person but didn’t make it but one time I will and I did a group reading once with a friend and u spoke to me cuz there was someone that was trying to talk it was either my nephew or my husband still don’t know but I have a lot of guilt with both of them and really need them to let me know that it’s ok that it’s not my fault .I lost my whole family my mom my sister my husband and my nephew they were close to me .

  25. Hi Matt,
    I always enjoy your messages. As I was reading your about sending Valentine’s Day messages, I naturally thought of my departed husband, then I heard the 70s song “Knock Three Times.” I generally hear this song when I have quiet moments missing my husband.

    So opening communication with my departed husband, I often send a thought and in the next 20 minutes I generally get an impression. Key for me is relaxing and accepting whatever shape the message is.

    Thank you!

  26. Matt did you hear about the country music singer Toby Keith dying of stomach cancer I thought that was very sad I listen to country music I feel really bad for his poor wife because it is Valentine’s Day I couldn’t imagine how sad she must be she lost her soul mate but I’m sure his spirit is with her

  27. Thank you Matt, I lost my best friend, my soulmate on January 27, 2024, it was sudden and unexpected. I have been reading your books and this email today has helped me. I have been getting signs since his passing.

  28. What a beautiful message Matt. I was missing my soul mate today, all day, as he passed 2 years ago coming up on the 19th. He sent me a song today on the radio, I’ve heard this song now 3 times since he’s passed and know he’s trying to reach to me by 3 Doors Down called Here Without You. Such a beautiful song that captures the longing and love we shared together. I felt him with me and it was joyous…love never ends.

  29. Beautiful message, thank you. I am excited as I am attending your event in Las Vegas this Friday at the Venetian. It’s been 6 years since my son passed away from suicide. I feel him so much today, numbers keep appearing…. 11:01, 11:11, 1:11 and 4:44. It’s truly amazing! Blessings!

    1. This is my 2nd Valentine’s Day without my husband. I wrote something to him and made a special TikTok video to show him how much I love and miss him. It’s really hard not hearing him tell me how much he loved me and he always made me feel so special. He was so thoughtful with his gifts. I asked him to send me a sign and he did and I’ve been feeling him all day. I just wish I could hear and see him. I hope I have another dream with him. I’ve been so blessed to have had a few dream visitations from him including a reading with you during our Anniversary last year in August. You have helped my healing journey through my very first time experiencing grief. It is the hardest thing I have ever experienced. I thank God, Jesus, guardian angels, guides and your videos and books too.

    2. Love all you wrote. Lost my partner of 25 yrs 2 yrs ago.
      Sometimes I feel he is here.
      My cat follows something around the room with her eyes and I feel she sees someone, that makes me happy.

    3. I loved this particular article you wrote about love bridging the gap between heaven and Earth. I will certainly try these new techniques! I would love to have a reading from you, but I understand it takes five years and I really need to be read now. My mother passed away almost 5 months ago, and the grieving has been awful. It’s so bad that I developed a heart condition that my doctor feels will go away but right now he has to watch me closely. I never knew that grieving could make a person ill. I would love to meet you someday. Maybe you could write an article on what people do in heaven. Why do people leave tokens behind for their loved ones and others don’t? My mother leaves me feathers but my father never left me anything which is so weird being that he loved me so much. Maybe you could answer some of those questions in the future. I’m sure other people would be interested in that as well, God bless you and thanks for all these articles and suggestions. Lynne.

  30. Hi Matt, Happy Valentines to you and Alexia and Royce. I do miss my husband, and I will write him a letter tonight, but I feel him around me all the time.I also miss my mom and dad, 5 sisters and 5 brothers that are on the other side, I talk to them every night, I listen to you on YouTube all the time, I think you are very gifted, and a beautiful soul. Thank You for the Valentine’s letter. I needed to hear that today, Thank You so much,


  32. This resonated so deeply. Today being Valentine’s Day, I put up our marriage certificate for me and my late husband… the second I put it up I literally walked upstairs and heard the song rocket man playing. In the lyrics he was Saying how he missed his wife and he is in outer space, I felt goosebumps because it was a clear and strong message he has for me. I was so taken back. I continue to reach out to him, and will write a love letter. We made a pact that we will contact each other after he passes away, he had cancer, terrible and awful, yet I still feel his energy lifting me to continue on.

