Has something like this ever happened to you? It’s been a long day and you’re feeling exhausted. You turn off the lights in your bedroom, get into bed, and start to drift to sleep, when all of a sudden you feel someone sit down on your bed. You immediately open your eyes and see nothing there – but the feeling of physical weight that someone is sitting next to you doesn’t go away. If you have ever experienced something like this, it means you may have had a spirit visitation. Below i’ve listed some tell-tale signs to know when there is really a spirit around you.


1. Babies & Children See Them


Recently a client of mine sent me a video of her baby taken from their baby monitor. The room was empty but the baby was laughing, smiling, and interacting with someone that wasn’t there. Although the footage seemed a little creepy, it was a true sign that a loved one was there pay a visit. Your loved ones in spirit get so excited when a child is born! The same way that friends and family come to visit the newborn, those in spirit also make their visitations. When babies are just born, they can sense, feel and see those in spirit. So, next time your child is looking and pointing to an empty room it might be a sign that someone is there with them, paying a visit!


2. Pets See and Sense Spirit and Energy


The same way that young children can see spirits, so do our pets. In fact, that’s the reason why pets are not afraid of death and dying. They can see those in spirit much like a psychic medium can. It’s not uncommon for pet owners that have passed away to come back and visit their beloved pets. Many times pet owners will notice that their dog will randomly bark at a chair that your loved one always sat in, or they might even follow something around the room. These are signs a loved one or spirit is near.

I once had a client who lost her husband. Every time her husband came to visit in spirit, her dog would go crazy! The dog would walk from room to room barking. It would even bark at the coat stand where her husband always kept the leash before taking it on walks. She noticed when the dog would act this way, it was as if her husband was still in the house.


3. Feeling a Chill or Touch


When a spirit enters a room, we can sometimes physically feel their energy. Have you ever felt a rush of cold enter the room, or a chill run down your spine? You might have been feeling a spirit. When your loved ones check up on you, at times you can actually feel their energy in the room with you. I once knew a woman who every so often would feel her husband sit on her bed. She knew it was him checking up on her. Sometimes she could even see the impression of where he sat left on the sheets.


4. Smelling a Fragrance or Familiar Aroma


When your loved ones pass on, smell becomes part of their personality and spirit. If you ever had a familiar smell come out of thin air it could have been a loved one in spirit. You might smell your grandfather’s favorite cigar he always smoked when he was here, or randomly smelling your dads old spice cologne. These are real experiences that show you a loved one is nearby.

When I was growing up psychic, spirit would always visit me in this way of fragrance and smells. I would wake up to the smell of funeral flowers and then the voices of the departed would follow soon after.

You don’t have to be a psychic medium to get this sign. In fact, this is a very common way spirits use to reach you. I once read a man who was so confused about what he was experiencing. After his mom got sick, he moved in to take care of her in her final years of life. Each night she would cook amazing Italian meals from scratch. After she had passed away, he missed his mom and those memories of her cooking so much. Randomly one night after his Mom passed, he woke up to the smell of meatballs, pasta, and his moms Italian gravy! He went running into the kitchen dazed and confused. To his surprise, the kitchen was spotless but the smell was so strong! This was a sign from his Mom that she was using to remind him that she was still with him.


5. Spirit Orbs


When you sense and feel a spirit around you and need some proof or validation, take out your phone and turn on the camera! Sometimes when a spirit is near you, you may actually be able to capture them as an orb on camera. This isn’t actually what your loved ones look like, they look the same in Heaven as they did before they were sick here in this world. However, sometimes the camera lens can pick up and capture their spirit as an orb, blur, or distortion in the picture. This sometimes happens when families are together taking group pictures or on important days in your life. When this happens and an orb

appears, know that you just got photobombed by a spirit! Many parents have told me that they see orbs appear on their baby monitor systems. They orbs appear around the child and sometimes fly around the room. This is not to be feared. It’s just angels, guides and loved ones popping in for a visit.


