Stairway leads upward to heart-shaped gap in glowing clouds with bright light shining through. Matt Fraser's silhouette is visible in the lower right corner.

It’s amazing how many people have expressed doubt about the existence of soulmates, and that makes me really sad because I truly believe that there is someone out there for everyone. Heaven has shown me this truth over and over again. God has sent someone special for every single person on this Earth, so don’t lose hope.

So I am writing this blog to share with you what heaven tells us about finding your soulmate and true love.

Before meeting Alexa, I, too, felt there was a love missing in my life. I heard people talk about how meeting their one and only felt different, a love that was indescribable. I didn’t understand what that meant until I experienced it myself. It’s similar to the overwhelming love you feel when you have a child. When our son Royce was born, people told us we’d feel a love we’ve never felt before, and they were right. It’s a different kind of love, an unconditional love that remains despite any challenges or misunderstandings. The same goes for soulmates.

So, let’s delve into the concept of soulmates. Our souls are created in heaven, and at that moment, we’re given our talents, gifts, and abilities. But what’s truly fascinating is that our soulmate’s soul is created simultaneously. When our souls are crafted, we are shown who our soulmate will be. It’s like magnets—we just gravitate toward one another.

A soulmate is someone chosen for us before we even arrive on Earth. They embody unconditional love and share similar morals, values, and life goals. From my conversations with the other side, I’ve learned that there’s no such thing as twin flames in heaven—only soulmates. Soulmates are someone you’re meant to meet and be with, not related by blood, but connected deeply by soul.

Now, let’s talk about meeting your soulmate. It’s not just about luck; it’s about timing and readiness. Your spirit guide and guardian angel play significant roles in guiding you toward your soulmate. They know who your soulmate is and will try to set up opportunities for you to meet them. However, free will plays a part. Sometimes, you might miss the signs or get distracted by superficial attractions.

It’s crucial to be clear about what you want in a soulmate and to manifest those desires. When I was looking for Alexa, I made a vision board detailing the qualities I wanted in a partner. This clarity and intention are essential in helping your spirit guide understand what will bring you happiness.

You also need to be the best version of yourself. Focus on your passions, dress in a way that expresses your true self, and live your life fully. When you are happy and fulfilled, you naturally attract your soulmate.

If you find yourself in a toxic relationship or one that doesn’t fulfill you, have the courage to leave. Staying in a relationship out of comfort or fear blocks you from meeting your true soulmate. Trust that opening yourself up and stepping out of your comfort zone will lead you to the right person.

It’s also important to distinguish between infatuation and true love. Infatuation can be intense and quick, but true love builds over time, through shared values and deep connection. Pay attention to signs from your spirit guide, synchronicities, and how naturally things flow with your partner.

Even if you’ve faced heartbreak or missed connections, it’s never too late to find your soulmate. Heaven assures us that there is always time to meet your true love. Keep your heart open, trust your spirit guides, and know that love will find its way to you.

Remember, your soulmate is out there, and heaven is guiding you towards them. Keep faith, stay open, and embrace the journey of finding true love.

If you would like to join me for a LIVE Online Reading, click here for upcoming dates. 


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