When you think of a loved one who has passed, I hope you’re remembering the good times you shared, their funny quirks and favorite foods and all the character traits and experiences that made them who they were in life.

But there might also be times when you want to imagine them the way they are right now. You might picture them happy, healthy and pain free. But when you visualize your loved one in Heaven, what do you “see” around them?

Does your mind go straight to images of clouds and huge, golden gates? If that seems too much like a cliché, then what exactly DOES Heaven look like?

As a psychic medium, I get asked that question a LOT! Now, I’ve never been to Heaven, at least not that I remember, but I’ve gotten thousands of impressions from souls who I’ve connected with over the years. And I can tell you, Heaven looks different to everyone.

That’s because heaven isn’t clouds, pearly gates, or golden thrones. It’s energy. And while we’re talking about what Heaven is and isn’t, let me share one more thing. Heaven is not in the sky…


What and where IS Heaven?


Heaven is an invisible world made up completely of energy that is right here among us. It’s nowhere and everywhere.

Like electricity, it’s all around us, but we can’t see it. To the living it seems like a far-away place, but to our loved ones in spirit, it feels like they have never left earth. They’re still connected to the earth because there of the people they love and watch over.

As a medium, I feel the presence of Heaven all around me. Some people think of their loved ones as in the air, the sky, the clouds – but I sense them, and they’re much closer than that.

Another way to describe it is with this simple analogy. We’re all under one sun, and it feels like it’s right in our backyard – but actually people all over the world can see it.

Heaven is a place made entirely of energy, and that’s why it can never be seen, altered, or destroyed by the living. I’m a medium, but I’m still a physical being. My impressions and insights about Heaven come from my connection to souls who reside there and not from personal experience.


What does Heaven look like?


Heaven can be compared to something you experience in your dreams, because it can be anything you want it to be. A great dream is going to be different for everyone, and Heaven is the same.  You’ll experience your own paradise surrounded by the things that you love.

For some, Heaven is a place of rolling landscapes, beautiful mountains, and flowers, to others it’s a magical city – a clean, idealized version of a city on earth.


“Design Your Own Space in Heaven”


Your idea of Heaven is going to be different than mine, because souls create their own version that makes them happy, and that’s the energetic space where they reside.

I know it’s hard to fathom, but I think of Heaven as a big condo building. The building looks the same on the outside, but inside no two units are the same. They are all different floor plans, decorated in different styles. That’s the reason why religion flows so harmoniously in heaven. Everyone can have a different religion and a different idea of heaven, and that’s what they experience when they die – but they’re all in the same “place.”


A Fisherman’s Dream


I did a reading for a woman whose husband was a fisherman. When I connected with him he was on a boat in the middle of the ocean – doing what he loved most. His wife was a little freaked out because, “I want to be with him when I die, but not in a fisherman’s heaven!” I had to explain to her that she could still be with him while having her own version of Heaven.

The great thing about Heaven is that you don’t have to compromise, and everyone gets what they want.  

Some people don’t want anything to be different than what they had on earth. Many souls come through sitting in the same house they lived in all their lives. They loved their home, so they carried it over and made it their Heaven. It’s the same with clothing, and jewelry. Souls come through wearing their wedding ring, even though the actual ring is here on earth – it doesn’t make a difference that on earth, the ring has been sold, is sitting in a safe deposit box, or their daughter is wearing it.  

That doesn’t mean that there is a jeweler in Heaven. Just like we put ourselves together with clothing and accessories on earth, in heaven we reflect the things that are meaningful to us. A grandmother who loved to have her whole family to Sunday dinner might show up in an apron – because that symbolizes who she was in life and what she loved. Who would Michael Jackson be without his white glove? You can be sure if he came through to a medium, he’d be wearing it.


No Compromise Required


Here’s one more crazy thing. You can be with a loved one in Heaven – together – and both perceive your environment differently. Unlike in a marriage or relationship on earth, there’s no need to compromise. When you reconnect with a soulmate in Heaven, you both get exactly what you want.