6. Electronics Get Strange


Your loved ones are energy, which means when they are present, weird and strange things can start to happen. The TV might turn on by itself, the light might flicker, or the smoke detectors sound when there is no danger. This is not your loved one playing jokes, but rather an effect of spirit energy.

Remember that when your loved ones pass away they take an energy form. The spirit of your loved one is like an electromagnetic field. This is why electronics are often first effected. Don’t be scared, Instead ask who is with you, paying a visit.

7. Feeling Like You are Not Alone in an Empty Room


Just as you can tell when someone living is staring at you, the dead can make you feel the same way. Even though they are not physically here with you, their spiritual presence can be felt just the same as someone physically with you, watching you. You might feel a presence with you while you’re sitting on the couch or watching TV alone. Sometimes these feelings can bring other validations like floors creaking or something falling and crashing in the next room.

The spirits don’t mean to scare you! In fact, they don’t even realize that you can sense them. If you are feeling this sensation, try to figure out who might be visiting you and remember that spirits are the strongest during special times in life like birthdays.


8. Seeing a Specific Sign


Signs are the language that your loved ones In Spirit use to get your attention and communicate with you. Signs like dragonflies, butterflies , cardinals, repeating numbers, and familiar songs are all ways that your loved ones use to get your attention. These signs are special because they instantly trigger emotional memories, helping you feel close and connected to those you love and miss in spirit.


9. Hearing Your Name Being Called


As weird as it might sound, sometimes a spirit will call or yell out your name, and you are actually able to hear it clear as day. When I was kid this would freak me out! I remember one day I was alone playing in the basement, when I heard my Moms voice yell “Matthew!” I was scared I might be in trouble. I came running upstairs, only to find my Mom fast asleep on the couch and nobody else in the house.

When I shook my Mom awake to tell her what happened she wasn’t surprised. She said that sometimes spirits try to get our attention by calling out our name and using a voice of those we recognize. Her advice was to ask the spirits if there was a message they were trying to send and to wait to see what followed.


10. Waking Up in the Middle of the Night


Have you been waking up randomly at weird hours of the night? Have you noticed the time being 3:33 or 4:44? This is not a coincidence, but rather a spirit visit. 3:33 and 4:44 are known as the “visiting hour” amongst spirits. It is during this time that your loved ones come to check in on you. Sometimes they might even come and visit you in a dream. This type of sign usually occurs when a loved one first passes over and is trying to communicate.


Connecting Through A Psychic Medium


Remember that when a loved one passes away, it is not a permanent goodbye but rather just a change in world. As a psychic medium I have learned that the same way that you are trying to connect with your loved ones they are also looking to connect with you. If you would like to connect with a loved one, Click Here to view online readings and upcoming events.


      1. I see synchronized numbers a lot too and am sure it means something but my friends are very dismissive of it. For example I might get into my car glance at the clock and its saying 15.15. It happens on a regular basis day and night but then sometimes stops happening for a while. I am in recovery and someone else shared it happens to them to….

  1. Hi Matt I have been seeing triple numbers every day either clocks, house numbers, license plates. This has happened for almost three years now just wanting to know what the angels are trying to tell me.

    1. I’m at I lost my daughter’s 6 years back. About two months before she passed away she told me that she knew she was going to die soon. I tried to keep it together and have a sensible conversation with my 20 year old daughter. She was just a little bit scared and I have to admit I was very alarmed but I had to be calm for her when we were having the conversation. My question to you is how could she have known she was going to die 2 months before she died.

      1. Hi Matt. I have been watching you on YouTube and your gift is strong and beautiful. Your connection with the loved ones of the departed is amazing.

        I lost the love of my life Trixie twenty one months ago. She was a Minature Schnauzer that passed just weeks shy of her 19th birthday.

        My heartache is so severe that every night I can barely breath and I can’t sleep until the morning light. I must be strong for my elder parents and my troubled 14 year old niece that I care for.

        What can I do? Thank you Matt.

  2. Hi Matt, I stumbled across your work and watched one of your videos on YouTube. I can totally relate to what you’re saying and what’s written on your website. Amazing.

