Spirit Communication: Understanding the Unspoken Words of Departed Loved Ones

The Language of Heaven:  How Souls Communicate 


Just like when we arrive in this world as infants and gradually learn how to walk, talk, and communicate, something similar happens when we transition to Heaven. Since we are no longer physical beings in the afterlife, we have to learn new ways to navigate and function in our Spirit bodies. 


As we adapt to a divine way of being, we master new techniques for communicating with the people we left behind. Fortunately, in our new form – pure energy – there are lots of ways to “talk” to the living.  


It helps that after they leave their physical bodies behind, Souls are no longer confined by the limitations of human language. This is why mediums who only speak English, like me, can understand and relay  messages from your departed loved ones, even if that person never spoke a single word of English during their time on Earth.


How Spirits Speak to Us


Humans primarily communicate through words, both spoken and written. However, Souls in Heaven communicate in a different way. They can still get their message across through a medium, and if you’re sensitive and tuned into your intuition, they can transmit directly to you. 


They utilize a diverse range of methods to help and guide us, and can even provide a window into their existence, surroundings,  and experiences on the Other Side. 


Here are some of the ways Souls “talk” to the living:


  • Showing us Pictures: Spirits often communicate through images, which is why mediums can often provide detailed impressions of the Souls appearance and surroundings. It’s also through these images that we gain glimpses of what Heaven might be like.


  • Shared Memories: Souls love to bring up memories of the time spent with you when they were alive. Through these recollections, they demonstrate their eternal presence and connection to your life.


  • Thoughts Translated into Words: Mediums can translate the thoughts of spirits into words. However, these messages often come through at a higher frequency, sometimes appearing fast and garbled. Sensitives may also pick up on the energy of spirits, and catch words or phrases.


  • Signs and Symbols: When all else fails, spirits send us signs. These signs can be deeply personal and go beyond the traditional symbols like birds, butterflies, dragonflies, or coins. A Soul might reach out through a scent, a meaningful song on the radio, or even a billboard glimpsed at the perfect time!  


How You Can Reach Out to Souls in Heaven


You don’t need to learn how to “speak ghost,” possess psychic abilities, or be a medium to communicate with your departed loved ones in heaven. Here are some ways you can establish a connection:


  • Telepathic Communication: Simply think about them, and they will be there. Your thoughts are a powerful link to the spirit world, and the more you imagine your loved one or talk to them telepathically, the closer you’ll feel to them. And that’s not just your imagination or wishful thinking! Your thoughts and intentions act like a magnet, drawing your loved ones closer. 


  • Revisiting Memories: You can feel closer to that Soul you’ve been missing by engaging in activities or visiting places they loved. Playing their favorite music, looking at photos, or preparing their favorite meal can evoke their presence.


  • Journaling: If thinking isn’t giving you the feeling of connection you’re looking for, keeping a journal dedicated to your departed loved one can help you stay focused and open the door to communication. Write a question, or explain a problem you’re struggling with, and you might even get an answer as Spirit guides your hand and enters your thoughts.


Even though you leave your physical body, and everything that goes with it, behind when you die, the language of Spirit goes beyond spoken and written words. Their communication is like a collage of images, memories, thoughts, and personal signs.

While mediums can assist in translating their messages, anyone can receive and send messages to their departed loved ones if they’re open and receptive. If you need some help opening up, I recommend attending a mediumship event either Online or In-Person . It will clear any doubts you might be holding on to about the presence of Spirit in your life, and send a message to your friends and family in Heaven that you’re listening! 


  1. Both sets of my Grandparents passed, they were all wonderful people and my Dad recently passed away also, he was absolutely the best. Then, I had a man that I worked with for years which was also my mentor. I was wondering who is coming to me, I can hear someone saying my name in a deep voice, but it’s a voice I don’t recognize. Can you help me.

    1. Hello Jeff, ask the voice who they are and be open to more information! This sounds very interesting.

      1. Can u effortlessly talk to your spirit guide your whole life & only realize it at a time when your life is slowing down

  2. How does one begin there spiritual journey? Where can we turn for advice or guidance about starting on our own spiritual journey? What is a spiritual journey about?