Closer to Loved Ones in Heaven


One thing I love about being a medium is that when I share messages from the dead or describe what Heaven is like to the living, it helps everyone feel closer to the friends and family members they’re missing. That’s very healing! When you’re able to imagine your loved one and feel them close to you, it’s as if they’re not gone at all – they’re just in a different space.

That’s one reason I created my online spiritual courses. These classes are ideal for anyone who wants to open themselves up to the Spirit world and receive more signs and messages from loved ones in Heaven. And just like this blog helped you understand just a little more about what Heaven is actually like, my audio and video classes will help you learn about the spirit world and stay connected to those you love. To learn more, > click here.


  1. My question is my boyfriend and I was together 32 years we were both married before he passed away with cancer will he be waiting for me on the other side or is he with his ex?

      1. My husband passed 8 years ago, is he ok? What kind of signs does he send me? Is he around me or have anything to say to me,I feel he trying to tell me something

    1. Hi my mum passed away 5 months ago and I want to know if she is ok and if she is with my dad who passed away 14 years ago.

        1. I only meet my grandmother the side of my mother and I have really less time to spend time with her of any of my other grandparents they all die before I was born or just was very little to remember. Before she died she got to tell me how she regret it the things that she not did good and that she would die without forgiveness from those people closer to her but even so I was very young to understand always stayed in my mind when it’s time to go you must say goodbye and forgive .

          1. Tomm is my Dad first yr anniversary to Heaven.I desperately want to connect with him.I feel lost …Is around me n my family.Does he hqve any special message for me.I am looking for sign.

          1. Hi sir good day to you,,,i really miss my son very much he past away for almost 2mos…i really miss him so much i want to hug him even in my dreams..im from cebu city

        2. The virtual shows are great. It’s literally like watching him on YouTube. The readings on YouTube are mostly from his virtual reading. Even though I didn’t get read,it was amazing to watch. I am signed up for another virtual show later this month. I can’t wait.

      1. My dad passed away 5 years ago my mum was never the same sadly she passed away last year all I want to know are they together as its something I’d really hope for and want to know.

        1. Well I lost my sister when I was waiting my visa situation in abroad in 2016 and I wasn’t expecting that she was gone on her 40 th birthday too… By the time I had 6 months old baby girl stuck the country where I live.
          Somehow she come in my dream and remind me or protect me something but I could not read and once problem happened I do remembered that’s what she’d wanted to warning me… but it’s hard
          And I kiss her and I do regret couldn’t be there when she’s departing even my brother wanted to come but his plane was delayed so we both couldn’t attend her funeral been there only mom…
          I had a dream she lives happy and peaceful and she’s got what she wants was I saw she’s got her baby… in this life she’s been tried many times but never had baby by her own and she had adopted ones. But once she die husband side took the baby girl from us…

          1. I’m 63 yrs old. All my close family that raised me have passed. (Father, Uncle, Aunt, Grandmother and Grandfather) I miss them all so much and would love to have a reading to see who would come through. I hve no one to go to to talk to about anything and haven’t for years, so I talk to them all all the time but don’t know WHO IS LISTENING! How do I go about getting on a list for a reading? Thank you.

        1. i trmendously enjoyed reading about what heaven is really like. it helps to bring me to a place of peace. thank you so much.

      2. Hi thank u for all info… Please I ask my mum n dad for help a miracle… To overcome all our financial problems n need a house for my family…. They know what happened to their estate…. Need urgent ♥ ♥ ♥ help….. N deeply sori…. For all our past mistakes…. Thank u

      3. I felt my husband’s presence a full year after he passed of massive heart failure,
        Does he know how hard i tried reviving him,with both wrists broken and neck from previous car wreck ?

      4. My husband died around 22 years ago. I want to make sure he can is alright.
        He was an orthopedic surgeon and I am a nurse. He died at the age of 35. Do you do Private Zoom meetings?