    1. My father just passed in October and my mother passed less than 1 year prior. I am having a hard time without them. I cry all the time. Please tell me they are ok and that I love them.

      1. I have had all the signs from my loved ones! I feel they honor me daily with their presence in one way or another!!!!

  3. Hello Matt.
    I lost my husband on November 8, 2021. He was my world. I keep trying to talk to him. At first I could sense he was around, but lately I just feel very alone.

  4. Hi Matt, I love watching your video’s. I was just wondering when you chat with people online or even email ..without seeing a person do you still get messages from their loved ones?

  5. I sadly lost my 26 year old son on August 13th or 14th we git the call on the 14th. not sure if he passed little before or after midnight on the 13th. He had been an addict but I thought he was doing so well. I have so many unanswered feelings. I wake ALOT at 3:33am, my cell popped up on google randomly 999. But I dont know if that’s coincidence or if that’s my Davey.

    1. When I was a kid I use to hear my name being called but no one was there. Now as an adult I feel spirits when they are around and occasionally I have seen spirit, especially when someone I care about has crossed over. I am currently exploring this phenomenon.

  6. Matt I would love to connect with you! It might just be the thing I need to get over the past! And maybe I’ll be able to grow up and live a real life already!

  7. I Would love to know who around me don’t have much family but it be nice to know who always around me protecting me.

    1. Hi, my son said he wouldn’t make his 26th birthday, he passed away a month and a half before his 26th.

  8. Thank you so much for this Matt. My father was killed in Vietnam when I was 4. Growing up I would feel him sit on the end of my bed pretty much every night as I was falling asleep. He doesn’t visit as often but when I am going through something or ask him to please sit with me while I fall asleep, he is there. I don’t dream about him though and think it could be because I don’t have many memories of him. I do however, dream about my brother, mom, and maternal grandparents very very often. I treasure each time I get to visit with them in my dreams.

    1. My brother passed away (ALS)
      3 years ago. He comes to me in a dream every couple months.
      But, it’s not a dream. It is a visitation. I say, “oh look, there’s my dead brother. (Sarcastic – becuz he comes so often and so real)
      In the beginning he would melt away if I walked up to him. Now, he stays and we hug. Totally convinced he’s right here with me always.

  9. My husband has been gone 7.5 years. In the beginning I had 3 visits in dreams but I haven’t had any since then and was wondering why.

    1. Yes I have had a Tv come on by itself. I also have had 2 dogs bark at a specific chair where my love one sat. I have moved to another house a different tv has still turned on at times by itself.

  10. A few weeks after dad passed, I woke up feeling anxious. I decided to turn on music and clean house. The radio showed “5D1” as the station and the sound wasn’t music, it was oceans waves crashing and sea birds calling. I video taped it. I let it play all day. He passed on May 1 = 5D1

  11. Several times I have heard someone calling my name. It usually occurs just after I have dozed off. I don’t recognize the voice and it startles me awake. It’s like they are yelling at me

  12. Hi Matt –
    I have been watching your videos and readings on line and I also have been reading your book. I once saw a medicine who told me I have the gift and that it runs in my family as well. I have always felt as though I were an empath .. could pick up on good /bad people/situations . I would like to know if you also feel this about me . I would also like to know what spirits are with me, guiding me. I would like to hear from these spirits in a reading .

    1. You have to book a reading but right now he’s booked for two years but definitely get on his waiting list! Or try one of the online group readings

  13. I’ve Experienced ALL of these signs but the most distinctive and frightening was the calling of my name and knocks on the front door every night for 3 months after my son passed. Só so many signs even with his first & last name sketched on a raining window. Asking for answers in my dreams and he answers them, like what was the password to his phone, I got it. Not by numbers or letter but by a design.
    But crazy, Im still in denial and searching for reasons why it’s not real and logical explanation.

