Stepping Into The Afterlife


People often ask me, “what happens when you die?” It’s not surprising that they’d want to know. Death is something that inevitably happens to every one of us, but you can’t go on Travel Channel and watch a tour of Heaven before you go.


I find that most people tell me that they are fearful of dying, mostly because they just don’t know what to expect. Even if you DID know what to expect, it’s still kind of scary for most people to think about dying themselves or losing a loved one – so let’s make this less stressful. Try to exclude the word “death” and substitute it for “transition.” Okay, now that we’ve got that out of the way, let’s ask “What happens when you transition?”


As a psychic medium, I’ve connected with countless souls in Heaven, and based on what they’ve shared, I have a good understanding of the first actions that happen when a soul crosses over.


Passing Over


When someone passes from old age or illness, they’re surrounded by their loved ones – and not just the living ones. Souls of their own dearly departed visit them and prepare them for the transition. But there’s not always time for that. When death is sudden, like a car accident, the transition is instant.


Many souls tell me that dying suddenly was like going to sleep – except they fell asleep on earth and woke up on the other side. It’s like when you were a little kid and fell asleep in the car. Your dad would carry you into the house and you’d magically wake up in your bed. For some it’s like that – they close their eyes and open them in Heaven.


The Life Review


You’ve probably heard mediums talk about the life review. It’s a soul’s way of transitioning from one life to the next and revisiting the lessons they learned on earth. It’s kind of amazing, because during the life review, the soul sees every action, relationship, and experience through their new, heavenly “filter.”  They see the love they shared and the impact they had on others. The life review allows the soul to leave all the pain, illness and hurt that they might have experienced in life behind and truly understand their life’s purpose.


A Heavenly Reunion


When you are about to pass, angels, loved ones, and pets who are already on the Other Side will help guide you through the transition. Some of them arrive early, and that’s the reason many people appear to see loved ones and have conversations with them before they die. I know this because of my connection with souls on the other side, but people who have had a near death experience will tell you the same thing. That’s one of the reasons virtually no one comes out of an NDE (near death experience) quite the same as they were before it happened.



Checking In On the People You Left Behind


One thing you should know is that love is eternal! When someone passes, they will often come back and check up on their family and friends on earth. It’s common for the deceased to attend their own funerals in spirit, not to see who sent flowers, but to see for themselves how their loved ones are doing.


Choosing Special Signs


One interesting item on a souls’ “to-do-list” is choosing the signs they will use to reach out to loved ones on earth. They might choose different signs for different family members, but you can be sure that whatever they select will have meaning to them, and to the recipient. There’s nothing to stop you from making this task a little easier by talking to your loved one before they pass. Many people set up special ways to know if their loved one is near – it might be coins, music, or flickering lights – whatever works!


Divine tasks


Your work isn’t over when you die. Heaven is a place where souls continue to fulfill their purpose. They choose a “job” that helps those on earth – and usually this divine task relates to lessons they have learned, special gifts, or helping others overcome an obstacle they struggled with in life. For example, an alcoholic who died of alcoholism might help those on earth with their recovery, or a gifted schoolteacher might encourage others on the same path.


Closer Than You Think…


When a loved one passes, to the people they leave behind it feels like the ultimate distance. For the dead, it’s the opposite. From their Heavenly vantage point, hey still feel close and connected! They are with you through the good times, the bad times, and all the times in between.


The last thing that they want is for you to cry over them, first, because they’re not gone, and second, because they don’t want your grief to keep you from being happy and enjoying life.


So, when you imagine how your loved one is doing in Heaven, remember this. The one thing that the dead always say to me, as a medium, is that they don’t want you to take time out of your life mourning them. Time and time again, they ask me to relay the same message, “I’m always by your side.”


We Never Die


What I have learned as a medium is that we truly never die. There is just a continuation of life in a completely different way. These are just SOME of the parts of transitioning that the souls have shared with me about life after death, however there is so much more I want to share! That is exactly why I decided to write my new book ‘ We Never Die: Secrets of the Afterlife’ available for pre-order right now on Amazon!  In my new book I will take you on a journey of the soul from this world to the next. I hope you will join me on this journey and order a copy.


If you would like to hear from a loved one that has passed on, I invite you to join me at an online group reading or in person event by Clicking Here to take part in the most amazing family reunion with Heaven!







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