    2. I’m thinking from what I read it could be both. For you he is only there for you when you pass. He may have contacted his x…maybe not. Think of energy as it’s in your home. It’s always there and you could be in one room watching tv and in another room someone is watching another TV. You are sharing the same energy but you choose what you watch

      1. Good afternoon…I’m sure you’ve had this question many times, but haven’t seen it.
        When we on earth, are getting “playful”, sexual, do our loved ones remove themselves from the situation usually? Had to ask!

        1. Hi Becky, I am not a psychic/medium but I have had a reading with Sylvia Brown and attended 2-3 seminars she had. She told us that although they are always around us and can see everything we do, they are not really watching when we shower, use the lavatory, get “playful”. They know we are in a human body and the body has physical needs. Plus…I just tell them ahead of time that I need my private time now. They will respect your wishes. Hope this helps!

    3. My husband, passed away in 2014. I met someone that I fell in love with, but never met. Will I know him in heaven and will I get to meet him.

      1. Can loved ones come back and do things to send a message? Like turn lights on an off? Or appear in our dreams. My aunt Brenda said she was going mess with me after she passed from cancer. And yes weird things have occurred. Lights in the kitchen have been going off and on. Never happened before her passing.

        1. Remember. The Lord’s prayer? Those of you who don’t know it it goes like this. “Our Father who art in heaven hollowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come thy will be done.” And here’s the key: “ON EARTH as it is in HEAVEN”. Which means more than meets the eye. On earth it’s his will that we love one another. And obviously in heaven. Love is the other key word.
          If i love what I’m doing here now, for instance. Then i will continue to do so if it’s God’s will and mine. As above so below. Heaven is a real place it’s actually another vibration. We are made of a light that vibrates. It’s contained in our bodies but kind of glows outwards. You know this. You can feel it when another person steps close to you. Some people like me are called empaths. We can feel what you feel. I can feel what my partner is doing from 45 miles away! So anyhow, heaven is very much like the Earth but a zillion times better. Remember instead of air your breathing love! Love in it’s pure unadulterated form! So the fisherman’s wife, what does she do or did while her husband went fishing? Read? Paint. Spend time with her grandchildren? Remember it’s eternal! There is no time limit because everything is in a continuum.
          To finish the prayer:
          Give us this day our daily bread, and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation. For thin is the kingdom! And the power! And the glory!
          Forever and ever. AMEN! Cool huh

        2. When my dad passed i told him.pfove me wrong. He didn’t believe in after life or anyone could see spirit. The night he passed I was woken up. My dad standing next to my bed and smiled . I believe in what I’ve seen. So.maybe she is messing with you ♡

      2. Hi Matt just wanted to no most of my family are passed over to other side do they no and want to help us if we are going through a tuff time on earth

      3. Want to know if my mom and mother in-law and my puppy are together, I feel so bad that I didn’t take to my mother in-law bf she passed I loved her very much

        1. Why does a demon come to my house from time to time. He has attacked me a couple of times when I got mediums to remove the spirits in my house.

    4. From what I’ve been told by my friend who is a psychic, you are rejoined with your Soulmate, even if you are both married to someone else.

    5. My husband passed 10 yrs ago. Is he around me? He didn’t believe contacting me after he passed. I’ve never dreamed 1 time off him.. I can’t seem to move on.I prettiest him I would find love again. But I’m broken.

      1. I haven’t dreamed of my Grandma in quite some time. We were so close more like sisters! We shared the same room for YEARS. Argued, fought sometimes as sisters would however I Always respected her. She always said she would never pass, after 3 open heart surgery’s until I married. She passed 12 days after I married. I used to dream of her often. The last dream years ago was of her in a beautiful white room. So white everything was the purest of pure, indescribable, she had bunk beds the same ominous white that I’ve never seen before.
        What does this mean? Does she have a place waiting for me one day?

    6. Matt,
      The last few years I’ve lost Mom, Dad, my husband. My Mom came to me in touch, my husband in dream, but NEVER my Dad? We were close? Is he Mad at me?


    8. Everyone will be together. But it won’t matter who’s with who. There is no jealousy at that point it’s just spiritual and closeness.