  33. Thank you I feel my husband near me always we had unfinished life together I’m lost without him but you give me hope & understanding your wonderful

  34. Hi Matt , it is so good to hear all the positive things and messages , yesterday I was sitting Quietly in my home , and I heard my soulmate of 28 years say ‘ darling’ and so did my dog , he passed 2 years ago

  35. Hi Matt, my name is Terry and I love your message about soulmates and Valentine’s. My wife Carol went to the other side on November 21 of 2021 @ 11:21 in the morning. She shows me signs of her being with me a lot. We are best friends. I have known about you ever since I started to look for signs from her after she passed. I have seen many of your readings on YouTube. I signed up for two of your readings but didn’t get picked for one of the them and got my time mixed up on the other. I’m going to try again at a later date. I love all that you do and find it comforting and amazing. Thank-you for all you do.

  36. Thank you Matt for your wonderful advice. I had a V shaped white feather left on my doorstep yesterday. After knowing each other for 60years found this after 6months hard
    Loosing him last year

  37. You came and asked if anybody knew someone who died of a deep depression I did but was afraid to speak up cause my granddaughter was there and I didn’t want her to know cause her 16 birthday was a few days away but her mom had put her great grandmother in the ground she died of deep depression but I am not too worried she has a gift like yours she has seen my mom which is her great grandmother and they have talked she said when you took us to a different room she would go in and out of room I am just sorry I didn’t speak up you have a beautiful family god bless you all

  38. Thank you Matt, reading your article and watching your YouTube readings holding me up. It gives me hope. You are an angel on earth helping people!

  39. Love listening to your message ❤️Ive joined 4 online meeting and went to see you live in Edmonton Alberta Canada ??,My daughter got us tickets for your show in Regina Saskatchewan Canada ?? in November can’t wait❤️❤️❤️❤️

  40. I aways love your story’s of happiness and bringing closure to so many families. I too have a reading March 21st today is the day I lost my Daughter she would have been 44. Thank you for everything you do.

  41. Hi Matt, so glad for all the communications you send us, your messages are so helpful to those of us who remain behind but long to be reunited with our loved one. God bless you and your beautiful family? looking forward to seeing you on 2-17-24 @ the Venetian.

  42. I love to here your stories, I’ve been to three of your live shows and one on line, the first show my dad came through but didn’t have too much to say another soul bumped him out and next show my mother or my mother-In-law not sure which one came through not enough information to say which one it was but I do want to try another live show again and hope to get lucky, both my mom and sister died two months apart in 2016 with cancer it was a very difficult time for me, and I know my mom is with me everyday she shows me a sign.

  43. Miss my husband so much your words are so comfy they brought tears to my eyes as my husband was John it’s 4years but just like yesterday when I lost him thanks for all you do very kind words

  44. Thank You so much Matt for this wonderful information. Your words are so beautiful. I am scheduled for February 24th, I hope the love of my life comes through. Thank You again.

    1. I think the suggestions are beautiful , to honor the memory of a loved one . I lost Mom and my beautiful sister within 6 months . Wish I had known about the toxic effects of My Moms medication . Amiodorone . Beware of this anyone who is reading. I live in sadness and guilt and need to heal . Live in RI like you . Would love to meet you .❣️

  45. I was part of your February online reading and I didn’t get read. But the16th of February I found a love one wrote me. I even shared it online. Today when I went to get the original for reading it wasn’t there.
    Not sure what that meant but could it have been a sign on 16th. Maybe maybe not.

    I thoroughly enjoyed your reading today and some were so moving. Ty for letting be part of your amazing gift today.

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