When you’re a medium, you don’t see death the same way most people do. That shouldn’t surprise anyone!

After all, I talk to dead people all the time and prove to myself and thousands of people every day that when someone close to you dies, it’s not over. Those precious souls are still watching over you, sending you signs, and loving you as much as ever.

But while that understanding can soften the blow of losing someone, it doesn’t mean you won’t miss having them with you in the physical sense. Their absence leaves a hole in your life.

You’d probably give anything to have mom, dad, or grandma by your side during every one of life’s big events like weddings, graduations, and the birth of babies. You long for their guidance and support for the little decisions and challenges that come up every day.

I can’t even count the number of people who have come to me, so distraught, because they don’t know how they can go on with their own lives after they lose someone.

But if you feel like you can’t move on from grief, remember this…

Grief has a silver lining. It gives you an opportunity to understand what really matters, to prove to yourself that love endures even after death – and it might even guide you toward finding your true purpose.


What really matters?


Souls in Heaven love you and want you to live your best, happiest life – and from their Heavenly perspective they know what’s important in the grand scheme of things. When someone passes, their soul goes through a life review where they see the impact of all their actions on Earth.

They review how they treated people, what they accomplished, and the decisions they made – and they learn a lot!

After their review, they want to use that knowledge. If you’re tuned in to their energy, they’ll put thoughts in your head or send you signs. They might even “push” you to see a medium!

In whatever way they can, they’ll guide you in the right direction, so when you pass over, you can look back during your own life review and be happy with what you see.


Trust That Your Loved One Will Always be With You – During Big Moments and Small.


Open your heart and mind and let your loved one in. Ask them questions, look at photos of them and share funny stories. Share your life with them through your thoughts. And for the best results, do it from a happy, joyful place. Remember, souls are attracted to love, laughter, and celebration.

Here’s an example:

I was recently reading for a mother and daughter who wanted to connect with the father of the family. He had died a year ago, and as soon as he came through, he was persistent in telling me he had been there at the birthday celebration they had for him after they passed.


He showed me his daughter walking into a hotel ballroom with a big cake. His family had been planning a lavish 50th surprise party for a year before he died. They couldn’t get their deposit back, so they thought “What the heck!” They went ahead and sent out the invites and gathered to honor his memory. It turned out to be the best party ever – friends and family laughed and cried and celebrated his life. He validated what they had already sensed – that he had been there for the whole thing. In fact, he’d even looked back to watch all the planning that had taken place.


Find Your Purpose.


Sometimes, the shock of a loss can move people in positive directions. You might finally take the leap and pursue your dream job, take a trip to a place you’ve always wanted to go, or even end a destructive relationship. Losing someone reminds us that life is short, and sometimes you just have to take a chance. And when you do, know that your loved one is right there, cheering you on.


Everyone Wants to Leave the World a Better Place


You don’t have to go to great lengths to honor your loved one’s legacy. We tend to think of honoring someone with a statue or a scholarship fund. They don’t think that way. They’re happy if you can use what they taught you to fulfill your purpose, be happy, and help and inspire others. They love seeing the positive impact they had on your life, and want to see you pay it forward and make a difference in the lives of others.

By helping you – during their lives or by guiding you after they pass, they have the joy of knowing they left the world a better place.


Reconnecting with Heaven. 


What I love most about the reading that I give is that they show families that your loved ones have not changed all the much in the spirit world. Even if your loved one passed away many years ago, their love for you is just as strong as it was before passing. I am always amazed by the pain that is healed with every message that I pass on. If you would like a reading I really hope that you will join me at an online reading or LIVE event by Clicking Here.

These events are so much more that an event. To me it is a powerful family reunion where two worlds meet!


  1. Matt, I am looking forward to the online event I have purchased a ticket for on May 14. My husband of 45 years passed in July and I’m hoping he comes through with a message for me and I hope my sister who passed in 1996 comes through with a message for my mother. We both are really taken with the gift you possess and the peace you are able to provide for many people who need the messages you are able to bring. Thank You!

      1. So what if you never have dreams of your loved ones or signs . I have been wanting to see a sign from the love of my life. The kids say they see her get signs so does that mean she didn’t love me be sure I look for signs in everything

    1. Matt,
      I’ve been watching your online readings and I pray to God that he continues to help you share message from those who have passed
      To say I am having a hard time with the loss of my love one is an understatement. Most day I just seem to go about my day in a fog. I try to find things to fill my days and to remember the wonderful memories, but it just seem to get better.
      I pray that I get some kind of message from my love one so that I can get some peace of mind.
      When I listen to you it give me a little hope that this life isn’t all there is.

