My wife, Alexa, just popped into my office and reminded me that Valentine’s day is coming up. I think she had her own reasons for telling me that – but it got me thinking about relationships, soulmates, and especially, how love endures.

People ask me about love all the time. Will I find a boyfriend? Is my girlfriend “the one?” How will I know when I’ve found my soulmate? I’m a medium, not a matchmaker – but I act as a middle-man to relay messages between souls in heaven and their loved ones on earth – so I  can usually tap into some heavenly guidance to answer their questions.

Love is the answer.

The great thing about talking to dead people is they know what’s REALLY important. When you’re looking back from a heavenly vantage point, you realize that a lot of the things that made you crazy when you were alive don’t matter at all when you look at the big picture. What does matter in life are the people you love – and when you meet your soulmate that love never dies.

So, let’s talk about soulmates.

A soul mate is your twin flame – someone your heart is intertwined with at the deepest level. Some people believe that you’ve shared past lives with this person. I don’t know about that, but I can tell you from my experience as a medium, you will carry that soul connection with you into the next world.

Does everyone wind up with their soulmate?

Every couple you see walking around are not necessarily soulmates. It’s totally possible and very common to have a long, happy, productive relationship with someone who is not your soulmate – but that relationship’s place is in the here and now, and it might not go any further. You might not reconnect with your husband or wife in heaven – but you will surely reconnect with your soulmate.

What if you miss your big chance?

Some people look back and realize they let true love slip away because they were preoccupied with other things or in another relationship. You might not even realize someone was your soul mate until they’re not in your life anymore. If you think you missed your chance – don’t worry. You can trust the universe has a plan to bring the two of you back together.

Be patient. Don’t put your life on hold while you wait– be open to new experiences and relationships. Remember, in the end, if it’s meant to be, it will be.

Your soulmate wants you to have a happy life.

I can’t stress enough that you have to be open to all kinds of love, and to trust in the divine plan. Sometimes people lose their husband and they are afraid to date again because they don’t want to risk not being reconnected in the afterlife. It doesn’t work that way – new people cross your path for many reasons, and sometimes the person on the other side is the one pulling the strings and making things happen.

If your soulmate passes, realize that they’re not looking down at you and feeling jealous! They KNOW that you will be together for eternity. But while you’re going through your life on earth, they want you to be happy. The absolute last thing they want is for you to be alone and keep on mourning them while you still have a life to live.






  1. I am happy to hear what you said about those who have passed. The only person I ever loved died years ago and it’s nice to know that I will see him again in my future.

  2. I lost my soul mate 11years ago and now our log home that we built together I have to move on and I need to talk to him because I thought that this was our last move, but I didn’t want all of this without him

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