From My New Book ‘We Never Die: Secrets of the Afterlife’
How Can I Get A Message To My Loved One In Heaven ?
People ask me all the time, “Matt, can you tell my loved one how much I love them.” I tell them it doesn’t work that way. As a medium, I deliver messages from heaven, but you don’t need me to talk to someone who has passed. You can connect with them at any time. Your loved one is literally just a thought away. The moment a loved one in heaven comes to mind, picture yourself ringing a doorbell or sending a text. The minute you think about them, they are alerted.
But there are other ways to send a message:
- You can say a message out loud
- Have a conversation with them in your head
- Write it down on a piece of paper
Whatever way you choose to reach out, they will get the message and know it’s from you.
Wait! What Do I Say?
I remember when my grandmother was alive, she loved talking to me. It didn’t matter what I was telling her, she just loved the connection. It’s the same now that she is in heaven. Your loved one loves hearing from you as much as you enjoy hearing from them. You can tell them just about anything:
- Tell them about your day
- Let them know what family members are up to
- Ask for their help: “Mom, I have a job interview, please help me with my anxiety.”
Don’t overthink things. The same things you’d talk about when you were both in this world can be communicated to them when they pass. If you loved telling your mom funny stories about the kids, or asking your dad for advice, don’t stop when they pass.
Visiting the Grave Site
People make a big point of going to the grave of a loved one, but to be honest, that’s more comforting for the living person. The dead person doesn’t care where you are, just that you’re thinking of them.
The person you’re talking to isn’t in the ground, and you can talk to them anywhere—in the car, in the shower, when you walk the dog. I was doing a reading, and the woman kept thinking, I hope my mom doesn’t know about Billy! I asked her, “Who is Billy?” “How did you know? she asked, Are you reading my mind?”
“No, your mom told me! She can hear your thoughts.”
It turns out Billy was an old flame whom her mom hadn’t liked, and they were dating again. She didn’t want her mother to know, but you can’t keep things from someone who has passed, and you don’t have to!
Your loved ones in heaven aren’t judging you, although they might see the situation for what it is and gently steer you in the right direction.
I could go on and on explaining this, but that is the exact reason why I wrote my new book ‘ We Never Die: Secrets of the Afterlife’. If you would like to learn more about Heaven and the afterlife, I invite you to pre-order your copy below.
Pre-Order ‘ We Never Die: Secrets of the Afterlife
Psychic medium Matt Fraser, the author of When Heaven Calls, is back with a book that answers the question everyone wants to know the answer to: “What happens after death?” Although the answer might seem complicated, it’s actually pretty simple: We never die.
Drawing from his personal experiences as America’s top psychic medium and the thousands of conversations he’s had with those in spirit, Matt will pull back the curtain on life’s hidden question. He’ll dive into what happens when we cross over, explore the beautiful realities of heaven and eternal life, the guardian angels who keep us safe on earth (including our pets), and much more. He’ll also explain how we can tune into our own inner psychic medium and better recognize the signs and messages our loved ones send us from heaven. As Matt explains, “We all have our own ‘phone line’ to communicate with heaven. All we have to do is figure out how to use it.”
I know you are busy person but I just love to know something from my sister I love so much and she gone .
Just let her know how much I miss her here.
I cry all this time because I feel.i could of done more to save her life
Just talk to her.
Believe what Matt just said: they hear us everywhere and are always with us. Tell her right now that you miss her. Tell her you wanted to do more. You don’t need to wait for Matt to tell her. She wants to hear it from you. 
Thanks Matt
I talk to My Loved Ones in Heaven every day, and My Critters.
I do get alot of signs too. I especially talk to My Husband all of the time and receive signs from Him every day.
Uhoh I forgot I had already posted a comment onthis blog lol
Well Matt, I am so grateful for finding you. Your educating those of us who actually listen to you and genuinely understand what your getting across.
I’m tuning back into my intuitive skills.
