Did you know that there are times when people become psychic through means other than heredity? Near death experiences, birth events and sudden life events can suddenly unleash psychic ability.
Near Death Experiences
Most often, it occurs after a near-death experience. I had a client who was involved in a car accident and nearly died. She was on a respirator, and all hope was nearly lost. Her chances of recovery were slim to none.
Right before the family was faced with the decision to take her off life support, she miraculously woke up. When she was released from the hospital and came home to recover, she started seeing strange people in the house. She didn’t realize they weren’t really there. Her family thought she was having hallucinations, but it turned out her brush with death had opened up a connection to the other side.
Near-death experiences have been known to give people psychic ability, and it makes sense to me. After all, they were halfway to heaven, so it’s possible for them to retain that connection even after they recover.
Psychic At Birth
Sometimes an event that happens at birth can cause someone to be psychic. For example, I’ve heard of babies who were born with the umbilical cord wrapped around their neck and grew up to have psychic abilities.
There are rare instances where psychic ability is totally random. There’s no reason; no one else in the family is a psychic or a medium. For no obvious reason, someone is just born with the gift.
One Last Thing…
There are many people who discover they are psychic at a young age and they push it away. But it never really goes away. They can always get the ability back by opening themselves up to it again.
Discover more in my new book ‘ We Never Die: Secrets of the Afterlife’. If pre-ordered, book will ship August 23rd, 2022
Pre-Order ‘ We Never Die: Secrets of the Afterlife
Psychic medium Matt Fraser, the author of When Heaven Calls, is back with a book that answers the question everyone wants to know the answer to: “What happens after death?” Although the answer might seem complicated, it’s actually pretty simple: We never die.
Drawing from his personal experiences as America’s top psychic medium and the thousands of conversations he’s had with those in spirit, Matt will pull back the curtain on life’s hidden question. He’ll dive into what happens when we cross over, explore the beautiful realities of heaven and eternal life, the guardian angels who keep us safe on earth (including our pets), and much more. He’ll also explain how we can tune into our own inner psychic medium and better recognize the signs and messages our loved ones send us from heaven. As Matt explains, “We all have our own ‘phone line’ to communicate with heaven. All we have to do is figure out how to use it.”
Hello I am deaf and very friendly. I am gifted who guardian Angel’s save me on earth.. I cant see them who they are.. I see jesus since I was 9.
My mother had near death experience. She went to in heaven for 2 weeks in her coma. She thought die..
My little goddaughter has sick called sickle cell. She died on 3 may 2022. I and her are close loved one for 4 years . She is 4 years old.
Please help me if she is spirit to me .. I am forward to you.. you are amazing.
Thank you..
Matt Fraser I never knew that I was a psychic when I got older but I did when my mother told me that when I was born that GOD had put me on this earth for a Reason For A Season & a Lifetime & when I grew older I had an Invention dream I new right there & then what that meant that I could help people . In fact i did helped a person’s bad smoking addiction . It then escalated to Spirituality & now I have a connection with GOD I’m a Empath a HSP & I’m CLAIRAUDIENCE I see spirit , I talk to spirit I see orbs & I know when people are sick or when they pass away & I also gave a friend a reading & it was persist & my question is why? why me all of a sudden
Hi Matt have questions about this try to make short in couple word
in September a really good friend passed away 2010 then in beginning in 2013 she said something going to happen and you’re not going to like it but you get though it,then then 2013,my mom came to me and my aunt Ann was at bottom of spiral black rally and cats of all kinds on them and I was behind my aunt for some reason didn’t know why at that time my mom had told her sister ann come up here its beautiful up here aunt Ann said for love of Pete Edith I can’t climb stair you’re know that then I spoken up and asked my Mom if I can come upstairs she said no Kim you’re can’t come upstairs,I said can I help aunt Ann upstairs she said yes but you’re Kim can’t come All the way, now Kim you’re have to go back,same thing happened to My sister I helped her climb stairs can that mean I helped them to resting spot to be with My mom I feel sometimes I Left behind but now I understand that I need to be her for my daughter, okay why when I gotten phone calls in dream of someone screaming that something happened but didn’t know the voice of people yelling but I seen my x husband seating up against the tree waving bye byebye blowing kisses to me but that phone call worsted nightmare ever came true 11/14/13
Can one open up to there psychic abilities when they closed them off at a young age, if so how
Hi this Dawna and would love have A reading private are online I want talk to her
I have a video I think you would be interested in seeing . I have a party of Orbs in my house . I would like to send it to you privately . Thank you Matt, you are my favorite medium .
Thank you Matt, for your gift I have had talks for years with my father he and I were both in the USArmy. Him WWII and me From 1983-2007. I took family friendly leave to care for him,2008 until he passed then his last six months. He had (AML) Acute Myeloma Leukemia. He passed away in my arms. I was still in the military as a ER Nurse been through 3 Bombing and of 12 children I was the one that took the responsibility for taking care of him. Every now and then I hear him talking to me,smell his cigarettes and his coffee. An I still wake up at 3/4:00AM to talk with him about my day. My husband and he were best friends. My husband is very sick now with cancer and has been for the past year. We just Retired over Two years ago from the Army the both of us we live in southern Arizona.Thank for listening and can you tell me if he is happy we’re he is and of all I’m doing for the family that he ask me to do.
I look forward to the group reading.I’ve gone to other readings like cards and hands and another physic. EVERYTIME they get chills and say they can’t read me as other people.They all have called me a rainbow and one who has many gifts. I can meet someone are their part current things to come .I see their loved ones I can hear and see them I can’t go past a cemetary without being called out from those who have past. MY BIGGEST QUEZTION IS I’m having a hard time channeling with my mother yet I feel her . I believe her and my grandmother are my guardians . Why can’t I connect directly to them ? Look forward to group reading 9 24 2022 can’t wait very excited.
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