    9. My mom passed six years ago and I cannot seem to get past her death. My life has changed so much, I changed. I feel like the little girl in me went with and I still fiercely miss her. I want to feel her close to me and want to know if I made her proud.

    10. Dont worry. You will not ask, or have a need to know, on the other side. There is Love, Compassion and Understanding in a different way.

    11. Hi Matt my brother in law has passed away its been 4 yrs he been gone is he sometimes around me and family i wanna know what spirit is guiding me

    12. Being adopted…feel lost at times. Like I will always be alone cuz of family. Love my story of who toke me in.

    13. He basically is stating that heaven is what ever you want it to be. What ever matters most to you. So basically you create your heaven. Your x-boyfriend isn’t actually with you when you pass. He’s in your imaginary heaven. He will be real to you there however you imagine him to be. There’s a sadness to that in this reality but I guess once you pass you won’t know any better or live in a dreamlike state. That’s how it came across to me.

    14. There is no jealousy on the other side you accept and love them like you did on this plane all one happy family you see people that you didn’t like here. He will be waiting for you so will family members xx

  2. Dear matt .I lost my dad with cancer he was only 63 .any way what I want to say is that he visited me in my sleep .this all happed matt .a few weeks after my dad died .he wanted to let me no he was OK. I was in a lot of pain .I don’t no how to explain this but it was like sumone want into my body took out all the pain .when I woke up it was very strange .I was happy and at pice .and the room felt unbelievable peaceful. Its hard to put into words .but I wanted to share this .I no now there is a wonderful place from her we go to .I remember it was flowers n just so peaceful. I miss my dad .but I no his not fare from me .I just want to say thank you for the gift you have to help so many .Julie

    1. Dear matt ,i lost my nana she was a very important person in my life. Then I lost my uncle 4 years ago .it totally devastated me an I can’t move on in my life. He was my everything my uncle we could talk about anything an everything. I just want to know if he’s ok

      1. My Question is My Mother passed in July even though she was 86 and sick it was a shock because she was very well and active she fell down an outside step thanks to an idiot family member.and died a few days later still conscious in another state my kids and I went to see her my cousin wouldn’t you being Italian I know you know the my son my son thing lol but when We went to see her she told me I know you don’t think I love you but I do and she cried when she saw my kids they were both very close to her as I were leaving she said don’t forget to tell John ( my husband) that I won’t forget he said he take care of me I know this is long I’m so desperate.I talk to her everyday mainly in the morning get up eay to talk to her and ask her to help with things and why why didn’t she include me in desisions and just to send me some kind of sign and acknowledge me I just want to know we’ll alot of things I know she has all the answers now but I am so desperate to here so mething from her I cry all the time sorry so long but I guess I kind of vented

      2. I lost my Dad and my Brother in just a manner of a few years apart. I want to know if they are in Heaven. I’m sure my brother Kevin is, but my Dad, Kenneth, not so sure.

        1. Yes he’s there even the ones that don’t believe go to heaven..if they’re willing to ask for forgiveness from what they’ve done when in heaven..Yes they are both there..Feel better about that OK

      3. Darlynn,

        I know your Uncle would want you to be happy. He is safe and watching over you. He wants you to find joy in this life and remember he is right by your side. Call upon him anytime. He is here, just not in the physical form.

        1. Lost my brother few years ago from a freak accident and he was on the other side of the world. It pains me that I didn’t get to talk to him before he left. Not a day goes by that I don’t think about him. I missed him so much. We all missed him so much!

    2. I’m wondering if souls are here on earth, if the world were to come to an end be destroyed where would they go? Can souls travel to other planets and explore the universe?

      1. How do I get a guaranteed reading from you? I really need to know how someone I love died and if they are at peace….

      2. Cindy….I have that EXACT same question. The earth will be swallowed up by the sun in a few million years…does that affect heaven?? Also, what if there’s a person I don’t want to see in the afterlife but the person I do want to be with does. How does the person I want to be with get to be with both of us? Do they have to choose? Crazy thoughts but legitimate ones…I least I think they’re legitimate.