I don’t see soul’s but I can hear what they have to say.
I hear their voice and personality and listen to their advice.
I’m letting go of my anxieties and allowing myself to be guided.
It’s the healing process of time and understanding grief and reality of life. My gut instincts are pretty accurate so I listen.
I have a question about something that has been happening. I have dream visits from my parents and my husband is having dreams of people sneaking up on him.
He’s not sure what is going on.
He’s kinda sensitive, but not willing to admit intuitive.
How do I explain this gift to him and settle his nerves on his dreams?
Thanks Matt

I do talk to My Loved Ones including Critters who are in Heaven every day.
Actually I talk to My Husband all of the time who passed 1 year ago April 15th.
I am very Intuitive and can “Feel” My Loved Ones and My Angels around Me. I receive signs in many forms…feelings, alot of smells, sounds, and a couple brief sightings.
My Husband sends Me the same musical sign every day along with other signs.
I have learned so much from You Matt. I really enjoy Your Blogs, Posts, Books, Online Group Readings and YouTube videos.
Best Wishes to You Matt, Alexa, Baby-to-Be Royce and Your 3 Kitties
What are the signs that your pet is visiting you???
I would love mine to visit me and know what to look out for???
When I was in the grocery store I could smell my mother all over the place. It makes me stop look around and then smile. And I also dream of my Dad and we were out front of the house sitting on beach chair’s it was beautiful
Matt, I’ve always wondered if we are able to “go back” and relive some of our favorite moments after we pass. Can we choose to..say, relive the day we met our spouse or the day our children were born?
I read your book on When Heaven Calls. My sister is a heavy Christian & we had a nice discussion on her interpretation of dieing and being at the gates of heaven. I said I will enjoy meeting pass relatives & God & then she said not Jesus! & then said in all honesty ,you will probably will go to hell. I felt sad & hurt.Tue story.. I know only once in 1984 I saw a image of a women with a white transparent gown,curly hair & dark circles under her eyes, she telepathicly said look at me then said look away. I had my glasses on studying my medical terminology and wide awake & the lights were on.yr’s later after seeing so many people die in front of me we have a after life i know. To me Jesus 2000 yr’s ago was a savant & guide to his people taxes,food & the ill. I find none of the psychics like to even touch this hot subject. The Tibetan Monks thought Jesus was a savant…Funny I wish Jesus could make a guest appearance & set things straight. Lyn Viselli
Walt Landers
· 4:22
If there is music, what kind is it? if it is orchestral, where do the instruments come from? are these ‘tools’ created by a form of psychic energy, I think, it becomes? or from the superior leaders? Is life strictly maintained, or is there freedom of opinion, speaking, conversation? Do they have to be careful of penalties for restricted behaviors?
I am so excited about my on line group reading with Matt this Sunday May 22 ! Since following Matt I really feel my parents at times and it’s pretty amazing. I smelled my dad’s favorite cologne this morning ! I also have dreams with my parents. It’s awesome. I still feel the unknown when thinking about my own death, kind of like a permanent ride into space. I’m sure it will feel very natural. Thank you Matt for all you do ! looking forward to meeting you !
Matt my daughter has the ability to see & hear people that have passed on, she’s never welcomed this due to fear. Her father passed 3/21/22 she started a new job @ a warehouse an said she feels his presence there daily. A few days ago a coworker (she never met) went to her an said he wanted to apologize for starring @ her all day,an kept apologizing ,he then said he felt weird ,an wanted to shoe her something on his phone…it was his mother who had passed, he than said I don’t know why I’m doing this butbi justnfelt I had to. Matt did this happen because his mother was trying to come through somehow an found my daughter because she has the ability ? PS. Any advice for her to start opening up an not allowing her fear to take over?
Hi Matt
My mom passed in 2016 I miss her every day, I talk to her every day it helps me a lot,I’m going to your show in flagstaff my first time, I’m really excited I’m hoping she comes through
Thanks Cheryl
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