  2. Thanks Matt for All that You do for Us.
    You sharing Your Gift and Insight with Us is so Comforting and Informative.
    I am so connected to the
    Spirit of My Husband who transitioned a wee bit over a year ago, April 15th, 2021…alot of this connection is validated because of what I have learned from You Matt.
    Best Wishes to You, Alexa and Baby-to-Be Royce and Your 3 Kitties.❤️❤️⬛⬛

  3. Matt, my daughter just lost her sister to a Murder-suicide last week and she is very devastated. She feels lost without her. How can I help her grieve? I tried to help her know her sister is still here just not physically. I have told her to talk to her like she is still here. She is not spiritual that much so trying to talk to her about her sister being here spiritually or her soul is still with her she doesn’t understand.
    I have lost a few siblings too but under different circumstances such as my little brother in a fire 40 some years ago so I was still too young to understand grieving then my older brother by suicide. I am just not sure to help her. Her depression is getting bad because of this.

    1. Dear Connie Prince
      I am so sorry to read about your daughter’s loss. It is so fresh, so shocking and so traumatizing.
      It’s so good to have someone like Matt , no doubt about that.
      Nonetheless in this highly acute moment of time I, as a nurse would suggest to reach out for professional support & help , even sooner than later.
      My heartfelt condolences and all my best wishes to your daughter and the whole family.
      Let there be Peace & Understanding

    2. Matt
      I just want to say that your words are words of healing for people that have suffered a loss. People usually have so many questions on how there loved one is. My sister recently lost her son to an accidental overdose on January 10 th 2022. We have all been devastated. Last night she heard as clear as a bell moaning sounds. She said even the dogs could hear this. She just feels it was kyle maybe right before he died. He had such a terrible last day before he died. She’s really struggling with if he’s at peace. He was such a special kid and thoughtful person to everyone he knew. It’s so sad he got caught up with heroine. Reading your messages really help.

      1. Hello Matt!
        I bought a ticket for an online reading tonight (May 14). I’m nervous and excited at the same time. I hope to connect with my son, my only child. He passed away 15 months ago. I brought him to the hospital to have a kidney biopsy and then after knowing the result, 3 days after. He just died. We weren’t able to say goodbye. So I’m really hoping that he will step forward later. See you in a few hours❤️.

    3. I’m so sorry to hear of your loss. I lost my daughter to suicide 5 years ago now, I found her and it still feels like yesterday.

      Personally, I’ve found Matt’s stories grounding and comforting and I know my daughter is with me and guiding me to live my best life.

      Unfortunately, you can’t speed up the grieving process for her. Just be there for her, watch over her in the physical, seek professional support so she can express how she feels.

      With time and awakening she will eventually get there.

      Be strong with lots of love and compassion.

    4. Matt, i live in the greater cincinnati area. Will you ever come here? I really need to see you. I am hurting for my losses.


      1. I have heard several times that we are all in like our 30’s in heaven. An age when most of us are independent, can take care of ourselves, and at our healthiest. Not a baby or an elderly person. So I believe you would meet a soul that connects with people looking like a young adult even if it passed as a baby. Best Wishes to you!

  5. What an amazing gift you have. I would do anything for a reading with you. I lost my mama, my best friend, in December 2019. Such a huge part of me feels so empty now. I do believe that when you lose someone you love with your whole heart, it definitely changes you. I am now searching for my true purpose and realize how precious life truly is. In the end, love is all that matters.

  6. Matt could you please do a private reading for me ? I live in the U.K. would that be a problem ?

    1. Hi Matt,

      I saw you in Las Vegas and I booked an online group reading with you in July. I watch your U-Tube videos every night as I go to sleep. I have not connected with my son but I find so much comfort just listening to you giving reading and comfort to others. I can’t wait to see you again in July. You are so amazing

    2. I really like asking for a sign. Like “____ if you are trying to connect with me, leave me a sign like feathers around the house.” My grandma lets me know she’s around by leaving me dimes. Usually it’s something small and light weight. Coins or Feathers is common for souls to use. Or try a pendulum. Then you can say “____ if it’s you doing X show me a yes!” But first pray over the pendulum (can be a necklace with something hanging from it even… once you practice you can use almost anything on a chain or string). And ask that it be used only for good, using positive God energy. Ask for accurate communications and assistance from God, your Angels/Guides, etc. Then ask it to show you your Yes and No. My yes circles Clockwise, No is the other way. Can just move L and R or forward and back too. Test with saying my name is ____. Give a wrong answer and see if it says No. Then the right answer to see if it goes to a Yes. With some practice you’ll be ready to ask heavenly loved ones questions and at least get a yes and no answer from them! Like “Is this ___ sign from you?” Gotta to believe it will work too. Good Luck!

