Why is Grandma Seeing Ghosts?
There are many times when you might sense the presence of a loved one who has passed over, but there are two stages of life when you are most likely to see and feel Spirits around you.
This makes perfect sense when you realize that the “line” that divides the spirit world from the physical world is not a brick wall, but more of a veil. That veil is even more permeable during the times when you are closest to Heaven – right after you are born, and as you prepare to make the transition from life to death.
It’s common when someone is dying that they will see their mother, father, or some other family member who passed away years before. They might even get a visit from a deceased pet.
When these visions appear, the person who sees them might act a little strange! Often the people around them will think that they are delirious, having side effects from their medication, or not in their right mind, but in fact, they are comforted by the presence of their loved ones who have traveled from the Other Side to support them through their upcoming transition.
There’s Nothing to Fear From Spirit Visitations
Hospice workers who spend time with people who are nearing the end of their life will share that these visions even happen to patients who are totally lucid the rest of the time. The nurses and hospice workers are used to this, and don’t have a “logical” explanation for this phenomenon.
They welcome the visits because they provide so much comfort to the patients. These spirits may continue to show up for a month or so before the person actually crosses over, and it’s definitely nothing to be afraid of.
The Souls are there for the best possible reason, to guide and support the individual through the next phase of their journey.
How to Tell When Someone is Seeing Spirits
Even if the person who is preparing to pass over can’t articulate what is happening, you will know they are being visited by Spirits when they say something like “Get a chair for that lady in the corner’” when there is nobody there (or at least, no one that you can see).
You might find them doing or saying other inexplicable things, like:
- Talking to people who are not there
- Reaching out their arms toward something that you can’t see.
- Nodding, or gesturing as if in the middle of a conversation only they can hear.
- Mentioning seeing or being visited by family members who died years ago.
Easing the Transition to Heaven
Souls in Heaven know that when a loved one is getting ready to pass over they may be experiencing fear or uncertainty about what is to come, so they show up to provide loving support and ease the transition.
If you are sitting in a hospital room or with someone who is in hospice care and they start acting like there’s someone else in the room with them, don’t be alarmed. Act as if everything is normal, stay calm and quiet, and give them the chance to connect with that soul.
If you’ve ever attended a mediumship event or received a sign from Spirit, you already know that our departed loved ones are all around us, and that they are coming from a vibration of pure love.
Letting go of a person you care about is difficult, so let the presence of these Souls comfort you too! Remember that death isn’t the end, it’s simply a transition to the next beautiful phase of your soul’s journey.
An Encounter From the Beyond
This truth became incredibly clear to me during one of my readings. I was hosting a live event when a mother’s spirit came through to her daughter seated in the audience . As I channeled her mother’s energy, an incredible story unfolded.
Her mother revealed that just before her own death, she had seen her little sister, who tragically passed away at the age of 13. The sister’ spirit beckoned her, telling her to come with her, and that their family was waiting for her in heaven. Embracing this, she peacefully stepped out of her physical body and transitioned into the spiritual realm.
The daughter receiving the message was moved to tears. She shared that in the moments before her mother’s passing, she had watched her reaching up towards something unseen and heard her whispering, “My sister is here.” These were her mother’s final earthly moments.
When we transition from this life, we are not alone. We are guided and supported, and the veil between the physical and spiritual worlds becomes thin, allowing us a glimpse into Heaven.
Connecting with the Spirit World
If you would like to hear from a loved one in spirit, try attending an Online Reading or attending a LIVE event when I am in your area.
Thanks for this assuring information Matt. My dear Mom did this multiple times before she passed over. Once, it was as if she was directing Angels, telling me that this one was her, bot oh that one is yours. Sounds like they gather around as well as family members. Such a peaceful feeling.
I was with my dad when he crossed over , he said there was a room full of people but no one he recognized , it was a peaceful transition
I would
Like to have a online reading Matt. I need to know how much it costs I luv yu an fsmily yu hsve helped me slot
Hi – Matt’s online group readings are just $19 to join.
