Growing up, I always heard that when you die, you’re reunited with your loved ones who passed before you. It was a comforting thought, but I remember wondering who exactly would be in that group. My best friend from third grade? Relatives who I didn’t even know? Pets? Would I get to pick who I hung out with in heaven?
As a medium, I’m considered an expert in the afterlife, and it turns out I’m not the only one who wonders about these things. People have a lot of questions, and I get it! Knowing that you will be together for eternity can make losing someone easier to handle, and it can make the whole idea of dying less frightening.
Love Keeps Us Connected
A common thing people ask is if they will be with friends, family, or adopted family in Heaven regardless if they are blood related. The answer is yes, Heaven is a place that reunites us – it doesn’t separate us.
As a medium, I’ve learned that souls come through based on how your HEART recognizes them and not your genetics. Stepfather, stepsister, adopted parent, foster parent, best friend, are convenient ways to describe our relationships but sometimes the heart creates a different, more authentic label based on how strong and deep the connection is.
I remember, I once read a woman whose father had been missing from her life. When she was just 3 years old her Mom remarried. The man who was technically her stepfather was a loving person who treated her like she was his own. In his heart, she was his daughter and he loved her unconditionally. Throughout her life, he was the only father she ever knew. She called him Dad, and nobody ever knew anything different. After he passed, she came to me for a reading, and his spirit came right through. She was so relieved because she had feared that he wouldn’t be there because they were not related by blood. He made sure she got the message that they were connected forever – by love. She broke down in tears knowing that he was still with her in spirit, and they would be together in Heaven.
A Soul Connection
People often don’t understand that an enduring soul connection has nothing to do with legality or bloodlines. I’ve known people who tragically lost a fiancée before their wedding who worried that they wouldn’t be reunited in Heaven because the marriage ceremony didn’t take place. People who have been married more than once are sometimes confused about who they will be with in the afterlife. Remember that in the afterlife, true soulmates always reunited and love always finds a way to keep us connected.
I’ve done readings for people who were adopted. That can get interesting!
Sometimes both their adoptive family and biological family members come through. It’s confusing because they have 4 sides of their family instead of two and they may know nothing about their birth parents. However, I have found that most times it is the adopted family that has the strongest presence in readings. They are the ones that shared memories, love and a deep connection with that child, and that is what matters most.
Pets Become Family
Then there are pets. Even though they are not the same species, and are not ” born into our family” they become family because of the love and connection that we share with them. It can be hard to lose a pet you love, especially when their lives seem so short compared to ours – but they are watching over you in life, and will be waiting to lead you across the tunnel of light to the other side.
Heaven is not a place that looks for marriage certificates or DNA samples. You will be with anyone you loved in Heaven.
So, when people ask me questions about being reunited with loved ones in heaven, I always tell them the same thing, “Love is thicker than water – if you’re not sure who you will spend eternity with, your heart knows the answer!”
If you enjoyed this blog post I would like to invite you to join my “Email from Heaven” monthly newsletter by clicking HERE. Each month I will send you my newest blog posts, videos and also a free gift to your inbox. I hope that my emails help you on your spiritual journey and help you stay connected to those you love and miss in Heaven.
Thank you Matt, for helping me recognize and feel my spiritual connections
I would like to know how I can post a comment when I watch one of your videos. I hear you call out people’s names. I would like to post a comment but there is no where I can do that
Love your videos, do we decide whether to reincarnate? I have been told that I am hard to read because I am all over the place…what does this mean?
Thank you, Matt. I was adopted as an infant and then my biological mother died when I was only one. I grew up hoping that one day we would meet but found her in a cemetery. I have been heartbroken ever since.
I know you know you’re wonderful
I would like to know how to post a comment I would like to ask questions
I am attending one of your online reading events in March and have been worried about how someone I loved might come through since our ties in this life were complicated to say the least. I clicked on this article and instantly felt like I was led to it by some unseen force because it answered my question immediately and calmed my fears. Can’t wait for the event!!!
I don’t know what to ask you i lost my mom 23 years ago but I haven’t been happy in a long time if I can hear from her ill be ok I guess my only family is my children and my uncle Bobby like I said I’m not happy
As I am doing my extensive family genealogy I have found your words to be an inspiration. I found you By ‘spirit’ on FB after a tough time when my mother passed. Through you words and videos I was able to stop the nightmares and move into a place of peace and more understanding. I let a friend know of you as well hoping for her to be able to be more at peace with the passing of her beloved husband, my cousin. Thank you so very much. I speak of you often to my family and enjoy looking forward to the Mini Classes on FB Live as well as the free Master Class coming up. Job well done Matt
my cousin by blood murdered and I just have lots of questions and not sure if I believe this connection can happen..
Thank you matt so much i connect with my daughter in dreams and I feel her presence all the time I dreamed she was trying to show me someone a guy I use to date but I couldn’t understand what about him she wanted me to see. I’m a very spiritual person she knows that
I would like to know how I can sign in to go to his free classes
Hello. And Bye.
