People seek out the services of a medium for lots of reasons: confirmation that their loved one is safe and happy in the afterlife, the desire to say “I love you” just one more time, even simple curiosity about what a reading is like.

However, one of the most compelling things that drives souls on both sides of the veil to connect with a medium is unfinished business.

Tying Up Loose Ends

We’ve all seen movies and television shows where someone is very sick, and the doctor tells them to “put their affairs in order.” Seeing that, you might wonder how you’d perform in that situation. Would you forget an important detail – or would there be one thing you’d have a hard time wrapping up, even if you knew you didn’t have much time left?

Some people believe that when you die, your spirit can’t pass if there is unfinished business. For example, there have been cases where people die suddenly, and their loved ones feel that their soul is lingering because they left something unsaid. Honestly, if that were the case, there would be a lot more ghosts and hauntings than there are!

Fortunately, souls can usually resolve unfinished business from the other side – but they might need a little help – and that’s where I come in!

Pulling Strings from Heaven

Sometimes there is a secret that the deceased couldn’t bring themselves to share while they were alive. When they see their past from a new, heavenly perspective, they realize that they must come clean.

Here’s an example of how one loving (but fearful) mother was able to find the courage to make things right, after she passed:

I once did a reading for a young woman who had been given up for adoption as an infant. She grew up never knowing her biological mother — in fact, she had not even been aware she was adopted. Her adoptive mom, whose name was Peggy, couldn’t bring herself to tell her daughter the truth, out of an irrational fear that the girl would leave home and search for her biological mother. Over the years, the biological mother tried to reach out to the family, but Peggy hid the messages and took the secret to her grave.

After she passed on, Peggy was finally able to see her actions clearly, and she realized she’d made a mistake. By keeping this secret, she had made it so that her daughter was living life as an only child, when in reality she had siblings she could connect with.

Seeing her daughter’s pain, Peggy realized she had unfinished business – and that she had the ability to correct it. From the afterlife, she sent signs to her daughter in the form of commercials, feelings, and thoughts. Her message was simple, “Go on!”

The daughter had never really known much about her family and after months of seeing the repeating ads she decided to sign up and research her ancestry.

As fate, and divine intervention, would have it, during that same week her long lost sister was doing the same!

Not only did she find her sister, but she also found out at that moment that she was adopted. She was happy, but a little freaked out! To try to make sense of the whole situation, the woman came to me for a reading. Immediately her mom came through!

She apologized for keeping the secret for so long and confirmed that she was the one who had brought her adopted daughter together with her biological sister. She asked her daughter for forgiveness and was so happy she had been able to make things right.

Keeping the Lines of Communication Open

When you’re feeling haunted by something left unsaid to a loved one who has passed, or if you have nagging questions and are looking for answers, it’s not too late. You can connect with souls on the other side in so many ways – and let me tell you, being able to feel their presence again is life-changing!

In my video course, Keeping in Touch I share techniques for keeping your loved ones close, even if they now live on the other side. So, when it feels like your unfinished business will never be completed, think again! You can reconnect with a loved one in heaven and get the answers you’re looking for – and experience the closure you need to heal.


  1. Hi Matt

    I lost a child when he was born he was only 3 hrs I have tons of questions!! I seen a butterfly the day we buried him landed on his casket and stayed till we closed it.. I see them all the time now!!

      1. I lost my brother Christmas Day, It started with a headache 26 days prior and we lost Him on Christmas Day So many questions, I lost a mother at 42 and a sister at 23 and now my brother at 56 I don’t see any signs please please can you give me a reading

      2. I lost my husband two years ago
        Cant even imagine n not at seen him after that … please help me how to overcome this loss

        1. Hi my best friend passed away July 11,2019. That’s also my son birthday. I have been so sad since she passed, judging my friends that are here, just saying things like I know if my bff was here things would be different. She was my comfort zone.

      3. My son passed away six months ago and I feel he is having a hard time crossing over. It was very unexpected.

    1. My best friend passed suddenly no illness just dropped to the floor and gone, why doesthis happen.
      We went to get in car but i seen she seen 3 odd lights in the sky that flashed then vanashed both looked at each other carried on journey spoke to her at17.09 all good passed at 9pm would she of passed peacefully and others meeting her also is she trapped itsyhe not knowing
      Breaking my heart no explaination x

    2. My husband passed unexpectedly and I have so many questions for him. I wish he would show me some signs that he is with me in everything I do.