      3. My mother died from Covid on 5th January 2021. I was able to spend 4 hours with her at the hospital on the 4th, however, the next day I too tested positive for Covid so was unable to see her again or go to our family home until I had quarantined for 14 days.
        The first night I slept in my family home after her passing she came to me in my dreams. She held me in her arms, cradling me like a child. My mother was disabled for most of her adult life following a spinal injury. In my dream she was standing , holding me in her front garden. I used to do much of her gardening for her as she was unable to do so. She didn’t speak to me in my dream but I felt her love and warmth. My three sisters said it was just a dream but I’m convinced it was more.
        My father died almost 16 years ago. Soon after, again in my family home, I was leaning against the sitting room doorway speaking to my family. I felt a hand on the back of my waist and instantly knew it was my father as it was what he did in life when he wanted to pass someone.
        When my son was 7 he once refused to go to bed, also in our family home whilst visiting, because he said Ouma (my grandmother who had passed some time before) was in his room and that she was cross. He hardly knew her because in her last years of chronic illness she wouldn’t see many people.
        I had several experiences of seeing or sensing departed people years ago but chose to shut it off. Now I want to channel my links again.
        Thank you, Matt, for reopening my eyes and willingness to accept life never truly ends.

    3. Matt let me start with a thank you for sharing your gift❤️We lost our son last October. It was in a car accident. We are lost without him. I just want to hear why he went off the road. No reason that can be explained. Nothing medical was found and we were told nothing was wrong with his car. Its painful to live with this. I am attending your online show on the 3rd of oct. I have said prayers he comes through you to us.

    4. Hi mat I lost a lot of women on my side to cancer and have a few passing now from
      Cancer Stacy I just went to see and when I left I found a white feather outside her door , is nan waiting for her also may I ask if my partners mum who past last year is she ok if any messages for her kids would be lively as they need closure other then thinking she is just gone like there sister and it is ripped them apart hard something that may help them please

  3. I was married twice and loved them both equally when they passed away. What happens when I pass away, who would I be with in heaven? Thank you

    1. Hi Matt
      My mum passed a few years ago with lung problems. I miss her every day and would love to know she’s pain free at last. Also is the robins I see …. her, when I’m out and about?? I’d love to know if she watches over my grandson Hugo and my two daughters Becca and Katie. Give her my everlasting love . Thank you for all the amazing work you do in bring family together and giving them peace. You truly are amazing . Bless you xxxxx

    2. I too have two great lives in Heaven. I can communicate with them like Matt, but only with those people that I have known well. Nu “boys” as I always call them, were friends and cousins on Earth and spend much time together in Heaven. We agreed on staying together once I get to the Soul World. There is no jealousy there, no competition. Only unconditional love. If you want, you can be with both, no need to choose

    3. Hi Matt my son Jason passed at work , he at one time told his wife what is angina ,and it stayed at that did he new, he was going to dye, he was 32 years November 13 2017 he passed, does he visits mom . thank you matt

  4. I am so confused and hurting. I don’t know where to go to live, I’m miserable here in Indiana, my finances are in ruined, I want to go back home to California but see no future or how I can get there. Any suggestions

  5. Hello! I am so excited to have purchased an online reading event for October 26th at 7 pm . I downloaded the zoom app as it requested, but I don’t know what to do from there. Do I need to set this in a calender on zoom for the reading? And if so, how do I do that? Is there info I need to make sure that I don’t miss the reading I want to be part of?

    1. Hi Matt, it’s been 6 years since my husband passed and I feel him near me all the time. Do you know if he thinks I should sell the house and downsize and where does he want me to go if so?

      1. Hello. Matt, if you see this will you please send me an e-mail? My stepbrother committed suicide in his vehicle. He was suffering from severe depression. My friend passed away from cervical cancer and she was the sweetest woman you would ever meet. My boyfriend passed away next to another woman . i just feel so empty. Please message me. I am falling into a downward spiral and can’t seem to get out

    2. Cynthia, usually you’ll get a link sent to you a short time before the Zoom meeting is to start, maybe by email or messenger etc. depending on what way Matt communicates with people.
      Usually a link & maybe a password if it’s needed.