  7. thank you matt may the spirits protect you and your family, and thank you again for bringing closure to all those people and spirits may you be blessed in all that you do.

  8. I lost my loving husband of 18 years 32 days ago, very unexpectedly. We have two kids and we are in agony. I purchased tickets for two events in July. Hopefully my Love will come through

  9. Hello Matt,

    I know you are busy….but if by chance you have a Lady name Corinne come thru she is the BEST Mom in the world. I miss my Mom everyday, but thru your words and ability to communicate with the dead, I know my Mom is with me everyday. It’s the little things like finding pennies on the ground or I will be driving in the car and a coolness will come over me. My Mom is letting me know she is visiting.

    1. I admire that you use your gift to help others. You are very blessed. I might not be able to see you July 9th in Mesa,AZ as I’m battling a terminal disease, but I would like to have an online reading before. Blessings to you, your wife and your nearly here baby Royce.

  10. Hello Matt you are amazing after losing my son Gabriel in 2018 you have given me so much hope and understanding about the spirit world.
    I’ve had two online readings with you although I wasn’t picked I have another Group reading on July 24 th once again I am so excited to have another group reading with you hopefully this third one will be a charm and my beloved son Gabriel will come through.
    Thank you Matt and Alexa and precious baby on the way wishing you all the best. Can’t wait to see precious Royce in August. Blessings to you and your beautiful family!! ♥️ ♥️

  11. Hi Matt
    My mom passed unexpectedly almost two years ago my dad six years ago. Almost two months after my moms passing I was going through a pretty rough time I’m the one who found her and her death was very unexpected. On a weekend right after her passing I was having a really bad meltdown but I did get it together and went to my daughters for a small bonfire and while my husband was burning two tattered flags one was ours and one was my dads I started taking pictures and the strangest thing appeared right over the flames so I started videoing it I do still have the video and would love to send it to you to look at and maybe tell me what it might or who it might be. I have joined several of your online group readings and will be joining one in July.

    1. Matt, you are such a beautiful person and I thank you for all your gifts that you share with everyone! Blessings on you and your growing family! I wish many happy days ahead for you, Alexa and your baby boy!

  12. Hello Matt,
    my daughter passed in 2010, and I have never contacted a medium, but it always drew my interest. I will have to tune into one of your online events. I find your writings excellent and wish I could see you in person. Hopefully, I will some day.
    Thanks for your “words of wisdom,
    Susan from Southern NH

  13. Hi Matt, I joined in for the 3rd reading on line at the date of July 30th. My son died unexpectedly over 8 months ago, and I did do 2 prior on line readings, but he did not come through. I remember you had mentioned that sometimes it takes a year for them to come through. I hope and pray that he does come through on the next reading. Thank you for making this your life job, to help us all who are really going through hard times of losing our loved ones, my case my boy. Thank you-and looking forward to the next reading with hopes and prayers he does in fact come through. Have a blessed day. Robin

  14. I purchased a ticket for May 19th so looking forward to see if my son or anyone else comes through

    What happens if zoom doesn’t let me see you
    Cindy Hooker

  15. I’ve had two reading (same psychic, Bonnie Lee). Bonnie’s opening statement was…”your mother wants you to know that those are not bugs in your hair that is your mother touching your hair”. I had been “bugged” by, what felt like bugs crawling in my hair several weeks before the reading! That’s all it took, I was hooked! She went on to give me “mom” tips, i.e., pay attention to you knees, don’t wear shoes that are open in the back, etc. All the kinds of things that I heard when I was growing up. My mother was a wonderful person. She spent her life keeping my sister and myself safe! I lost her when I was 20..too young! Now I’ve lost the man in my life who was truly my soulmate. Chuck passed away in February of 2000. We had a wonderful relationship. He was really special. I swear I miss him more and more every day. The crying is less but still shows up on occasion. As for you Mr. Fraser, you have a gift that is much appreciated, thank you for sharing!

  16. Hi Matt, I’m in awe at your beautiful gift, I live in UK and have got a ticket for online event 5th July 22; my dad passed so suddenly & unexpectedly Xmas Eve 21, he would have been 80 4/7/22, so all my fingers & toes are crossed. The grief is devastating. God bless you.