  14. Since I first found you(I think it’s my father that sent you to me) I have had a few signs that he is near. The first was my TV in the bedroom shutting off by itself and a few seconds later turning back on. I was the only person awake at the time. The following day the lights flickered and the computer turned on by itself. Again I was alone at the time. I discussed this with my coworker and I’m sure she thinks I’m nuts . But today while sitting in my treatment room between patients my coworker and I were just chatting passing the time. When all of the sudden an electronic item turned on by itself! We looked at each other and I said see! I’m not nuts! I greeted my dad and thanked him for stopping by ❤️

    Thank you so much for explaining things to look for! I have so many loved ones in n the other side! I hope to be able to communicate better with them!

  15. I miss my Mom so much I smell cigarette smoke in my apartment a lot. My cat also follows things that I can’t see but she does all the time. The 4:44 is a constant wake up call that I have a lot. Banging noises from other rooms. I had a dizzy spell and I was falling and it was like someone laid me down so gracefully. when I tried to get back up I was pushed back down. I realized that I was ready to get up. After awhile I could get up but I know when my arms were stretched out like a cross someone was caring for me. I’ve also gotten a little shove on my couch. I wish I could see her and my Dad. I miss Mom more as I was closer to her but I do love you Dad. I don’t remember submitting this before.

  16. One evening I was sitting on the couch watching TV and I saw a cracking type of flash and a young man ( 15 or 16 years of age) appeared before me and was clothed in the same clothes my deceased husband wore. He looked at me curiously and I remember his blue eyes were solid with no pupil. I wasn’t scared at all. It was all very peaceful afterward. I’m thinking it was him in his high school days which he loved very much.

  17. I been waking up everyday between 3 am 345 am i became sick to my stomach and headaches nauseous anxious during the Mercury retrograde i see different sequence # 1212 333 444 1111 111 222

  18. Hi Matt, I have felt a presence, I say heard voices but really it is more like in my mind/ thoughts that are clear as day and I know it is my husband. The most craziest thing happened shortly after my husband passed. I fell asleep watching Tv and woke up looking at my knee I saw a hand but not a normal hand it was silvery and looked like water. It didn’t rattle me I closed my eyes and it was gone. I felt comforted and have never told anyone this they would think I was crazy. I know exactly who it was. So miss that man❤️

  19. Yes I feel someone on my bed & the bed shakes. Lights go on TV goes on by itself. Smoke detectors go off. I know it was a spirit I wasn’t scared I tell them hi I know you’re here you got my attention. My deceased sister was laying in bed with me saying my name in my ear about 3 times until I woke up I was sleeping so good I was kinda irritated cuz she wouldn’t stop I turned over & said what realizing omg she was really here.
    First time I saw a ghost I was 10 years old & it scared me half to death I screamed so loud I woke up the whole neighborhood. She was a woman rocking on our rocking chair at the bottom of our steps.
    I got spooked a few years ago I actually froze & could not move. Someone was playing games with me & I was alone.I left the room hall light when on I turned it off went back into the room & it happened again. What was scary is the only way to turn on that light on was with a pull string. I took the pull string off so that light never goes on again.
    Most times I’m not frightened I just got a bad feeling that day.
    I am spiritual,highly sensitive & in tune with my deceased loved ones including my dog. I find it a blessing. So happy to share with you

  20. When my sister passed I was alone devastated & crying my heart out when all of a sudden I felt my dad who is deceased take me in his arms comforting me & he held me so tight then he told me he had my sister. I needed everything he gave me that day & was relieved she was with her dad.
    When my sister passed it was very hard for her when they took her off the ventillator she was dying. In her hospital room with her I went to the window & started praying to God to please take her so she would stop suffering I kept praying & praying until I got this calmness come over me I went to her bed & she took her last breath.

  21. Shortly after my Mom passed, my space heater which was nearly new sparked and blew out while on. Our first thanksgiving at her home after passing the kitchen lights kept flickering on and off and at Christmas the microwave blew out. lol….I believe it was my Mom. 🙂

  22. I have had most signs listed over the years! I am very aware of the signs, just maybe not exactly who it is!

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