  6. When you teach someone to be more open to the spirit world, how do you teach them to protect themselves from the darker realm?

  7. Why do I feel so alone with my loved ones in heaven, are they disappointed in me. I am so scared I won’t see them again when it’s my time to go home. I just need to know I will see my dad again who passed at 41 years old. My stepdad, my cousin who committed suicide not a thing from him. Please help me understand the above! Love always xxxx

    1. Dear Matt,
      I’m truly amazed by the extraordinary gift that God has given to you.
      I lost both my Dad & Mom, never got the opportunity to live with both of them. My grandmother who raised me died too. I wonder how they’re looking down on me. I always wish to have them near me since now I’m a mother with kids. My kids never got the chance to see them. I hope they’re happy for me. I lost all of them when I was still in high school.
      I will be anxiously looking forward for your reply. Really wanted to know about them.

  8. My question to you Matt, is why are we not allowed to openly see that heaven or even get a glimpse of it. I have had a few experiences but it’s almost like, it’s off the cards for us as we couldn’t possibly comprehend it, here in our physical world, because although this world can be wonderful, it can also be quite flat and you can’t fathom a spiritual world with a flat world. Have you ever been told what is the purpose of our existence? I don’t just mean individually but collectively? and is there life and spiritual life on other planets or in other realms of the universe? Where are we and why are we?

  9. What if the person who passed was young? (Almost 19) is their transition time shorter? I feel like I started seeing signs about 1 week after his passing.. & if there is no one from this life that he knew to greet him will it be ancestors & will they feel like they knew each other even tho they’ve never met? I’m scared he’s alone..

  10. Hi there! I just have to put it out there that my 10 yr old son asked me the other day what heaven is like. Growing up in a Christian home, up until quite a few yrs ago, my answer would have been a typical Christian description. Without any outside influence ( lol that I’m aware of) I’ve veered off the Christian path on my own and my description was exactly the way you explained it and today is the first time I’ve ever even seen any of your videos and its also the first time I’ve come across anything and anyone to give me a sense of confirmation that anyone else felt the same way. I just wanted to express my excitement and put it out into the universe and acknowledge that my soul is pulling me in this direction from which I was taught all my life. Its such a wonderful feeling. It’s exciting! 🙂

    1. Hello Matt & every time we would go on a plane trip somewhere I always loved sitting by the window & just watch the clouds & wonder wear on a cloud in a castle does God live or does he ? That’s one question . When I would talk to God at night in bed I always talk to him up but that was when I believed in prayer to help people & now I don’t now I just talk to my Spirit team my Angels & my beautiful spirits & thats it . Even when we would go to church & we say the Our Father I would always look up why is that I would like to know . Thank you Matt

    2. Hi Matt…. Anything you can tell me about my only son that passed 8 years ago? I am still in excruciating pain from his passing I am still waiting for him to come back to me in some form, but I haven’t had any signs at all. Please if you can Thank you for your your gift and for just being such an amazing man

  11. Hi Matt my passed away in Feb 2021 ( I want to know if she new how much I fought for her to get medicine to get her comfortable. My dad passed away on May 6, 2021 but I could not tell him how much I loved him and say goodbye. I just want him to know that I love him so much. Right after my dad passed I was diagnosed with cancer and I just want to find out if they will be there to guide me through this.

  12. Beautifully said Matt! I do similar work to you and this is how I see it also. Honestly when I clicked the link to read what you had to say… I was like “This guy!” Lol. I’m being fresh, but I wanted to say, I love the way you expressed what you feel and see! Beautiful! You are doing great work and I want to honor you with following your heart. Lots of love to you!

  13. My son was murdered at age 16 leaving his high schools basketball game. A year and 3 months later his father overdoes from Fentanyl overdose. I would like to know if they are together PLEASE

  14. Hi Matt I lost my son frank Perry Jr almost 3 years ago due too a drunk driver I just want him to know he’s so missed by his sons m family. Every time I read your emails it does bring comfort to me.