  17. Hello Matt, Love your messages. So inspiring. I am not savy in the electronic department for sure. I wanted to be in one of your online readings. I purchased a ticket but could not understand how to get to it when the time came. Wish I lived closer to get to see you. I am in Canada. Thank you for all you do.

  18. Great article! I love a good read and this one was captivating along with being able to connect with the entire article. Great job again!

    1. My Dad and Mom away I took care of my dad after my mom passed away for about 12 years did he suffer when he left because I found him gone in the room You see around me what can I look for to know he yes thank you man I’ll see you in Fort Worth

  19. Hi Matt I am now addicted to you :)) and am I hoping I can connect with my wife who passed away 8/21/21 at your next group reading on May 19th. She was and still is my hero and the love of my life…I miss her terribly!! but cherish our great memories everyday…You and God give me the faith to believe that her spirit is with me and our children every day…the signs are definitely there…Thank you for all you do!

  20. Hello Matt you are amazing Iam looking forward to the online event sunday July 24th, 2022
    My husband pass away on 18.09.2021 very unexpectedly hi was 39 years old Iam from Norway
    Hopefully my Love will come through Thanks for your words of wisdom

    1. Hello Matt I’m gonna be attending with a friend may,21 2022 I hope my sister comes through she is a missing person cold case it’s been 23 years since she was last seen maybe you could have some closer for me and my family her name is Dana can’t wait to see you then thank you and God bless you and your family

  21. My dad and mom passed away and I took care of my dad for about 12 years he moved in with me that morning I was talking to him he made me leave the room he told me for me to go back to sleep after that Heart a loud sound so I went back to the room thinking he fell Did he suffering is he and my mom around me See you in Fort Worth

  22. We were delayed from August till September. Can’t wait to see you live! Hope one of my family members makes enough of a spark to talk to me through you! ❤️

  23. Hi Matt,

    First off, I’m so happy I discovered you, and thank you for all you do. I lost my husband of 27 years, Feb 10, 2021, which happen to be the day before my birthday; awesome birthday gift. I can actually say that and mean it now!!! I’ll be joining your July online group reading. I hope to hear from my husband and/or even his mother who passed on Dec10, 2020; exactly two months prior to the date.

  24. Hello Matt, I’ve had great losses since 2012, most recently I’ve lost my mom and my younger brother, whom we were like twins and I miss all, my soul has been so sad ever since. I look forward to your online reading, praying and hoping I’m one of the lucky ones to get a reading! Thank you for everything you do! God bless!

  25. Hey Matt I came across your reading when my dad was on his death bed , you helped me so much , I lost my mom and dad over a year apart both with dementia and both was 71 years old, I signed up for a zoom group call , I’m hoping one of them will come through .. I went to watch my dad be cremated I kept some of his bones , like ribs , finger bone , skull etc before they was turned into ashes … dad and I carry on conversation in my head but my psychologist thinks I’m crazy and ups my medicine, but reading your books I know I’m really blessed to be able to talk to him , thank you for all you do , I’m waiting on your new book I can’t wait

  26. My husband Albert and I purchased online for June 11th as well as going to Houston Event, excited about both. I just hope people on the other side will have a message for Us . My parents both passed in 2019 Daddy in April and Mom in August it was a hard year for my brothers and sister all our Children and there Children still is on Holidays, birthday’s every day. We know there watching over all of Us we all miss them so much.

  27. I’m anxiously awaiting your June 11th online reading! I’m constantly reminding myself there’s no guarantee one of my loved ones will come through – while simultaneously hoping at least 3 of them will. If not, I’m certain I’ll still gain something from the experience.

  28. Matt,

    I am looking forward to seeing you when you come to Columbus, Ohio on September 17th at the Hollywood Casino. I am hoping my boyfriend comes through. I never had the chance to say goodbye and it happened so fast. I just need answers.

  29. Mr. Fraser, you’re giving a very good service on people who are presently grieving. You must be part Italian, hence, would understand the christian faith. May God bless you for the help you are giving humanity.
    This article above hits so many angles of my search, positively, since my father passed in 2018 and lately, my mother, just barely 2 months ago, while grieving for my dad has not passed yet. It’s very difficult to carry a new grief while the last grief still remains. Please send a kind prayer for our emotional recovery, when you can.
    Many thanks,

    1. Hello Matt!
      I bought a ticket for an online reading tonight (May 14). I’m nervous and excited at the same time. I hope to connect with my son, my only child. He passed away 15 months ago. I brought him to the hospital to have a kidney biopsy and then after knowing the result, 3 days after. He just died. We weren’t able to say goodbye. So I’m really hoping that he will step forward later. See you in a few hours❤️.