  3. Hello Matt-I’m beyond grateful as there aren’t enough words to express my gratitude for what you do-i believe gratitude is an action word-therefore being saying thank you I REALLY would love the opportunity but just learn-but also put into action everything that’s meant for my souls purpose -thru taking your suggestions, advice etc-my grand mother who was a Cherokee chief’s daughter and passed when I was 12yro used to keep me close to her& it’s very blurry to me now that I’m 50 yrs old but she told it tried to teach me about the gifts I was given of intuition -and I used to be way more open/sensitive to Spirit -i could feel got feelings, have dreams and see shadows of spirits in the many places I’ve lived in throughout my lives journey-however after having my youngest daughter(she just turned 17)& I was fresh in my recovery(*from substance abuse/addiction) I became spooked by the ‘shadows’of the spirits in those houses Soo I let my sponsor(*at that time)-who just happened to also be spiritually sensitive and she helped me by teaching me to block the spirit world& also covered/’zipped’ The Divine Light of Protection around me-Soo now that it’s been 23 years since my mother(& all my other loved ones-too many to list) which i thought I KNEW pain-& thought I had become numb from it until last Sept 23rd when I got that phone call EVERY mother fears about the investigation of the death of my 25yro daughter—i want to honor what my mother requested which was that me& my sister promise her to seek a medium as she was obsessed with angels& had been watching another famous medium that was reading audiences on the TV shows and told us she would be trying to send us messages with every opportunity it chance she could find when she passed (-she had cancer Soo she knew it was coming)-THEREFORE the time has come for ME to start the heading process& not ONLY open my spiritual senses but to become the ME well the newer version of the mother & member of the community I used to be!!-I’m so LOST lonely needy helpless& this isn’t me I’m giver not a taker but there comes a time when the tea pot is empty and has to be refilled in order to fill the cups &I FEEL that I don’t like it and I’m getting exhausted-embarrassed &a bunch of negative -like I’m in a hamster wheel -just spinning my wheels& getting no WHERE -i don’t know where else to throw out my life line-I’ve TRIED EVERY resource HERE in the Earth world Soo I’ve gotta seek the assistance of contacting my Angels, Spirit guides/The Other Side-i hope this message makes sense enough to you that you can kinda understand what I’m trying to convey anyways, I give you my most sincere regards& gratitude thank you!

  4. It’s been 6 years I know I shouldn’t be looking for signs from my husband miss him a lot cause they say I won’t get them if I keep looking I sometimes rest in my bed and think of him but just not the same for you know it am a sleep instead with thought Brenda

  5. Feeling sad because I don’t have a closure didn’t get to my husband funeral as I was in hospital with covid can’t seem to move forward

    1. This message is for Jean Bland as I felt compelled to respond. If you truly feel you need to have the experience of being present at your husband’s funeral in order to find closure and move forward, why not have another? Maybe it won’t be as grand and maybe you’ll be the only attendee, but you can still hold a funeral for your husband despite him already having had one.

      Perhaps, it could be a simple as bringing flowers, photos, and memorabilia to his grave, preparing a letter to him, and then reading it aloud at that location. If you feel so inclined, consider inviting along some people you think might join you and ask if they would do the same. Maybe choose a specific date of meaning to you and your husband to hold this event. Perhaps it might be the anniversary of his passing, or maybe something more joyous like your anniversary, or the anniversary of the day you first met.

      Whatever you choose to do to honor him, I’m sure this funeral will ultimately BE the one he’ll value most.

      1. What a practical and lovely option for a way forward to have suggested to Jean. And, I’m sure will be helpfull to many people. Glad to have read your response Jason. Thank you.

  6. Love reading about you matt and wish you could come to Ottawa Ontario my wish is to get a reading from you with though Brenda

  7. Hey Matt and thank you. I dad communicates with me a lot. He used to save money if he found it in a parking lot. He sends me money a lot. I will het out of my car and look to see if there is any coins and if I don’t find any when I come out I have had a penny sitting at my car door that I know 100% was not there before. I also rented this home I’ve been in since August and I just drove by and felt such a peace. I rented it over the phone without ever stepping in. I felt that was for me. The first day I was here I was walking my dog in the back yard and I heard a man say hello. The next day I was in the same place and my dog kind of let out a growl and stood still then all of a sudden started wagging his tail. I have since seen a gentleman for only a split second outside in 2 locations. I can describe exactly what he was wearing. I do not know this man. Is it possible I’m here with someone’s soul I don’t know?

  8. Matt you bring me so much peace after my husband’s passing three and half years ago…I watch all your videos on YouTube I have always believed in the after life, I like the way you explain the afterlife as you make it very simple to understand, thank you Matt ❤️

  9. I’ve had some brain damage that rewired my brain. I experience blurting sounds, most often short voice phrases. How would I be able to tell the difference between a random sound and my loved one? A male voice has came through, but didn’t make sense.