Find the link for available dates at www. MeetMattFraser.com
A few days before my 41 year old son passed he told me that he was seeing shadow figures. He was not frightened by this but he did his best to convince me that what he was experiencing was true. He also, at times, would talk to someone who I could not see, for several months. He had overdosed on Fentanyl almost 2 years before he passed. The police and EMS managed to revive him, but he was never the same, health-wise, since that close call. He had serious health problems but his death was unexpected. He was at home, not in a healthcare facility when he passed. I did my best to revive him but it was unsuccessful. He passed in April 2023. I miss him dearly and now am alone. If you could say a prayer for us it would be greatly appreciated
When my twin brother was in the last stages of prostate cancer he said: Do you see that open door, I did not say yes or no because I knew it was in the spiritual realm. Instead, I just nodded as he pointed to it. I knew that his time was near. He also asked where are Mom was, who passed 12 years prior. It’s was a very heartbreaking time indeed. I told him she was on her way to the hospital. I can only hope are loving Mom was there when he passed over. When you cannot see or feel these things, that is where faith comes in.
Sending you my love and peace.
Lost my twin as well to breast cancer 20 months ago, it was truly the hardest thing to do was help her pass, so so sorry for you’re loss
I’m tending your July 30th zoom chat reading
My father passed July 6, 2023. That evening I watched my dad repeatedly raise his arms out as if someone was pulling him. He mumbled a few times but I couldn’t really make out what he was saying. Now replaying it in my mind I believe he was saying “nuna is coming” which was my grandmother (his mom). Weeks Prior to this he had talked about my grandmother coming to visit him and standing at the edge of his bed. The night he passed I told him it’s okay to go-nuna is coming and it’s time to go with her
While there is heavy sadness with this loss I also have found pieces of beauty watching him transition and connecting with him through dreams.
My daughter passed in 2021 & she had Down Syndrome & was not very verbal. Does she still have Down syndrome in heaven? When we meet again will she be able to communicate to me as she could not here on earth.
I believe, from Pastor Fraser, that she will be like a regular person, as Down’s Syndrome seems to me similar to Alzheimer’s, schizophrenia, autism which are result of physical handicaps. Fraser says that blindlness, missing limbs and any other ailment is purely mortal, and does not ‘folllow’ the mortal’s soul into our next reality. I tend to believe that these ‘handicaps’ are not always accidental but purposeful. That is, in one’s pre-mortal state, the soul may be influenced to take on a physical mortal challenge for further self development…but that is within my own philosophy, based on no available research.
I have learned from spiritual teachers that what you explained is true!!! Disabilities and handicaps are part of the souls evolutionary journey for that person and everyone around them. There are several reasons and one is also to heal in this lifetime, from traumas of past lives. by being loved and cared for, as they can’t care for themselves. Isn’t it beautiful.
Another is to teach others about love. Have u noticed that those w disabilities (Down syndrome)are only loving beings? They are teaching everyone how to love by giving love.
Matt, thank you for this article. I have medical fears of dying. I’m afraid when I die. Now reading what you have posted makes me feel better. I’m not afraid to die when my time is near. Thank you so much.
My niece passed away at 17. She had a brain injury at birth. She could not talk or walk. I didn’t even know if she was aware of my presence. About 4 years later, I had this dream. I appeared in a field where people were gathering. We then transferred to this massive arena. I was sitting there not even knowing where I was or why. Then my niece comes out on this trailer like thing down the middle of the arena. She was sitting on the end with her legs swinging back and fourth in perfect form. When she got to the middle of the arena she turned looked directly at me and gave me the biggest smile. I believe that the celebration was for her plight on earth and she knew exactly who I was. You can rest assure she is in heaven, happy, healthy and in perfect form. That was the best gift I could ever have received.
Do spirits resolve issues in heaven. People that don’t speak on earth make up.
