Has this happened to you? Despite how early or late you try to go to bed, you keep waking up at the same time on the clock every night: 3:33am or 4:14am.You stare at your alarm clock thinking, why does this keep happening?

You may even feel a presence with you or a cool breeze that comes over you while you sit in your bed having been woken up without a cause. It may sound a little crazy, but there is a reason why. Someone you love and miss in spirit is trying to get your attention.

Those you love and miss who have died, miss you just the same as you miss them. The moment they get to the other side, they want to be able to check in on you and their friends and family members. Just as much as you are trying to reach them, they are trying to reach you; they just have to figure out how. As a psychic medium, I have noticed that those in spirit use different ways to try to get your attention. New spirits or souls who recently have crossed over start to try to reach you through spirit touchpoints, the first being numbers. It’s a simple way for them to open the door and start communicating with you right away. 

So, let me ask you, have you lost someone recently?

When a soul recently passes within the last year or year and a half, it is normal for them to try to reach you by waking you up at odd hours of the night. Normally, it’s a friend or family member you were close with who just so happens to be trying to get in touch with you. They are waking you up not to scare you, but to get your attention. Many times, those in spirit can’t reach you during the day because your mind is preoccupied with day-to-day happenings. When you are in a quiet, silent or calm space, a spirit knows that’s the best time to try to communicate. Normally, this is while you are sleeping.

In the beginning, they will wake you up at the same time and keep doing so until they have your attention. The cool part is that it actually works! If you are reading this right now, it is not a coincidence. You probably were googling waking up at 3am or it may have been shared on Facebook and got your attention. Know that by reading this right now, you are receiving a sign from a spirit.

So, a spirit has your attention; now what !?

Once your loved one has gotten your attention, it’s up to you to acknowledge their presence. Saying something simple like, “Okay Dad, I know it’s you” or thanking your departed husband for coming and checking up on you will show him or her in spirit that you are open to them coming to visit and that you are ready to start communicating with them. When they realize you are aware of their presence trying to reach you, they will start to find other ways to get your attention, normally through signs during the day. You will start to notice random coincidences and things that make you think of that special someone. Anything that you think is a sign or that reminds you of that special person is in fact a sign.

 When do these signs come, and should you look for them?

The best part about signs is they come when least expected but most needed when you are missing someone you love. Opening yourself up by acknowledging your loved one is all you need to do. These signs will come much like a post card would. It is your loved one’s way of supporting you and letting you know that they are standing there and with you. They send signs to remind you they love and support you, but they do not want to interfere or stop you from living your best life.

It’s important to remember that your loved ones are only a thought away. When you think about them and reminisce about the times you had with them, they are close by. Heaven is not a faraway place; it is an energy space that is created for your loved ones to rest in peace as they watch over you until you are reconnected and reunited again. In the meantime, continue living your best life, achieving new goals and milestones. Your loved ones will make sure they don’t miss out and are with you all the way.

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