  15. My husband passed away in April 2020. He was the live of my life and it’s so difficult being without him. I would really like to know if he is with me all the time or sometimes. Can he see me everyday and does he know what I do every minute of the day or does he pass by to check on me every now and then??
    Thank you

  16. My mom pass away 5 months ago and it was unexpected.
    I wish I can connect with her.
    I have not even attended her funeral/burial because of lockdown in that Country 🙁

  17. Thank you for your gift. My son David passed away on Christmas Eve 2018 from a massive heart attack after a great Eve get together. I miss him so much. His wife misses him very much too. She can’t move forward and so depressed. I get depressed too. Is he okay. Does he visit. His wife would like to know why. He was only 42. Will she be with him when she dies. I really think they were soul mates. My dad passed before him. Did he take David home to heaven. David was the first born grandchild. My only son. Hugs.

  18. I feel my recently passed father coming thru to me in specific songs on the radio – especially Pink Floyd. Do the dead come thru in music? Thanks Matt!

    1. Hello Erika. Yes I believe our love ones can connect with us thru music. My husband passed 9 years ago. I was in three different places on different days when I heard an old song we used to dance to. He knew it was my favorite tune. I just stopped in my tracks I knew he was sending me a sign he was alright.

  19. Has my husband found the peace that he didn’t find in life? He wasn’t ready to go and I wasn’t ready for him to go.

  20. Hello Matt,

    I have had a reading from your mother but she said I should talk to you later, months down the line. My 5 year old passed away from cancer 2 years ago. Me miss him so much and want to know , if he knows how much we love and miss him?

  21. I think Heaven is a place, you can’t touch, but all entities energy goes to it’s outer rim. Everything and Everyone who has ever existed, ever, goes there and becomes part of the light source!

  22. Hello Matt my Daughter Ashley passed away 7 years ago I miss her so much I really need to know she is ok and that I love her so much my heart is broken a part of me died when she passed please help.

  23. Most of all my close family had passed on but I see Angel numbers 616 and 626 and 911 almost daily I know what the meanings are but who’s sending to me

  24. My Dad passed in 1989 I miss every day I wish I could feel him or get a sign. My Dad like to hunt pheasants and very time I see one that’s my Dad. There are four of us kids and we had said the same thing.My Mom is still alive 95 this year, it has been a hard summer for she fell and broke her hip and we just put her in assisted living very hard for her she cries a lot so she says I know my Dad is by her side I wish she could get a sign from him

  25. Matt I sure do love you….even though we’ve never met. I feel a great deal of love from you whenever I see you or your writings and video’s…..thank you!

  26. Hello Matt – I had tried a few times with other Psychic gatherings I went to, to see if my Dad who had passed had away in 2009 would reach out to me to let me know he was ok. I was surprised and upset that I never heard from him, so I started thinking maybe he all ready has been reincarnated. He seemed to love life so much that I can see him wanting to come back right away.
    Matt do you know if souls reincarnate ?

  27. Hi Matt, my dad passed away a year ago. I think about him always. If see something he likes, food he enjoyed and if we have a family gathering I always feel sad he isn’t with us. I would like to know if he’s happy now. He felt like he was a burden for us as my 3 sisters and I along with my mum cared for him around the clock. He asked us to let the family doctor know that he wants to put ‘Do Not Resuscitate’ on his file. He had Alzheimer’s for the last few years of his life. But we didn’t mind caring for him as it was the least we could do for him for caring and working hard for us our whole lives. He found it difficult to be restricted as he was always busy doing/fixing something for his whole life.
    He had a fall and hit his head. He told us he was fine and didn’t hit his head but within 20minutes he had a stroke. he went to hospital but there wasn’t anything they could do for him. He came home and passed away 5 days later with his 5 girls around him. We miss him so much.