  2. Are there different levels of spirituality in heaven?
    Separation by how you lived your life here on earth?
    Are families together forever even if they are not cealed together on earth?
    Does God need us to do baptisms for the dead? Or is that for our benefit?

    1. Hello Matt this question is a bit unusual, my grandson vows and declares that je mislaced my $1500 dollars in n my late daughters room and I dont beleive him could you please let me know one way or another as I cannot check Im in hospital and have been for 2 years. Thanking you, Sandy Kennedy-Moorfoot.

  3. Hello Matt, my name is Cheryl. Matt, I lost my mom 7 years ago which feels like today every day. I slipped into a deep depression due to losing her. I need closure Matt. Could you please tell me if she has plans for me? Does she know where I’ll end up? Like her house she left me? , If she did. Her husband still lives in it and won’t give me anything of hers, and I’m her only child. I live in a world of sadness and need answers. Please help me?? Thank you Matt. Have a blessed day.

    1. My mum and dad split up when I was young and then mum had a falling out with the rest of the family.. I was never told why.. I have spent my whole life feeling I am being punished for her mistakes.

    2. I lost my husband 2 mos. ago,we were not on his bedside on his last breath, many mixed emotions,i have a hard time coping many questions in my thoughts,i miss him terribly,pls help me it’s like there’s no closure especially we know that he doesn’t like to go yet,I desperately want to know what is really on his thoughts on his remaining days before he passed

    3. Hi Matt, I am so glad to connect you you ,my parents died recently an I am been depressed since their death,I am also an only child ,they were my everything, God bless you alot.

  4. My mother passed with a lot of unfinished answers for me. I do not understand why she did not stand up for me.
    I need answers

  5. I talked to another psychic and he said that my son that passed away three and a half months ago was very sad , he said that my son was staying earth bound because he is waiting for something . As a mom Im having a very hard time with this Im so worried about my sweet son in the spirit world can you help me ?

    1. Matt my parents both have been deseased for many years now and my fiance and children’s father committed suicide 10yrs ago. I’ve been a complete mess ever since! I just need to know if any of them are around or have anyhing to say? Please I need to get out of this depression bad

  6. My best friend passed suddenly no illness just dropped to the floor and gone, why doesthis happen.
    We went to get in car but i seen she seen 3 odd lights in the sky that flashed then vanashed both looked at each other carried on journey spoke to her at17.09 all good passed at 9pm would she of passed peacefully and others meeting her also is she trapped itsyhe not knowing
    Breaking my heart no explaination x

  7. After my husband passed I went to visit my true love, we had a child together, he cheated on me once and she became pregnant, we were going to get married we couldn’t she was underage he had to marry her. I know he’s lied to me, never thought he would such a thing. He got mad at me wouldn’t let me come back I would call and beg him not to be mad a week later he told his house cleaner he was going to call me and make it right he knew I loved him and he loved me, but he ended up dying the next morning. I don’t understand him, I don’t know how honest he was with me. We dated three years, he tried to make up with me after cheating I told him to leave don’t come back week later I found out I was pregnant, I called him and said I’m pregnant, he said not my problem I’m getting married today.

  8. Hallo Matt! My husband past away 22 years ago ,can You tell me what hi want me to say an de end ,before hi stop talking, hi was only 56year old. Thank You for the answer! ,,AMALIJA THANKS AGAIN,,

  9. I told my mom that my brother interfered with me, she disowned me taking my brothers side she met my boys once, then said she didnt want to know me or my family, she died without me telling her how much i loved her, she wanted to be buried, but my brother had her cremated, i hope she know how much i did luv her

  10. I lost a man that I loved all my life and couldn’t have because he was married. The man needed to stay where he was athe had children. I always hopped I could see him and talk with him, that never happened. The other a cardinal came by my porch and I felt like it wanted to say something to me , could this of been him?

  11. Matt. My daughter passed july 9th of last year. 2020. I really need some answers if she was helped along.

  12. My sister passed in January, I haven’t been able to get over it. She was in the hospital with leukemia she had kept treatments
    And got better. Three days before she was discharged she cought covid.we talked on the phone and made plans for another trip to see our sons in Oregon. She was in great spirits. Covid took her two days later. She wasn’t ready. I felt her weeks after.she wanted to go home. She wanted her grand daughter . I still feel her . My dr said I should be over it by now.