Hello. And Bye.
Excellent reading! Thanks!
Safe travels and safe return to your young family.
I am looking forward to an online reading one day with you Matt Fraser. Enjoy your journey!
Thank you for your written posts.
I enjoy them immensely.
Stay safe. Take care
Do i have any spirits who are with me that i just dont feel i have a couple of family members i miss
Thank you
Hi matt thanks so much for writing to me and I always new my mum brother and dad are in a better place and I talk to them and I kn they are with me everyday as I was told theirs a lot of love around me and angels I always believed in it even doe I didn’t get a chance to say goodbye to my mum she kns I love her deeply
Hi Matt. I have seen the shadow of my Dad in my bedroom doorway many times. Also I feel the other side of the bed go down like someone just got in I think it’s my husband I turn around and no is there it’s crazy but I think it’s my mom. What do you think
I haven’t felt anything from my son. I keep hoping he will tell me he is ok and happy.
I’m wondering if my daughter passed all alone by drowning in her tub would the spirit guides get to her in time to guide her to Heaven.
Interesting! However, the posted picture scared me a bit!
That was beautiful, I am attending your event in August 1st and I hope my mom is able to connect with me. Your work is amazing and I appreciate you
My dad passed 5 months ago and my mom (age 92) was getting visits and talking to him. He actually told her where to look and find his pinkie ring she had been searching for. We were there when it happened. What does this mean?
P.S. After he passed, not before.
My mum has dementia end stage she is always reaching out while she sleeps. It’s like she’s holding onto someone. I hope she’s finding comfort in this.
Hi Matt, love watching you a truly great medium. I live in England U.K. I don’t need any proof of Spirit as I have been able to see Spirit and my loved ones that passed many years ago. I have also worked in the spiritulist churches many years ago. I don’t do any work now as I am 87yrs old. I just wanted to say that I enjoy watching you and your lovely family, especially your little chip off the old block son. I will continue to watch your very enjoyable show as long as I live. Love and blessings to you and your lovely family. Sheila Thomas
Your YouTube shows make me laugh and so healing and comforting have been watching some ever day glad to receive this email
I lost my husband on April 29, 2022, to a painful death after a long fought illness.Since then, I’ve been blessed with many apparitions which I suspect are him. I’m see light grey orbs as well as beautiful flowing gold sparkly images that are very welcoming. The visits are beautiful and totally non threatening, although not happening as often now that more time has passed since is death. I miss him and his spirit.
Hi Matt.
Please can you tell me if my Parents are together and are well.
I need to know if they forgive me.
I haven’t been able to grieve for my Dad because of what happened at my Dads wake with my sister.
Hi Matt,
I have a question for you. A few months ago, I had a dream of floating up, thought the most beautiful clouds I have ever seen. I don’t usually remember my dreams. This was so real and peaceful. Is the dream what it is like to make the journey when you cross over?
Thank you
My loved one visited at first, then I found out some things they did and lied to me for many years. I was angry and told them. No he doesn’t come around.
Matt, I would like to know what happened to my son. He passed away in 2009. I need closure on finding out his last hours here please help me. God bless you and your family. Thanks for the help and peace you give.
When will you be back in RI, doing readings ?
Matt, I remember the day before my Mom passed she had said her Dad was there and other people. I knew they were there to help her transition. The next day my siblings and I were all around her head telling her it was alright to go. I felt her spirit leave her body. Strangely to say It was the most beautiful thing I ever witnessed.
This happened with my dad, he died long ago but I remember him talking about seeing his brother who had passed. He passed a day or so after.
I always have a great respect for the dead… recently I have been very ill and I know that my mother and brother in law have been visiting me at night trying to comfort me. They sit on my bed touch my hair and stay with me at times I can see them as ghost! They always try to communicate with me in certain ways and I try to respond… I have channeled and had claravoyant situations with all my relatives.