  28. Hi, Matt
    I just wanted to said that u have a beautiful gift and am glad that u use it to help people connect with there love ones. I wanted to let u know my mom just passed on August 10, 2021. Which i talked to her on the 9th of August the day before she passed and told her its ok that i know ur in a lot of pain that i understand if u want to go to be with the lord. Matt what am trying to say is i miss my mom and just want to know if she’s ok now…

  29. Dear Matt
    I lost my brother for covid last April. I was devastes he was only 39. My brother was the best brother I could have, he was caring, kind, funny and much more. I felt him all the time with me in my room after he passed. I had one dream only with him. I even put a picture under my pillow as you said but no dreams with him. I had visions of him in heaven and I know now he is ok. You helped me so much with my grief Matt. God thank you for put you on my life.
    I am so grateful everyday to you Matt.
    I have been learning a lot with you.
    My son Jack had medium gifts too. He told me he see souls all the time and that they are all here around us all the time. Dear lord I don’t know how to help him coz he is afraid of them. He is only 11 years old. Jack delivered a message from my brother to me. One night Jack waken up with mu brother standing up on the bottom of my bed and said words that only me would know. It was Beautiful.
    I am so blessed
    Please help me to help my son? He doesn’t want to be a medium, he dreams to be a professional basketball player but I feel like I need to help him.
    Love you Matt

  30. My partner pass last September we love each other, I want to know if she will be with me I have some medical issues. So many things I wish I could tell her. Just how very special she is and how important in my life.

  31. My son passed 4 months ago and I miss him everyday. I wonder every day who was there to meet him. I feel it should have been me. I also wonder if he will be there for me when my time comes.

  32. It’s confusing, because I always imagined Heaven to be in the sky, or in another realm- and to think that when a person dies, they imagine their heaven just how they want it, makes me question if their soul is really “alive” in some sense that we’re able to communicate with it. Life and death has always been confusing to me, and I want to believe that there really is something after physical life, so I can calm down, but with mental illness, phobias, it makes it really difficult to not be able to relax fearing that I am going to die. And I do speak to people who have religion, and then I get caught up in religion and spirituality and they seem a little different. Someone people will tell me that it’s “not of God”. Does God exist? Do we see God when we die? Or is that an invisible world too?

  33. I have had 3 vivid visitations. First one was from my father, second one was my father, my grandmother and a friends daughter who had passed, third one was my grandfather, mother and father. Last visitation I actually asked about what have them was like and how the process is to get there after you die.

  34. He has spoken of this in a video where he said they watch us in the shower or restroom if I remember correctly. But they don’t really care or make a big deal about it. They can see everything. Not sure if they go away ‍♀️ but if it’s not a big deal then we shouldn’t worry.

  35. I don’t know if I can ask you a question but I would love to know if my parents know how hard my sister and I tried fighting for them and we are sorry about what their son did. And I lost my bestfriend and feel so lost without her how do I get her to come around me and how will I know.

  36. Heaven and Hell are both close to our world. Separated but overlapping. People pass, they go to whatever they envisioned. I think Heaven is more like lights, our souls are like lights. We can be merged with other lights. Whereas being apart from God, is dark and lonely. We can see and feel the energies and sense light or dark all around us in this world. I know it’s all around us all the time.

  37. Dear Matt,
    can a person that die and comes back leave there body and go between the esoteric energy heaven and and so called earth?

    One night 30 years ago at 3 o’clock in the morning I wake up in my bed at night, in my bedroom stand the most amazing white being the light was so strong that I had problem to look. That being gave me a white flower. Can it have been an angel?
    With love and light……

  38. I H AVE

  39. I MISS


  40. Hello, I am in Australia, Matt my son died suddenly, I went to see his body at the hospital and he had the same look on his face as when he was a little boy and he was annoyed or didn’t get his own way or something wasn’t right, he was just taken to soon, it was a mistake,, he didn’t mean to take as much medication as he did.

  41. I lost me 12 year old grandson 5 months ago today. I just can’t stop crying wondering if he’s OK or missing all of us. I signed up for your session on 11/2/21 with hopes that he comes to me through you.

  42. Pls sir how i wish i can talk to u someday so that i can talk to my son soon…i hope i have given a chance to talk to you even i am nit rich i dont have enough to pay….i really miss my son sir…..

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