  10. Hello Matt,
    I was raised a catholic and I believe in Jesus Christ. I remain close to Him as I can. I pray and talk to Him each day and I feel His presence. I ask Him how my loved ones are doing because I know they are with Him. I lost my mother in 2004, my dad in 2017 and my brother in 2019. I talk to them too. I was fortunate to be there with all of them when they took their last breath.
    My brother had a drug addiction problem and I sympathized with him. He was sick and I couldn’t help him get off the drugs. Sometimes, I would get so angry with him. He started getting sick with pneumonia and was in and out the hospital the last year of his life. The doctors found lung cancer and removed part of his lung. We would talk and I knew he was scared but got better. The last few months of his life, he would tell me he didn’t have long to live. I ignored it because I thought he was taking drugs. He was in the hospital with pneumonia and was coming home. The morning he was to leave, he aspirated and died. They brought him back and put him in ICU. He was on a breathing machine and we kept hoping and praying he would get better. He was sedated and never spoke another word. As time went on, his body started to shut down, kidneys, etc. I was there with him when we decided to take him off the breathing machine. He opened his eyes and was struggling to breathe. He drew his last breath gasping to breathe. I never got to tell him I was sorry for not believing him. I also feel like I took his life away from him because we (me and my sister) agreed to take him off the machine. I have asked him to forgive me time and time again. I miss all of them so much. If I just had one more day. How do I get rid the this guilt that seems to haunt me everyday of my life?
    Thank you for being you and I wish you would come to Birmingham, Alabama. I would be the first in line to buy a ticket. You are very blessed to have this gift.

  11. Hi Matt… I recently lost my husband of almost 30 years… He passed in August 3 2023. I’ve been watching you on utube and find a bit of comfort. I was just wondering why he has not come to me in my dreams? Is something wrong with me?…

    1. Hi Joanne, I’m sorry for the loss of your sweet husband’s soul, my heartfelt condolences. It may take your husband some time to come to you in dream form. They say it can take some time for our recently deceased loved ones to learn about and navigate through the other side. I usually see signs from them fairly close to their passing and have only had someone come to me in my dream once and that was about 3 or 4 years after they passed. I hope you will get a visitation sooner rather than later. Sending you best wishes and positive energy for that to happen. I wish you well.

  12. Thank you for bringing so much happiness, peace & closure to all those who lost loved ones. You are so spot on with all your messages you deliver to the world & god loves you! Matt your truly an Angel!without a doubt, I tried to get a reading with you last year but I was not picked, it’s ok because I know my husband is all around me. You & your family stay well & god bless you always.

  13. Hello Matt! Lost MY TONY 11-19-2022 I have an Online reading on October 17,2023 I sure hope I get to have a one on one with You! GOD BLESS YOU

  14. Matt first I want tell you how amazing you are. You helped me with a lot of healing in a very short time just by watching all of your videos. I always felt that there was somebody with me, but the most recent ones have really open my eyes. I have been going through old photos of my ex-husband and he has passed on from what people say. It was a suicide I don’t know that I believe that I think it was an accident, but all that being said I was I was going through all the photos. Thinking back and missing him. And out of the blue video that has been sitting on my shelf for years caught my attention. I played it, and it was him on there, telling me how much he love me then the next thing I know a journal that I hadn’t read in years presented itself to me. I truly believe that he guided me to all of these things. I’ve been seeing lots of signs, repeating numbers, and hearing songs and yesterday when I was driving in my car a dragonfly flew right towards my window. If, That’s not a sign. I don’t know what it is. I am so happy that I found you, because I never knew about you until all of these things were happening and you were brought to me right at the same time that all of what I just told you what’s happening. Because before that, I didn’t even know who Matt Fraser was. Now I just can’t get enough of you and I wanna thank you from the bottom of my heart for all the healing and eye-opening support that you give to me and so many others I have two readings booked with you, I already did a reading, but didn’t get a connection so I look forward to connecting with my loved ☝️ soon. . You are a beautiful soul and I think you are amazing. Much love ❤️

  15. Thank You for those beautiful written about communication with Heaven. Got the mail and followed the link. Greetings to All who read this! Dana

  16. I’m not asking about a passed love one but rather seeking to reach out to someone asking to rethink the way thay feel about me and to realize that I’m a friend not a enemy a good person

  17. HelIo matt, I’m a mother of five and had just lost my older child about a month ago and i been so lost about everything in life, And I’m not even sure that I want to go on anymore as well. The hurt the pain is so unbearable, I can’t even sleep or eat or even want to get out of bed or leave my home or answer my phones. i dont know anymore. I do ask for signs to just let me – his mom know that my son’s ok.

  18. Hello Matt, thank you for all that you do. I’ve been following you for some time and I enjoyed reading your books.
    We have just lost a loved one. His heart has been successfully transplated. Does this mean that the person who received the heart will have a connection with him?

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