Mom told me this morning that “ she” was here . I said who ? She said “ I don’t know but, I asked her if she brought her bathingsuit do we could go to the pool . Then mom said “ she didn’t answer me.
Hi Matt, my mom saw 3 people. A little girl in a sweater, a little boy and a man in a red ball cap. She didn’t know who they were. We tried to help her figure it out with no success. Any thought on why she didn’t know them?
She also saw a balloon, a pencil that was as tall as the ceiling; and she saw water dripping down the wall.
I just want to know if my dad and and the most popular boy took far to soon 2 years ago this up coming week I need to know he is at peace so my oldest son can be at peace with himself please
Thank you Matt. I have seen this happen so many times with love ones when they were dying.
My Mom came to me in a dream after her funeral to let me know that she was ok.
My Father told me the day before he died . I will be right up over you watching down on you. And I do believe he is. I fell him around me all the time
I am plagued by many illnesses and very depressed about dreams I keep having all the people who have passed come to me in dreams but they always walk away and leave me when I wake up I am sad and crying never a happy ending .. what does this mean?
Aww Matt I’ve been following you for year’s
and your beautiful little family
I was watching the other day Royce laughing his head Off I just kept laughing with him please give my love to Royce and Alexa
Hi Matt
I have very bad depression. It runs in my family. Anyway when I am in a deep depression all I do is fear and have panic attacks about death and dying. This consumes most of my life at one time or another. The thought of never existing again blows my mind.
Knowing what you know of heaven and spirits, do you have that fear at all? I feel st now 56 years old that I feared death so much that I never got a chance to live. The years seem to fly by and I know that my time will be coming.
Thank you for your time.
Donna Marie Kennedy
Hi matt my son passed away a few weeks ago it’s heartbreaking a few weeks before he said his nana came to him saying she was coming to take him home I truly believe my mother came for him I’m totally missing him so much I was his carer from the day he was born he was only 40 years old life seems so cruel
I have an online reading with you end of August. I hope 2 see my mom & Dad & my beloved French bulldog, he’s been gone 9 months. I still cry 4 him. Also a Boston terror. I only owned 2 dogs my whole life. I’m 61
I am so happy yet scared that on August 1st I will be joining an online reading. When I booked it… it wasn’t too clear how I join on in… I’m confused and worried I’m going to miss my opportunity. If anyone can guide me as to the steps and time( I’m central) I would be so very grateful.. thank you
Just finished one 5 minutes ago. The day before your reading you’ll get an email from Matt. It will have a spot to click to enter event. Just click and you should be in. I would go in about 10 before to make sure it’s good because you won’t have much time if something isn’t right. Also make sure you know your camera position.
Yes,, I have witnessed this three different times with the passing of my father, the passing of my mother in the passing of my husband, in all three cases, they seem to be more alert to the person. They were speaking to only lasted a few minutes, but you could tell somebody was there in the room with them. It’s amazing to experience this
This is so amazing for this who do not know or understand. I’ve seen this with my own mother before her passing, and again with my husband before his passing as well. I think the nurse thought he was a little crazy. I explained it was not the first time I had seen this and she seemed surprised. It is comforting to know they have someone there waiting for them. This is a beautiful article. Thank you so much Matt for sharing. It truly brings comfort.
Matt I have an online reading in August and I pray u give me a reading. I need this so bad to help with loss. I think you are amazing..
Hi Matt, my mother passed away in April of 2004. She had suffered a very bad stroke which left her paralyzed on one side. We were told by the doctor that she would not recover from it. Along with her other health issues and this stroke she was admitted to a nursing home. Anyway one day my brother and I were sitting in the hallway visiting with her. All of a sudden she pointed to the hallway leading to her room. She then told us that she had been walking that hallway with her mother, who passed away a long time ago. My brother and I just looked at each other and knew that her mother was coming for her. She passed away about 2 weeks later. Knowing that our grandmother was there to help our mom into the spiritual world also brought peace to us.