  13. I lost my husband 2 1/2 yrs ago I miss him constantly one day I noticed 2 feathers in my living room one was bright yellow and the other was beige I don’t have a bird why would they be there on another occasion in my bedroom the valances were moving and noticed it many times this really bothered me cause it wasn’t winter and windows were closed. What do you think it was. Please I need the answers to these happenings. Thank you so very much

  14. Hi Matt my mum passed ten years ago and my dad two years ago Dad only wanted to die without mum I told him he would be with mum again in heaven he didn’t believe me Can you please tell me if they are together. It would mean the world to me to know what has happened Thank you so much Deb

  15. Hello Matt! I’ve been wanting to speak to you for so long!! I’m thee oldest sibling out of seven. I’ve moved to another state away from my whole family13 years ago.But no matter what I have always been close to my third little brother. Him and I were so much alike in fact thee only siblings that had somewhat of a normal life. We could not imagine living without one another. Well, in November my brother was “stolen” from me by this stupid covid total shock to my entire family!!! It gets worse, our mother passed two days later of the same thing!! My brother took care of my mother! Now they are both gone. I have been a total mess inside.. I don’t know how to live without my brother! He was my hero, my best friend, thee only soul I trusted and could trust 100%. I have so many questions.One of them is did he come to say goodbye to me through someone weeks after he passed? And are my feelings correct about how he died?

  16. Dearest Matt I am trying to have a reading with you in September I don’t know how to get on Zoom so I’m going to try I hope I can be there in your life to see you and to hear from some of my relatives

  17. Hi Matt,
    I recently started tuning into you and am amazed. My brother passed away January 19,2021. I have reached out to a local psychic and she reads my messages but does not respond? Is there something wrong with me that she ignores a reading with me? It makes me feel as if my brother is not safe , not in Heaven? Or is it me she is avoiding for a reason I have no idea about? I really need to know how he is I miss him terribly.

  18. I lost my child’s father April 6th of 2021 I am so sad that my baby will never get to know who her dad was I am so sad and how he just left us like he did

  19. I have a question I am pondering over. How does the appearance of time work in heaven, like if my family member dies am I already there with them? Is there a time lap? And how can that be, since there is no before and after?
    Love from Sweden

  20. Hafa Adai. Matt I Lost my Beloved Husband in 2020 November To COVID. I can’t find closure he was my soul mate, and it was a sad death being Alone without a love one being there to hold your hand. My life has been so hard without him, Please Matt help me find closure, I miss him so much.

  21. Thru a miss understanding the love of my life and I went different ways. Will we be together on the other side?

  22. In just 5 years I suddenly lost my beautiful Brother my beautiful Aunty 2 amazing Cousins and my 17yr old best friend my beloved hairybairn my dog I still feel their presence all the time I see my dog in lucid dreams but when I reach out to pet him I wake up

    I think you are Amazingly talented blessed I love how you share your gift and bring comfort to many people who are desperate or just need that closure so thank you for all your hard work your a star

  23. Hi Matt, Apologies for the picture in my last post that is not the main pic for that email

    In the last five years I suddenly lost my beautiful Brother my beautiful Aunty 2 amazing Cousins and my 17yr old best friend my beloved hairybairn my dog I still feel their presence all the time I see my dog in lucid dreams but when I reach out to pet him I wake up

    I think you are Amazingly gifted and a blessing and I love that you are so humble and share your gift with people who are desperate or just needing that closure… Keep up the great work you’re a star
    L&L too all

  24. Michelle I also lost my fiance to a massive heart attack in 2008.He actually died at home but they got his heart beating again and 3 days later in ICU he went into cardiac arrest again he temp spiked at 108° and he was brain dead. He was 44yrs old.

  25. Some people say I have a gift, I have been called psychic and a Empath and a prophet, I have been sensing all kinds of things for a few years now, but I’m sure I have had this all my life, I just was not as aware of it when I was younger, the past few years it has gotten stronger, I have even sensed how some people I know were going to die, I sensed a car accident and a motorcycle accident and I even heard a voice once say a friends name right around the time they hit a deer with there car! I had the thought of flames around a friend and she died trapped in a burning house! I don’t know how to control this or how to develop it , I really need your help. I am trying to recover from a blood clot I had in my brain 3 years ago, and my mother that lived with me died from cancer October 2020 and my brother just died May 2021, So I’m trying to deal with there deaths on top of trying to recover I have not been able to see them or talk to them by using my gift, I just sense things sometimes, I wish I could see and talk to them on the other side, I have a ticket for your group reading on September 2nd I hope you will be able to help me, I’m really looking forward to talking to you

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