Thankyou Matt,
You are amazing & so inspiring.
Thank you for everything you are doing online/on FB to help others
Hi Matt, you are amazing! Doing the free live chats & mini classes on FB & the free audio download is so very nice of you to do!! I really appreciate it!! You are such a special human being!! Love ya!!
Where is heaven? As a kid- Catholic, young adult Untied, now don’t need church, talk to God, Virgin Mary and Jesus each night.
Thank you so much Matt
I had been thinking about my pets, if they were I heaven and I hope that I’ll meet them again some day.
Hello Matt ~
I’ve been following you, but haven’t been able to join any of your sessions. I am comfortable asking you this because I feel you are genuine and many are not.
My nephew (and godson) was adopted by my sister’s husband at a very young age, and never knew his real father. He never even knew he was adopted because she never told him.
My nephew Matthew tragically committed suicide at the age of 17. Not even a month later my sister got a letter in the mail from Matthew’s real father’s mother, telling her that he had died a few months earlier. He wasn’t even 45. She had no idea about Matthews death and we had no idea about his. She said he was devastated that he never got to meet or know his son.
My question of course is, if Matthew never knew about his real father here, then would they be together in Heaven?
Thank you for your time..
Thank you for my online meeting it was beautiful you really help me thank you
I think it’s so cool u can do this for people. And especially at a time when people have been so discouraged at life in general. Thank u for letting us know those more to hold out for.
Every time I try to get on a mini class it says I cant how do I sign up for that
I just happen to come across one of you visual meeting, which was a surprise because my Mom passed along with two very close friend and so many times I just long for a sign from one, a cardinal, a butterfly, something so I know your here and I found you. Thank you
That’s so comforting as I just lost my husband a month ago. My parents are also in Heaven. Since my husband died I have become obsessed with reading about Heaven and wanting proof or something
Thank you so much Matt. I worry about these questions constantly. Mostly wondering about how we will exist in heaven.
If we are all spirits with auric souls and choose their most favorite body—how do we organize ourselves?
Do we live in houses with communities and schools and whatnot??
Are we able to “speak” with our animals (is there a veil over the ability to do that here on Earth?)?
So many questions….
Love all of your content. I always stop what I’m doing to watch a little Matt Fraser Live and in the flesh. Thank you for all that you share with the world.
I have found that I am an empathic medium but I hadn’t been able to truly recognize or accept that I hear my ancestors speak in their own voices in my brain sometimes. I receive the serendipitous signs of 11:11, hearing words on the TV in the background saying the exact phrase I just randomly said. I feel like people who don’t know what I’m talking about would just look at me like a crazy person.
While I’m watching your videos I experience almost full conversations with my loved ones. I love love love it.
After all is said and done—thank you.
Thank you. Your gift of spiritual discernment is an inspiration.
Thank you so very much for this message. It’s very comforting to know this! I look forward to the next blog post.
Thank you Matt
Hi Matt, I can’t wait to read your book, I ordered it almost 2 months ago and haven’t received it, hope it shows up. You life my soul, I lost my mom and am grieving , your words soothe me. God bless you for the gift you have and such a loving soul.
Matt do people that commit suicide go to Heaven
I lost my husband on January 24 2021. I believe in heaven and wonder if he will want to be with me when I pass because I don’t dream about him hardly and dont have happen to me like what you hear about !!! What if I get to heaven and he’ doesn’t want to be with me it would totally destroy me . I’m not sure what to believe I just know I miss him so very much. Our 32 anniversary was on 9/112021
Thankyou Matt you are an inspiration to so many people.
Thank you Matt, I feel like this validated my feelings. But I still have so many questions. By the way I WAS wondering if we had shared dna, possibly through my Fraser/Frazier line that I discovered. But you said the gift comes from your mom’s mother. So, now I wonder what her birth name is/was? I hope you don’t mind my asking. You can PM me if you like. Thanks! As you well know, is not easy to talk to people regarding this subject. But I feel like I can talk to you. Anyway, goodnight & God Bless!
I sent for your book, and received your email regarding how our loved ones really want to reach out to us, and we might see signs, or have dreams, etc…
I try to think of the people that I would hear from. Aside from maybe a grandmother or an old friend from when I was young, I feel despondent. I never felt particularly loved by my parents. I don’t know if they would reach out to me.
Hi Matt
I had a horrible tragic situation happen to my husband. He collapsed on our deck in the middle of the night, I tried my hardest to help him, I did CPR for a long time. He is now being kept alive on machines. I’m tortured by the flashbacks of everything. I feel like I didn’t do enough, I feel like the EMTs didn’t do enough. We were definitely sole mates, finishing each others thoughts, he was my person. I don’t know how I will ever get through this. We were only married 7 years. I have a reading with you on 2/7
My friend and I were just talking about this specific subject, she actually is normally attempting to prove me completely wrong! I am about to show her this blog post and additionally rub it in a little!
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