    1. My name is Nitin Duvedi…from india.
      I have seen many videos of your program and is inspired with it.
      As I am poor person and cant afford to be part of your show of online reading, Sir I request you to solve my problem by answering one of The question .

      Does my father has any message for me ?
      He died in 2011 his name was Dr.Shyam Duvedi.

      As till now I am facing problems of inheritance of his property matters.

      Just please ask him whether any guidance from for him to me regarding same.

      I would be highly obliged to have this reading for me for free as It would be great benefit sir.

      Waiting for your reply.

      Yours faithfully
      Nitin Duvedi

  30. Hi Matt it is so hard to move on. But life does go on and I believe there is something else. It’s so hard when you loose your mom and than husband 5 days apart to grasp what has happen to your world.

  31. I do not even know how i ended up on this site much less how i am signed up for July 30 live online group. But i am and i have never gone through such in my life and i hope this is what i should be doing because many around me think its a waste of time.. I am not going to divulge any info on what brings me here but maybe at the online event im attending, something will lead you to my situation and help me to get a better understanding for what has happened..it is something i truly ask that somehow, the truth will come to light..
    I see the signs, i feel like there is so many clear and obvious ways that if i talk about it some would absolutely consider me crazy..
    Thank you for sharing such a special gift and i look forward to the online event this July. Prayers and much love to each and every single person going through some tough times..

  32. Hi Matt I lost my companion in November 10 2020 and Iam still having a hard time with his death he died at home from a massive heart attack and I still believe that he is here a long time ago I did see a spirt at a apartment and I found out that that person hung himself in the attic

  33. Matt I just need to talk to someone. I lost my identical twin sister 3 days before we were going to celebrate our75 birthday. We were so close to one another for all our years. We suffered together many bad times but without each other we would never have moved on. We laughed we cried but always remained one. She is passed going on 6 months now and I can’t concentrate on anything but how much life has changed for me since her passing. Never ever did I think of death before and now I’m feeling like I have no one in my world when I’m fact I have loads of loved ones. I’m so sad
    Thank you for being here for all of us❤️

    1. Matt you are a gifted person and a wonderful person for sharing it with us.you explain things perfectly so people understand what you are saying.god bless you and your wife and the new one to come.my heart is broken right now .I had to put my beloved dog down she was my girl for 14 years and I miss her terribly.

  34. Matt, Thank you for your kind words. Its been 2.5 Years since I loss my husband of 46 years, we didn’t make it to 50. I did have 2 sessions with you – group but could never get thru. I took that as a sign my love was not ready to talk to me. I was so sad. And I still cry for him. But I have released your soul so you can find peace and move on to your next journey. Cliff I figured out what your journey was here on earth. Love, you taught me love, you knew I never had love from my mom, she never said the words I love you to me. But you taught me all about Love and we taught it to our family and said these words morning, noon, and night. I was still in love with you when you passed. I love you more today than that day. I wish I would have held you longer, held your hand longer, I just wish everything was longer. Now I just wait for the healing of our children which I know will be a brick wall, I know you know they never acknowledged your death, no card, no calls, never showed up at the service, I am so sorry for that, it was their loss, they were within 1 hour away I know deep in your heart you wanted to see them and tell them bye and you loved them I am so sorry our 2 children turned out this way. Now I wait for you to come and get the other half of my heart and soul and me. luv you Ginny

  35. Matt
    I really love your articles. They give me insight and happiness that I really need in my life at this tough time. My father passed on Thanksgiving Day 2021 and we were very close…. I miss him dearly. My heart is open to his signs and I look for them.
    Thank You for your gift.
    Love Michelle

    1. Hi Matt
      Im really looking forward to a reading on May 22 online. I recently lost someone and have been having such a hard time with it. I hope they come thru so I can be at peace knowing they are ok. I listen to you everyday and you bring a lot of comfort to so many people!! Thank you for what you do. I’ve never seen so much peace you give and you so enjoy what you do!! God bless you! Hope to see you on Sunday.
      Love Pami

  36. Matt, I to consider myself a Psychic Medium & I to see death not the same way but I see death in a different type of way I don’t talk about death because being an HSP an Empath I’m more the emotional type of a Psychic Medium & I think more of others who had lost there loved ones then what death really is & that’s my deepest fear . I could help others dealing with there loss but for me I can’t help myself can’t even talk about death . I’m open for what you have to say to me . Matt Fraser thank you & congrats & your new family

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