When my 35 yr old husband was dying he told me his father who had died 10 yrs earlier was in the other room.
When my mother was dying she sat up and reached out her arms with a smile on her face. She had been in a coma!
Thank you Matt! You truly are a blessing! I have followed you since your beginning and I think you are the most authentic Medium I have ever heard. I feel you really do care and helping people is what you are really all about. I love your little family. Your baby is so adorable and so is Alexa! Just wanted to share with you!! Cheryl
Thank you Matt. I have booked an online group reading with you on August 19th. My partner has recently passed whom I miss very much. I held his hand til the end bless him it was a short illness but feel he is with his loved ones now and is watching over me
My mother saw a few female members of her family. She told us about it and said they just went out her door and down the hall. My sister saw her cat the night before she died. Her daughter saw the cat the next morning. I wonder who I’ll see?
Matt my husband called out loud to me Mary help what was that
Matt, I plan to attend a online group if you do any in next November. November 6th is my birthday, my sister’s is the 17th, my ex husband’s is the ninth, my step sons in Nov the second. And my grandmother…my nanny her birthday is the 20th. I hope you have some then. I’m hope to pick a date that will signal all my loved ones to see me and communicate. I’m praying this falls into place. I miss both my mom and dad. I took care of them both until they passed away. I took care of my mother in law while she had cancer too. I’ve lost all my grandparents. I only have two aunts and one uncle living on both sides of my family. I have two siblings, I’m the baby. I pray they will come forth and speak with you. I was left with many unanswered questions about my life… Please say you be doing the online in November???

When my husband passed away..it was almost 2 weeks later that he was talking to me. While I was sleeping and when he stopped talking is when I jumped up thinking I was going crazy
My spouse died 4 weeks ago. He never mentioned seeing anyone. Does this mean no one came to meet him? Or he didn’t go to heaven??
I would like to have a reading, to hear from my mo. and granddaughter
My mom said when she would go visit my aunt in the nursing home that she would say mom was just here. Which was my grandma which had passed… Then other times my mom would go and she say her her sister had come to visit I believe all of us.
Dear Rebecca, I am so very sorry for the loss of your son. I know he is always with you. God Bless you and ease your pain. Rest in Peace to your Dear Son. Many hugs!!
After my dad passed away, before going to bed I felt the presence of someone standing in my doorway. I couldn’t see anyone but it still felt like someone was. I brushed it off, convinced myself I was being paranoid and went to bed. I woke up out of a dead sleep that night because I heard someone right in my ear say my name Mikayla. I jumped up and was looking around my room, got up and walked through the house but nobody was there. I went into my brothers room to tell him what had just happened and he said the same thing just happened to him. I knew in that moment that it was my dad visiting the both of us.
I have believed all my life. Seen things smelt things, have orbs in my house
My mother when in hospital had seen my dad for 3 days before she died in my arms. I told her Dad is here nan & grandad are here go with Dad I am fine. With that she passed over. I never told anyone what I said. A medium friend several months later who did not know my mum had died. Told me word for word what ?I had said to her. My father came through and told her that my mother went over so quick he wished he could have be done the same. I passed her to him like a baby in our arms. She did not realise she was with him. I am looking forward to going when my time is right as I will see all the people and animals that I love
My husband suffered from Dementia for many years..he spent the last two years in a Home here in the UK .I saw him everyday and knew that he was about to pass on as on this particular visit he was smiling when I went in and said he could hear his father playing Bach….his father was a professional Concert Pianist and he died when my husband was only 7 years old.
I nearly lost my mum March 22nd to 2 heart attacks, requiring emergency triple bypass surgery.
I sat by her side on ICU for a week. She told me there was a moment she nearly gave up, but she knew she had to fight for us kids, and she recalls seeing my grandparents and aunts and uncles who have since passed, around her bed, telling her to keep fighting because it wasn’t her time yet.
It seems the spirit world and our guides aren’t just limited to our final moments ♥️♥️
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