Once in a while I’ll receive a message that comes through so strong that I know without a doubt it belongs to someone in the audience – but no one raises their hand to claim it. Then eventually someone stands up and says something like, “That sounds just like my grandmother/ father/ aunt but it can’t be! They had Alzheimer’s when they passed, and I don’t think they would remember me.”
I guarantee, they remember you now, and those memories are more clear and vivid than you can imagine.
In fact, one big reason souls go to great lengths to come through to mediums is to let their loved ones know how much they treasure the good times and memories they shared with them, no matter what state they were in when they passed. If you’ve listened to my readings on YouTube or attended an event you know that even if someone suffered from dementia, Alzheimer’s, or were in any way incapacitated when they passed over, they are back to their old selves in Heaven.
Memories Last Forever in Heaven
Souls tell me that when they leave this world their most prized possessions are not things, but memories. You can’t take money, houses, or cars with you when you die – but you always have your memories. You also can’t take resentment, jealousness, and bitterness with you either, which is why people are sometimes surprised at the love and compassion that comes through from a relative who might have been a little salty when they were alive.
There are a lot of people who are surprised when I give them a message from someone who passed decades earlier. “How do they remember that?” They can’t believe that Grandma is in Heaven revisiting changing their diapers or taking them to the park 40 years ago.
It’s important to know that even when our loved ones pass away, they never forget about us no matter how much time has gone by. They are pure energy without all the earthly distractions, so the important things – like love and connection – just keep getting stronger.
I remember a reading I did where a woman had lost her son when he was just a few months old. It had happened many years before – she had been twenty when her son passed and when I met her, she was 60. When her son came through, he was with his grandmother, who was her Mom. She had been hoping to hear from her mother but was so shocked and happy to have her son come through too! After all the years, the son had never forgotten Mom and the deep love she had for him.
Your Loved Ones are Cheering You On.
You might wonder how souls in Heaven spend their time. They do a lot of things to help and guide the living, and they love to see the people who they care about learning and growing and enjoying their lives. Now that they have finished their own lives here on Earth, they have a front row seat to watch you live your life.
This may sound funny, but the souls describe it to me like a big race. We all begin at the starting line when we are born, and we cross the finish line when we die. But it’s like when finish a 5K when other people you care about are running too. You probably wouldn’t just get in your car and leave the race. You would stay in the stands and watch your friends and family members finish and cheer them on. That is exactly what your loved ones in Heaven are doing.
Your Pets Remember You Too!
It’s not just the people you love who are watching and remembering you, it’s also pets. I recently did a reading where I connected a woman with her parents. During the reading I kept sensing a Cocker Spaniel who was watching over her. The woman had no idea why I was seeing the dog, until finally I heard the name Trixie.
Come to find out, Trixie had been her childhood dog that she had forgotten all about. She thought that because the dog died somany years ago, that her soul would have moved on in Heaven, however Trixie was still there, watching over the person she had loved.
That Message Might be For You After All.
So, let me leave you with this. If you think your loved one has forgotten all about the times you shared because it was so long ago, or because they had memory impairment before they passed, rest assured that they are very much around, and following what you are doing. All they want is for you to live your best life, knowing that you have their support and love always!
If you would like a reading, you can join me at an online reading or LIVE event by CLICKING HERE.
Regardless of getting connected to a loved one who has passed, your audio lectures have helped me so tremendously through my grief and trauma. Whenever I need reminding about being positive, or if I’m having a bad day, I re-listen to them, do some meditation and feel immensely better.
I lost my dear husband in feduary and it has been so hard my heart is so broken after 40 years .I read so much on mat .but he dos say it can be to soon to try and contact your love on .I want 2 get a reading .just so scared right now .as I feel so heartbroken as on my own .is so very hard I miss him trabble…
I really wish this was true. I would love to hear my son. He passed away w months ago and I’m broken. There’s so much false information and people trying to drain people of their money by false claims of being a medium.
It’s hard to trust anyone.
What does it mean when your sibling passes away and you start dreaming about them and they’re communicating with you but suddenly you stop having dreams with them
Dear Matt. We lost our daughter Sarah five months ago today. We are all devastated by this. We attended a online reading this month and our daughter didn’t come forward. We are attending another reading in January 2023. We can only hope she comes forward. Thank you again.
I miss the love of my life/my forever soul mate. It has only been three months. There is not a moment that doesn’t go buy that I don’t think of him. I truly believe he hears all my talks to him. I just wish if I would have known it was his last day that day I would have held his hand a little longer a little tighter , said I love you more to him.
I lost my daughter 10/30/2020
I miss her so much I still can’t accept she’s gone I cry all the time I don’t sleep for days talking to her asking her for signs I’m so lonely and lost without her I listen to your videos and it helps me most of the time
Lee I know how you feel. I lost my daughter 2 years ago, I’m lost, heartbroken and angry. I take it day by day and at times I can’t believe she is gone. I hope you find peace my friend
I lost my son to suicide May, 16, 2018. I have been to readings in Tulsa ok and my son has come through 3 times. I have a group reading with you in December. I am hoping he comes through at your online reading.
I always feel them around me I have a lot to hear me and most of my brothers father and mother are gone but I know they’re there I feel
My sister passed away just a few days ago praying she is with mommy and daddy and my other sister
I know it early in the morning but I had to get on a announce that I had a spiritual visitor early this morning around 1am My Mama Deb came to check on me and let me know that she is doing better than I thought. I love and miss you so deeply Mama Deb and hope you and grandma are having a great reunion. I love you and can’t wait for you to come back and see me again!!!!!
I lost a daughter in 2014 I happened so fast and I wasn’t there with her I always be with her in the hospital but I couldn’t cause I had her baby and I miss her so much just wish I could feel her presence
I lost my husband after 60yrs in 2021. L was 18 he was 20 when we married. I couldn’t cope. Then in September 22 I was told I had incurable cancer. Because you have shown me heaven l can now cope knowing I will be with him again. I can’t thank you enough.
It’s been 2 yrs 4 months since my son passed away i understand by what you say it takes time for the ones who have left to have some kind of connection I have had a couple of dreams him being back
I wish I could feel my husband around me I miss him so much
Matt you are amazing
I lost my brother 2 years this Christmas Eve. He was my best friend and I miss him so much! I just want to know did he make it to Heaven?
Dear Matt, I have basically all my imediate family that has passed. I lost my Mom at a very young age and since she has been gone I have only had a few dreams of her. I so wish that I can just know she is with me every day. I miss her so much along with all my other immediate family and lots of pets. I have a group reading coming up, I pray I get picked and one of my love ones comes through.
My adult son died unexpectedly 13 months ago. Was it an accident?
My husband of 39 years (together 42 yrs)passed away September 25, 2022. I feel lost and heartbroken. My life will never be the same without the love of my life.
I lost my precious daughter to cancer in March. It appears she appears to others but not to me, so far, two of her kids have had visitations in their dreams, and another young boy that she loved has seen her a lot, and two friends of mine, close friends, have had visitations from her. One of them said she told them it wasnt time yet to see me. I dont know what that means, and it hurts to have everyone see her and talk to her, but me. We were so close in life, but I havent had anything from her.
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